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Restored Dustil!

Revan 411

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Hello everyone.:)


If you haven't noticed I'm currently restoring the Dustil Contact on Korribon and I'm almost done with it too except that I'm having trouble with it.


The 711KOR files when i put them in my Modules folder my game crash's and when it doesn't it becomes bugged and the door leading out won't open and nothing moves or talks:(


So i need help with that and I'll post screen shots of what I'm done with this problem.


So far i have done editing the utc file and the dialogue file and i'm done with the VO for him as well now i just need to find out how to fix my problem I'm having with him and then it will be out.


So if you have a solution to this problem then feel free to post it on this thread.

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Hello everyone.:)


If you haven't noticed I'm currently restoring the Dustil Contact on Korribon and I'm almost done with it too except that I'm having trouble with it.


The 711KOR files when i put them in my Modules folder my game crash's and when it doesn't it becomes bugged and the door leading out won't open and nothing moves or talks:(


So i need help with that and I'll post screen shots of what I'm done with this problem.


So far i have done editing the utc file and the dialogue file and i'm done with the VO for him as well now i just need to find out how to fix my problem I'm having with him and then it will be out.


So if you have a solution to this problem then feel free to post it on this thread.



...Did you put all of the files that were originally there and then yours that you added into the packer when you made the *.mod file?


It's happening because the game is trying to create something it doesn't have the files for, usually.



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So will the VOs be voiced by somone else or are they silent or is there exsiting audio files from the original voice actor


The VO is all done and I already recorded them although i did not record them i had a voice Actor to record them for me and Big Thanks go's out to him.


You know who you are..:xp:

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It has been sometime since I handled these types of files, but shouldn't 711Kor.git be in the override folder? Also, shouldn't n_jedicounm003 have .utc or .utp on the end or something? (I belive its .utc)


You are correct. I also believe that gits go in the override.

You are also correct in the utc. UTC is the "Universal Template: Character" (I believe. Which might explain uti, utp, ect..)

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