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A 'religious problem' I need help with


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I'm raised by Christian parents as well, but I don't believe in all this. I'm not religious in any way. I'm not atheist, I'm the anti-christ. Science has proved many things that Christians just can't accept. For example:

When the earth was young, the continents were all gathered together (Pangaea) and when tectonic shifts in the crust of the earth started, the land mass broke apart. When that happened, the water covered most of the land, until the heavy shifts that broke Pangaea up made the 7 continents. Then the land rose up again. The Christians believed that was god 'cleansing' the earth.

As for dinosaurs; a meteor. The earth being made; 1 billion year process that started with the sun and a galaxy worth of gases. The christians have a twisted sense on how everything happens, just like the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. They say their different, but they are just alike.


I believe in the existance of Jesus, but what I don't believe is him being born from a virgin mother (Mary), rising from the dead, and having all these powers.

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