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[Fic]Episode 3.1

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A long time ago.


In a Galaxy far, far away...




Star Wars

Episode 3.1



The New Dark Lord of the Sith... Darth Vader, apprentice to Darth Sidious, has just finished the Great Jedi Purge. Minus two Jedi Masters, Obi-wan Kenobi and Yoda.


During a heated battle, that is not yet over, Anakin Skywalker gained an advantage over his old Master and friend, Obi-wan. Anakin was about to strike the final blow, when Obi-wan called out to him.





"Don't do it Anakin... you can still turn away from the Darkside, you can still save Padme... if you will help me." Obi-wan called to his former apprentice.


Confliction filled Anakin's mind... the Emperor had told him that if he were to turn to the Darkside then he could save Padme... but here Obi-wan was... an even older friend than Palpatine telling him that he could save Padme, if he returned to the Lightside.


"Don't listen to him my apprentice. Finish this pathetic Jedi off... once and for all." Emperor Palpatine called.


Anakin's gaze switched from Obi-wan to Palpatine, and back again. Anakin smiled... he had made his decision. His blue lightsaber ignited once more and he jumped inbetween Obi-wan and Palpatine. Palpatine smiled... he thought he knew what Anakin was going to do... but Anakin suprised him, by running at him. The blue saber stuck out of the Sith Lord's back. Anakin's eyes slowly began changing back from their current yellow color, to their original blue. The Imperial Clonetroopers lifted their guns, but put them back down, when they saw Anakin behind Sidious.


"The Jedi did not betray the Republic... Palpatine did." Anakin told them. "Come with us back to the Jedi Temple on Courscant... we'll get this mess sorted out."


The clone troopers nodded and went to their ship, and contacted all Clone Commanders and told them to return to the Jedi Temple.


"I am sorry, Master... I should not have let my desire to save Padme and my anger drive me to the edge." Anakin said, deactivating his lightsaber.


"It is alright, my friend... all that matters is that the Darkside did not consume you wholly." Obi-wan replied. "Come on... we have to get Padme somewhere."


Anakin nodded and ran to the ship in which they had left Padme on. Obi-wan jumped on board and ran to Padme... Anakin fired up the engines and took off. Anakin set the auto pilot for Polis Massa and quickly ran to Padme's side.


"Hold on Padme... we'll get you to a medic." Anakin said.


"Anakin?" Padme said. "Is that you?"


"Yes... I'm here Padme." Anakin said. "I won't leave your side."

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Now . . . this has its good things at its bad.


First of all, it was too short. I recommend each chapter being at least 3-4 pages on word. Secondly, there was not enough description of Anakin's trauma. You could have made it a lot better by describing the thoughts that were flying through his mind, and could have showed A LOT more conflict.


But, other than that, I like this fic. It's interesting, and I'm looking forward to more. ;)

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It's certainly a promising start, though I expect Palpatine would have recovered from his surprise in the few minutes that it took for Anakin to cover the distance between them. I'm not sure the change of eye colour will occur that quickly, but ah well *shrugs* It's conflict, btw, not confliction.

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It's certainly a promising start, though I expect Palpatine would have recovered from his surprise in the few minutes that it took for Anakin to cover the distance between them. I'm not sure the change of eye colour will occur that quickly, but ah well *shrugs* It's conflict, btw, not confliction.



Yeah... I've actually been thinkin bout it... I've decided to start it over... starting from the Begining of Episode III...

and getting rid of the "Great Jedi Purge" instead of Palpatine turning Anakin... I thought I'd have Anakin...

ya know... I'll leave that a suprise.

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Rueben Shan, this is an interesting turn of events, but don't you think that you should finish Chaos in the Republic first, before you start another Fan Fic? It is your choice, but it is easier to concentrate on just one Fan Fic. Looking foward to more.

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