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A Threat From Within

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My thought was that as big as the Republic is and as far from Coruscant as Dantooine is that I wrote it as kind of a left hand isn't aware of the right hand kind of situation.


Hey, that's what I do all the time. :D

How dare you steal my writing technique!!!!!! :xp:

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Chapter 5: Unrest


Planets, stars, hyperspace routes…all of them flowed like the waters in the Room of the Thousand Fountains passed Gaven. He searched them all through the Force looking for her. He searched them all in vain, as not even Kreia’s cryptic clues were helping him hone in on where Revan might be.


Gaven opened his eyes and sighed, perhaps Revan was dead and he would never locate her. No, he thought, I know she’s out there somewhere, I just need to try harder. This wasn’t something he could afford to fail at; the fate of the Republic might very well depend on it.




Atris closed her eyes and breathed deeply. She had forgotten how monotonous hyperspace travel truly was. She had tried many times to prepare herself for what she would say to the group of young Jedi that she would find on Dantooine, but she had not come up with anything that she thought they would accept.


Dantooine…it had been decades since she’d set foot on the farming colony. The last time had been during the Jedi Civil War to recover the artifacts from the destroyed enclave to take to Telos with her. She sighed again as she remembered the days before Revan and Malak had done so much irreparable damage to both the Republic and the Jedi Order. She remembered Vandar, Zhar, Vrook, Dorak, and then she remembered that it had been her own shortsightedness that had gotten Vandar and Zhar killed along with so many others on Katarr.


Atris knew the blood for those deaths was on her hands, but she also realized that for some reason she being given a chance to redeem herself. Gaven could have, and perhaps should have killed her on Telos. Like the true Jedi she now realized he was he had shown her mercy and given her a chance to turn back from the path she had been walking. Now, here she was coming back to the Jedi and the galaxy. As the freighter began its landing sequence Atris believed she could help them, if they would let her.




Corellia, sometimes referred to as one of the crown jewels of the Republic, a pinnacle of modern civilization. Its capital city of Coronet offered everything that a being could ask for, and then some. For Amara if offered something else, opportunity. As she stepped up to the microphone, and looked out over the crowd, she smiled to herself.


“People of Corellia, hear me,” she began “What I am about to say to you is the truth, nothing more, nothing less. The Galactic Republic is a dying beast that should have been put down years ago! The time has come for the leaders of Corellia to see the light and forge their own path in the Galaxy!”


“Those are dangerous words friend,” a man in the front commented.


“Why?” Amara responded into the microphone “The Republic can barely defend its own borders let alone its member planets!”


“What are you going to do about it?” came another shouted question.


“I can lead Corellia down the path it must travel! I can lead it down the path to independence! The monarchy is as outdated as the Republic!”


The crowd broke into thousands of murmured conversations that one might compare to the buzzing of insects. As they did several men with blaster rifles began pushing their way to the front of the crowd, they wore the uniform of the Corellian Royal Guard.


“See,” Amara said calmly into the microphone as she pointed at the Guard members “They see the threat I represent! They have come to silence me!”


The Guard members had found their way to the front of the crowd and the man at their head spoke to Amara.


“The words you speak are treason woman, and attempting to incite a riot is against the law. You’ll have to leave…now.” He said forcefully.


“I have a permit to be here friend,” Amara replied “You’ll see everything is in order,” she replied handing him a datapad.


In response he dropped the pad on the ground and stomped on it hard with the heel of his boot.


“Your permit is hereby rescinded,” he said with a smile “Now, I’m afraid you’ll have to leave, or we can escort you to a holding cell if you like.”


“She has a permit, let her speak!” came a should from a man two rows back


“You’ll be quiet if you know what’s good for you,” another of the guardsmen replied.


“Why should he?” shouted a woman “Maybe you’re just afraid she has a point!”


“Yeah! Let her talk!” came several other shouts from the crowd.


The crowd began to push forward a bit and the Royal Guard members turned away from Amara and leveled their rifles at the crowd.


“Step back!” shouted the leader “Step back or we’ll fire!”


The crowd was undaunted as more cries of “Let her talk!” came from the assembly and they started moving toward the platform. Suddenly one of the Guardsmen reacted swinging the butt of his rifle and connecting it with a man directly in front of him. Other Guardsmen did the same swinging their rifle butts yelling “Step back!” The leader of the Guard squad pulled his comlink and shouted into it for reinforcements, and in minutes speeders full of Royal Guard troops in riot gear began arriving and wading into the crowd. It would take the Royal Guard two hours to clear the area and restore order, and somewhere in the middle of it all Amara slipped off the platform and to a waiting speeder smiling to herself.

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Another nice chapter, Athos.

I only saw one thing and that was a 'should' where a 'shout' should have been. I think I have read that correctly anyway.


And, hmmm ... Could we be seeing the beginnings of a revolution here? Battling to keep Corellia stable and fighting against the Threat in the Unknown Regions. A big and tough mission seems to be ahead for the Republic and the Jedi.


Can't wait for more!!! :D

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Chapter 6


Bastila had to admit that the Exile’s companions were doing a nice job restoring the enclave. It was still a little unnerving to be walking the halls again. The last time she’d been here was with Revan, when she’d assisted in her redemption. It seemed so very long ago, but she could almost feel the ghosts of the place and it sent a chill through her.


“Something wrong,” came Jolee’s whispered question


“N-No. It’s just,”


“I feel it too.” He said knowingly


The exchange ended there as the group came to a stop in the training area. Brianna had called ahead to Bao Dur who had brought T-3 in to play Gaven’s message for the newcomers.


“T-3!” Carth exclaimed on seeing the little droid


“Beep, bleep, bleep boop!” the droid responded recognizing Carth despite having not seen him in some time.


“You know the droid?” asked Bao Dur


“Of course,” Carth replied “T-3 was with us when we stopped Malak, and he was with Revan when she left.”


“Then maybe he can tell us where she went,” Atton said “What about it you little trash can…do you know where she is?”


“Dwoooo…” T-3 responded “beep, boop bleep.”


“He says Revan commanded him not to reveal her location,” Bao Dur responded


“Well she’s not here,” said Atton “So how about you fess up before I turn you into spare parts for the Ebon Hawk.”


“He can’t,” Carth stated “A droid cannot willfully disobey its master, and Revan was T-3’s original master.”


“Carth is right,” Bastila added “We’ll have to find another way.”


“You mentioned the Ebon Hawk what about the ship’s navicomputer,” the admiral asked


“No good,” responded Atton “It’s been voice locked.”


“Voice locked by whom?”


“You’re guess is as good as mine, all I know is we can’t get into it. Trust me, I’ve tried.”


“It must have been Revan,” said Bastila “she truly didn’t want to be found.”


“She must’ve known we’d try,” Carth said “but I’d still like to see the message Gaven left. T-3 if you would?”


The droid beeped compliantly and played the message, and it was no less heartbreaking for Brianna to see it a second time. When the hologram faded the admiral shook his head.


“That’s almost the same as the message Revan left behind.” Onasi remarked.


“Yes, and we’re no further than we were a few minutes ago,” Bastila said.


“Well, I know one thing,” Jolee said “there are enough Jedi here that we ought to be able to come up with something.”


“Jolee is right,” said Bastila “We should combine our two searches. We stand a much greater chance of finding both Gaven and Revan if we work together.”


“Right,” Atton said “since you’re the one with all the ideas, where do we start?”


“I-I don’t know” Bastila admitted “Jolee, Juhani, and I have been trying to use the Force to find Revan for some time without any success.”


“Do you really believe there’s some great Sith threat?” Atton asked


“I believe Revan wouldn’t have left us without a reason,” Carth responded


“The Exile obviously believed it as well,” Visas stated speaking for the first time “He left in search of her, to help her.”


“Visas is right,” stated Brianna “there must be some truth to what they believed, but…”


Brianna trailed off as she felt something in the Force. It was a familiar tremor that she thought she would never feel on Dantooine.


“What’s wrong?” Carth asked


“Spread out,” she responded “Someone is coming.”




Gaven surveyed the nameless planet he was on, and counted it as yet another dead end. He had started his search on Deralia, Revan’s home, hoping to pick up some trace of Revan’s passing through the Force. If she had been there at all he couldn’t sense her.


So, Gaven had moved on. He followed the Force to the places where it seemed strongest, but he had been unable to pick up any sign of his former commander. Perhaps he was going about his search in the wrong way, but he could think of no other way than to trust that the Force would lead him to her.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Chapter 7


Brianna was the first to ignite her lightsaber, its twin blades bathing the chamber in purple light. The other Jedi in the room followed suit and Admiral Onasi extracted a blaster from a holster on his right thigh. It didn’t take long for a solitary figure dressed in a white robe to enter the chamber.


“Stay your weapons,” the woman’s voice called out and she lowered the hood she’d been wearing, “I have not come here for a battle.”


“Master...” Bastila began but Brianna cut her off


“Atris,” she nearly spat “If not to fight, then why are you here?”


Atris walked into the circle of the defensive formation the group had taken and one by one the lightsaber blades extinguished until only Brianna’s remained lit.


“I have come to help, I have spoken with Gaven, and he made me see that I can atone for the things I’ve done in the past by helping you now.”


“Master,” Bastila said “we thought you were killed like the others.”


“Please Bastila, do not call me Master. I have done things that lost me the right to that title long ago.”


“I don’t understand”


“I think you do,” Atris replied “You walked in darkness yourself did you not?”


Bastila said nothing; she was still very ashamed of that time in her life. Even though Revan had turned her away from her dark path as Malak’s apprentice she still felt she should have been strong enough to resist him in the first place.


“I have realized,” Atris continued “that even the most powerful master can fall. I have also realized that if I can help you restore the Jedi Order to some semblance of what it was then I must because I have nothing else left.”


Brianna finally switched off her lightsaber and returned it to her belt, and then she regarded her former mistress.


“Very well, I accept your help, because Gaven wishes it.”


Atris focused her gaze on the Handmaiden. She had always been the defiant one among her sisters, but Atris still did not understand why the girl was being so frigid toward her.


“Do you still distrust me so much, that you cannot accept that I am not the person I was when you served me?”


Brianna glared at her, and her voice resonated with anger “I distrust you with good reason. You betrayed the Jedi, Gaven, and the Republic as well.”


“So I did, but did traveling with Gaven teach you nothing? In all your time with him did you not learn that no one is above redemption even an exile or a Dark Lord of the Sith?”


Brianna wanted to remain defiant toward Atris. In her mind she wanted to turn her away, and send her back to Telos to her empty frozen shell of a Jedi academy, but she knew better. Atris was right, Gaven had regained his connection to the Force and Revan had come back to the light. So, who was she to deny Atris her chance to reconcile for the acts she’d committed. If she did that she was no better than Atris had once been toward Gaven.


“You are correct,” she resigned “It isn’t my place to pass judgment on you. Join us, there is much to discuss.”




The planet Axum was often described as an undesirable place to live by many. Its heavy military industrial complex was detested by some of the planet’s own residents. Despite what outsiders or even his own people said, to President Josati Rix Axum had always been home. His great great great grandfather had been one of the original colonists from Coruscant and his great great grandfather had brokered the agreement that had helped bring the colony into the fledgling Republic. Josati’s thoughts were interrupted by the entrance of his chief military advisor General Arix Cirrus.


“Good Morning General.”


“Morning Sir,” Cirrus replied in his typical terse manner. When Josati had first appointed him he was put off by the general’s demeanor, but in the last few years he’d gotten used to it. While he wasn’t exactly a people person Rix had appointed Cirrus for his stellar military record and exemplary leadership.


“What can I do for you Arix?”


“I just wanted to let you know that preparations are complete for your speech at the new central defense center Sir. I’ve spoken with General Alavai personally and he assures me there won’t be any issues.”


Rix nodded “Thank you, but you don’t need to tell me. I trust your judgment Arix.”


“You’re my superior Sir, I report to you.”


Rix smiled a little, Cirrus was military through and through, but it was comforting having him around.


“Will you be coming to the speech?”


“No Sir, I need to finish the paperwork for bringing the center online.”


“I’ll see you later then.”


“Yes Sir.”


True to form the general saluted did an about face and left the room.


An hour later, on the other side of Axum’s capital city, on a rooftop overlooking the stage at the central defense center Krease checked his equipment again. He hated security duty, and on a warm day like today it was especially bad. His final check was to check the site on his rifle one more time. Krease just hoped this blistering heat wouldn’t distract him while the president was speaking. After minutes that seemed like hours Krease finally heard in his ear


“Axum One is on site.”


Then General Alavai made the announcement


“Ladies and Gentlemen, the honorable President of the Sovereign Planet of Axum, Josati Rix!”


Cheers erupted from the crowd as President Rix walked out from behind the stage flanked by four security guards. He stepped up to the podium, and began his speech as the cheers died down. Krease wasn’t really listening except to his earpiece for instructions, and soon he heard the voice tell him


“Rooftop One, proceed as instructed.”


Krease hoisted his rifle into position and looked through the sight. Then he paused for only a moment, and pulled the trigger…

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 8


The death of Axum president Rix was not the end of the chaos on Axum, but only the beginning. Within minutes of the fatal shot Axum military Special Forces stormed key government buildings and captured administration members, Axum Defense Force ships in orbit jammed ground to space transmissions and military armored vehicles laid siege to Axum’s spaceport. Eight hours after the assassination of President Rix Axum’s capital was under complete military control and General Arix Cirrus became its military ruler.



On Coruscant Karin Organa could only shake her head as she examined the briefing in front of her. She looked up from it at her assembled senior staff, and asked the obvious question:


“What the hell is going on out there people?”


Andrus Nedal, her intelligence chief from Onderon was the first to respond.


“We have no assets on the ground on Axum Madam Chancellor, but from what we were able to get the planet’s president has been shot. All transmissions from Axum have been shut down at this time so we don’t know if he’s alive or dead.”


“Find out,” Organa directed “What about Axum’s senator?”


“I’ve been trying to reach Senator Merus for the last hour, but I cannot contact him,” stated Tess Kivar, Organa’s executive assistant.”


“Why am I not surprised,” Organa replied dryly “Send the Coruscant Police to his residence and his office, and have the Navy intercept his ship if it tries to leave the planet. I want to know what we’re dealing with on Axum.”


“Yes ma’am.”


“Now, what about this Corellia situation?”


“Political riots ma’am,” said her diplomatic affairs officer Shana K’ael “The Corellian Royal Guard and CorSec have broken up several anti-government speeches and demonstrations in the last few days.”


Organa shook her head again “I want to see Senator Solo immediately assuming he hasn’t disappeared too. Have the diplomatic security service escort him here if necessary.”


Next Organa turned her focus to Admiral Forn Dodonna who had been standing by silently.


“Admiral Dodonna, what is the status on your task force’s search for Revan?”


“I’ve placed Captain Jereth of the cruiser Vanguard in charge of the task force, and as of his last report there was no contact with Revan.”


“I see,” Organa responded in a measured tone “Did the captain indicate he had any idea where she might be?”


“No Ma’am he didn’t.”


“Pass along to the captain that he is to use any means at his disposal to locate her. The Senate is nipping at my heels about this.”


“You could do what you always do Ma’am,” Dodonna replied


“Ignore them?”


“Yes Ma’am.”


Organa actually smiled for the first time all day. She could always count on the admiral to lighten up a conversation, but she did have another matter for Forn’s attention.


“One more thing Admiral”


“Yes Ma’am?”


“Where is Carth Onasi?”


Dodonna frowned at the question


“I’m not sure Ma’am is there something you need?”


“Yes, I wanted to speak with him again regarding Revan, and I haven’t seen him in several days.”


“I haven’t spoken with Carth recently myself Ma’am, but if I see him I will let him know you are looking for him.”


“See that you do Admiral. Now, you all have work do to and I suggest you get to it, dismissed.”


Karin watched them go with an uneasy feeling. The incidents on Axum and Corellia were troubling. Perhaps it was time for her to call for Jedi assistance. She made a mental note to contact Bastila after she’d met with the Senators.



Forn Dodonna normally would not deliberately deceive the Chancellor. She had been friends with Karin for many years, but when Carth Onasi had come to her and told her what his plans were she had agreed to cover for him. Truthfully, she had not wanted to assign ships to look for Revan. She had witnessed Revan’s brilliance in battle and if not for the Jedi the entire Republic might be speaking Mandalorian or under the rule of Darth Malak and the Sith.


So, now that Chancellor Organa was inquiring about Carth’s whereabouts she felt it was her obligation to warn him. After leaving the chancellor’s office she went to her own office and secured the door, and activated her holorecorder.

When she finished Forn encrypted the message and dispatched it for Khoonda on Dantooine. She hoped Carth would receive it before Organa became too interested in his location.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 9



The main courtyard of the Dantooine Jedi Enclave had become a haven of sorts for Brianna since Gaven left. She went there in the evenings to meditate after the others had gone to sleep. The beautiful tree and running water from the new fountain brought peace to her and allowed her to focus on the Force. She was deep in meditation when she felt a presence, and then heard a voice.


“So I understand you’ve taken your mother’s name.”


Brianna opened her eyes, and slightly annoyed at the intrusion, rose to face Atris.


“I have, but I fail to see why it is any of your concern. If you had gotten your way I would have been denied my Jedi heritage.”


“and I was wrong, I was wrong about a great many things.”


“So you were,” Brianna replied anger creeping into her voice “and it’s good you know that.”


“You are wrong about things as well,” Atris countered “You are wrong about me.”


“Am I?”


“Have you really convinced yourself that I am not to be trusted? Have you decided that I am beyond redemption? You claim to be a Jedi, yet you have already judged me, that is not the trait of a Jedi.”


“What do you want from me?” Brianna asked closing the distance between herself and Atris.


“If you are truly a Jedi, and touch the Force then use it. Touch my heart and my mind and tell me what you feel.”


Brianna complied with her wishes. She closed her eyes again and reached out with the Force. She felt Atris presence, and the remnants of the darkness that had once surrounded the former Jedi Master. Then she felt her desire to redeem herself by saving the Jedi Order, and finally she felt Atris genuine concern for her and her companions. She sensed no arrogance, no hatred, and no deceit. As she withdrew and opened her eyes Brianna came to the realization that everything Atris had been trying to tell her since her arrival on Dantooine was true.


Atris could read Brianna’s revelation in her eyes and she knew she had finally reached through the girl’s frigid exterior.


“Your intuition serves you well Brianna, but the Force has told you what your mind would not allow you to believe.”


“It-it has. I am sorry, my own judgment and anger would not allow me to accept any other truth.”


“You have learned a powerful lesson. Use your judgment, and your instinct, but remember that the Force will always guide you to the truth. It can see where you cannot.”


With that she turned and left Brianna alone in the courtyard.




Finally…Gaven felt it. Even though it had been years since he’d been in her presence, on this planet he could feel her in the Force. Revan had been here, and now he’d found the trail he’d been looking for. It would allow him to track her down. It would still take time but he was certain he could do it. He just hoped that she was still alive when he did.



Inside the Sith Temple Revan was indeed alive, but sweat glistened on her skin and her hair was matted to the back of her neck. Her lightsaber sparked and flashed in front of her as another set of battle droids fell to her blade.


Revan had known that the lack of defenses at the temple was too good to be true. It turned out when she’d restored power to the computer system she located she had reenergized the temple defenses as well. Since she’d left the room these damned battle droids had dogged her every step of her way. They seemed to know exactly where she was as if someone was controlling them.


These droids were also unlike anything she had ever seen. They seemed to be immune to her Force powers which confused the hell out of her. It didn’t really matter though as long as she could still cut them down with her lightsaber. She barely had time to think about because she’d moved only a few yards and they were on her again…

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