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oh yeah. and in world war two americans picked up machine guns from germans because thats what you can do in call of duty 123.

and soldiers in iraq pick up ak47s because ak47s are accurate and better than our guns. NOT!




Don't be so sure about weaponswapping. For example in Vietnam.

Everybody knows that the US m16 carbine weren't reliable and they took the simple ak 47.

And the weapons of the US arent that good!!!

Europe owns by the way.

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  • Replies 93
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Calling the M16 unreliable is like calling a hand grenade a nuke, its giving way too much credit. The only reason our soldiers used those ****sticks was because they were the cheapest gun. The barrels freaking rotted off, thats not unreliable, thats like a walmart gun quality. And I agree that our weapons arent that good with a few exceptions such as XCR. The europeans have SIGarms(1911, 226, 556), FAL(FN is the main one I know), H&K(Gs' decent sub machine guns) and then of course the RPK. After world war II the us pretty much lost it, although at least we've got working rifles down

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Calling the M16 unreliable is like calling a hand grenade a nuke, its giving way too much credit. The only reason our soldiers used those ****sticks was because they were the cheapest gun. The barrels freaking rotted off, thats not unreliable, thats like a walmart gun quality. And I agree that our weapons arent that good with a few exceptions such as XCR. The europeans have SIGarms(1911, 226, 556), FAL(FN is the main one I know), H&K(Gs' decent sub machine guns) and then of course the RPK. After world war II the us pretty much lost it, although at least we've got working rifles down



I don't really understand why you still don't say that it was an unreliable gun.

M16 wassen't so bad when later in the Vietnam war, the government distributed lots of cartoons with nice ladies on it, that explaint how to maintain your rifle.

So after that it was pretty good.


And what you say about those guns. Yes we have better now but we don't use them on a large scale.

Many european countries still use a variant of the m16, I am talking about the Diemaco of the Canadians.

Fn FAL is hard to handle and the Heckler & Koch weapons are still in test fases. But very good though

If Europe wantswe could get even in every way but still there will be no EU army for the coming 2015.

We have now a fighter that can match the f 22 raptor but nobody but the Brits have them. (14 of them)

And still we drive in little low armored mercedes vans, and at the same time you drive on the roads with huge humvees an strykers and certainly not to forget and my favorite tank, The ABRAMS.

This conversation is not very important but it is fun though.


I'm waiting your response!!!

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Great Sith War Battlefronts

*Onderon: Iziz

*Basilisk: Barrens

*Koros Major: Space

*Deneba: Mount Meru

*Koros Major: Cinnagar

*Kuar: Plains of Harkul

*Thule: Sith Temple

*Foerost: Space

*Coruscant: Space

*Coruscant: Galactic City

*Vento: Space

*Coruscant: Senate Hall

*Kemplex IV: Space

*Kemplex IV: Station

*Ossus: Space

*Ossus: Jedi Temple

*Al’Har: Space

*Yavin IV: Space

*Yavin IV: Jungle

*Yavin IV: Temple


Clone Wars Battlefronts

*Troiken: Pirate Base

*Troiken: Space

*Troiken: Forest

*Alaris Prime: Jungle

*Alaris Prime: Trade Federation Fortress

*Lok: Space

*Lok: Wasteland

*Lok: Nym's Stronghold

*Eos: Droid Foundry

*Eos: Space

*Droid Control Ship: Interior

*Naboo: Theed (Naboo: Palace)

*Naboo: Swamp (Naboo: Otoh Gunga)

*Naboo: Core

*Naboo: Space

*Tatooine: Mos Espa (Tatooine: Boonta Eve)

*Zonama Sekot: Surface

*Zonama Sekot: Space

*Maramere: Space

*Maramere: Spaceport

*Maramere: Mt. Meraken

*Nod Katha: Space

*Nod Katha: Bio-Weapon Factory

*Coruscant: Galactic City (Coruscant: Uscuru District)

*Kamino: Cloning Facility

*Geonosis: Space

*Geonosis: Spires (Geonosis: Droid Foundry)

*Tatooine: Dune Sea

*Geonosis: Arena

*Geonosis: Dust Plains

*Bakura: Hidden Fortress

*Rhen Var: Harbor

*Tatooine: Mos Osnoe

*Eredeen: Weapons Production Facility

*Alaris Prime: Research Facility

*Raxus Prime: Wasteland

*Raxus Prime: CIS Fortress

*Bespin: Platforms

*Bespin: Cloud City

*Rhen Var: Citadel

*Sivvi: Shield Generator

*Thule: Kessia

*Thule: Sith Temple

*Sarapin: Space

*Sarapin: Mt. Corvast

*Sarapin: Power Facility

*Aereen: Mining Facility

*Krant: CIS Fortress

*Muunilist: Space

*Muunilist: Harnaidan

*Mon Calamari: Oceans

*Mon Calamari: City

*Datooine: Space

*Dantooine: Plains

*Ilum: Temple

*Ilum: Outpost

*Yavin IV: Jungle

*Yavin IV: Temple

*Hypori: Space

*Hypori: Droid Foundry

*Hypori: Fallen Spaceships

*Coruscant: Jedi Temple

*Jabiim: Mud Field

*Duro: Space

*Duro: Jyvus City

*Honoghr: Space

*Honoghr: Temple

*Saleucami: Space

*Saleucami: Clone Facility

*Cato Nemodia: Space

*Cato Nemodia: Bridge City

*Cato Nemodia: Gunray’s Palace

*Mygeeto: War-Torn City

*Felucia: Marshland

*Coruscant: Space

*Invisible Hand: Interior

*Kashyyyk: Space

*Kashyyyk: Beachhead

*Utapau: Sinkhole

*Coruscant: Senate Hall

*Mustafar: Bunker

*Mustafar: Refinery


Galactic Civil War Battlefronts

*Kashyyyk: Beachfront

*Kashyyyk: Rwookrrorro

*Naboo: Theed

*Mustafar: Space

*Mustafar: Refinery

*Kamino: Cloning Facility

*Sulon: Barons Hed

*Death Star I: Detention Block

*Dantua: Space

*Dantua: Imperial Facility

*Polis Massa: Medical Facility

*Tatooine: Space

*Tantive IV: Interior

*Tatooine: Dune Sea

*Tatooine: Mos Eisley

*Rhen Var: Citadel

*Yavin IV: Arena

*Yavin IV: Space

*Death Star I: Space

*Fondor: Space

*Fondor: Shipyards

*Yavin IV: Jungle

*Yavin IV: Temple

*Talay: Tak Base

*Talay: Space

*Executor: Interior

*Corellia: Capitol

*Jabiim: Mud Fields

*Kessel: Strip Mines

*Kessel: Prison

*Dantooine: Plains

*Hoth: Ice Plains

*Hoth: Echo Base

*Hoth: Space

*Dagobah: Swamp

*Bespin: Cloud City

*Maw: Space

*Gall: Imperial Enclave

*Bakura: Space

*Geonosis: Space

*Geonosis: Dust Plains

*Coruscant: Space

*Tatooine: Jabba’s Palace

*Endor: Bunker

*Endor: Space

*Death Star II: Emperor’s Quarters

*Death Star II: Space

*Death Star II: Reactor Core

*Bakura: Capitol

*Coruscant: Galactic City

*Nyklon: Space

*Nyklon: Nomad City

*Mykyr: Jungle

*Mykyr: Hyllyard City

*Sluis Van: Maintenance Station

*Sluis Van: Space

*Myrkr: Space

*Bilbringi: Space

*Mon Calamari: Ocean

*Da Soocha V: Pinnacle Base

*Da Soocha V: Space

*Byss: Space

*Byss: Emperor’s Citadel

*Mon Calamari: Space


Yuzhaan Vong Invasion Battlefronts

*Helska: Space

*Helska: Tundra

*Datooine: Space

*Dantooine: Plains

*Ithor: Space

*Ithor: Mother Jungle

*Karbala: Space

*Karbala: Karbala City

*Hosk Station: Interior

*Duro: Space

*Duro: Jyvus City

*Mykyr: Jungle

*Coruscant: Space

*Coruscant: Galactic City

*Borleias: Space

*Borleias: Rainforest

*Bakura: Space

*Bakura: Capitol

*Ylesia: Space

*Ylesia: Peace City

*Ebaq 9: Space

*Ebaq 9: Tunnels

*Sartinaynian: Space

*Sartinaynian: Imperial HQ

*Esfandia: Space

*Esfandia: Barrens

*Bilbringi: Space

*Mandalore: Space

*Mandalore: Kedalbe

*Zonama Sekot: Surface

*Zonama Sekot: Space


Battlefronts by Alphabetical Order

*Aereen: Mining Facility

*Alaris Prime: Jungle

*Alaris Prime: Research Facility

*Alaris Prime: Trade Federation Fortress

*Al’Har: Space

*Bakura: Capitol

*Bakura: Hidden Fortress

*Bakura: Space

*Basilisk: Barrens

*Bespin: Platforms

*Bespin: Cloud City

*Bilbringi: Space

*Borleias: Space

*Borleias: Rainforest

*Byss: Space

*Byss: Tranquil Plains

*Byss: Emperor’s Citadel

*Cato Nemodia: Bridge City

*Cato Nemodia: Gunray’s Palace

*Cato Nemodia: Space

*Corellia: Capitol

*Coruscant: Galactic City (Coruscant: Uscuru District)

*Coruscant: Senate Hall

*Coruscant: Space

*Dagobah: Swamp

*Dantua: Space

*Dantua: Imperial Facility

*Da Soocha V: Pinnacle Base

*Da Soocha V: Space

*Datooine: Space

*Dantooine: Plains

*Death Star I: Detention Block

*Death Star I: Space

*Death Star II: Emperor’s Quarters

*Death Star II: Reactor Core

*Death Star II: Space

*Deneba: Mount Meru

*Droid Control Ship: Interior

*Duro: Space

*Duro: Jyvus City

*Ebaq 9: Space

*Ebaq 9: Tunnels

*Endor: Bunker

*Endor: Space

*Eos: Droid Foundry

*Eos: Space

*Eredeen: Weapons Production Facility

*Esfandia: Barrens

*Esfandia: Space

*Executor: Interior

*Foerost: Space

*Fondor: Space

*Fondor: Shipyards

*Gall: Imperial Enclave

*Geonosis: Arena

*Geonosis: Dust Plains

*Geonosis: Space

*Geonosis: Spires (Geonosis: Droid Foundry)

*Helska: Space

*Helska: Tundra

*Honoghr: Space

*Honoghr: Temple

*Hosk Station: Interior

*Hoth: Echo Base

*Hoth: Ice Plains

*Hoth: Space

*Hypori: Droid Foundry

*Hypori: Fallen Spaceships

*Hypori: Space

*Ilum: Outpost

*Ilum: Temple

*Invisible Hand: Interior

*Jabiim: Mud Field

*Kamino: Cloning Facility

*Karbala: Karbala City

*Karbala: Space

*Kashyyyk: Beachhead

*Kashyyyk: Rwookrrorro

*Kashyyyk: Space

*Kemplex IV: Space

*Kemplex IV: Station

*Kessel: Strip Mines

*Kessel: Prison

*Koros Major: Cinnagar

*Koros Major: Space

*Krant: CIS Fortress

*Kuar: Plains of Harkul

*Lok: Nym's Stronghold

*Lok: Space

*Lok: Wasteland

*Mandalore: Kedalbe

*Mandalore: Space

*Maramere: Mt. Meraken

*Maramere: Space

*Maramere: Spaceport

*Maw: Space

*Mon Calamari: City

*Mon Calamari: Oceans

*Mon Calamari: Space

*Mustafar: Bunker

*Mustafar: Refinery

*Mustafar: Space

*Muunilist: Harnaidan

*Muunilist: Space

*Mygeeto: War-Torn City

*Mykyr: Hyllyard City

*Mykyr: Jungle

*Myrkr: Space

*Naboo: Core

*Naboo: Swamp (Naboo: Otoh Gunga)

*Naboo: Theed (Naboo: Palace)

*Naboo: Space

*Nod Katha: Bio-Weapon Factory

*Nod Katha: Space

*Onderon: Iziz

*Ossus: Jedi Temple

*Ossus: Space

*Raxus Prime: CIS Fortress

*Raxus Prime: Wasteland

*Rhen Var: Citadel

*Rhen Var: Harbor

*Sivvi: Shield Generator

*Saleucami: Clone Facility

*Saleucami: Space

*Sarapin: Mt. Corvast

*Sarapin: Power Facility

*Sarapin: Space

*Sluis Van: Maintenance Station

*Sluis Van: Space

*Sulon: Barons Hed

*Talay: Space

*Talay: Tak Base

*Tantive IV: Interior

*Tatooine: Dune Sea

*Tatooine: Jabba’s Palace

*Tatooine: Mos Eisley

*Tatooine: Mos Espa (Tatooine: Boonta Eve)

*Tatooine: Mos Osnoe

*Tatooine: Space

*Thule: Kessia

*Thule: Sith Temple

*Troiken: Forest

*Troiken: Pirate Base

*Troiken: Space

*Utapau: Sinkhole

*Vento: Space

*Yavin IV: Arena

*Yavin IV: Jungle

*Yavin IV: Space

*Yavin IV: Temple


Possible Concepts

*Campaigns for each side

*Sides made more different

*A.I. better

*Intense the forward fire power! (make capital ships' turrents better

*Make maps better

*Bring back flying ships on ground-based maps

*Increase the interior size of capital ships

*Put more ships into space battles

*Realistic Damage/Destrucible Buildings

*Campaign Editor

*Speed varied by map

*Transport Vehicles

*Space Heroes/Hero Vehicles

*Capital Ship Systems have a purpose, ships move

*Special Fighters

*Magnaguard's Electrostaff

*Map Design

*Classes Based Off Map

*Possible Jedi Class?

*Command Vehicles


*Other Eras possibly?

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Great Sith War Battlefronts

*Onderon: Iziz

*Basilisk: Barrens

*Koros Major: Space

*Deneba: Mount Meru

*Koros Major: Cinnagar

*Kuar: Plains of Harkul

*Thule: Sith Temple

*Foerost: Space

*Coruscant: Space

*Coruscant: Galactic City

*Vento: Space

*Coruscant: Senate Hall

*Kemplex IV: Space

*Kemplex IV: Station

*Ossus: Space

*Ossus: Jedi Temple

*Al’Har: Space

*Yavin IV: Space

*Yavin IV: Jungle

*Yavin IV: Temple


Clone Wars Battlefronts

*Troiken: Pirate Base

*Troiken: Space

*Troiken: Forest

*Alaris Prime: Jungle

*Alaris Prime: Trade Federation Fortress

*Lok: Space

*Lok: Wasteland

*Lok: Nym's Stronghold

*Eos: Droid Foundry

*Eos: Space

*Droid Control Ship: Interior

*Naboo: Theed (Naboo: Palace)

*Naboo: Swamp (Naboo: Otoh Gunga)

*Naboo: Core

*Naboo: Space

*Tatooine: Mos Espa (Tatooine: Boonta Eve)

*Zonama Sekot: Surface

*Zonama Sekot: Space

*Maramere: Space

*Maramere: Spaceport

*Maramere: Mt. Meraken

*Nod Katha: Space

*Nod Katha: Bio-Weapon Factory

*Coruscant: Galactic City (Coruscant: Uscuru District)

*Kamino: Cloning Facility

*Geonosis: Space

*Geonosis: Spires (Geonosis: Droid Foundry)

*Tatooine: Dune Sea

*Geonosis: Arena

*Geonosis: Dust Plains

*Bakura: Hidden Fortress

*Rhen Var: Harbor

*Tatooine: Mos Osnoe

*Eredeen: Weapons Production Facility

*Alaris Prime: Research Facility

*Raxus Prime: Wasteland

*Raxus Prime: CIS Fortress

*Bespin: Platforms

*Bespin: Cloud City

*Rhen Var: Citadel

*Sivvi: Shield Generator

*Thule: Kessia

*Thule: Sith Temple

*Sarapin: Space

*Sarapin: Mt. Corvast

*Sarapin: Power Facility

*Aereen: Mining Facility

*Krant: CIS Fortress

*Muunilist: Space

*Muunilist: Harnaidan

*Mon Calamari: Oceans

*Mon Calamari: City

*Datooine: Space

*Dantooine: Plains

*Ilum: Temple

*Ilum: Outpost

*Yavin IV: Jungle

*Yavin IV: Temple

*Hypori: Space

*Hypori: Droid Foundry

*Hypori: Fallen Spaceships

*Coruscant: Jedi Temple

*Jabiim: Mud Field

*Duro: Space

*Duro: Jyvus City

*Honoghr: Space

*Honoghr: Temple

*Saleucami: Space

*Saleucami: Clone Facility

*Cato Nemodia: Space

*Cato Nemodia: Bridge City

*Cato Nemodia: Gunray’s Palace

*Mygeeto: War-Torn City

*Felucia: Marshland

*Coruscant: Space

*Invisible Hand: Interior

*Kashyyyk: Space

*Kashyyyk: Beachhead

*Utapau: Sinkhole

*Coruscant: Senate Hall

*Mustafar: Bunker

*Mustafar: Refinery


Galactic Civil War Battlefronts

*Kashyyyk: Beachfront

*Kashyyyk: Rwookrrorro

*Naboo: Theed

*Mustafar: Space

*Mustafar: Refinery

*Kamino: Cloning Facility

*Sulon: Barons Hed

*Death Star I: Detention Block

*Dantua: Space

*Dantua: Imperial Facility

*Polis Massa: Medical Facility

*Tatooine: Space

*Tantive IV: Interior

*Tatooine: Dune Sea

*Tatooine: Mos Eisley

*Rhen Var: Citadel

*Yavin IV: Arena

*Yavin IV: Space

*Death Star I: Space

*Fondor: Space

*Fondor: Shipyards

*Yavin IV: Jungle

*Yavin IV: Temple

*Talay: Tak Base

*Talay: Space

*Executor: Interior

*Corellia: Capitol

*Jabiim: Mud Fields

*Kessel: Strip Mines

*Kessel: Prison

*Dantooine: Plains

*Hoth: Ice Plains

*Hoth: Echo Base

*Hoth: Space

*Dagobah: Swamp

*Bespin: Cloud City

*Maw: Space

*Gall: Imperial Enclave

*Bakura: Space

*Geonosis: Space

*Geonosis: Dust Plains

*Coruscant: Space

*Tatooine: Jabba’s Palace

*Endor: Bunker

*Endor: Space

*Death Star II: Emperor’s Quarters

*Death Star II: Space

*Death Star II: Reactor Core

*Bakura: Capitol

*Coruscant: Galactic City

*Nyklon: Space

*Nyklon: Nomad City

*Mykyr: Jungle

*Mykyr: Hyllyard City

*Sluis Van: Maintenance Station

*Sluis Van: Space

*Myrkr: Space

*Bilbringi: Space

*Mon Calamari: Ocean

*Da Soocha V: Pinnacle Base

*Da Soocha V: Space

*Byss: Space

*Byss: Emperor’s Citadel

*Mon Calamari: Space


Yuzhaan Vong Invasion Battlefronts

*Helska: Space

*Helska: Tundra

*Datooine: Space

*Dantooine: Plains

*Ithor: Space

*Ithor: Mother Jungle

*Karbala: Space

*Karbala: Karbala City

*Hosk Station: Interior

*Duro: Space

*Duro: Jyvus City

*Mykyr: Jungle

*Coruscant: Space

*Coruscant: Galactic City

*Borleias: Space

*Borleias: Rainforest

*Bakura: Space

*Bakura: Capitol

*Ylesia: Space

*Ylesia: Peace City

*Ebaq 9: Space

*Ebaq 9: Tunnels

*Sartinaynian: Space

*Sartinaynian: Imperial HQ

*Esfandia: Space

*Esfandia: Barrens

*Bilbringi: Space

*Mandalore: Space

*Mandalore: Kedalbe

*Zonama Sekot: Surface

*Zonama Sekot: Space


Battlefronts by Alphabetical Order

*Aereen: Mining Facility

*Alaris Prime: Jungle

*Alaris Prime: Research Facility

*Alaris Prime: Trade Federation Fortress

*Al’Har: Space

*Bakura: Capitol

*Bakura: Hidden Fortress

*Bakura: Space

*Basilisk: Barrens

*Bespin: Platforms

*Bespin: Cloud City

*Bilbringi: Space

*Borleias: Space

*Borleias: Rainforest

*Byss: Space

*Byss: Tranquil Plains

*Byss: Emperor’s Citadel

*Cato Nemodia: Bridge City

*Cato Nemodia: Gunray’s Palace

*Cato Nemodia: Space

*Corellia: Capitol

*Coruscant: Galactic City (Coruscant: Uscuru District)

*Coruscant: Senate Hall

*Coruscant: Space

*Dagobah: Swamp

*Dantua: Space

*Dantua: Imperial Facility

*Da Soocha V: Pinnacle Base

*Da Soocha V: Space

*Datooine: Space

*Dantooine: Plains

*Death Star I: Detention Block

*Death Star I: Space

*Death Star II: Emperor’s Quarters

*Death Star II: Reactor Core

*Death Star II: Space

*Deneba: Mount Meru

*Droid Control Ship: Interior

*Duro: Space

*Duro: Jyvus City

*Ebaq 9: Space

*Ebaq 9: Tunnels

*Endor: Bunker

*Endor: Space

*Eos: Droid Foundry

*Eos: Space

*Eredeen: Weapons Production Facility

*Esfandia: Barrens

*Esfandia: Space

*Executor: Interior

*Foerost: Space

*Fondor: Space

*Fondor: Shipyards

*Gall: Imperial Enclave

*Geonosis: Arena

*Geonosis: Dust Plains

*Geonosis: Space

*Geonosis: Spires (Geonosis: Droid Foundry)

*Helska: Space

*Helska: Tundra

*Honoghr: Space

*Honoghr: Temple

*Hosk Station: Interior

*Hoth: Echo Base

*Hoth: Ice Plains

*Hoth: Space

*Hypori: Droid Foundry

*Hypori: Fallen Spaceships

*Hypori: Space

*Ilum: Outpost

*Ilum: Temple

*Invisible Hand: Interior

*Jabiim: Mud Field

*Kamino: Cloning Facility

*Karbala: Karbala City

*Karbala: Space

*Kashyyyk: Beachhead

*Kashyyyk: Rwookrrorro

*Kashyyyk: Space

*Kemplex IV: Space

*Kemplex IV: Station

*Kessel: Strip Mines

*Kessel: Prison

*Koros Major: Cinnagar

*Koros Major: Space

*Krant: CIS Fortress

*Kuar: Plains of Harkul

*Lok: Nym's Stronghold

*Lok: Space

*Lok: Wasteland

*Mandalore: Kedalbe

*Mandalore: Space

*Maramere: Mt. Meraken

*Maramere: Space

*Maramere: Spaceport

*Maw: Space

*Mon Calamari: City

*Mon Calamari: Oceans

*Mon Calamari: Space

*Mustafar: Bunker

*Mustafar: Refinery

*Mustafar: Space

*Muunilist: Harnaidan

*Muunilist: Space

*Mygeeto: War-Torn City

*Mykyr: Hyllyard City

*Mykyr: Jungle

*Myrkr: Space

*Naboo: Core

*Naboo: Swamp (Naboo: Otoh Gunga)

*Naboo: Theed (Naboo: Palace)

*Naboo: Space

*Nod Katha: Bio-Weapon Factory

*Nod Katha: Space

*Onderon: Iziz

*Ossus: Jedi Temple

*Ossus: Space

*Raxus Prime: CIS Fortress

*Raxus Prime: Wasteland

*Rhen Var: Citadel

*Rhen Var: Harbor

*Sivvi: Shield Generator

*Saleucami: Clone Facility

*Saleucami: Space

*Sarapin: Mt. Corvast

*Sarapin: Power Facility

*Sarapin: Space

*Sluis Van: Maintenance Station

*Sluis Van: Space

*Sulon: Barons Hed

*Talay: Space

*Talay: Tak Base

*Tantive IV: Interior

*Tatooine: Dune Sea

*Tatooine: Jabba’s Palace

*Tatooine: Mos Eisley

*Tatooine: Mos Espa (Tatooine: Boonta Eve)

*Tatooine: Mos Osnoe

*Tatooine: Space

*Thule: Kessia

*Thule: Sith Temple

*Troiken: Forest

*Troiken: Pirate Base

*Troiken: Space

*Utapau: Sinkhole

*Vento: Space

*Yavin IV: Arena

*Yavin IV: Jungle

*Yavin IV: Space

*Yavin IV: Temple


Possible Concepts

*Campaigns for each side

*Sides made more different

*A.I. better

*Intense the forward fire power! (make capital ships' turrents better

*Make maps better

*Bring back flying ships on ground-based maps

*Increase the interior size of capital ships

*Put more ships into space battles

*Realistic Damage/Destrucible Buildings

*Campaign Editor

*Speed varied by map

*Transport Vehicles

*Space Heroes/Hero Vehicles

*Capital Ship Systems have a purpose, ships move

*Special Fighters

*Magnaguard's Electrostaff

*Map Design

*Classes Based Off Map

*Possible Jedi Class?

*Command Vehicles


*Other Eras possibly?



big list

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BF3 needs a lot of battlefronts to make the single player long enough for people who can't play online to still be able to enough the game for a long time before getting bored of it.


How would the Galatic Conquest work though with so many maps? Many you could choose what ones to have baring the two base planets.

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Making that many maps would add years to the production time and take away from the time they spend doing things like improving ai.


Indeed, just let them focus on let say.... 20 maps + 6 or 8 spacebattle maps.

If they make that perfect with some nice details, and a big area to fight on, you never get bored if you are a fan.


And I was thinking a bit more into my grey braincells.


Wouldn't it be awesome if you can change camera mode into cockpit or with in the helmet of a clone or stormtrooper.


Not that you only see the rifle with your hand, but really that you are within the helmet and you are looking out of the narrow looking holes.


That would be f*cking great, with a little attributes like temperture sensors or distance bars for example. (a bit of high tech)

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They should add,




Cloud City - Platforms

Kashyyyk - They must make an island for the TF and CIS forces and give them many tanks, just like in the movie, so they need to cross water.

Naboo - City

Naboo - Plains

Death Star

Hoth - Fight with the imperial walkers

Hoth - They must make a map were there is a fight in the bunker of the Rebels. So it wil be inf only then.

Jedi Temple

Utapau - With multiple fighting grounds above and under eachother


Industrial City (i don't know the name right now) were ki adi mundi was killed

Mos eisly

Kashyyyk - But then a fight against the wookies in their homes when order 66 has given.

Corellian gunship.

Rebel temple on alderaan.


And the space battles can be random for each planet, that doesn't really matter.

Only thing that matters then is a nice space fight

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SWBF3 should contain every map from the prior SWBF episodes (i.e., Bespin Cloud City), plus a few new ones. Plus, some 'classic' maps should be expanded, like Mos Eisley.


Jawas, Ewoks and Gungans should also be playable characters. (OK, I'm pushing it on that on.)

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Jawas, ewoks and gungans are playable, its called hunt.


yeah thats true, its also kinda hard to make them playable in a battle between two factions, they tried it in BF1 on many maps, Tatoonie Dune Sea, Naboo Plains etc, they weren't playable but they were in the map, if anything they were just annoying.

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yeah thats true, its also kinda hard to make them playable in a battle between two factions, they tried it in BF1 on many maps, Tatoonie Dune Sea, Naboo Plains etc, they weren't playable but they were in the map, if anything they were just annoying.



Indeed. But when they are in the game again they should be with alot more then the enemy's who are far more stronger.

In swbf 2 you can do hunt with the gungans and the CIS, well.

No match at all for the CIS

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  • 2 weeks later...

These should be included in BF3:

-more ships (especially the Naboo Starfighter, Slave I, and Millenium Falcon) and vehicles

-extensively improved gameplay for the first person player via things such as the ability to look around in the cockpit and a hold-to-aim control for weapons

-extensively improved overall gameplay via things such as melee attacks, corner popping, etc.

-more troop classes

-more maps

-larger maps

-more available upgrades

-more abilities that come with the advance in rank

-more weapons

-larger battles, meaning more units and capital ships on a map at a given time

-the option of heroes as well as heroe duels, such as thos in Dynasty Warriors

-more vulnerable core systems and explorable rooms on capital ships with the ability to take complete control of enemy capital ships

-the ability to pilot capital ships

-more specific missions such as destroying space stations and capturing waste plants

-historical missions such as the destruction of the Trade Federation ship by Annakin and the rescue of Chancellor Palpatine*.

*These missions could be integrated into story campaigns to add something else to the game than capturing command posts and killing, not that these get boring.

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These should be included in BF3:


-larger battles, meaning more units and capital ships on a map at a given time

-the option of heroes as well as heroe duels, such as thos in Dynasty Warriors


-historical missions such as the destruction of the Trade Federation ship by Annakin and the rescue of Chancellor Palpatine*.

*These missions could be integrated into story campaigns to add something else to the game than capturing command posts and killing, not that these get boring.

Umm ya, this isnt a jk or movie game, its a team based shooter like every other battlef game, if you want big exotic hero wars and missions that are already in other games, play those other games.

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These should be included in BF3:

-more ships (especially the Naboo Starfighter, Slave I, and Millenium Falcon) and vehicles

-extensively improved gameplay for the first person player via things such as the ability to look around in the cockpit and a hold-to-aim control for weapons

-extensively improved overall gameplay via things such as melee attacks, corner popping, etc.

-more troop classes

-more maps

-larger maps

-more available upgrades

-more abilities that come with the advance in rank

-more weapons

-larger battles, meaning more units and capital ships on a map at a given time

-the option of heroes as well as heroe duels, such as thos in Dynasty Warriors

-more vulnerable core systems and explorable rooms on capital ships with the ability to take complete control of enemy capital ships

-the ability to pilot capital ships

-more specific missions such as destroying space stations and capturing waste plants

-historical missions such as the destruction of the Trade Federation ship by Annakin and the rescue of Chancellor Palpatine*.

*These missions could be integrated into story campaigns to add something else to the game than capturing command posts and killing, not that these get boring.


Dude why would you wanna be captain of a capital ship and als on more troop classes would be very annoying.

It would be better if they decrease the number.


And the number need to depend on the number of vehicles. I don't want clone commanders on Kashyyyk or Kamino, just let them be the standard infantry on that cold industrial planet where the fight is with ki adi mundi.

So number of carbine infantry should be 16, shock troopers 6, 4 jetpack troopers and also 6 engineers or pilots!!!

Absolutely no snipers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And als no unlocks, it means you don't have enough skill for the standards and it means you are nooby, and you aren't worth the game.


That will be al.

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I think they should add objectives in conquest. Both sides could still capture any cp thay want, but some would have special effects like controlling moving bridges or shielded hallways. If you control the cp, then you can walk safely through the laser screens. If you're an enemy, you'll be toast. Also, special objectives.

For example: on Utapau the reps start from a cruiser in the center of the sinkhole. They could destroy the AA turrets and hunt down General Grievous. If the AA turrets are destroyed, then the turrets stop shooting rep aircraft and the enemy takes a reinforcement penalty of 15% of their original reinforcements. Killing Greivous would be another 15% plus the enemy would lose their radar or something.

On the other hand, the droids can destroy the rep cruiser for a big reinforcement penalty.

Also, there would be Base Cp's that take 2-3 times longer to capture and count as 2-3 cp's.

Some cp's may trigger events such as falling skyscrapers in coruscant or avalanches or the death star attacking an enemy ship.

That would give players a reason to work and stay together.

Also, they need TeamDeathMatch and Deathmatch. These modes should feature smaller, better designed, multi-layer maps suited for small groups.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well I've been thinking, some of the maps were a bit crowded. We all know this in Polis Massa's long corridors. What if we had tons of AI and multiplayer player counts like 64 like in battlefield 2 or 128 like in Unreal Tournament 3. Then we could have larger scale battles. If this came true we could have a space battle that is actively linked with a ground battle on the planet below. So if are on the ground in a massive battle and you see a starfighter, you can up in and fly up to the atmosphere then through to the another massive battle in the orbit of planet. Once there you see a that one of your capital ships is in flames and is headed toward the planet. That ship is not going to just disappear like in other games, it will race toward the planet surface. It will crash and cause active damage to the map. These battles can be placed in huge servers holding hundreds of people and you can just jump in and out of servers all you want. The environment will be changed during the game by falling capital ships and and huge explosions and other stuff. It would make for a all around fluid gameplay feel. Of course you could still play on a small portion of the map. If you have questions about this ask me.

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