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LA cutting funds for SWG


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Geez, there have been thousands of these doon sayer threads over the last 3 years, why does anyone even reply to them?


All MMOs whither and die off. SWG has been going since 2003, how many MMOs make it that long with an active community and devs with expansions? Not that many.


On top of it, all you "pie -in - the- sky", "wish it was yesterday" whinners have totally forgotten what a buggy piece of sh*t this game was at launch. It was missing just about every major feature it has now and hardly worked at all. It was a total frickin disaster as far as balance goes and it was total grind on the scale of Lineage 2.


I wish they would put a pre-NGE server back inthere so everyonecould get a good dose of reality.

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Geez, there have been thousands of these doon sayer threads over the last 3 years, why does anyone even reply to them?


All MMOs whither and die off. SWG has been going since 2003, how many MMOs make it that long with an active community and devs with expansions? Not that many.


On top of it, all you "pie -in - the- sky", "wish it was yesterday" whinners have totally forgotten what a buggy piece of sh*t this game was at launch. It was missing just about every major feature it has now and hardly worked at all. It was a total frickin disaster as far as balance goes and it was total grind on the scale of Lineage 2.


I wish they would put a pre-NGE server back inthere so everyonecould get a good dose of reality.



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On top of it, all you "pie -in - the- sky", "wish it was yesterday" whinners have totally forgotten what a buggy piece of sh*t this game was at launch. It was missing just about every major feature it has now and hardly worked at all. It was a total frickin disaster as far as balance goes and it was total grind on the scale of Lineage 2.


The game is still a buggy piece of **** now, are you kidding? What "major feature's" are you refering to? You mean the things they took away only to be re-introduced later as "new content?" lol Hardly worked? What are you talking about?


I just went through the official forums profession boards....and what did I find....people still whining about balance lol. The grind was fun because it allowed me to get resources for guildmates and I could gain experience for my character at the same time. It wasn't nearly as linear as it is now. It feels like a sp game to me now.


I wish they would put a pre-NGE server back inthere so everyonecould get a good dose of reality.


I wish they would to, would be fun to play again. Now let's be honest, if the NGE were so fun, why haven't all the vets like myself come back to play it? I mean, the way it was implemented was horrible so I can understand some hard feelings for a while, but if it were so good, why haven't all the people that left...come back?


Just pull the plug already.


That'd what I do.


Yeah, but I doubt that will happen. As long as people are still paying to play it...they will have servers open.

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Your a mod for SWG????

Well, I was. Now I'm a Super Moderator and have all of LucasForums as my playgro ... errr, responsibility. ;)


I was once one of the core members of this forum and advocate for this game.


And in the beginning it was great, it had alot of what you would want from a Star Wars game, but also alot which you got to look forward to.


They made alot of promises about it, Jedi would be spars and extremely difficult to attain, epic battles, space, etc...

But somewhere along the line SOE completely messed things up. My biggest concern was when they made unlocking the Force for people alot easier. That just didn't add up at all concidring this was a timeperiod where the Jedi's were all but extinct. All of a sudden Light Jedi Councils popped up and even Dark Jedi Councils (yeah, right, like any of those 2 would ever be allowed by the Emperor). This was just one of many game features that totally destroyed the illusion of playing in the Star Wars universe a la 1ABY and onwards.


I thought maybe the space expansion would help me get the Star Wars feeling back. But no luck there either. It did not feel like Star Wars at all, with ships skidding along like Bambi on ice. And to add to insult, the HUD didn't even resemble any previously established HUDs from the many great Star Wars Space Sims. You know what it looks like? Exactly the same as Wing Commander 3 and onwards.

Why you ask?

Well, that's what happens when you hire one of the people heading up the creation of WC to lead a Star Wars game expansion. :rolleyes:


Well, enough of my rant for now.


I miss Star Wars Galaxies alot, the freedom, the vast open areas, the town building, and most of all, my beloved Associates (=A= for life). But when I left this game, it was no longer Star Wars to me. It was some kind of messed up space-time continium freak show that was totally alien to me. ;)

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