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A moment of your time..


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Hello , my exams are coming very close, and well it has been very difficult, maths and science especially, but that is not the main point, I just would like to say thank you to everyone who helped me in modding , from becoming a noboy at modding to a pro (or I think I am!).


Hello Silveredge9 , Quanon , Darthstoney, RedHawke, Darthrevan234, sithspecter , Darth Xander .... Thk you...


P.S I am not losing 'it' , or becoming mad due to exams.

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While we do appreciate the thanks, unfortunately this thread is off-topic for Holowan Labs (just about everywhere else too, except maybe Ahto... so I'll move this there, but no guarentees it won't get closed there.)


Edit: See I told you so! :xp:

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I think it's very nice, bindo, that you want to thank people for their help. However, it's probably better off done in PM than in a thread, since there's not a whole lot to discuss, as Astro noted.

I'll close the thread instead of deleting it so they can see your thank you's. :)

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