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In the third installment of the original trilogy, they introduced a new species, known as the Ewok. A small fuzzy biped, akin to a teddy bear. I'd like it to be known, that I despise the Ewok with every fiber of my being, and would stop at nothing to slay them brutually if they truly exsisted. With that said, I shall now ramble incoherently. NOW, time for a tacky game idea that people will shake their heads at. I think Lucas Arts should get to work lining up a developer to make a game in which you play the role of a lost 501st commando, left behind after the Imperial defeat over and upon Endor. Essentially, the game play would encompass you, lurking about Endor and slaughtering the Ewok inhabitants, with two main goals in mind: Revenge for the Imperial defeat, and assembling the pieces to restore a downed Imperial shuttle so you could then escape that vile forest moon. :)

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Well, geez. It isn't like that game would be that shallow, where you just meandered and killed simply. There would have to be a complex stealth system, combined with a stellar offensive combat style, so you could choose how you tackled the story. The game world would be a lush forest of massive trees, will a smattering a Ewok hunter-gatherer settlements stretched across it. Day and night would pass, Ewoks would hunt and gather, cook and clean, patrol their lands, sleep at night. And if you made your presence known, they'd form bands and hunt for you atleast for awhile. All the while, you'd watch as the main character struggled to maintain mental stability, isolated, and outnumbered, his thoughts, feelings, and actions becoming more primal and instinctive, his formerly white armor of that of a stormtrooper being replaced over time with patches of Ewok, and bits of bone. Plus, they could toss in a complex trap system, so you could use your detection as an advantage, luring your hunters into dire straights whilst playing the scared prey. Then again, too dark or demented for Lucas Arts. Oh well!

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, its like the part where Super monkey Ballz playe Metalgear Solid, except as a ewok?


Or maybe you want Perfect Dark, with a Ewok head. Sure it would be a nice silly game, but I doubt many would buy it. Oh, and suicide harness for ewoks are cool, get it from E@W.

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  • 5 years later...

I like the idea of wookiees instead of ewoks, but I like wookiees instead of gungans more. Don't think that was ever in the cards but oh well!


And that game idea sounds cool, dunno if I'd buy it but I'd love to see it get made, very inventive.

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