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[RP] The Adventures of Shindalar

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Gage stepped out of the shadows and walked pasted the four people. As he walked by he glanced at them to see them better, even if it was only for a moment. He stopped at a stand selling fruit, he listened carefully to them as he sorted threw the fruit.


As he was listening a young girl playing with several of her friends, ran into Gage's leg. Gage looked down at the girl on the brink of tears.


He lowered himself to the ground asking "Are you alright?"


The little girl wiping away her tears quickly only nodded her head. Gage offered the girl his hands and helped her up.


"Be more careful next time, not every one is nice." he told the girl. She nodded her head again and ran off towards her friends. He again glanced quickly at the four people hopefully they're to busy to notice what happened, or notice me. Gage thought as he turned his attention back to the assortment of fruit.

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Ferc had been consulting his map. I mean to follow through with what I set out to do. I will prove my devotion to this cause. He thought. He put the map back into his pocket. He put on a black mask. He quickly grabbed his weapons and head to the roof of the tallest building, while avoiding being seen. He got out his bow and arrow. He aimed carefully towards Torsh.


He saw a stranger. He reconsidered. Were it not for that stranger right there, I would have done away with him. He quickly got off the roof, after taking off his black mask. He walked up to the group. "Who are you?" Ferc asked, bluntly.

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Gage then heard a unfamiliar voice approach the group, he glanced over his shoulder and saw a male approach them. One of the females seem to be excited about his arrival.


Another member? I wonder how many there are of them, what do you think grandfather? Gage thought to himself. For now I think I'll just continue watching them

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"Don't worry Audrey, I'm alright" he sighed. Some sort of burden came upon him. It was un-explainable. He then glanced up to a roof and saw a cloaked figure getting down. If Torsh had only kept looking he would have discovered a horrible truth. But he looked away and resumed in with the ocnversation and newcomer of the group.

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Audrey looked down. "Oh. All right. It's just that... I don't want you to feel upset. That's all." She walked outside by herself to get some fresh air.


"I'm happy for you, Audrey. You're going to make a wonderful queen," her grandmother said. Suddenly, Audrey saw the spirit of Tyla. "Grandma? I can... I can see you." Tyla nodded. "Yes. And I can see you as well." Audrey glanced down to her side. Then back at her granmother. "W-why are you here?"

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As soon as he was satisfied that nobody was following him, Nero made his way to the other side of the city, then started to walk towards a nearby cantina, he entered, some of the people there seemed to be not so nice as the other people at the other side of town. Some of the patrons looked at him up and down, one woman looked at him with lustful eyes, it seemed like he had descended into hell itself. He found three cloaked figures sitting on wooden stools, drinking and chatting amongst themselves, and decided to go to them.


"Seems that you took a break from your job, Merky" said Nero, surprising his friend, "and seems you got friends, care to introduce them to me?"


"Sorry boss, after I saw you entering your room with a woman, I though I should give you some privacy" explained a nervous Merky


"Since when have you are considerate Merky? but forget about it, who are your friends?"


"You know them already boss, I just bumped into them as they came in to town, they were about to leave but I convinced them to get some drinks, so here we are" said the warrior


"It's been a long time" said one of the pair in a female voice, "I thought I would never see you again Nero" she pulled back her hood, to reveal a beautiful female face. She had long red hair and blue eyes, "didn't you miss me?"


"Beret!" said Nero in surprise, "it has been three years since we last saw each other" he said in anxiety "How have you been?"


"Good" said Beret in a smooth voice, "Merky here told us about what you have been doing, and I think you have become softer than before. At first I could not believe that my ex-boyfriend had spared people who had tried to kill him, but seems you know what you're doing"


Nero hated when she brought up the past and shoved it on his face, one reason I broke our relationship three years ago he said on his mind. "But wait, if you're here, that means that..! No way.."


"Yes way" said another female voice, "it seems that my little brother does not recognize me anymore, I'm truly heartbroken." The other person stood up, took her hood of, to reveal the familiar face of Nero's older sister, Rain. She had short brown hair, a small scar on her chin that did not diminished her beauty, and pale brown eyes. "As Merky puts it, you have been causing trouble to woman everywhere, seems you need another beating to teach you to respect us" she said with a scary face and tone.


"No need, I will behave from now on! I promise!" said Nero, trying to avoid another brutal beating, like the one he had experienced at the age of 15, when his sister found him peeking at the girls change room on their city's school, he nearly died when that happened, he she was the only woman he had ever feared. "But what are you doing here?"


"Sit down, order an ale and lets talk about whats going on" said Rain. Nero did as ordered, and they talked about everything.

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Gage over heard one of the females mention her seeing her grandmother. He moves closer to a wall and leans against it. Curious as to whether the grandmother is alive or past on.


I wonder what will become of this certain event he thought to himself. He looks intently at the female, wondering if she has that rare sight ability.

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Tyla took one step closer to her grandchild. "I have come to teach you about many things you will encounter in life. I may not be able to see you again... but that doesn't mean I don't love you. I really do, Audrey." Audrey's eyes turned to sadness. "I know, Grandma."


"You see, when you get married to Torsh... many dangers may come. As Queen, you must be brave and kind to others. Don't be stranded in fear. It's like a knife, ready to cut through your heart. And futhermore... you must stick by Torsh's side, when he is King. Like you said: Even if you two go through hard times, you'll always be together. Right?"


Hearing this, Audrey looked down, and sobbed. Tyla was right. The spirit of her grandmother came to Audrey, attempting to hug Audrey... but her arms went straight through Audrey's body. The young woman looked at Tyla and smiled, wiping her tears. "Thank you, Grandma. You mean a lot to me." Tyla returned a smile. "You're very welcome, my dear. Remember, you are to be brave and kind to your people... always. I love you, Audrey."


And with that, Tyla's spirit left. Audrey dropped down to her knees, and cried. "Grandma. Don't leave me. I love you." Suddenly, she saw a man spying on her. Audrey sobbed, "W-Who are you?"

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Gage saw the female fall to her knee's crying. He knew for certain she had the gift of sight once he heard the conversation. With out really thinking he ran over the woman sobbing on the floor and got on his knees, and looked sternly at her.


"Who I am right now isn't of importance, are you alright, do you need anything?" Gage asked

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Audrey looked down, and shook her head. "N-No thank you, sir. It's just that... I'm going to be Queen, and I don't have royal blood. I'm just a young woman who loves this man and my friends... but then my grandmother tells me about kindness and being brave. I'm just... scared!"


She covered her eyes, crying.

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"Every one is scared, and it's alright to be scared, but being brave can be different things, from our actions to our choices. The most scared man could stand straight in the face of his enemy while every one else runs, and he'd be brave for that act. Our heart knows the right choices always, listen to it, it will tell you the right things to do. Because our brain may hold knowledge of ages, but our hearts are the smartest part of us, the bravest part of us." Gage said to the women.


"Oh, and my name is Gage, Gage Terrix. Would you mind if I get your name?" he requested.


He then stands up and offers his hand to help the woman on to her feet.

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Audrey sniffed, wiping her tears away. As she took the man's hand gently and got up, she answered, "Audrey Wood. I'm pleased to meet you." She looked down timidly. "And I want to thank you for teaching me about fear and courage. I'll do my best to keep that in mind." Audrey smiled.

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Gage nodded his head towards Audrey "It's a pleasure my lady. And if you ever need me just whistle, I'll fly down like a hawk". Part of him was glade to see her smile.


"If you don't mind, I"ll take my leave" he bows towards Audrey. "Till we meet again my queen"


Gage starts to walk away.

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Audrey smiled brightly, and bowed down to Gage as well. When he left, she noticed that she saw Ferc. She began to walk up to him. Although he was her twin brother, he meant a lot to her. Audrey always wanted a brother.


When she got by his side, she looked at Ferc, smiling faintly. "Uh... hey, Ferc? How's uh... how's it going?"

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When Gage walked out of the building he proceeded to the side of it and leaned against the wall. Gently placing the back of his head against the building he signed heavily.


Grandfather, Grandmother am I doing the right thing, getting involved he thought and sighed again, It's to late now I suppose, I'll just have to keep a watch on them, one of them is hiding something dangerous, I sense that much. And two of them have a lot of internal conflicts.


He continued to lean against the building and closed his eyes to center his thoughts. He waited patiently for them to leave, so he could follow in the shadows.

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Ferc was still pondering out the best course of action. Ferc was entirely surprised when Audrey asked he something. "Huh? How I'm doing? Oh. I'm doing fine. I have to go wait for someone in the bar." He said. He went into the bar, alone. Ferc hoped that he would receive Ferc's letter, stating the change in the meeting place.


"Hey. Are you Ferc Kast?" A man, hidden by a black cloak with his hood over his face, asked.

"Depends who wants to know." Ferc replied.

"Don't you recognize your own uncle?" This man asked. "I thought it would be best if we talked in the inn, instead."

"If you insist." Ferc said.

"We have a lot to discuss..." Ferc's uncle, Deodatus, started when they got to his & Natalia's room at the inn.

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Audrey sighed, and walked by a tree, sitting under it. "Oh, it's just no use! Everytime I want to speak with my brother, it seems like he doesn't want to talk to me! Ugh! Tell my why, Grandma?!" Audrey was so loud, that passing people looked at her strangely. They thought she was talking to herself.


"What are you all lookin' at! Ain't nothing to see! Move along!" Audrey made a catlike hissing sound at them. When the people ran from her, Audrey huffed, and looked at Ferc, who was sitting in the bar, and getting up. "Go ahead. Talk to others but not your sister!!" She called out to Ferc.

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After talking about all that had happened on their quests and tracels across the land, somehow Nero felt that Beret was different from before; she made continues eye contact with him, and when he toiced, she turned away quickly. Nero told his big sister evrything that had happened, from when he met Audrey and Torsh, to the two people that he fought and killed on the arena, and how he had to help his companions reached their goal.


"Seems that you need to prctice more, and try not to get into too much trouble, I don't want to be the last of our family, got it?" Rain said, out of worry for her younger brother. Originally, Nero had three siblings: two brothers and one sister. His two other brothers had been killed by enemies of his family's organization (kinda like the mafia), then he had inherited it's leadership as his parents were killed on another attack by their enemies. Soon after, Nero killed all the other of the organization's leaders, along with anybody that didn't swear loyalty to him; it was a very hard period for him, but thanks to the love Beret had given him, along with the stop of violence of the region he lived on, due to his unification of the crime organizations, many considered him a savior, but he saw himself as a murderer. He embarked on this quest to do something good for once in his life.


"So what do you plan to do know" spoke Beret, her first words since the conversation started.


"I will follow and protect them until they reach their goal" he said, then looked at his sister "if something were to happen to me, I have orderd that the men follow you and recognize you as our organizations leader"


"Don't be foolish" said Rain "it has been a tradition that only the men of our family are to be the leaders of our organization, thats why you are its leader, you're the only one left, so don't you dare die on this foolish mission. Why don't you come back home?"


"I have to finish this first, then I'll return. I promise" said Nero, with a sincere smile on his face


"I hope you're tellingme the truth and just saying what I want to hear" said his sister. "Well, it has been good to see you again little brother, but we have to get going, it will be dawn ia few hours, and we still have a long way to go"


"Yeah, say hi to all our friends in my behalf, won't you? And please be safe"


"The same goes with you, and Merky should look after you better, got it?" as she said this, she gave a scary look to him. "Don't worry, I'll do my best!' said Merky, nervous


"See you then" Rain finally said as she hugged her brother. "Hope everything goes as planned." Nero hugges her in return too "It will" he said, and she left. Beret begun to leave to, but then looked back and hugged Nero tightly, "I'll be waiting for you when you get back" she whispered on his ear, then gave him a quick peck on the lips, and got out of the pub. Nero stood there, motionless, trying to piece out what had just happened. "You did not tell them about your shoulder injury, and about your change" said Merky


"It will only make them worry more" he said with some sadness, "its time for me to go back. You go res too Merky." Nero exited the pub, and returned to the inn

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Riza had left the group and went to wait for Nero in his room.She watched from the window as he entered the inn.


'Somethings troubling him.Heavy burdens that one carries.So much for one to bear.Alone all alone.Tragic.' Riza said to herself.


She left the room and went to Nero.She handed him healing herbs." For your shoulder." she whispered to him.

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Nero smiled all the way back to th inn, happy. I guess I'm hitched


As he entered the inn, he was still thinking about Beret and the way she had said goodbye to him, the thing she said.... , when he was about to open the door to his room, it opened from the inside, revealing the woman who had followed him before. Great, she's still here..


Before he could speak, she mentioned his shoulder wound, and gave him some medicine. "Thanks" he said out of respect, and took the medicine at put it on his pouch, Nero did not trust her still. He entered his room, changed and sat down on the couch,"I f you will be kind enough to leave, I'll appreciate it. I had a long day and now I have little time to sleep"

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Riza looked at him sadly." Yes...I will leave.Sorry to have been SUCH a bother to you."

She left Nero in the doorway alone.


She went downstairs. Natalia had given her some money to get food and such with.She ordered some food and gobbled it down.She was so used to scraping for food and shelter.It was nice for once not to worry about that.


She then went to her room at the inn and tried to fall asleep in the nice,comfortable bed but she couldn't. She finally put a pillow and sheet down on the floor and went to sleep.

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Gage heard some one yell in the distance Oh, it's just no use!, it sounded like Audrey. He leaned against the building for several moments thinking about what he should do. Then something his grandmother taught him popped into his head Leaving people in trouble make you know better then the people who just pass the person by, if you are capable of helping then thats what you should do.


Gage stood up straight, and walked away from the building and saw Audrey sitting by a tree looking upset. He quietly walked over towards her. When he reached her he said...


"My queen, you are very loud. Something seems to be bothering you, anything I help with."

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After Torsh had strolled round the border land he looked over to Audrey who was sitting next to man. He quickly ran over.


"I don't know who you are, but can you leave me with my soon to be wife ok?" He gently pushed the man aside and sat down with Audrey.


"What's troubling you?"

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