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I'm working on a custom planet using Dantooine modules. The plot is a World War 2 story, and I'm making lots of new models. I really need a scripter and possibly voice actors, but I really can't say up to this point. I'm putting some screenshots into this post. One is of what the custom planet will look like, the others are just my models. If anybody wants to help I would glady consider you.


Took some images off so this thread wouldn't get too full. See my screenshots a little way down.

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Thanks for all the compliments. I finished modeling a sherman tank this morning (the other one had too many polys) and I will probably finish the texture later this evening. Look for more screenshots tomorrow! I am planning to include the following weapons: M1A1 Thompson, Browning Automatic Rifle, Colt .45, Luger 9 mm, MP 40, and Browning 30 caliber machine gun. I know it sounds like alot, but I'm up to it. Oh yeah, two new grenades also. German stick grenade and US pineapple grenade. Other items: US armor, Nazi armor, mines, dog tags, US and German helmets, and tanks.


I made my sherman tank model, how do I make it to where it can fire?


I repeat that I need a scripter!!!

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