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The First Strike mod

Dagobahn Eagle

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First Strike is a Star Wars Total Conversion for Battlefield 2142 which replaces all content, down to rocks and other scenery, with new material. It currently features 5 maps, 2 factions (Empire and Rebels), and a handful of vehicles. It also introduces space combat, which is boring at first but really gets fun once you know what you're doing and not just flying about shooting random X-Wings. It's also a bit thin on the ground vehicle-wise, with only three infantry-only maps so far - the AT-ST is the only combat vehicle. I'm sure this'll change soon enough, though.


Present maps:

Looks like a certain movie scene, this.






Evacuating Hoth:



TIE Interceptor about to be shot to pieces.



Upcoming map:


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The problem with FS is that since it's a mod, there's no way to download a demo for it or anything. You have to pay up for BF 2142 and then download FS, and if you don't like it, you've wasted your money.


I personally felt it was money well spent, though. I've played some hours of FS and not a single second of Vanilla BF 2142. Nor do I plan to play Vanilla any time soon.

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Doesn't matter. Battlefield 2142 installs a third party program to handle the dynamic advertisement stuff. Which is the one reason why I have yet to buy the game, even though I really want to play it.


Knowing EA, they'll do the same thing for Battlefield 3.

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  Samuel Dravis said:
Wally, that is like saying Counterstrike can't be that good since it was a mod. :D


I do not like the ads in 2142 though. Can those be disabled (adding the adserver to HOSTS file, whatever)?



Well yeah, but at the time I probably wouldn't have bought Half-Life just for Counterstrike either :p


Unless I'd actually experienced it's awesomeness first hand, of course.

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Heh, if you ask the devs, they give you this logic: 'You buy BF 2142, which is awesome, and get FS for free! You're paying $50 for two games!'.


But between the many of us, in a private chat one of them told me to be careful with buying the game just for the mod, and the general sentiment is that it's not all that great:p.

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  Dagobahn Eagle said:
Heh, if you ask the devs, they give you this logic: 'You buy BF 2142, which is awesome, and get FS for free! You're paying $50 for two games!'.


Psst Dagobahn, the average price for 2142 seems to be rangeing from $29.99 to $26.99 it's not $50 bucks anymore lol


2142 isn't a bad game it does still have it's bugs, and it allways will your dealing with EA games here. I have tried First Strike Mod, and it's a blast on a 64 player server especially space battles.

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