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Jedi Academy Single Player Question


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Hey all!

Well, I'm back into Jedi Academy, and I play both MP and SP equally.

Well, I'm currently playing SP and I reached the place when you have to decide whether you'll be following the Dark Side or Light Side (the part when you kill or spare Rosh), just two levels before the ending. Well, problem is, that, when I kill Rosh, suddenly, all the battles ahead become incredibly hard! I can't understand, I'm playing on 'Padawan' skill level, I'm not 'Jedi Master'... I used to slaughter all the Sith with one swing of a lightsaber and they took 1 or 2 points of health when they hit me, but now, all of them are doing incredible damage. Has the game difficulty changed with me not knowing? Is there a way to fix this?

Thanks in advance.

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Sounds to me like you're getting your butt kicked by different and tougher enemies than before, rather than by the same enemies due to a difficulty-changing bug. Below is some information that may shed light on this endeavor.


The standard cultists (pictured below) are probably the ones that die quickly. They're most often seen in the first couple of missions acting as mini-bosses in groups of three or four at the most. In the later levels, they're almost always accompanied by what I call "force spammers", meaning the ones that spam either force grip, lightning, or drain, which kills you pretty quick. To survive them, use of force absorb is mandatory. The standard cultists on their own are not very dangerous after the first few missions if you're not careless.



One tier above the force spammers and standard cultists are the "New Reborn", as they're called. The New Reborn are a little more dangerous than the previous enemies. They usually wear red and gray (pictured), but also sometimes wear blue. New Reborns utilize all three lightsaber configurations (single, dual, and staff). The ones that use more than one blade should be approached with particular caution (doubly so with the staff-users). As long as you time yourself well enough to avoid their attacks right after you launch your own, you should do fine.



The Reborn Masters (pictured) are among the toughest enemies in the game, second only to the main bosses. Don't let their appearance fool you if you think they're badass mofos, because they really are badass mofos. They typically have level 3 lightning and/or drain, along with grip, and protect and absorb of at least level 2. They've also got level 3 rage, so when they start to blow red then get the hell away from them. Force grip rarely works on them, so if you try to throw a reborn master off of a ledge, then chances are he'll push you away before you get him in position, sometimes throwing you off.


Don't approach Reborn Masters unless you're close to full health (I recommend frequent use of level 3 force heal, or at least force drain). Beware that if you try to run away from them to heal yourself they almost certainly will blast you with level 3 lightning, which can take what's left of your health down and kill you before you can even get force absorb up. When you get their health down low, they'll usually latch onto you with force drain, so don't get too close unless you have enough energy to push them away. The Reborn Masters as a rule are extremely dangerous, but the ones with staff sabers are almost suicide to battle.



I've never head of a bug that makes enemies suddenly much more powerful than before. As I said before, the problem may be that you're encountering the more difficult-to-beat enemies, hence all the information above. If that's not it, then I'm afraid I can't think of what it might be.

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Thank you a lot for the reply, I would try to use it as an advantage.

However, I am playing the Single Player Campaign for 6th or 7th time and I have never experienced a bug like this. I have fought all these kinds of Sith before Rosh and they were very easy to beat. It's just that after I turn to the Dark Side, they become way too powerful, even Cultists kill me 100/100 with one hit... I played the Single Player Campaign with Light Side two days ago, and the difficulty felt normal after Rosh, just as before, if not, even easier. I am not sure if that is because I'm Dark Side or not...

However, I'll consider that as a challenge and try to use your guide in order to beat the game anyway. Still, I think it's a bug or something like that...

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hello, i have a question about staff sabers if anybody could help me, during single player i saw a reborn master with a staff saber do a saber Kata if he had the fast style, i was wondering if there was a code that changed that? also i saw a reborn seem like he jumped almost 30ft in the air, higher then lv 3 jump how do yo do that? any info would be great thanks.

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Its possible you mearly underestimated the enemies and were clobbered by them. I have had it done to me a lot.


Rugal: Most of the sith cultists have a lot of coding attached to them that make them use a saber model but use a specific stance. You would notice you can do this if you enable cheats and put saber skill more then three you can use any style


Also You can jump higher then 3 if you use cheats and hack it to 9 or similar.

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Its possible you mearly underestimated the enemies and were clobbered by them. I have had it done to me a lot.


Rugal: Most of the sith cultists have a lot of coding attached to them that make them use a saber model but use a specific stance. You would notice you can do this if you enable cheats and put saber skill more then three you can use any style


Also You can jump higher then 3 if you use cheats and hack it to 9 or similar.


thanks you for replying rakatadark, how would you change your stance for staff saber? when i enter a code to raise my saber abilities my character stays with the same medium style and the same Kata with the staff, what is the code to change the specific stances for the staff. thanks again

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havent you guys ever heard of cheat codes?



hello, i do not play mp alot mostly single player all i wanted to know was how to do it, what is the code for it? there was no .sab file in the readme, is it a mod that i have to download? any info would be great

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  • 2 weeks later...

Right now I'm not on my home computer with JA. I could have sworn it was in the assests folder that contained all the .sab files that came with the game. I'll double check that for you. Just incase I'm assuming you need to update the game with the patch as well.


Open up a dual saber .sab file you like and try adding the line:

singlebladestyle strong

(or fast, strong, dual, staff, tavion, desann; medium isn't necessary.)

That may be the code.


In case your question is about changing the kata only, I believe that is also possible with the .sab. I will also check that when I get time at home.

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