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Juhani vs. Visas Marr


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I agree with Salzella ;)


Ignoring my bias, I'd give Juhani the advantage in any category involving combat, with lightsaber or with no weapons.


I'd give Visas the advantage in any category involving the use of force powers, including the all out battle.


Me to but visas is oone of my favourite caracters in K2 and i never really enjoyed playing juhani as much as some of the others. but i really need to buy K1 and complete iit as i have borrowed it from a friend and nearly completed it on my xbox but i have an xbox 360 now and need to start it again =/ lol:lol:

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Visas was my favorite party member to take along with me in K2. Once she was leveled up, she had all the force powers of Kreia.


I didn't dislike Juhani, but I only started using her when Bastila left my party and was no longer an option. I always had Jolee with me.


So yes, I definitely prefer Visas as a character, but back on topic, I'd give Juhani the edge in hand-to-hand (or saber-to-saber) combat. I'd give Visas the edge in the use of the force.

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I never liked kreia i don't know why but i just never used her apart from when i had no choice, i always seemed to prefer mira, Atton, handmaiden, Visas. but the force is sooooo... fun lol i love using stasis field and freezeing everybody but the person u use it on cause its funny =]

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I never liked kreia i don't know why but i just never used her apart from when i had no choice, i always seemed to prefer mira, Atton, handmaiden, Visas. but the force is sooooo... fun lol i love using stasis field and freezeing everybody but the person u use it on cause its funny =]


Eughh Visas annoyed me.

At least she was better than Kreia.


Handmaiden was quite good, (playing as a male exile) :^: a big improvement from the Disciple.

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Eughh Visas annoyed me.

At least she was better than Kreia.


Handmaiden was quite good, (playing as a male exile) :^: a big improvement from the Disciple.


I liked Visas because she was a unique character and an interesting LS character. Although Brianna is more common among SW characters, the Exile had to earn her trust before she could become a jedi or fall in love. Visas simply surrendered herself w/out question... I'd love to actually see that!

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I liked Visas because she was a unique character and an interesting LS character. Although Brianna is more common among SW characters, the Exile had to earn her trust before she could become a jedi or fall in love. Visas simply surrendered herself w/out question... I'd love to actually see that!




I think any girl would go for the first guy she saw, after living with Nihilus.


But ahhh well, Brianna beat her to him. :xp:

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I think any girl would go for the first guy she saw, after living with Nihilus.


But ahhh well, Brianna beat her to him. :xp:


Talking to either one is like talking to a wall. They show some emotion and give words of wisdom, but don't give their lifestory. That's why I go for Juhani more than most K2 hawk crew. That actually enriched the Exile's past more than anyone else's.

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Talking to either one is like talking to a wall. They show some emotion and give words of wisdom, but don't give their lifestory. That's why I go for Juhani more than most K2 hawk crew. That actually enriched the Exile's past more than anyone else's.


If you thought Brianna and Handmaiden were bad, take a look at Atton and Disciple...

But it is true that hardly any K2 characters say much - damn the creators for cutting most of it.

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haha i just used both of them but i got Visas after my first planet so i was happy.


Does anyobdy else ever find it hard to pick a crew cause i like nearly everybody in the crew and find it hard to choose who too take, with me. i started to take the people who suited the place with me, like Atton for Narr Shadaar and Visas for korriban lol=].

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I find it hard (to pick a crew) at times only because I always want to bring the same people, so I think I miss out on some potential dialogue with the other characters I don't bring with me. I always prefer to bring other Jedi (or force users) with me. This time (my 2nd playthrough) I will turn all of my crew into Jedi, which I didn't do during my first time through. That should make it easier to pick other characters this time.

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I do too, at times. With K1, there is some logic in awitching party members, namely their side quests, making it reasonable to have Jolee on Manaan, or Carth on Korriban.


K2 has no real party sidequests, so I usually end up taking the same people around. I always prefered Handmaiden to Visas, and Mira is a favorite so when I´m a male, its usually those two. In K2, I don´t care for the male party members that much: Atton was...okay at best for me, only his humor was likeable to me...Mandelore, eh liked the Candy better, and don´t even get me started on Disciple. :xp: K1 had better ones- Jolee alone owns all three of them.


I liked Bao Dur though I never really use him. If he only had more dialogue...


Actually, turning the whole crew into jedi just makes it harder to pick really. But its something you should go for every game.



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Yeah, if I knew I could have turned them all Jedi during my first playthrough I would have. I will definitely do it this time around. I mostly took Kreia with me, for her force powers, and Mira for the range ability (I was melee guardian). When I got Visas leveled up I used her instead of Kreia. The others I rarely used.


I also always had Jolee with me in K1.

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My first playthrough, I only managed to turn Handmaiden. :lol: I don´t knoww how she was the only one, as Mira is way easier, but whatever.


Who have you already jedified Gurges-Ahter?


The party members make varying degrees of jedi, so I was wondering what level of jedi you are used to among them.



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My first time through I Jedi'd no one. That's why I always used Visas and/or Kreia in my party. I later realized I had Brianna ready to Jedi, when I screwed it up by getting too close to Visas. I screwed up Mira's from the start. I never talked to or used Atton.


This time through I haven't gotten far enough to Jedi anyone, but I at least know how to do it (with the help of an influence guide).

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I screwed up Mira's from the start.


Screwed up Mira´s? Did you lose a ton influence with her or something? All I´ve ever had to do to jedify her was talk to her. :confused: Despite what many guides say, you don´t have to take Mira to Onderon to get enough influence ;) (Just in case your´s says you have to.)


I find that Handmaiden and Disciple make the best jedi. Atton and Mira make okay jedi. Bao Dur is the hardest to jedify but he can´t wear robes so he is severly limited. :(



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Yeah I think I messed up during the initial conversation with Mira. I tried too hard to hit on her, which didn't go over that well with influence.



Oh, I didn´t know that hitting on her lost influence...geez mine must be like zero with her right about now. :xp: Actually some computer and demolition skill points can help with influencing her. Yeah she is scary (in a good way) as a sith. Blood red hair and all that.


Always found Atton the hardest, as I always manage to piss him off in Atris´acadamy.




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Well at least you played your first game free of outside influence. I found out Kreia was the baddie before I even bought the game. Not that it wasn´t obvious from the first second you saw her. :roleyess: Good luck with all the jedifying!




I never took Kreia out with me - second I got a chance to leave her out of my party, I did.


on my first play through I didn't get them all to be Jedi - I got Atton, Disciple and Mira, but not Bao-Dur. He was soo difficult to jedify. And you'd have thought, out of all of the others, he'd trust your character more!


Yeah I think I messed up during the initial conversation with Mira. I tried too hard to hit on her, which didn't go over that well with influence.


You can lose influence for that? :confused: I didn't. On the male Exile of course...

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