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Sir Phobos

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I was on irc.gamesurge.net and thought I'd see if there was a room for the lucasforums.


Turns out there is but I wondered if it was actually being administered by LucasForums staff.





spinkle is samus@spinkle.lives-in-his-parents-basement.gamesurge * samus aran

spinkle on @#starwarsknights +#lucasforums @#echonet

spinkle using *.GameSurge.net The GameSurge IRC Network

spinkle is logged in as spinkle

spinkle End of /WHOIS list.


Pho3nix is phnx-@Pho3nix-.goatse.gamesurge * Alf

Pho3nix on +#lucasforums +#echonet

Pho3nix using *.GameSurge.net The GameSurge IRC Network

Pho3nix is logged in as Pho3nix-

Pho3nix End of /WHOIS list.


stoffe is ~miranda@stoffe.lol.gamesurge * stoffe

stoffe on @#lucasforums

stoffe using *.GameSurge.net The GameSurge IRC Network

stoffe is logged in as stoffe

stoffe End of /WHOIS list.





I realize this might be a stupid question but I wanted to know if it was official.

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I was on irc.gamesurge.net and thought I'd see if there was a room for the lucasforums.


Turns out there is but I wondered if it was actually being administered by LucasForums staff.


I realize this might be a stupid question but I wanted to know if it was official.



It is the lucasforums channel run by the staff from here, though it has been fairly inactive as of late without much visitors or activity. (I'm mostly using it as an Instant Messenger at the moment so I tend to be on there if my computer is on. :))


Perhaps not that surprising since it's not very well advertised. There was an announcement about it a while back, but I don't know if it's mentioned somewhere on the forum or LFNetwork sites.

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I don't think most people are too bothered about it. Most communities (at least on the Original Titles side) keep in touch via other IRC channels or Steam Community, etc. Just like our general Community Discussion forum, the 'for everyone on LucasForums' IRC channel just wasn't very popular. Hardly surprising as the people who actually went in there had no idea who anyone was.

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