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[FIC] Knights of the Old Republic : Destiny

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Knights of the Old Republic



Chapter One : The Key


At the edge of the galaxy , a year after the Jedi Civil War , stood the reformed Jedi Knight, Revan. The sand was orange and swirling about due to the heavy winds. Revan pulled a strand of black hair back into her ponytail and brushed off some of the sand that was on her tanned skinned . She was not alone . A Mandolorian named Canderous Ordo was with her. He was a man entering his sixties, with salt and pepper hair. He had a rugged appreance which showed the battles he had fought . He was a warrior and every bit as one .

" You got my message , I see," Revan said.

" Yes , Revan and I believe I know what this about. More of your memories have returned. The anguish is written all over your face," Canderous replied.

Revan gave him a cold, harsh look.

" Then if I wear to ask about ' the key'. You would know what I would be talking about?" she tried to read him but couldn't. Canderous smirked.

" Yes Revan. I would know what your refffering to....and then some. I was wondering if 'those' memories would ever come back. I fail to see why you had to bring me to the edge of the galaxy for that." Canderous frowned." There's more isn't there. Your leaving aren't you?"

Revan gave him a shocked look " How did you-"

" Don't look that shocked, Jedi. Your little boyfriend, Carth has been whimpering that he thinks your gonna leave. He's been quizzing all of if we knew anything. Man, that soldier is whiny." Canderous said.

Revan smiled." He's just a man in love. A man who fell for someone who can't stay. Deep down he knows this. He can not follow me where I must go and neither can you , Canderous."

Canderous grew angry."I'm a heck of a lot stronger than Carth , less annoying too. I understand why loverboy shouldn't go but me? Why not?"

Revan looked at him. She had expected him to fight to come . She replied, in a stern voice "I have tasks that can only be done by you.The most important is preserving the key until it is ready. I didn't want to use it , but I fear there is no choice. Only you can do this, especially since you seem to know more about it than I. The second tasks benefits you more than you know," Revan grabbed her grey backpack and pulled out something. Mandolore's helmet.Canderous gasped as she gave it to him. She then continued "You will be the new Mandolore. It is time for a new Mandolore and I need it to be you.If you fail all Mandolorian history will be lost and your kind will only be thought of as thugs for hire.Believe me when I say these orders are the most important. You alone I trust with these orders. Only you could see them through.If you came with me, all will fail."

Canderous sighed.He knew this wasn't up for debate.Revan headed towards her ship , the Ebon Hawk but she stopped and turned. She looked at Canderous with such a sad look. He actually felt sorry for her. She had not asked for any of this, not really. The Jedi Order had wiped her mind.She was stuck with two sets of memories, two very different lives. One as the Sith Lord, Darth Revan. The other as Jade Star , a scout for the Republic. She had become a pawn for the Jedi Order to defeat Darth Malak, who was once a friend.When she found out she was Darth Revan , the happy- go- lucky Jade , who fell in love with Republic soldier, Carth Onasi, was gone replaced by a somber , tormented Revan / Jade. Yet through out she remained a leader, no matter what inner turmoil she had to endure , Canderous noticied. He respected her for it.

In a voice that was breaking Revan said" Don't tell Carth....about ...the key....He could never....understand. A hero like him could never truly understand people like us , Canderous."

Canderous looked her staight in her dark eyes , which he noticed were bloodshot from crying." You have my word , Revan. On everything. I will not fail."

" I know. That's why I chose you." she chuckle and gave a weary smile. She then boarded the Ebon Hawk and left for the Unknown Regions.

Canderous watched as her ship went into hyperspace and he wondred to himself how the heck was he gonna keep his word.

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I don't want 2 mess this story up so I'm doing heavy Star Wars research before Chapter 2. I still have much to learn.


It's okay... you can't mess up your own story. It doesn't really matter, because it is your imagination... you can expand anyway you want, even if you want to create new worlds, races, or anything.

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Ok here it comes. Critic mode on.


First off this looks like it is off to a good start. I have read several fics regarding what happened between KOTOR and TSL. This looks like it aims to address that. On the outlook, it looks good. However it is good to remember that the way things appear in the posts differ from what it looks like on your computer. The chapter looks like one massive text that halfway through I was wondering if it would ever end. A good tip is that once you copy and paste your chapters, go in manually and enter a space between paragraphs and, very important, between lines of dialogue. It helps to differentiate who is talking and doesn't cause confusion. Remember some of us older forumites have bad eyesight and it's bad enough that the text is in white on a grey background.


Second off, I suggest you find someone who is a good beta reader for each of your chapters before posting. It happens thoug that one or two errors make their way in. That's human nature. Throughout this chapter however, I saw multiple spelling errors particularly with Mandalorian and Mandalore. Spelling and grammar errors in abundance can detract a reader and in the end they just play grammar police though we already have a grammar troll in Hallucination.


On your characterization it was pretty good. With Canderous however, I would consult people who have studied warriors throughout history. Canderous is a warrior and he has a certain outlook on life and he is not afraid of being too blunt to come out and say it. Think of it this way: Suicide is the coward's way out. It is better to die in battle with honor. To be captured is a disgrace. Then it is acceptable to perform ritual suicide and preserve your honor. The strongest survive and the weak perish, that is the way of things. Even though he changed a bit traveling with Revan in KOTOR, he hasn't that much. You can't really change too much if you don't want to. He does understand that needless slaughter is stupid and he admits that. Try reading Mandalorian Measures if that will help in characterization.


Your Revan was good. She is agitated, flustered, whatever you want to call it. She is leaving, she knows she has to but she doesn't want to leave him behind. I would put just a bit more unwillingness to leave but have the sense of duty outweigh the desire to stay. That would make it stand out better.


I hope this helps. I had to send the flying manuscript and Kujo the killer pencil after Tops a few times but I thing the flying manuscript would be good in browbeating for now. If it gets really bad then we'll see... :D


Keep it up and I look forward to chapter 2.



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Well, not much more I can say as far as critique as JM12 pretty much said the same thing I would have. Minor spelling things I can overlook, but the double spacing... well, it's important enough for me to dare to mention it one more time. :)


Great beginning though!! :D Interested to find out what this 'key' is, and I think you did a good job with your characters' personalities. Looking forward to Chapter 2. :)

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I have been practicing double space on my notepad so hopefully it won't be as bad as it has been. I have been debating on whether to bring the Exile in this but it would only be for a short time. Long enough for the Exile to learn what the Key is.Do I bring the Exile in as a side note or not , this debate has been in my head for days. So I finally decided to bring the Exile in to expose the key for what it really is - sort of - since I know the Key unlocks many secrets. So it's kinda like 2 chapters are gonna be prologues , which is not what I intended to do but happened that way so I apologize to anyone that was led to believe this is a tale about Revan or Exile . It is about Revan's choices from the past that affect and haunt the characters in KotOR & TSL and some new characters. It's really about the Key , I'll be so happy when I can refer to Key by something else but that doesn't happen until Chapter 3 or 4 now.* sighs*

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Knights of the Old Republic






4 Years later.....


The Jedi Exile - Hana Wooma had recently defeated Darth Traya and two


other Sith Lords . She was prepping to leave for the Unknown Regions when


T3-M4 strolled into the security quarters and went to the navi-computer.


Revan's voice came from T3. The navi-computer unlocked. T3 then turned


around and began to play a message. It was from Revan.


Revan: " Hello General Wooma. It's been some time since we chatted. Enough


of my memories have returned to know who you are and your role in the


Mandolorian Wars. The rest Master Kaavar let me know. If you have your po-


wers back then I know Traya has found you. She was looking for you when I


saw her before I left for the Unknown Regions. She was intereted in your ' ec-


ho', I believe is what she called it. The information your about to recieve not


even Traya knew. She would have warped the "Key'' to mastermind her


revenge and I just could not see that happen. Whatever she may have


wanted to do with you ,would not have been as bad had she learned and


used the ''Key''. The destruction and horror that would be unleashed would


never have healed.


I knew you were strong enough to handle her, plus I needed you to get your


powers back to help me here. Whether you stayed on the path of a Jedi


or became a Sith I care not. Your abilities shall come in handy. Together


we can hold of ''The True Sith'' until the ''Key'' is ready. Then we may


actually have a chance at winning.


By now I bet your wondering were and what the ''Key'' is right. Well T3 has


the '' Key's'' current location. The planets name is Kraydor. It is just beyond


the edge of the galaxy. Canderous knows the planet and the ''Key'' well.


I had given him orders to protect the ''Key'' but I have had troubling visions.


He will soon not be able to handle this himself. He will need allies. Send who


you trust to Kraydor.


The ''True Sith '' have learned of the ''Key''. They are now hunting it. If they


can not use it they will destroy it. The ''Key'' must survive , even if we do


not.'' Message ends.


Canderous comes into the security quarters . '' So now you know the truth


. Before I was Mandolore I was Canderous Ordo . I traveled with Revan.''


'' I keep hearing the word key. What is it ?'' the Exile questioned Cander-




Canderous went over to her ." The key is -," then he whispered in her ear


the truth about the '' Key '' .


Hana's fair skin went even paler ." Well we have to make sure THAT never


ends up in enemy hands.

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Critic mode on


Ok. This is much better in terms of spacing but my main problem is your spelling and grammar. I suggest highly that you find a beta reader that can look for the errors. When you have quite a few, it tends to get distracting and you you play grammar police. Also I suggest that you reread the chapter yourself because you may pick up things that your beta may have missed. For info on beta readers check out I believe the Resource Center forum and look for the thread on beta readers.


I do have to say that your spacing is nice. My eyes weren't half blinded by a wall of white. The story looks good and it was interesting how Revan referred to Traya as Kreia. The flying manuscript still needs to do some browbeating but nothing serious.

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Due to be being called pathetic and juvinelle publicly and not in a PM by a moderator and other problems I am leaving Lucas Forums.So This fic is ending abrubtly. I shall post it somewhere else. Never should someone on this site be publicly told that escpiecially by a moderator . We are told to give good critizing ,the same should apply to moderators.If a moderator has a problem with a member and wants to call their actions pathetic and juvinelle then it should be done through a PM.

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Don't leave Empress. I'm sure it was a misunderstanding and Rogue Nine is only telling you, for the benefit of the Forum. I know how you feel though, for I felt the same thing on another Forum I left (and now returned to) several months ago.


Come back soon though.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Fourteen years after the Exile had told her secret love,Mical, about the key


before she had departed to the Unknown Regions,Mical had become a great


Jedi leader.Yet tragedy had befallen the Jedi Council , who had decided to


keep the 'key' a secret from the Republic.Canderous, who was supposed to


arrive in Iziz after visiting Kraydor, was reported missing.His body was oddly


found near the Sith Temple on Dxun.His body was badly damaged.The cuts


and marks on his body showed he had fought hard against his attacker.His


fatal wounds however were done by a lightsaber.



Soon after Canderous's death, rumors spread among the Council that the key


had been stolen.Bao- Dur and a few Jedi Knights were sent to Kraydor to see


if this was true.They were never heard from again once the landed


on Kraydor.



A Jedi Knight was summoned before the Council.


" Dustil, do you know why you were summoned here today?" Jedi Watchman


Atton Rand asked.


Dustil Onasi pulled a strand of dark hair from his eyes and grinned." You want


me to finally tell my father about this 'key'."


Jedi Master Visas Marr , a Miraluka, spoke up." Yes and no. We need the


Republic's help but will not disclose what the 'key' is, just the location of the




" I know my father will ask why are you guys not telling the Republic


everything." Dustil said.


Mical entered the room." That is because only I know what the 'key' is.The


Council only knows parts of it, as now the Republic will know."


Dustil gave Mical a puzzled look." Then why are you keeping the majority of it


secret from your fellow Jedis?"


Mical walked up to Dustil." Young Knight ,you do realize your questioning the


Council's motives.I shall partly answer your question,though. If I revealed


what I was told to kept secret, I am certain there are people in the Republic


who would seek to destroy it at all costs.Then there's your father.If he


were ever to find out...." Mical stopped and looked gravely at the floor, then


continued." It could possibly destroy him. If you really want to know...." Mical


whispered in his ear then continued in a normal voice.


"If you choose to tell your father I will not stop you.Just make sure you can


live with....whatever you decide."



Mical handed Dustil a large folder." When you see your father tell him I said


hello.I used to serve the Republic before....her." Mical gave a sadded look


then left.



Days later.....


Carth Onasi was waiting at the docking bay for his son.It had been some time


since they had seen each other.Over the years the had slowly but surely




" DAD." Dustil yelled as he walked of his transport ship.


Carth walked as fast as he could.Carth now used a cane to walk.A injury to


his right leg now left him with a limp.


Dustil and Carth hugged each other tight.


" Well son what is this report I hear about a 'key'. What exactly does it


unlock?" Carth chuckled.


Dustil's face got serious." A whole lot of misery for you Dad."


Carth smiled." It can't be as bad as finding out the woman I fell in love with


was once a Sith Lord."


" You do know it's connected to Revan, right?" Dustil said.


" Yes and she liked being called Jade..not Revan." Carth corrected his son.


" If you knew that it would only bring you heartbreak, would still want to


know?" Dustil questioned his father.


" Yes, my son .I would still want to know. I want Jade home.Whatever war


she is battling I want it over. I just want her home and safe with me." Carth





" Even if she brought home a secret daughter." Dustil said quickly.


" Even if - ..." Carth had started to say but played back Dustil's words in his


head. " What did you just say?"



"The key is a young woman....Revan's daughter. This daughter was born


before Malak turned on Revan. There is no chance your the father." Dustil said.


Carth's face was a mixture of sadness and anger." Could it be Malak's?"


" The only person who knows who the father is ,is Revan, and maybe her


daughter. All I know is that the girl is more powerful than Revan.That Revan


had made sure of that. Almost like Revan wanted to make her as a weapon, a


tool, not a child. Revan believed before she left you and Republic behind that


her daughter,codename : 'The Key' could save the galaxy.Our last hope.I'm


sorry ,Dad." Dustil said.


Carth looked pale." Will you excuse me son.I want to be alone right now."


Carth walked off.Dustil stood there wondering if he had done the right thing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

10 Years Earlier.....


" Canderous, do I have a last name?" asked a little girl,with raven colored hair and violet eyes.



" Of course you do. It's Ordo." answered Canderous.



" Ordo ? But that's your last name." the girl looked at him curiously.



"Yes , but it's yours as well." Canderous gave a weak smile.




" Does that mean were related? " she started getting excited about the


prospect of being related to Canderous.


" No.It means you ask too many questions, just like your mother. Now let's


focus on training,Remisha." Canderous said.




KRAYDOR - Present Day


Remisha Ordo woke from her dream.She looked around the darkened


room.She sensed she was not alone.She was right.



"You passed the test.Congrats , my student." a elderly female Twilek said.



" Yay, me." Remisha said dryly.


The Twilek gave Remisha a harsh look."We are expecting company," the


harsh look gave way to a wicked smile. "Show them a nice Kraydorian


welcome, Remisha."



Remisha bowed to the Twilek. " Yes, Master."



Hours later......


Remisha hid in the trees that grew through out the swamp like planet.She


was following a male Jedi, who for some reason was alone.She jumped down


and ignited her violet lightsaber.The Jedi, hearing the igniting of a saber,


activated his orange lightsaber.He turned and their sabers clashed.As he


looked at her ,he smiled.



" You look just like your mother.Though her eyes were brown." the Jedi said.



Remisha, although shocked by his words, kept her defensive stance.



"Who are you?" she asked him.



" Jedi Knight Dustil Onasi. I knew your mother.I'm not here to hurt you.Far


from it." as Dustil said those words he deactivated his lightsaber.



Remisha stayed in position but eactived her lightsaber as well.


" Master Hana and Master Mical once told me of a Carth Onasi. So you are


his son." she looked him over.



" Yes. Carth is my father." he answered.



" When I trained as a Jedi , they were my masters.Mical mostly, due to Hana


leaving for the Unknown Regions." Remisha said.



Dustil sighed." Now you train as a Sith.The dark side." Dustil shook his head .


" Yes. It was my mother's wishes for me to learn the ways of the Jedi,


Mandalorian, and yes, even the Sith.Though I have never met my mother , I


respect and follow her wishes." said Remisha.



" She wanted you to learn the ways of the Sith and


Mandalorians.Interesting.Out of curiousity , do you know who your father


is?"Dustil asked.



" No, but I have clues, and no I'm not gonna share them with you." Remisha




Dustil chuckled." Okay.Canderous is dead.Any idea on who killed him."


Remisha bluntly stated." I did."

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Chapter Five: Bitterness and change



Dustil stood back in shock." You said that with no emotion at all.No guilt or


sorrow.Next thing your gonna tell me is that you killed Bao Dur."



Remisha replied." Canderous was my Sith sacrifice.He died in battle ,though mentally


he died years ago.A broken man, thanks to my mother." she said the last sentence





Dustil shivered, he knew that bitterness.He had carried a similiar bitterness towards


his father for many years before Revan encouraged Dustil and Carth to reconcile." You


have every reason to want to hate your mom but trust me it only leads to more


suffering.You never did answer the Bao-Dur question."



Remisha answered." I know who orchastrated the murder of Bao-Dur and those Jedi


Knights but I was not a part of it and I was in no position to stop it. Believe it or not


I'm not a completely cold hearted murderer."



Dustil gave a slight grin." No I don't think you are. Your misguided though. I'm gonna


take a wild guess and say whoever is your Sith Master is Bao-Dur and my fellow


knights's murderer."



Remisha finally showed some emotion.Her expressions showed sorrow and guilt."


Yes.She..my Master did. I know not why though? "



" Leave this place.We came here cause we know you are meant to help save the


Republic.We are hear to help you." Dustil told her.



" I know my destiny, okay. That's all I am to anybody a pawn ,to use against one's


enemies.Since birth I was groomed to fight the True Sith." Remisha said with anger


and bitterness.



Dustil looked Remisha in the eyes and let out a sigh." I see now. You feel like a


puppet.You stay here you will be. Come with me and believe it or not , I won't treat


you like a puppet." he held out his hand to her.



A lone tear fell from her cheek." My training here is complete and it would be nice to


see Master Mical again.I want you to promise me two things before I agree to go with





Dustil smiled." I will do my best to not break my promises.What exactly am I promising





Remisha coyly grinned then her face got quite serious." Before I leave to the Unknown


Regions I am allowed to com back here."



Dustil frowned." I don't like it but it's doable ,and the second promise?"



Remisha looked back in the direction of the place she had called home all of her life


then looked Dustil straight in the eyes." You were right.All my life I have been treated


like a puppet. You said you never will treat me like a puppet.I want you to promise me


what you said is true."



Dustil didn't move his eyes off of her." I will never treat you like a puppet, a pawn.I


will never use you.You have my word."



Remisha breathed deeply then grabbed his hand." Then let's go try to save the galaxy."



They left to find the rest of Dustil's crew not knowing they were being watched from


afar by a cloaked being.




Telos - Jedi Academy- A few days later......



Outside the academy Dustil waited for Remisha.She was meeting with Mical. Remisha


came out of the Enclave and stood near Dustil breathing in the cold air and actually





Dustil looked at her." She smiles FINALLY. Master Atton owes be 20 credits, he said he


didn't think you were capable of smiling.' Icy and reserved she is' were some of the


words he used.. I knew better."



" He's just pissed he keeps losing at Paazak with me.Master Mical wants me to come


back fully to the'' lightside'' before sending me out to the Unknown Regions. They don't


know I killed Canderous, apparently that was left out of the report of a certain Jedi


Knight." Remisha said.


" Yeah it was wasn't it." he chuckled nervously.


" Thank you.They think my former Master is behind it.They still haven't located her."


Remisha looked at him.


" We all do things we wish we could correct.They will find her soon, don't worry.So


who are you gonna be the Padawan to?"Dustil asked.



" You. I'm your first Padawan.Though Mical will offer his mentoring as well, he thought


since you handled bringing me here peacefully and he was planning on have you start


teach anyway." Remisha smiled.



Dustil smiled as well." So your my first Padawan. Help guide the person who may hold


the galaxy in her hand.No pressure." he joked.



Remisha laughed." Very true ,so don't screw up okay."



" I could say the exact same thing to you." retorted Dustil.



They both laughed.



" You have her laugh." said a saddened voice behind them.



Dustil looked behind him." Dad. Hi. Umm. I was gonna come see you."



Remisha looked at Carth." Hello Mr. Onasi."



Carth's face grew even sadder." You even look like her, with the exception of the


eyes.Her's was brown."


" This must be very hard for you Mr. Onasi. If you came to talk to your son I can


leave. I totally understand." Remisha told Carth.



Dustil gave a slight smile." I think my father came to meet you."



" He's right. Your family now. Any family of Jade's is part of our family." Carth hugged





Remisha hugged Carth." Thank you for loving my mother. If she is still alive I will bring


her home to you."



Carth said." She is.She's alive.I would know if she was dead and I still believe, even


after all these years, her heart still beats."



" I know of my mother, but I never knew her.What was she like?" Remisha asked.



" Well have dinner with Dustil and I and we can share stories." Carth told her.



Remisha smiled." I would love that."



As they walked to Carth's ship Dustil stopped and looked around.He had a feeling they


were being watched.



" Something wrong?" Remisha asked.



"No, nothing" Dustil replied and they left in the ship.

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Remisha helped Dustil clean the dishes. The dinner went better than she


thought. She saw it was hard for Carth but he was a gentleman and made an


effort to make her feel welcome and she did.



Remisha accidently splashed some soap on Dustil's face. She wiped it off and


they both for some reason became uncomfortable.



Remisha tried to break the tension." So I hear the Restoration Project is going


well.I love oceans.Walking along the shore. Would it be possible for me to see





" Well I do know people that can make that happen." Dustil replied.



" I'll change and you talk to your 'people' and make it happen." Remisha









In a dark apartment building two cloaked figures meet....



" She was supposed to stay on Kraydor. Those were the orders."



" I know."




" Don't ' I know' me. Your planning something."



" Possibly."



" She will find out the truth."



" Yes. Sooner than I care for but she must know her father's....pastNow more


than ever."



" She may hate Revan even more ,once the truth is known."



" It is a risk that must be taken."



" I sense anger and....now passion in the girl. This could be useful , very





" Naturally this ....passion is for an Onasi."



" Naturally."



" Like mother, like daughter."



" Interesting destiny this girl has. It's hard to pin down her fate."



" Her destiny is to ultimately bring down our enemy not be doe eyed over an


Onasi, of all people."



"Speaking of the Onasis ,I highly doubt Carth Onasi will love hearing that the


father to Revan's daughter is none other than....Saul Karath."





Telos- Restoration Project




Remisha and Dustil walked along the shore. Remisha went into the water and


swam for awhile. Dustil laid down on the sand and watched her.She noticed


him watching her and for a few moments just stared at each other, possibly


trying to read what the other one was thinking.



Dustil broked the silence." I'm your Master and your my Padawan. It's


forbidden. No matter how much I may want to act on my growing feelings."



Remisha sat next to him." You have feelings for me?"



" You know I do." Dustil replied.



" Didn't the Exile and Mical fall in love and weren't they also Master and


student." Remisha asked.



" Yes and look how great that turned out. No matter how he may try to hide


it , the Exile's departure hit him hard. Not only that look at my dad, he has


never gotten over your mom ditching him.She never even said goodbye to


him.He woke up one day and looked over on her side of the bed and she was


gone. He knew that instant, staring at her pillow, she had left." Dustil said.



" I'm not my mom. I may look like her but I'm not her and I'm sick of being


compared to her. I would never ever treat my kid like she was only useful as


a weapon against enemies. I could become the most heartless Sith and I still


would never treat my child like she was only around to be used as a tool. My


child would be loved and cherished. She would feel loved and most of all


wanted." Remisha started to cry.



" There is no emotion ,there is peace." Dustil said, but the words rang hollow.



" Through passion, I gain strength." Remisha countered.



" Your wanted believe me on that." Dustil said." Remember Jedis can't allow


themselves to feel anger...."



" Nor love. " Remisha caressed his cheek.



He pulled her into an embrace, then quickly pulled away.



" This can never happen again.It's not the Jedi way." Dustil got up and


started walking away from her." Let's go. I need to see Master Mical. I...


don't think I can be your teacher."



When Dustil looked back Remisha was gone.

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