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TSL Stops working


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As soon as I enter the ebon hawk for the first time at Atris's polar academy, and the cutscene plays, the screen goes totally dark no matter what I do to the brightness settings and the cutscene about the Exile's trial is never played. It's just darkness, though I can bring up the save menu and the graphics stuff. What could have caused this? I took out every mod and it still happens.

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  • 2 months later...

I myself have been having a similar problem. Mine lies when you go to Dantooine the second time. After you reboard the Ebon Hawk after Kreia going to Atris and your talking to Atton, right after you finish with him everything goes dark. I can get the menu and everything as well. But it all remains dark. I've already tried reloading the save, reloading the game, and both do nothing to fix the problem. It continues to go dark on me.

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I think it's an occasional bug, I've encountered it myself.


I've only encountered once, it just fades out. Reload and try again, that worked for me.


Yeah, this is the solution that worked for me as well.


Try restarting the game or computer and see if the problem persists.

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I find a workaround when it did that. Just Warped to Telos, and was back on track. If it happens again I will let ya know, I expect it will. Anyways not sure what I have installed atm. I would have to find the files I downloaded and see what they are. Which is why I didn't post them at the time. I'm tempted to pull them anyways and reinstall.


Mods installed


Force Power Lightsabre Floating (Thinking of just getting rid of this one, when I use this power I got the bug that doesn't make the guys holding them invisible)

Dark Apprentice: Holowan Consortium

"Fork" Short Lightsabres v1.0

Dragon Axe

EZ Swoop

Nar Shaddaa Hidden Complex

High Level Force Powers (and it's update)

New undies for female Exile (this one I am thinking of just getting rid of. Isn't one of the best mods in my opinion)


And thats it.

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