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Knight of Alderaan (Public BETA)

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Yay for my first mod! Originally entitled "Zaen Benax recruitment mod", I thought it was just too dull. So, you have "Knight of Alderaan". I personally believe that this could be considered a small add-on mod, though it could also be considered a recruitment mod. But I digress. The mod is found here!




My previous "mod", which had barely an content besides the ability to recruit Zaen, can be found here, though the forum is long dead, so don't revive it...




Excerpt from the Readme...


=====Summary of Major Plot Additions=====

*The first major addition to the game is the inclusion of Zaen Benax, a Alderaanian who has killed a Jedi and is now on the run from the Jedi Order. His story begins several quests, including meeting a Jedi Master on Tatooine, killing a lustful Jedi on Dantooine, and a fight on the Ebon Hawk.


*I always thought it was odd that the only Jedi you saw (that weren't being killed by Malak) were seen on Dantooine and the Star Forge. Of course they were being hunted by Malak, but I honestly doubt Malak would scour worlds like Tatooine for Jedi. Keeping that in mind, I have added about five Jedi that you can encounter on your journey, some you have met before, some are brand new. Whether they are familiar or not, each of them plays a key role in the story.


*In the quest entitled "The Fate of Aranod and Silvas", you learn of a former Jedi Padawan named Silvas who was captured by the Sith during the fight for the Endar Spire. His quest starts on Taris, when a Republic soldier informs you of his Master's fate. It is left up in the air until Korriban, when you enter a newly added tomb and learn of Silvas' fate.


*Finally, you learn that Malak has been experimenting with Sith troopers in experimental procedures known as the ARC project. The subjects of the aforementioned project you first meet in the Tomb of Simus. However, they play a major role as you progress in the story, until you

eventually meet their creator and attempt to put an end to the ARC project.


*Every one of these stories come to an end in two new areas, Zaen and the ARC project's stories end on Alderaan, a new planet you can visit after you escape the Leviathan (post-BETA). The tale of Silvas and the Jedi ends on Dantooine, which you can now travel to after you complete the Leviathan and attempt to liberate the Enclave from its Sith occupiers.


=====Future post-BETA Changes=====

*A custom head on Zaen, Theoclymenos, and Silvas.

*Implementation of several new items and minor quests.

*Replacement of all of T3's post-Dantooine dialog.

*The Jedi Enclave will be remodeled so it actually looks like it's been destroyed.


*Possibly a mission on a cruiser before landing on Dantooine (during Liberation).

*A new planet to visit - Alderaan.

*A way to reach Dantooine and the Tomb of Simus without talking to Theoclymenos and Galon Lor, respectively, plus, a way to leave Dantooine without talking to C8-44.


Now, for the screenshots, because everybody loves screenshots :)








Thanks to all the forumites from Holowan labs who made the tutorials/tools that made this possible, and thanks also to those Holowan forumites who had the patience and time to answer my ridiculously n00bish questions. :)


Have fun playing, and be sure to report any glitches/bugs either here or by email. This is the BETA after all.

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  • 1 month later...
*I always thought it was odd that the only Jedi you saw (that weren't being killed by Malak) were seen on Dantooine and the Star Forge. Of course they were being hunted by Malak, but I honestly doubt Malak would scour worlds like Tatooine for Jedi. Keeping that in mind, I have added about five Jedi that you can encounter on your journey, some you have met before, some are brand new. Whether they are familiar or not, each of them plays a key role in the story.


Who says they were the only one's you met? They are the only one's that you met and knew about, maybe the other Jedi you met were undercover and trying to remain unnoticed, like those that survived Order 66.


And Malak had Dark Jedi stationed on Tatooine as well... so maybe they killed them all.

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  • 1 year later...

I have an issue, when exactly will everything happen. Like when will the Silvas sith tomb event start? I can't find the tomb, and when will happen the Arc Soldiers thing? And what about the liberation of Dantooine? And must I kill the Jedi Council to be able to proceed? And why will I only have once the time to talk with Zaen about his past?

Any help?

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