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[Fic] Just the Way You Are

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Mission sat alone in the cargo hold. Again. There were so many Jedi on board... it almost seemed like she was alone, even though the Ebon Hawk was always full. Even Zaalbar was off in another part of the ship, leaving her alone with her thoughts. She peeked into one of the storage containers to see if there were any rations she could snitch. Nothing. She sighed and sat down on the container.


"Get lost!" came a shout from down the hall. There was a large crash and another angry shout from Canderous, prompting Mission to poke her head out of the cargo hold. She ducked as a hydrospanner whizzed past her head, bouncing off of the wall just inches from one of her lekku. A pair of small gizka came scurrying into the cargo hold in a frantic attempt to avoid Canderous' wrath.


"Watch it, you big jerk!" Mission shouted back, ignoring the Mandalorian's fading grumbles as she returned to the safety of the cargo hold. The two gizka could barely be seen hiding behind the cargo container she had been using a chair. She walked toward them and knelt down next to the creatures, tenderly rubbing one of them behind one of the knobs that served as ears. The other nudged her hand in protest. "You just ignore that big bad Mandalorian," she advised the small animals as she sat down next to them, leaning against the cargo container. She picked the two gizka up and set them in her lap, much to their delight.


"What are you doing?" Carth asked from the entrance to the hold, giving Mission that stern fatherly look which always somehow managed to make her feel like a little girl.


"I'm talking to the gizka," she told him. "Can't you tell?"


"Why are you talking to gizka?" Carth asked, folding his arms over his chest. It was obvious he thought she had lost her mind.


"Canderous tried to kill them," Mission told him with a sly grin, "and they needed some comforting."


"Comfo--" Carth asked, pausing in the middle of the word. He simply shook his head, waving his hand in disgust as he left.


"Don't you listen to them," Mission said as she scratched one of the gizka on the back, smiling as it cooed in appreciation. "You're perfect just the way you are."

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It's a little on the short side, but that doesn't hurt it any. I liked it; it's so very like Mission to like the Gizka. And though you didn't state it outright, it's obvious they make her happy... and it goes the other way around, also. Short and sweet. Well done.

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