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Do you hate to pay every month?


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Not at all. It's one reason I enjoy mmo type games, even though I'm only playing my 2nd one now. It's roughly 50 cents per day and to me, it sure beats paying 50-60 bucks for each new game that you beat and get bored of in a week. A mmo is always progressing, moving forward [though IMO SWG was a mmo that actually moved backwards, but that's a whole other story] so I have no problem paying for it. And hey, if you do get bored, you can hit the cancel button and watch for updates that you think might be fun.

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yeah i agree with Taos, prior to SWG i was buying every game in sight, after i bought SWG, that was ALL i played, and it saved me a TON of $$$. lol and yeah, i agree about about the hitting the cancel button when i get bored, that's what i did back in august when i bought my xbox 360 (had friends that have the 360 and xbox live so i knew i was missing out on some of that) but now i've been on a 6 month leave and i am wanting back in so bad cause of all the stuff i missing out on. gunships?! damn i am like 1 box away from ace. and the imp assault gunboat is JUST what i wanted from the start. so yeah.


I should be back online in half a month at least.

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While it being free monthly would be nice, I don't mind paying monthly for it. 15 per month is less than I spent on spicy pork rinds, and I get more enjoyment out of the game(though I do love my spicy pork rinds haha). You can spend more in one night at a bar than you do on 3 months of the game. Even with my 2 accounts, I still only spend 30 a month, and have multiple nights at home where I would have just blown $100 at a bar. I'm saving munneez

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