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[K1] TakeGoldFromCreature Script Error?


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Alright, I'm ashamed at myself for even asking this question :(


Anyway, I looked at "Frequently used script functions" copied/pasted the TakeGoldFromCreature script, and pasted it as so...


void main()
TakeGoldFromCreature( GetFirstPC(),1000);


But it gives me this compilation error...


ERROR: Type mismatch in parameter 1 call to "TakeGoldFromCreature".


Any ideas on how I can fix this? I feel like a massive n00b, cuz I can't figure out the problem, I must be staring right at it, lol.

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I searched "TakeGoldFromCreature" in KotOR Tool and this script came up...

void main()

       int nCredits = GetScriptParameter( 1 );
 	TakeGoldFromCreature ( nCredits, GetFirstPC () );


It looks related enough to the script you tried, so I'm guessing you can use this script above.

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It doesn't look like it, but it is the "d" and the ")" are touching. I tried it without them touching, but it returns the same error.


*Edit* I tried the script you entered, Da_Man, but it returned this error...


Undeclared Identifier: GetScriptParameter.

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I'm at the fraying end of my scripting knowledge...


Just looked in KotOR Tool, and I can suggest the gold amount than the GetFirstPC()....


I don't know if that helps, but it's all I can do.



Otherwise, sit tight and hope that people who actually understand scripting will start helping!

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You had the script reversed; I just used KotOR Tool & corrected the script:


void main()
TakeGoldFromCreature(1000, GetFirstPC());


It looks for the amount of credits to take, then it looks for who to take it from. It was only a minor error; I'm sure we all make them from time to time. :)

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I'm almost positive it will not work correctly.


Because it returns true.


That's weird.


Mine was wrong; use Ferc's and you'll be fine.



ForeverNight is correct, it's not a conditional and TRUE/FALSE is used in other scripts that are not conditionals. It's just an extra parameter for that script command.


From nwscript.nss:

// 444: Take nAmount of gold from oCreatureToTakeFrom.
// - nAmount
// - oCreatureToTakeFrom: If this is not a valid creature, nothing will happen.
// - [b]bDestroy: If this is TRUE, the caller will not get the gold.  Instead, the[/b]
//   [b]gold will be destroyed and will vanish from the game[/b].
void TakeGoldFromCreature(int nAmount, object oCreatureToTakeFrom, int bDestroy=FALSE);

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Anyway, I looked at "Frequently used script functions" copied/pasted the TakeGoldFromCreature script, and pasted it as so...


TakeGoldFromCreature( GetFirstPC(),1000);


Hmm, seems to be an error in that post. The parameters should be the other way around. The amount of credits to take first, then the object to take the credits from (and an optional third parameter if you want the credits to be destroyed rather than moved to the inventory of the object running the script).


I've fixed the post in the tutorial thread. Odd that nobody has noticed that before. :)


So you'd get:

void main() {
   TakeGoldFromCreature(1000, GetFirstPC());


If you aren't already you probably want to check that the player actually has 1000 gold first as well. You can use the GetGold() function to do that. If this is done via a dialog you can use a conditional script like:

int StartingConditional() {
   return (GetGold(GetFirstPC()) >= 1000);

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