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Q: Is SWG dying? A: NO. A returning player's thoughts


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  • 2 weeks later...

3dbones has a bloody good point- The only thing makes new galaxies not as good as old galaxies is the lack of players. I can walk round Mos Eisley on Wanderhome and not see a single player. On one of my characters, i turned up to try and get the hero of the empire and there was no one else there, much in contrast to my character on Europe-Chimera who has to contest with about 40 other players every hour!

Merge Servers, scrap the unpopular ones, bring the game back to its old hights!

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Guest DarthMaulUK

It's such a shame that NGE has caused so much damage to Galaxies and its longer term effects are clear to see for everyone.


The game is totally different to the game from 2005 NGE and is better for it. But as mentioned, the lack of players now on some servers has a huge impact. I really think that a server merge is a must to keep the game alive.

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so i checked my email today, to find a 5 yr aniversary email from soe, inviting me to play swg again for free for a few days. well, i dont pass up free game time... so as im waiting for 101 patches to download, i started reading.


ive been a long time swg player... from not long after the beta testing, and have seen a lot of the game. wont throw in any personal comments about pre cu and all that... who cares? it is what it is now.


i have also played wow and uo, and enjoy (as almost everyone here has expressed) the commradary of a full server... they dont call it "massively multiplayer" for nothing!!


I logged in about a yr ago, with another try it free promotion, to find almost all servers abandoned, and the only people online to be spammers. what happened to the days of selling medical buffs outside of coruscant?? ohh those were the days.


i cant say i have anything really productive to say other than i look forward to finding a new server, and trying it out for a few days... needless to say if i go a week and dont talk to another live person, like i did last time... im outta here again... but i sure hope that isnt the case! soe is sitting on a potential gold mine here... with no other storyline is there a greater cult following, you think they could figure out how to make the game appealing....

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sooo....based on what Ive read, SWG has turned fag since the CU...therefore im guessing it wouldnt be worth buying for a new player?? I'd like the opinion of vets and new players, b/c I really like the MMORPG elements of the beloved sw series...but im not sure if its worth the money due to many players leaving the game.


*I have never played swg before the NGE came out...

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I've played since 05, there is so much content, items, quest's it's unbelievable, but YOU have to make the game enjoyable, you need to get out there and learn and achieve everything, make friends, join a Guild, network, It's great. A lot of people come on dont speak to anyone or ask for help, get bored and leave, this aint a pick up and go fps, you could spend years on the same Character, It took me 18 months to cl90 my first toon, but I enjoyed it. but anyway the Players that are Leaving have left, anybody on now is newer or happy with the Game, as I said before, Chilastra is Buzzing atm, we have 200 (atleast 150 active) members just in our Guild lol

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like what adamqd said, its up to you to make your experience interesting. There will always be times in any game where you wont come across anyone, or no one will be online that you know and there will be nothing to do, and there are servers that are dead (like my mains server of Scylla) but if you join a crowded server there will be just as much to do as any other mmo, plus more. The set-up of the game is completely up to you, if you like first person shooters you can make this game into one, if you like WoW's hotkey click to attack type fighting you can do that, if you know how to use macros they have those, and the one thing that i haven't seen in any other game is the real time flight simulator.


Is the game dead? Not even close. The developers have been hammering away at issues in the game making them even more exciting, they just recently revised A LOT of the professions to make them even more interesting. Plus they will be releasing Hoth into the game, there is too many updates and too many people playing to even think that its a dead game.


The people who say that it is a dead game have no clue what they are talking about, they just want to tell everyone that its dead cause they don't want people to play it. They are the same whining faggits that complained in the pre-cu that they couldn't become a jedi and rather then earning the title they complained to get it changed, so it was changed, and then they whined that it was changed getting all pissed off at the developers saying that it was their fault and then ran to their mothers crying that they lost everything because of their own retarded actions. Don't listen to the faggits who say its a dead game, THEY are the reason that THEIR game was destroyed, this is no longer THEIR game, you need to make up your own mind. and i still see them waiting to whine about the Emu's that are being developed for the Pre-CU. All the posts of "it had better be exactly like the original game" or "we want this added into it" even though its not from pre-cu. The emu is gonna go up, something is going to go wrong and the whine fest is going to start all over again because the developers of the emu are going to want to play the game and not listen to a bunch of whining faggits.


and don't base your info off of how active this forum is, its cool and very helpful, but the main SWG forums are much better for the game. I only use this one because I'm at work and they wont allow me on the main forums.

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  • 1 year later...
I only use this one because I'm at work and they wont allow me on the main forums.




haha i feel your pain!!! im at work right now and this is really the only active forums that im not blocked from.


as for this question im not the best expert (and i know this is a very old thread). however i did play this game when it was launched.


pre cu was fun real fun. i was one of the many that quit once we heard about the changes that were coming. people dont like change because there afraid bottom line. people dont want to try anything new and they post and whine to people that still play the game because they THINK if enough players quit they will get there way. Obviously SOE isnt willing to budge and give them everything how it was. Although from what i hear changes are being made slowly. There is simply no point if you use to play the game to troll forums and complain and try and get people to quit or not even start. The game is what you make it. Two good ideas that will get more people playing


1) is stop whining about the way things were and give it a shot

2) they need to merge some of the servers with low population


If your looking for a server thats got a population come to chilastra and hit me up ingame



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