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KotOR: Frontlines


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Okay guys, defense of the Sith capital ship is about 75% done. I know that this is taking me longer than the Republic part, but that's because the Sith ship is, well, a whole lot bigger xD.


However, I'm going on vacation for a week to Canada (eh?). Hopefully, a few days after I get back, I can post some more screenies.


I just didn't want you guys thinking I had given this up xD

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This idea sounds interesting, but it doesn't make much sense to me that the player would fight for the Sith. I mean, the Sith try to kill you regardless of your alignment, and they'll let you fight battles in their war? Seems a bit odd.


On the other hand, maybe they don't recognize you.

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  TKA-001 said:
This idea sounds interesting, but it doesn't make much sense to me that the player would fight for the Sith. I mean, the Sith try to kill you regardless of your alignment, and they'll let you fight battles in their war? Seems a bit odd.


Yes i was wondering about that to and still am. Could you enlighten me?

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  TKA-001 said:
This idea sounds interesting, but it doesn't make much sense to me that the player would fight for the Sith. I mean, the Sith try to kill you regardless of your alignment, and they'll let you fight battles in their war? Seems a bit odd.


On the other hand, maybe they don't recognize you.


Actually, every time that the Sith attack you in the game, it's because you've done something to anger them.


1. When on the Endar Spire, you're on the Republic crew, and hence, they attack.


2. When you exit the apartment on Taris, they realize that humans hiding in an apartment must be Republic fugitives, and therefore attack you. (Note, this is an isolated incident in which they determine that you are from the Republic, and such circumstances cannot be determined in the other situations.)


3. When you infiltrate the Sith base on Taris, they naturally attack you because you are an intruder.


4. When you infiltrate the Sith base on Manaan, you are once again intruding upon them, and they want to defend their recovered Republic droid, so they attack.


5. On the Leviathan, since you are prisoners of the Sith, they naturally attack you.


6. When on the Star Forge, all guards have most likely been instructed to kill any unfamiliar presences, and so they attack.


Basically what I'm saying is that the Sith do not simply walk up to you on the street and stick a vibroblade in your chest. For example, when you're walking around on Taris, they come within feet of you, but don't attack.


I'd also like to point out that you are accepted into the Sith Academy on Korriban, which is arguably the heart of Malak's Dark Jedi establishment. You are asked to become a Dark Jedi in the service of Malak, and you have hundreds of Dark Jedi and armed Sith guards swarming around you, and you are accepted without question. I think that if you can be accepted into the heart of the Sith Empire, you can do some infantry work for them.


So there :D

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Yes but what about the cases on Tatooine and Kasyyck, there you walk on the street, 3 Dark Jedi's see you and atack you. Ok sure they have been given instructions to kill you but then again i guess all Dark Jedi's did and i doubt there will be none of them in your project.


But with the explanations you have given i can more than accept this. :)

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  DarthRevan243 said:
Is this like, a total conversion?


Do you not read?


  HP said:
This mod will add two NPCs to the game. One will be a Sith Draft Officer, who will be in the Sith Academy on Korriban. The other will be a Republic Draft Officer, who will be in the Republic Embassy on Manaan. The purpose of both of these NPCs will be to recruit soldiers to send to the front lines of battle.


I plan to have 4 options available to the player, 2 through the Sith, and 2 through the Republic. For example, as a Sith, you can choose to be a reinforcement on a Sith Interductor Ship, which will be attacked while you're on it. You can also choose to be part of a strike team that will board a Republic vessel, with the aim of either destroying it or obtaining enemy intelligence. Through the Republic Officer, you have the same options, but switched around. i.e. instead of boarding a Republic ship, you would board a Sith ship, and instead of reinforcing a Sith ship, you would reinforce a Republic ship.


Looks awesome HP, I look forward to release, if I may make one suggestion, in the dialogue I would think it best to give Revan a task only Jedi can complete, hence it be something only you can do ;)


Just my 2 cents :)

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  HodgePodge said:
What kind of task did you have in mind?


Actually nothing different to what you were planning, so when you do one of the four missions; When speaking to the recruitment officer they will say something like; I see your holding a lightsaber - I have a very tough and important mission for my Infantry and they could do with your help.... Kind of line.

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  Darth Payne said:
Well, the republic has Jedi commanders as do the sith.


The task could be that you'd have take a location that is defended by a Jedi commander and padawan/apprentice?


This idea could be used for both sides.


Hmmm...I actually really, really like that idea :D


When I get back home, I'll see what I can do ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay guys, here's the deal. I'm putting this and all my mods on hold for a bit. Why? Well, I have a lot of personal stuff going on right now, I just got a new job, my friend's in the hospital, and I'm now a GM on a WoW Private server (If you have WoW, I recommend checking it out, url is http://www.wowforsakenkingdom.com ) I might re-visit the whole modding thing later, when I have time. Until then, peace out guys.

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Please make this for TSL too after you finish this for K1. But because you already fight in ships in TSL- twice, in Harbinger and Ravager- you should make this with ground attacks/defenses. I can help you with scenarios- I am an expert of ground battles :D

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  TheExile said:
Please make this for TSL too after you finish this for K1. But because you already fight in ships in TSL- twice, in Harbinger and Ravager- you should make this with ground attacks/defenses. I can help you with scenarios- I am an expert of ground battles :D


He just said that this wouldn't be finished for awhile! :confused:


@HodgePodge - Very sad to hear that your friend is in the hospital. Congratulations on getting a new job and becoming a GM.


I hope you come back eventually and finish this mod. ;)

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