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K1 Revans LS and Robes

Christos K

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Can some make a mod to make a robe and a couple of saber crystals.


First I want:


Master Revans' Robes

Perquisites: Jedi Defense


+10 Strength

+10 Dexterity

+10 Constitution

+10 Intelligence

+10 Wisdom

+10 Charisma


+15 Computer Use

+15 Demolitions

+15 Stealth

+15 Awareness

+15 Persuade

+15 Repair

+15 Security

+15 Treat Injury


+5 Fortitude

+5 Reflex

+5 Will


These were the robes of the Jedi Knight Revan during the Mandalorian Wars. They were made specially to give the wearer lightness and to lead the wearer even farther down the Path of Light. If a wearer following the Dark Path were to wear there robe the effects would stay but start to encourage the Dark Path instead of the Light.


This robe is a the Star Forge robe only all Dark Brown like the normal Jedi Master Robes color. That mean the armor and the robe part of the star forge robes


Revan's Victory Armor

Perquisites: Jedi Defense


+10 Strength

+10 Dexterity

+10 Constitution

+10 Intelligence

+10 Wisdom

+10 Charisma


+15 Computer Use

+15 Demolitions

+15 Stealth

+15 Awareness

+15 Persuade

+15 Repair

+15 Security

+15 Treat Injury


+5 Fortitude

+5 Reflex

+5 Will


These were the robes of the Jedi Knight Revan after the Mandorian Wars ended. These robes were specialy made for Revan for the victory ceremonies. Revan however never came. Instead Revan went in search of the Star Forge.


The Robes will have a hood but the robe parts will be silverish grey The armor parts will be golden.

These robes will be given the same way Master Revan's Robes were given.


Now for the crystals:


Revan's Night Attack/Revan's Shadow Stalker

This Crystal can only be used by Revan (PC)

+ 8 -10 damage

(This Crystal Doubles the effects of all other crystals)

+2 to all atributes


This crystal was Revans' focusing crystal before he fell to the Dark Side. It is said that this crystal could have been made by the Rodar Wizards. Though it could have been made by the Rodar Wizards it showed no light or dark alignment. Revan has been the only one to truly have the crystal operate in a lightsaber.


Revan's Lava Pearl

This Crystal can only be used by Revan (PC)

+ 8 -10 damage

(This Crystal Doubles the effects of all other crystals)

+2 to all atributes


This crystal was Revans' focusing crystal before he fell to the Dark Side. It is said that this crystal could have been made by the Rodar Wizards. Though it could have been made by the Rodar Wizards it showed no light or dark alignment. Revan has been the only one to truly have the crystal operate in a lightsaber.


Revan's Water Wave

This Crystal can only be used by Revan (PC)

+ 8 -10 damage

(This Crystal Doubles the effects of all other crystals)

+2 to all atributes


This crystal was Revans' focusing crystal before he fell to the Dark Side. It is said that this crystal could have been made by the Rodar Wizards. Though it could have been made by the Rodar Wizards it showed no light or dark alignment. Revan has been the only one to truly have the crystal operate in a lightsaber.


Revan's Ice Break

This Crystal can only be used by Revan (PC)

+ 8 -10 damage

(This Crystal Doubles the effects of all other crystals)

+2 to all atributes


This crystal was Revans' focusing crystal before he fell to the Dark Side. It is said that this crystal could have been made by the Rodar Wizards. Though it could have been made by the Rodar Wizards it showed no light or dark alignment. Revan has been the only one to truly have the crystal operate in a lightsaber.


Revan's Sun Diamond

This Crystal can only be used by Revan (PC)

+ 8 -10 damage

(This Crystal Doubles the effects of all other crystals)

+2 to all atributes


This crystal was Revans' focusing crystal before he fell to the Dark Side. It is said that this crystal could have been made by the Rodar Wizards. Though it could have been made by the Rodar Wizards it showed no light or dark alignment. Revan has been the only one to truly have the crystal operate in a lightsaber.


Revans' Acid Strike

This Crystal can only be used by Revan (PC)

+ 8 -10 damage

(This Crystal Doubles the effects of all other crystals)

+2 to all atributes


This crystal was Revans' focusing crystal before he fell to the Dark Side. It is said that this crystal could have been made by the Rodar Wizards. Though it could have been made by the Rodar Wizards it showed no light or dark alignment. Revan has been the only one to truly have the crystal operate in a lightsaber.


Revans’ Heat Strike

This Crystal can only be used by Revan (PC)

+ 8 -10 damage

(This Crystal Doubles the effects of all other crystals)

+2 to all atributes


This crystal was Revans' focusing crystal before he fell to the Dark Side. It is said that this crystal could have been made by the Rodar Wizards. Though it could have been made by the Rodar Wizards it showed no light or dark alignment. Revan has been the only one to truly have the crystal operate in a lightsaber.


When the crystals are placed in a short saber the saber will be a normal saber. When the crystals are placed in a normal saber the saber will be a Longsaber (same size as Malak's saber). Now a difficult one. When are placed in a double bladed lightsaber the blades are little bit longer.


crystal colors labeled 1-7 All the crystals' icon will be a krayt pearl. But it will match their color instead of the normal grey/white.

1. Purple

2. Orange (Same as Mantle of the Force)

3. Blue

4. Cyan (Same as Guardian of the Force)

4. Yellow

6. Green

7. Red outer Glow, black inner glow.


As seen in my lower post is how to get the crystals and robes.

The items will be in the Rakatan temple on Unkown World. The computer on the bottom level, Sorry I forgot what the level was called, will give them to you:


The PC can say: "Hey, I remember leaving a few items with you."

The computer says in reply in the Rakatan laguage: "Yes you did leave a few items. You told me however only to give if you are as you are now."

The PC can then say: "Okay. I will take them now." and then the you stop conversing with the computer. You recieve the items.

Or the PC can say: "What do you mean?"

The computer will reply: "You told me not to tell you and that you would find out yourself. Once you defeat Malak..."

The PC can only say: "Okay. Thanks for the items.... I will be going now. Goodbye."

The computer will then say: "Goodbye Revan."

Than basically the conversation stops and you recieve the items.



I have edited this post with some newer items.

Thanks again and I hope people like the ideas.

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First I want:


And now I want:



Saying 'please' and 'thanks' always helps. :)


Ha, I couldn't help but laugh at these two quotes in conjunction with each other.


Scroll down a bit on this page: http://www.angelfire.com/crazy2/xclone_0101/kotor_mods.htm


Not sure if these will satisfy you, but they're very light side and very cool. The Revan Redemption robes by svösh. Nicely designed, and scripted into the game. (I feel like a used cars salesman saying all this...)

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Ahh thats not exactly whats I wanted but thanks. So can someone please make this mod? I would really apreciate it. Thanks!


edit-Ok I know this might make some upset and annoyed but if no one is going to do this mod for can someone at least say so. I mean I have posted requests in the past and people dont even seem to care. I mean isnt this mod here very simple??? Also if someone will do this mod for me can to place the items in the Rakatan temple on Unkown World. The computer on the bottom level. Sorry I forgot what the level was called.

The PC can say: "Hey, I remember leaving a few items with you."

The computer says in reply in the Rakatan laguage: "Yes you did leave a few items. You told me however only to give if you are as you are now."

The PC can then say: "Okay. I will take them now." and then the you stop conversing with the computer.

Or the PC can say: "What do you mean?"

The computer will reply: "You told me not to tell you and that you would find out yourself. Once you defeat Malak..."

The PC can only say: "Okay. Thanks for the items.... I will be going now. Goodbye."

The computer will then say: "Goodbye Revan."

Than basically the conversation stops and you recieve the items.

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  • 1 month later...

Ok now I have a few more crystals and another robe.


The Robe will have the same stats as the first one and the same discrption but it will be a completly different color. This one will have a hood. The robe parts (including the hood) will be a greyish silver color. The armor will be golden. The name for these robe will be Revan's Honorable Armor.


So it will be like this:

Revan's Victory Armor

Perquisites: Jedi Defense


+10 Strength

+10 Dexterity

+10 Constitution

+10 Intelligence

+10 Wisdom

+10 Charisma


+15 Computer Use

+15 Demolitions

+15 Stealth

+15 Awareness

+15 Persuade

+15 Repair

+15 Security

+15 Treat Injury


+5 Fortitude

+5 Reflex

+5 Will


These were the robes of the Jedi Knight Revan after the Mandorian Wars ended. These robes were specialy made for Revan for the victory ceremonies. Revan however never came. Instead Revan went in search of the Star Forge.


These robes will be given the same way Master Revan's Robes were given.


Now for the crystals:


Revan's Night Attack/Revan's Shadow Stalker

Will have the same stats as the other two crystals only purple. Will also have the same discrpition. It wil also be restricted to PC. Will be a long saber.


Revan's Lava Pearl

Will have the same stats as the other three crystals only orange(mantle of the force color). Will also have the same discrpition. It wil also be restricted to PC. Will be a long saber.


Revan's Water Wave

Will have the same stats as the other four crystals only blue. Will also have the same discrpition. It wil also be restricted to PC. Will be a long saber.


Revan's Ice Break

Will have the same stats as the other five crystals only cyan(guardian of the force color). Will also have the same discrpition. It wil also be restricted to PC. Will be a long saber.


Revan's Sun Diamond

Will have the same stats as the other six crystals only yellow. Will also have the same discrpition. It wil also be restricted to PC. Will be a long saber.

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Ehm...first of all, like Devon said, being polite helps. Modding is a tough job, and the folks around here are dedicating their time to do so. Just a little respect ;)


Anyways, there have been several Revan Robes around. Most give the bonusses you describe. Searching kotorfiles or lucasfiles might give you some of them.

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