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Creating Yavin IV


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I have seen that planet mods are quite popular of late so I've thought it out and I think it would be a smash hit if we introduce Yavin IV as a planet for KOTOR 2.


My idea was that the remaining Jedi and the Sith are battling for control over Yavin IV.The planet is only travel-able once you finish three planets.When you get into the Ebon Hawk to travel to your fourth planet you'll receive a transmission in the room that GO-TO and Mandalore are found in.A Jedi sends you a transmission saying that they need all Republic-Friendly ships to head for the abandoned Sith military base on Yavin IV.Atton gets the co-ordinates and punches them into the Galaxy Map and you travel to Yavin.


It starts calmly with you and your party heading to the abandoned Sith Base to see who was that sent for you.As soon as you get there a group of 5 Jedi and 10 Sith Soldiers accompanied by a Sith Lord start to fight in front of you.Before hand while the Sith insult the Jedi, you can choose to help the Sith or aid the Jedi.This is important and will dictate who you end up helping in the end.


I can provide the plot outline to people who commit to this and help with Modules,script editing,and maybe give their voices.I am already contacting Jedi ShemL and Inryi Forge on this and am awaiting their responses, so If you want to join, put down your names and I'll add you to the team.

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While I'm sure that mod is excellent,what Im suggesting is a KOTOR 2 mod, so Kotor 1 doesn't really help.I will look into it though, so thank you.


However, If you would like some help with some weapons addons for this mod.If you are interested,please PM me and I can give you an outline of the weapons.

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Hehehe no. My plan was to use the pre existing Dxun modules (Because Yavin is primarily jungle)but rename them. Like Dxun jungle maps would become Yavin.The Mandalorian Camp would be the abandoned Sith Military Base,and so on.


My mod would have a slew of new weapons, one new Sith armor, and one Jedi robe(which I think looks great in itself).It also contains around 10 quests with light and darkside paths, and even some old characters.Before you ask they are NOT Revan's old party members(I think that concept is overly used and never turns out good).They are people who were influenced by Revan's choices.A few I've thought of would be Shaleena(the girl who greets you in the undercity after the two bums hit you up for credits),Yuthura Ban(the twl'liek second in command on Korriban),Elise(the woman who has you search for her "personal assistance" droid), and perhaps a few of my own design.


I would really like if someone would commit to the mod and help me with the actual modding as when I try I screw up my game and have to reinstall.

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