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Carth's Unexplained Dissapearance.

Darth Xander

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Hey people, I have a problem. I have started K1 over with only BoS, Korriban Workbench, Korriban Crystal caves and my own lightsaber installed.

And I am still on Taris and I have just finished fighting Bendak Starkiller and I have collected the bounty only to realise that Carth has just "left" my party.

I can't get him back. I have tried attaching his join party scripts to some dlgs I have encountered yet but that doesn't work! Any ideas?

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It didn't I'll just have to wait until I get to Dantooine because then I get him back. Just so long as he or his dialog isn't needed from where i am I am now (sewers) and Dantooine I'll be ok.


When it happened to me, he returns when you all meet back at the hideout after the swoop race.

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If you're brave enough for GFF editing, you could try the following:


In windows explorer, locate the savegame in which Carth is missing. Using KGFF, open up PARTYTABLE.res.




No guarantees that will fix it, but it's the first thing I'd try if I was in your position.

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If you're brave enough for GFF editing, you could try the following:


In windows explorer, locate the savegame in which Carth is missing. Using KGFF, open up PARTYTABLE.res.


snip : )


No guarantees that will fix it, but it's the first thing I'd try if I was in your position.



Wow. Reminisce.


Remember when it was all gff editing?


[Old Man]"These young folk today have it so good. When I was a kid...." [/Old Man]


And remember DLGEdit? That was one of my favorite programs, even if there were alot of numbers to press. Wow. Good times.



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