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[RP] The Adventures of Shindalar

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Gage bows towards Audrey, and looks towards the man and says "There was no reason to be jealous My lord, I was only making sure that My Lady was alright. I shall leave you two be." with that Gage walks away.


He heads towards the woods and finds his weapons that he stashed, he places his sword on his belt, and places his bow and quiver of arrows on his back. He then heads to the back of the Inn, and practices shooting at a tree. Then a Hawk came flying down and landed on a branch.


"Elkor, nice to finally see you. Do me a favor if you please? Watch a woman named Audrey, you see the picture in my head. Watch her, let me know if anything poses a threat to her."


The hawk nodded its head, stretched out it's vast wings and flew off. "Let's hope the King can protect the woman he holds dear." With that he continued to practice his archery.

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After a few hours of chatting, Deodatus saw that there was no reason to stay there any longer.

"Well, that's all I needed to tell you, Ferc." Ferc's uncle, Deodatus, said.

"I can see clearly now about the thing that's been bothering me. And, thank you for the you-know-what. I'll be sure to keep it near me at all times. I assume we'll still keep contact through the mail?" Ferc replied, graciously.

"Indeed, we shall. Good luck and good bye, for now." Deodatus said.

"Good bye." Ferc said.


Ferc climbed into bed with Natalia. Now, I need to start dealing with this split personality. For, it wants to eliminate Torsh. I cannot allow that to happen. Oy. I need to apologize to Audrey tommorow for going to meet with my uncle, instead of staying and chatting with her. Is he really my uncle, I wonder? Only time will tell. Ferc thought to himself.

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Natalia felt a stir in the bed.She turned and saw Ferc getting in bed. She took her pillow and hit him with.


" Where were you? You were so rude to Audrey.Never seen the girl so pissed at you.Now I'm pissed at you. Really could have used your help today." she kept hitting him with her pillow.

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I missed Gage thought to himself. The arrows hit the tree persicly but not the little dot he wanted to hit. He shook his head and sighed heavily.


Something is troubling you said the voice in his head. Gage walked over to the tree and removed the arrows. Once he grasped the last arrow he responded...


Maybe I should apologize to the sire, it was not my intention to cause him any uncomfort or harm. What do you think Elkor?


Elkor was silent for a few moments then said That is up to you my friend, would it make you feel better?


Gage put the arrow in the quiver, and decided it was the right thing to do. So he set out to find the king and apologize for his actions.

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"I told you. My uncle & I needed to discuss something. But, since we had to come & see Audrey, I had my uncle come here to have our discussion." Ferc said. He got up and went out onto the balcony attached to their room.


He jumped of the balcony onto the street to try to find Audrey. If Natalia's gonna get after me until I apologize to Audrey, then I ought to apologize quickly. Ferc thought to himself.

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Gage noticed some one jump down from the balcony of the Inn. Then he heard Elkor That's the one on the roof with the bow and arrow pointed at the king.


Are you sure? Gage inquired Elkor.


I have never been wrong my friend. responded Elkor slightly insulted.


Very well I'll keep an eye on him, you continue to watch over the Lord and Lady. Guess I'll have to apologize later. Elkor let me know if they encounter any danger.


Elkor was silent, which Gage knew as a sign that he understood. He followed the man quietly, and intently.

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Audrey shook her head, and shrugged. "Oh... it's nothing. Just that... Ferc keeps ignoring me when I wanna have a brother-and-sister talk with him! It's so... unfair! I mean, I've always wanted a brother, and now this one's just ignoring me!" Audrey hitted Torsh on the arm hard.


"And you! You need to apologize to Gage! The man who was talking with me. He's a good friend, and he cheered me up!" Audrey was so frustrated at everything. Suddenly, she saw Ferc. "Well, if it isn't Ferc Kast. The twin brother who doesn't want to talk with his nice twin sister."

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Gage stayed hidden in the shadows bow and arrow ready. He had the arrow pointed at the back of the man's skull ready to fire if he should attack either one of them. Then he heard Audrey say Well, if it isn't Ferc Kast. The twin brother who doesn't want to talk with his nice twin sister.


Siblings he thought to himself


It would appear so, what do you want to do now? Elkor said as he screeched while flying circles over every one.


I will not move, just in case he tries anything. You keep alert as well. Gage told Elkor.

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Ferc was wandering aimlessly. Then, he heard his name. He looked up. It was Audrey. At last, I found her. Now, to apologize for deserting earlier. "I'm sorry. I just had urgent business to attend to. I did want to talk with you. I...just...I truly am sorry. If I didn't attend to that urgent business, something horrible would have occured. It would have been beyond your worst nightmares. Trust me. But, I understand if you never want to see me again." Ferc said, while remaining humble.


Ferc waited patiently for a response from Audrey. Maybe it was better that I have no family whatsoever. That I try to get close to no one. Ferc thought to himself.

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Damn to many people, this would cause to many complications if I killed him Gage thought to himself.


Gage stepped out of the shadows so every one could see him, and sharply whistled. Down came Elkor who landed hard on Gage's unprotected arm.


You forgot your arm protector again Elkor said happily.


Gage then placed Elkor on his shoulder and started to scratch Elkors neck. As he was scratching Elkor's neck he glared coldly at Ferc.

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"Us?" Ferc asked. "And, no. I jumped to find Audrey to apologize." He raised an questioning look. Does she mean...No, she can't. Can she? He thought to himself.


"Erm...Like I said, I was looking for Audrey to apologize." Ferc said. Suddenly, Ferc felt as if someone were following and/or watching him.

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As always, Nero was taking a walk on the fields, completely relaxed and all his passed problems evaporated from his mind. I really wonder if my future lies with Beret, or If I am to fall at the end of this quest, seems only time will tell


As time passed, he decided to head back to look for the others, he haven't seen them since yesterday, but first he was going to get some breakfast

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Riza sat next to Nero.


" Who's Beret? Did you Natalia is having a baby. Is it yours? I have been hearing rumors."she laughed.


" So what we doing today Nero.I can fight you know. Well I think I can. Can you teach me if I can't. You probably will die. Your the tragic type." she kept rambling.

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Ferc looked into her eyes. He smiled back. "This is unexpected. Yet, this a happy moment. The happiest moment of my life. No; You had every right to tell me. There's nothing to be sorry about." Ferc said, peacefully.


Ferc stared at her while she was crying at Audrey. "It's all right. There's nothing to cry about." Ferc said, gently to her.

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Gage unnoticed slipped to a near by tree and leaned his side against it. He sighed heavily as they watched the events unfold.


Hm... going to have to watch him closely. Gage thought.


Yes, indeed my friend. But I've noticed something is different about him Elkor told him.


Gage slight turned his head so he could see Elkor better What do you mean?


Elkor screeched out a little in frustration I mean even though the essence is the same, the personality is not. The him on the roof was cold and callus. While this one is warm and kind.


Gage nodded his head Then we'll watch him with the greatest interest.


Elkor nodded his head as Gage folded his arms across his chest.

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Torsh winced at the hard hit Audrey had gave her.


Gee can't a guy get some time alone with his one and only love, oh no, we have to get going and we're visiting the Dwarvelands and that's where Reshki died. I want to find that Dwarve, infact they say there's only twenty or so left in their lands and, I'll kill em' all. For the first time in Torsh's life hatred filled his body.


"All of you linger to much! I'm going! I don't have a horse but who cares, your all hanging around in this pathetic town and I want my revenge!" There he tied his laces on his shoe and walked round a corner leaving the town out of sight.

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Audrey quickly turned back to Ferc and Natalia. "Congrats, Natalia! I'm gonna be an Aunt! And don't worry. I bet it's gonna be a beautiful baby." Suddenly, she saw Torsh leaving angrily. "Gotta go. Bye guys!"


She ran next to Torsh. "Sweetie? You okay? What's wrong?" Audrey placed a gentle hand on Torsh's arm, as she walked her horse, Lily, out of town beside them.

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Damn I still need to apologize to the king.


Gage put his arm near the shoulder Elkor was resting on. Elkor then moved onto Gage's arm. With one quick throw Elkor was air bound.


Watch over them Elkor, liked you've watched over me many times before. Gage told Elkor.


Saying that Gage ran off after them yelling "My Lord, My Lady. I wish to speak to you."

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Torsh quickly kissed Audrey and he swivveled round pulling out his ruby hilted-sword and making a swing at the new Gage.


"What do you want with us! Can't you leave us alone! This is a very hard point in my life and I've waited some years to get my revenge and I'm not stopping because you want to speak to me!"


Audrey seemed a little shocked but Torsh ignored. He picked her up bu the waist plonked her onto the horse and they galloped away. Next stop, Dwarvelands.

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Are you determined enough to go after them he heard Elkor say.


Gage sighed heavily then raced to the stables Continue to watch over them let me know where they go.


Gage grabbed his horse and mounted it. He kicked into motion whispering in its ear "We need to run, and we need to run like the wind"


Soon Gage was in pursuit of Torsh and Audrey. For what reason, only to apologize for his earlier actions.

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Torsh was riding through the wind smiling as he galloped unto the countryside of Akili'. He then turned round and saw what made him feel like everythign was spoiled. That brat Gage was following him. He pulled out a sucky dagger and threw it. He wwas well on target looking like it couldn't miss. But the wind was rough.


"Leave us alone!"

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