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The False Peace

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Your welcome.


I take it that Gina is like an combat droid. I wonder how that will change the story...


Pretty much, except that she is more streamlined. She not a clunky piece of metal. Unless you knew who she was, you would just think that she is just a 16 year old girl. That is her strength - she looks like an innocent girl - but she can throw a man around like a rag doll - just wait. She is more flexible than the average droid and can learn and think, a sort of cyborg, if you will.


@BFA: yeah thats the impression I wanted to give, but its because of the programming. She was never programed with anything other than combat, languages, and computer skills...no morals or anything. But she is capable of learning and I'm hoping she will slowly learn some human traits. She is curious about them but is too cold and calculating to appreciate them...yet.


The important thingto remember is she is not human, so she will not be acting like one. Picture a 16 year old girl terminator (like the terminator robots from the movies) - she looks human but is an advanced machine. Thanks guys, now I know I'm on the right track with her. :D



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Terminator!!! That movie [well, number 2] has been doing re-runs over and over for like .. the past two - three years!!!!! I can almost recite the whole damn thing! A change from the whole big macho guy terminator though, lol.


Never would expect to see a 16 year old who could practically kill you just by looking at you. [Which would seem ironic, if NOT for the fact that she has crazy laser eyes. .... Does she have crazy laser eyes? :D :D :D ]

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“I’m a hyper-alloy combat unit,” she stated stiffly, “I have living human tissue on the outside and a metal endoskeleton underneath.” Suddenly Gina’s brown eyes glowed with an intense green light as though she had lasers inside of them. Karn gave an involuntary twitch and Marlena jumped back in alarm. As quickly as the glow came, it faded.



Basically her eyes look like a normal humans, but the irises can glow bright green when she wants them to. It is the color of her robot eyes underneath the human ones. She does not shoot lasers out of them or anything. Still I'd be creeped out just to see the glowing.



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Oh, yes, she will be learning all about humans...she has to learn about our emotions (something she as a machine lacks) our nuances and of course our curse words. :D Should have a good time with that one.


I am writing the next chapter -"The Replacements." I'll try to make it short enough to fit in one post.


@Everybody: I am entirely open to suggestion in this fic. If there is a character or aspect that you would like explored more, feel free to say so. My fic is a little character heavy and obviously I can't go into everybody's life story. Obviously Jacen and Virago will be expanded on without saying...but others might depend on who you want to see more deeply into.



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Pretty much, except that she is more streamlined. She not a clunky piece of metal. Unless you knew who she was, you would just think that she is just a 16 year old girl. That is her strength - she looks like an innocent girl - but she can throw a man around like a rag doll - just wait. She is more flexible than the average droid and can learn and think, a sort of cyborg, if you will.

Ah, I see. Thank you for elaborating. :golfclap:


I am looking forward to the next chapter. :)

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Gina is fast becoming my favorite character. :D Funny you should have a Terminator-like character right at this time...I just saw T1 and T2 for the first time.


Okay, I just read your fic! I love it! There's a little comma trouble, but that's it. The 'death' scene for Durin was really, really good! Very emotional.


About the traitor--I knew it was Nayaka! I just knew it! It's always the character you least suspect! :lol: Now Tarin's gonna save Jacen's rear at some point, I'll bet!


lol, sorry. That's what my sis says about some stuff I write and DON'T post (thankfully). "It's always the one that couldn't be the bad guy, isn't it?" Argh, I have this great villain and he's dark and scary and mean and is totally gonna get creamed by my main character later...but what I haven't said is who he is! (Guess what, my sis has almost figured out who it is. [sigh]) Don't even get me started on this subject! Now to figure out a rabbit trail for her to follow...


Sorry about the rant. ;)


Back to your story! I can't wait to hear more, HOP. Keep it up! :xp:

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Ah, yes, commas and I do not get along. :xp:


Since Gina is getting such positive support, I think I'll expand on her more. I plan to have all the storylines (Jace, CCI, Virago, Jacen out doing his thing) meet at some point. So she will probably join the heroes of the story soon enough. Ah poor Virago, imagine him being stuck with Aruil and Gina. (who are my personal favorites because they are strange)


Endorenna: Thank you for reading, new readers are hard to come by in the CEC so thank you and thank you BFA! I don't want to give away too much, but I can tell you that you are right about one thing. ;)



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It has been a week since this story had been updated... I'm sorry it took so long for this feedback to reach it.


This was a great addition to your tale and I would say that your writing shows noticeable improvements in segregating the pause for detail while not getting encumbered by level of description. I like how the majority of your dialog is spoken and voids actions outside what is demanded to know who is speaking and how it is delivered.


In regards to the story(I hate to admit this, but it may just be me)... I lost my attention to the new chapter, but had times where I didn't know where you were going. It may have been that it comes the further the story progresses, but there were times when I pulled my head up and forgot where the last few paragraphs were going. This was just me, but I really liked where you left off more than where you were before.


I am also liking that you've already got some adversity brewing this early on. SiD may be complimented for many things, but it lacks a villain. This is something I'll have on the back of my mind while I'm doing my revision... "No villain? Good thing you reminded me; better put one in! Call him 'George' that's a good name for a villain."


Like where this story is headed. I'll be on the next update like a shark.

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In regards to the story(I hate to admit this, but it may just be me)... I lost my attention to the new chapter, but had times where I didn't know where you were going. It may have been that it comes the further the story progresses, but there were times when I pulled my head up and forgot where the last few paragraphs were going.


Like where this story is headed. I'll be on the next update like a shark.



No problem for the wait, we are all busy at the moment. :)


I added Gina because she causes some tension, but I also wanted to have a powerful person that was not the steroetypical lightsaber weilding jedi. She should spice up the story line a bit, plus she has tons of room for character development.


I know chapters arer going kinda fast but now I have the story lines (except for Jace) where I can start the main story arcs.


Now when you say you didn't know where I was going, is that good or bad? Sorry, I just didn't quite get the first paragraph that I quoted. Could you explain? Thanks.



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Ooh, this chapter was veeeery interesting...

Nakaya was soo trying to hug Jacen so she could nick the chip. :¬: unless it's a set up! And the chip is false. dun dun dunnnn.


Loved Gina's little entrance there. :xp: reminded me of HK a bit, with her nonchalant approach to killing people haha.

Can't wait for the next bit :]

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Thanks Burnseyy! :D


A yes, Gina...sees things logically. Her programming tells her she has to protect Jace and follow his orders, though, these two directives will come into conflict. Logically, if someone is trying to kill Jace, she will kill that person to stop them. We as humans might spare the person because of pity or because we feel it would be morally wrong. Since Gina has no morals or emotions, she genuinely does not understand the "inefficiant" behavior of humans. The only differences between her and HK are that she has a curiosity (it is in her programming to learn) about humans and seems to try to discern why we act as we do, and two is sexy on the outside. :xp:


There will be some controversy about the Nakaya situation next chapter. It's not going to be as easy as "she did, now lets lock her ass up!" Oh, and you meet Jorrin's replacement next chapter...I hope you all hate her as much as I do. :xp:



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A yes, Gina...sees things logically. Her programming tells her she has to protect Jace and follow his orders, though, these two directives will come into conflict. Logically, if someone is trying to kill Jace, she will kill that person to stop them. We as humans might spare the person because of pity or because we feel it would be morally wrong. Since Gina has no morals or emotions, she genuinely does not understand the "inefficiant" behavior of humans. ~HOP


"Why were you going to kill him?!"

"Because I'm a Terminator."




Oh, and you meet Jorrin's replacement next chapter...I hope you all hate her as much as I do. :xp:




Don't worry, I'm sure we will! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

In advance sorry for the dissappointment. Just a summary. The actual chapter should be up in two days at the most. :) I post these because it builds a bit of anticipation for the upcoming chapter.


Chapter Five: The Replacements


Jacen interrogates Nakaya but is cut short and put in custody by a new boss, Reana’ka Norian, who takes charge of CCI in Jorrin’s stead. This vindictively ambitious twi’lek is willing to go to surprising lengths to pry information out of Nakaya. The assassin arrives on Coruscant and Senator Jace finds out about Nakaya and has an idea to solve the problem.



The summary is a bit misleading because a fairly large portion of this chapter is dedicated to Gina and Jace. And (as deemed by Burnseyy) the "crazy kill everyone woman" Mandy will be back, because I enjoy writing for her so much, and I keep finding uses for her.


In order to make the chapters fit into one post, Virago's storyline will not be advanced. Basically from now on, there will be one storyline that will be absent from each chapter, whether it be Virago, Jace, etc.


Sorry for the wait.



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Aww, darn it, you would post a summary! That just makes me want the chapter even more!


Thats the idea. :D I'm cruel, aren't I?


I'm writing more as we speak, but the chapter is long, so instead of using two posts, I am going to split it into two separate ones. One realeased tomorrow, one the day after. A quick decision I know...but hey now you get two chapters in two days.


I feel so mean right now - tantalizing you with another chapter. :xp:



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Chapter 5: The Replacements


The nightlife of Coruscant droned on. Speeders zoomed through the space lanes, the noisy roaring of their engines piercing the night; the gamblers at The Hive continued to play pazaak, unaware that an abduction had occurred on the doorstep of their very building; senators rushed from one sub-committee hearing to the next, debating minute details of legislation that in the long run would do little more than get them reelected. The inhabitants of and the visitors to the city planet and capital had no idea of the events unfolding around them.


Senator Jace sat in his chair, watching the news, but absorbing none of it. He was the only one in his Campeign Headquarters, save for the guards, who was not asleep. The reporter on the news was going on about some sex scandal involving the senator from Correlia, or some other nonsense that didn’t matter. Jace was deep in thought, thinking about the information he had received from CCI. The threat was very real…and the assassin was probably already here on Coruscant.


He was startled out of his thoughts by a shiny black form that stepped between him and the holoscreen with the news. He blinked, focusing his eyes, to see Gina standing over him, right in front of his chair. She was still wearing that tight leather unisuit that showed her every curve, and had a low neckline, showing off her cleavage. Jace made a mental note to order her some new clothes “What?” asked Jace.


“You have not spoken for 37 minutes,” she responded, her eyes unwavering, staring at him.


“I’ve been thinking...” Jace said vaguely, trying to tune her out and escape to his own thoughts again.


Gina’s head twitched to one side, mechanically as though studying him. “About the assassination threat?”


Jace blinked in surprise. “Can you read minds now too?” he asked bluntly, knowing that any social tact would be lost on her anyway.


“No. But I conducted a scan. Your salinity is high, pulse slightly faster – you are under stress. It is probable that the threat on your life is the cause.”


Jace smiled darkly. “And how would you know that?”


Gina continued to stare at him. “Threat of death upsets people,” she said mechanically, as though it was some obscure fact memorized from a textbook.


“Thanks for the tip,” said Jace dryly in his deep voice. “I didn’t know you could do that, the scan that you just did. I think I should know of your capabilities. Can you detect lies?” he inquired, privately thinking that he would have her scan his staff, to make sure they were all clean.


“Electroencephalography?” Gina said, her head tilting straight up again. “Use brain waves to discern whether someone is lying or not?” she added at Jace’s confused look.


“Yes,” said Jace, who was starting to get used to such matter of fact responces. “Yes, that, can you do that?”


Gina blinked once. “No.” She pivoted to the left and started to leave the room.


As much as Jace would have been glad to just be alone he was curious to such the sudden change in the “girl”. One minute she was disturbing him for no apparent reason, and the next she was walking away in the middle of a conversation. “Were are you going?”


She turned to face him. “I’m going to clean the scope of my T-5000 sniper rifle. It has to be combat-ready. Do you want to watch? I can instruct you on proper cleaning techniques. I find humans are insufficient in weapon maintainance and use.”


“I’ll pass,” he boomed. Returning to his own thoughts and the cyborg girl left the room. He sighed. As wary as he was about having such a dangerous cyborg, it was comforting to know that she was on his side. Still, the assassin might have ways around her. The assassin…he was coming and he would be in for a nasty surprise.




A shiny charcoal colored ship shot through the space lanes of Coruscant. The driver wove recklessly between the other speeders and ships, paying no heed to the numerous horns blaring at him. The pilot had a meeting to get to - and he was already late.


After swerving around a cylindrical building, the pilot guided the ship into landing pad 325JP008, which was empty, just as promised. The pilot was a human male with dusty brown hair, and a five o‘clock shadow that gave him a rough appearance. He had a large crescent shaped scar around his left eye. He unbuckled his crash webbing as the ship touched down.


His thick boots made heavy clunks on the floor of his ship. His granite gray eyes fell on the door to his ship’s armory. The ship was a small one, built for speed and quick getaways. It had only two sleeping quarters, and one of them had been converted into an armory. Stripped of the bed and stuffed full of gun racks and plasteel cylinders containing grenades, rockets, and darts, it was crammed full with any weapon that an assassin could possibly use. Far less common were vibroblades, with were much less needed in his line of work. A large glass case full of vials of various poisons, toxins, and bacteria samples took up the back wall.


The man comptemplated whether or not to take any weapons other than the heavily upgraded Mandelorian Pistols strapped to his waist. He should not take anything too big. After all, this meeting was with an employer and suppossedly an “ally.” But the man had been in this business too long to be naïve enough not to take anything. After a breif pause to decide, the man took a smoke grenade and a small assassin pistol and hid them on the inside of his dark leather jacket.


The man strode over to the boarding ramp of his ship and activated it. While his features were perfectly calm, his hand rested lightly on one of the pistols at his waist. The ramp hissed and descended.


Total silence engulfed the hanger. It was lit only by security lights. The man scanned the hanger suspiciously. It was not like his employer to be late – his employers reputation was legendary, one of the few who could rival his own for assassination and bounty hunting. Everything he had heard about this being suggested decisiveness and effectiveness.


Suddenly he heard booming steps approaching from the far side of the hanger. He quicky drew his pistols, aiming where the footsteps were coming from. The security lights only lit half of the hanger, the far end was in total darkness. Out of the darkness, came a hulking ebony-skinned alien with bright yellow eyes. This was not the employer he had expected.


“Where is she?” asked the man in a rough voice.


The alien held his hand out, revealing a portable hologram projector. He carefully placed it on the floor, all the while glaring at the man who did not lower his pistols even a fraction of an inch.


“What the hell is this?” demanded the man. “I didn’t come here to talk with a hologram.”


“My master sets the conditions,” grunted the alien standing up from fiddling with the controls of the projector. Before anything else could be said by either of them, the hologram winked to life, revealing a life-sized form of a woman.


“Miranda Almira?” inquiered the man, now completely ignoring the brutish alien, and instead, giving all his attention to the woman.


“Yes, but just call me Mandy,” said the woman in a silky tone. You are Daksh Tavon?”


The man nodded taking in Mandy’s petite form, “Forgive me, but you don’t look like the tough bounty hunter that I heard about.”


“You thought I would be uglier, more brutish, and covered with a plethora of nasty scars, correct?” said Mandy in her poisonously sweet voice. “Well I thought you would be taller, but we are not here to discuss our physical attributes…and I assure you, if we ever meet, after this deal is done, when we are not working together, I would relish the chance to show you how my reputation was earned.”


She was trying to needle him, and Daksh knew that she was not at all happy that she had to work with him. “Just go over the details,” said the Daksh flatly. He had not come here to play word games with this woman.


“Jace got an upgrade…a good one,” said Mandy. “My employer’s contact inside CCI informed me that Jace has a K-1200 cyborg guarding him day and night. And,” she said looking him up and down a slight sneer on her face, “ it looks like you don’t have enough firepower to handle it.”


Daksh spit on the durasteel floor. “I can handle that walking pile of scrap,” he said gruffly, privatly thinking that if he ever came face to face with this schutta, Mandy, he would snap her like a toothpick.


“Oh, I’m sure you can,” cooed Mandy in a condescending, baby voice, “But just to be on the safe side – Levin!” she suddendly barked.


Out of the darkness strode a second figure, much different from the first. He was a tall, thin, human, with skin the color of Telos’ polar ice cap. He had streaky jet black hair and piercing ice-blue eyes. His face was perfectly shaped, as though he was a sculpture brought to life. He walked with a calm grace. He could not have been more different from the lumbering alien, except that they were of similar height. Completely ignoring Daksh, the man’s eyes seemed glued to Mandy’s hologram.


“Levin,” said Mandy in that sweet tone cracking a wicked snarl, “show him.”


Without a word, the man called Levin stretched out his arm, his fist closing around the alien’s neck. The alien tried to pull Levin off, but despite his bulging muscles against Levin’s thin frame, he was not able to move the man’s fingers a fraction of an inch. With seemingly no effort and an emotionless expression, Levin lifted the gargantuan alien off the ground, the aliens feet dangling a full two feet off the floor.


The alien struggled, gasping for air, his hand feebley reaching for his blaster. To Daksh’s surprise, Levin made no attempt to stop him. The alien, with great difficulty drew his blaster pistol aimed it at Levin’s head and fired.


Levin’s flesh was blasted, leaving a bloody hole; yet something was strange about the wound. The blood stopped flowing from it in a matter of seconds. Daksh narrowed his eyes, which soon opened in shock. Underneath the skin was a glimmer, a shine – metal. Levin was a cyborg.


Levin tightened his grip, and the alien’s neck snapped with an earsplitting crunch that echoed throughout the hanger. He let the alien fall to the floor.


Daksh’s eyes were fixed on the…thing in front of him. Levin was strong…very strong. The cyborg in question, returned his attention to Mandy, looking intently at her as though nothing had happened. His face was quite expressionless.


Daksh pried his eyes away from the split flesh on Levin’s face. Mandy gave Daksh a cold look.


“Now, the playing field is even,” said said in a satisfied voice. Our cyborg against Jace’s.” Mandy fixed Daksh with an ice cold stare. “I have already had to deal with the mistakes of my crew today, and I don’t want to have to deal with another one. But I won’t. If there is another mistake Levin will handle it. Do you understand me?”


She was threatening him. Daksh felt anger boil inside him. He was not used to being treated with such disrespect. Disrespect was something he could handle though…but threats from this woman made him seethe with anger. And judging by the smug look on her face, she knew it. Yet with Levin watching his every move, he was helpless…the prey instead of the hunter. There was only one solution. He would have to finish this mission as quickly as possible and leave this metal man far behind.


Mandy nodded, a maddening smile on her face. “I think you do understand me. Good. Time is short, and I have already wasted precious minutes talking with you. And remember – if Jace does not die…you will.” The hologram blinked off.


Daksh swallowed and turned to Levin. “We have work to do.”




Jacen stood by Marit’s workstation watching Nakaya. She was still sitting in her chair, sipping at her coffee, her eyes red and puffy. She is a good actor, thought Jacen. She’s still acting all upset…as if she gives a damn that Jorrin’s dead. Behind him, Marit was talking on her comm unit to CCI’s Head of Security and Field Operations, Kel Ratrin.


“O.K., thanks Kel,” she murmured. She turned to Jacen “We’re a go.”


Jacen nodded “Lets do it then.” He looked across the room to the sliding doors which lead to the Field Operations Office of CCI. The tinted glass doors slid open. The dark skinned, muscular, Kel Ratrin strode puposefully out of them, flanked on each side by an armed field agent. He saw Jacen, and nodded briskly. Jacen returned the gesture and headed towards the café area from the south side of the room, Kel and his team from the north. The workers closest to the café stopped talking, all eyes following Kel’s progress.


Jacen reached Nakaya first. She looked up from her drink. She sniffed, “Oh, hi, Jacen. What’s up?”


“I think you know exactly what’s up,” Jacen replied coldly.


Nakaya’s eyes widened in fear, and upon hearing heavy footsteps behind her, turned around in her seat and stood up. She came face to face with Kel. “Kel,” she said in a wary voice, which was poorly covered by an optimistic smile. “What is going on?”


“You’re under arrest Agent Li,” said Kel. “My team and I are here to escort you to your holding cell, where you will be prepped for interoggation.”


Nakaya’s eyes widened further, “Interoggation? I have’nt done-”


“Save it,” snapped Jacen. “We all know what you did! Don’t even bother to deny it.” He was sick of playing these games.


Nakaya seemed too stunned to speak, and shook her head vigorously.


“Fine,” said Jacen, “but you’ll tell me what I want to no one way or another.”


Kel motioned towards Nakaya and his two field agents firmly grasped her forearms, one of the agents slapped a pair of stuncuffs on her.


Nakaya found her vioce and began screaming at the top of her lungs. “No! No! Kel! Kel, I didn’t do anything, you have to believe me!” The guards literally dragged her away to the holding cell, kicking and screaming. The doors slid shut muffling, but not completely blo9cking out her screams. Jacen could her them echoing in the corridor.


The CCI workers were now on their feet, in a sort of stunned trance, watching their collegue be dragged off by security. Their eyes were glued to her, expressions of horror on their faces. No sooner had Nakaya dissappeared behind the sliding glass doors, they began to whisper to eachother, the buzz permiating the whole room.


Marit and Taran had climbed the stairs to Jorrins office and stood on the landing, overlooking the main floor of CCI.


“Can I have everyone’s attention please,” Marit said in a commanding voice. The whispering and murmuring stopped almost at once. She took a deep breath before continuing. “I regret to inform you all that director Jorrin Ptakh was killed a little over an hour ago.” The whispering resumed, but Marit ploughed on and it subsided. “You all would have been informed of this tragedy earlier, but evidence obtained by Jedi Knight Jacen Zarek and Jorrin, before he died,” here her voice wavered a bit, “suggested that there was a traitor inside CCI involved with the people behind the hit on Jace.” She looked over at Taran, not sure what to say next. Taran spoke.


“Nakaya Li is being questioned on this subject in regards to her involvement,” Taran said in his rough, yet silky voice. “Our District Headquarters has been informed, and they are sending over replacements for both Jorrin and Nakaya. Until that time, as deputy director, I will be provisionally in charge of running CCI. All protocals remain the same.”


Marit spoke again. “I understand that Jorrin’s passing is upsetting and there will be a time to greive for him. But it is not now. We still have numerous active protocals and Senator Jace’s life is still in jeopardy. We have to keep working…its what Jorrin would have wanted. Let us make sure that he died not in vain, but for the betterment all. Thank you.”


No sooner had Marit finished, than the mumbling began again, though the people went back to their workstations. Marit turned to laeve, but saw Taran staring at her and she had a hunch what it was about. “Taran, I sorry I kept you in the dark about the chip, I-”


Taran shook his head dissmissively. “Don’t be, you did the right thing.”


Marit’s eyes narrowed, as though trying to detect sarcasm. But she felt that Taran was sincere. “Thank you,” she said in a surprised tone. Taran had never payed her a compliment before. She tried to say more, but the words dissapated in her throat.


Taran inclined his head to her, with an small smile. “You look like you want to say something.”


Marit gave her head a little jerk, snapping out of her stasis, clearing her throat. “I was just wondering who District is sending over to replace Jorrin and Nakaya.”


“Uh…” mumbled Taran, opening the folder he was carrying, reshuffling some durasheets. “Here,” he said triumphantly plucking a sheet of of the folder. “Some one called Reana’ka Norian is going to be director.”


Marit felt her heart sink at the thought. “Great,” she said sarcastically.


“Something going on between you two?” asked Taran, who seemed a bit amused at Marit’s frustration.


“I worked with her at CCI’s District Headquarter for two months before I was transferred here.”


Taran nodded “And?…”


“She…” Marit stopped herself before saying something she would regret. “She’s by the book, opinionated…but she can be hard to work with.”


“How so?” asked Taran as he and Marit descended the polished metal stairs, their shoes making pinging sounds on the metal.


Marit absently wet her lips with her tongue. “About a third of the people were gone within the first three weeks of her being in charge.”


“That many people were fired?” asked Jacen incredulously meeting the pair at the bottom of the stairs.


“No,” said Marit darkly, “That many people quit.”


“She sounds as sweet as a juja cake,” said Taran, and Jacen snorted in spite of himself.


Jacen swallowed “Taran, I need to ask you something,” he said slightly awkwardly. It felt strange to be talking to Taran with out criticizing him…or being criticized by him. “I’d like to be the one to interoggate Nakaya.”


“Yeah right,” began Taran sarcastically, “I don’t think so-”


“Taran,” Marit interrupted sharply. His head snapped towards her. “Come here a second,” she said jerking her head towards the nearest wall. She gave Jacen a “wait just a minute” look before guiding Taran to the wall, putting her head close to him, wispering something Jacen could not quite hear.


“Taran,” whispered Marit quickly, “I know you don’t like Jacen, but trust me, this is one area where he is not like the other jedi.”


“Really?” said Taran skeptically arching an eyebrow at her.


“Yes, really,” said Marit, a sharp edge creeping into her voice. She took a deep breath calming herself and when she spoke again her voice was quite normal. “Jacen…is not gentle with interrogations. Trust me, I know him, he won’t coddle her with ‘jedi pacificism.’ He has done this sort of thing before…against the council’s orders of course. All I’m asking is that you give him a chance – five minutes,” Marit asked. “If you aren’t satisfied then have Kel take over.”


Taran looked ambivilant. Marit was sure she knew what was going on in his head. On the one hand, Taran knew that Jacen had potent force ability, and could be an effective interroggator. On the other hand, he did not want to just cave to Jacen’s request after he had worked so hard and went out of his way to make sure jedi did not meddle in CCI affairs.


He turned to Jacen.


Taran gave him a calculating look as though sizing him up. After a pause he said, “Fine, but you won’t have long, Jorrin’s replacement, Reana’ka Norian, is arriving, after that you’ll have to clear it with her.”


“Thanks,” said Jacen. He had not dared to hope that Taran would be this flexible. Taran had never been this accomodating before and Jacen wondered whether he had bumped his head or something.


As though Taran really was regretting this accomodation he added stiffly. “Next time try not to ruin my pants.” With that he stalked off, back to his work station.


Jacen watched him go. “Thanks, Marit,” he said feeling a rush of gratitude towards his friend. “I don’t know what you said to him, but it worked. Thanks. I won’t ask for your help ever again, and if I do-”


“I’ll know that you are back to normal,” she interjected. “Still, the favors are starting to stack up, aren’t they?”


“I don’t know what I’d do without you, Marit,” said Jacen, “Thank you. You have brought me a step closer to unraveling this whole thing.”


Marit nodded, as if to say it was true. “You better get in there, Norian is due to arrive soon. I’ll warn you via comlink when she gets here and I’ll stall her as long as I can.”


“I won’t need long,” said Jacen in an uncharacteristically cold voice, as he headed for the interoggation room, Marit tentitively looking after him.




Jacen made his way down the dark corridor that lead to the interrogation room. The hallway was completely deserted. Nobody except for the interrogators ever came down here, Jacen supposed. As if to dispell his thoughts, Jacen heard footsteps behind him.


Taran was walking behind him. Jacen waited for him to catch up. He still did not particularly care fot Taran, but looked more kindly on him after Nakaya’s arrest.


“What are you doing down here, Taran? Shouldn’t you be running the rest of CCI?”


“Marit is covering that for me,” said Taran. “What?” he added at Jacen’s surprised exprssion. “You didn’t think you were the only one Marit ever does favors for, did you?”


“Well…yeah,” Jacen admitted. “But you didn’t answer my question.”


“I’m going to be in the monitering room of Nakaya’s room. You know, monitering the lie detector, her pulse, and all that. Here,” grunted Taran, pulling something from his pocket, “put this in your ear, that way I can communicate with you while you are interrogating Nakaya, without her knowing.”


“Thanks,” said Jacen stiffly putting the small object in his ear. It fit perfectly. Suddenly, a thought occurred to him. “Taran, why are you monitering Nakaya? Isn’t that somebody else’s job?”


“Yeah, it is,” said Taran adamantly, “But just because I let you do the interrogation does not mean I am going to trust you implicitly, in fact, I barely trust you at all. You’ve been acting strange all night…the same night a traitor is discovered. Don’t expect us to be friends all of a sudden, just because I did one thing for you.”


“Fair enough,” said Jacen, stopping at the door to the interoggation room which Nakaya was in. Taran opened a door right next to it, the door to the observation room behind the one way mirror that was so typical of interoggation rooms.


Taran gave Jacen an encouraging nod which Jacen returned. He pressed a button and the interrogation room door hissed open.


The room was fairly small and eerily silent. Three of the walls were made of durasteel and the fourth was a mirror, behind which Taran was watching. The room was deviod of furniture save for a roughly hewn metal table and a sole chair, which was occupied by Nakaya. She looked up, startled by Jacen’s entrance. He moved, until he was directly across from her, only the table separating them.


“W-what are you doing here?” she stammered her eyes wide with fear “You’re not an authorized interrogator.


“I am now,” said Jacen with a cold smile. “But that does not matter. There are no rules in this room. It’s just you and me. Tell me what you know – first and last chance before I have to hurt you.”


Nakaya whimpered, but shook her head. “I don’t know anything.”


Jacen could feel his heart pounding. He had interrogated people before. Very few of them broke without being hurt. Physically hurting a helpless being went against Jacen’s nature, and he hated himself every time he had to do it. But there was no time- Jace’s life was on the line. The sooner Jace was safe, the sooner he could concentrate on finding Virago. He had to do it.


Jacen studied Nakaya’s face for a moment, looking for a sign. A slight twitch, a fidget. He reached out with the force, probing Nakaya’s mind. He felt the tendrils of his consciousness make contact with with her mind. It squirmed and retreated behind rock solid barriers. Yes, she was definitly hiding something.


“You’re a good lier, Nakaya,” said Jacen letting the force of his mind ebb away. “But I have seen better.”


Nakaya’s eyes, now watery and scared pierced him begging him to stop.


Jacen felt an urgency rise from within him. “Damn you for making me do this!” he hissed at her. With a flare of anger and an animal-like grunt, Jacen overturned the table separating him and Nakaya. With brutal force he pulled her from her chair and slammed her against the wall. He ignored the protests of Taran that were streaming from the ear piece.


Jacen felt all of the emotion that he had been supressing since Virago’s dissappearence explode from him. “You don’t get it do you?” he demanded in a whisper, his hand around Nakaya’s chin, his face so close to hers that their noses almost touched. “ You think because I’m a jedi, I won’t hurt you because of the Jedi Code and the masters. Well the masters are not here – I am. My padawan is gone – gone, do you hear me?! And there is a good chance that he was targeted because I’m protecting Jace. You have been caught, working with the people behind the threat on Jace’s life. But this is not just about Jace – when Virago got caught up in it, it became personal. Tell me what you know, now!" Jacen demanded.


“I don’t know,” started Nakaya “I have nothing to do with Jace.”


“Than what?” snarled Jacen “Tell me or I will hurt you – I don’t have a choice, Virago’s and Jace's lives are in jeopardy!”


There was a hissing sound and Taran stormed into the room. “Calm down Zarek!”


Jacen felt as if a barrier was lifted from his senses. They were much clearer now. He had not realized that they were so clouded until the fog was removed. He now saw things as they were: Taran standing in the doorway gripping a blaster; Nakaya who had crumpled on the floor, crying.


Jacen felt the need to explain his actions but before he had the chance Nakaya spoke.


“I- I have been hiding something, but not what you think – I don’t know anything about Jace,” Nakaya stammered, pushing a clump of her unkempt purple hair out of her face, sobbing miserably Both Jacen and Taran turned their attention to her. The atmosphere of the room seemed more tense than ever.


“I left our mainframe open…she told me to and I left it open. I’m so sorry,” Nakaya croaked, tears streaming down her face. “She offered me money…you don’t understand what it’s like living out there…I needed thet money…that’s all.” She burried her face in her hands and shook with sadness.


“Who is ‘she’?” asked Jacen quietly, contaning his anger.


I do not know, I swear…she paid me, and that all I cared about.”


Jacen stretched out again with the force…feeling…searching. He could detect the truth in Nakaya’s words. He felt a lump form in his throat as Nakaya pulled her knees close and continued to cry into them.


He turned to Taran. “She is telling the truth, I can feel it.”


Taran looked doubtful and began “Jacen if she is lying-”


“I know the consequences,” snapped Jacen, roughly wiping the sweat off his forehead, breathing heavily. Suddenly there was a beeping, which Jacen realized was his comlink.


He answered curtly, “Zarek.”


“Jacen, it’s me,” said Marit from the comlink. “Norian just arrived.”


Jacen felt himself deflate slightly. He sighed. “Great.”


“Oh and Jacen,” said Marit.




“Erm…Norian sent word about ten minutes ago that nobody is to interrogate Nakaya until she arrived so…technically you are already in violation.”


“Sithsblood!” spat Jacen. “Alright thanks Marit, Zarek out.” He ended the transmission and turned to Taran. “We’re in deep bantha fodder aren’t we?”


Taran nodded.




No sooner had the conversation with Jacen ended, when Marit saw Reana’ka Norian’s distictive form walk through the glass doors and onto the main floor of CCI. The guard at the security check station had informed her of Norian’s arrival…now here she was in person.


Marit took a deep breath and released it. Taran was in the interrogation romm with Jacen. That meant that she was the highest ranking person available and therefore, her job to greet Norian. She half-reluctantly rose from her seat making her way towards Norian.


Norian was an exceptionally tall female twi’lek, topping two meters. Her golden yellow skin glowed, contrasting heavily with her hard, granite-grey eyes, which were sweeping the room. She was clothed in a stiff, black business suit that seemed almost absurd for someone of her race. Behind her were about ten similarly dressed beings, all of them human. They were all walking in pace, like automatons, each carrying a breif case.


Marit strode directly up to Norian. Marit always hated standing so close to the twi’lek, for she was dwarfed in comparison. Norian noticed Marit and gave her a smile. But not a real smile – a business smile that did not reach her eyes which were still cold and calculating.


“Director Norian,” said Marit neutrally.


“Hello Marit,” said Norian in her commanding voice, looking down, pehaps more then she needed to at Marit. They shook hands.


Marit was used to this. I was an old tactic of Norian’s, to exaggerate her height by declining her head more than necessary.


“I know today will be trying,” she Norian in a formal tone, “But you and I know what we are doing.” She turned her head to the humans behind her. “Just put my things in my office.” Nine of the ten walked rigidly to her office, all toting an extra bag full of Norian’s supplies.


The remaining human was an exceptionally short, pale man. He was bouncing on the balls of his feet, looking expectantly and almost slavishly up at her. As though she could feel him looking up at her Norian glanced at him before turning her attention back to Marit.


“This is Mylar Trazian,” she said carelessly, “He’s replacing Agent Nakaya Li. That will be all,” she added to the man, and with a slight bow of his head, he scurried off to his workstation.


“Is there anything you would like?” asked Marit, stalling for time, hoping Jacen could cover his tracks before Norian discovered what he had been up to. “Coffee? Tea?”


“No,” said Norian. “Gather everyone around,” she said with the aire of a queen commanding her subjects, as she gestured vaguely to the people at their workstations, “I have something I want to say to them.”


Marit nodded. It would not be hard to get everyone’s attention. Most had vacated their workstations to get a look at the new director. “Can I have everyone’s attention!” she said. The workers gathered in a semi-circle around her and Norian. “This is Reana’ka Norian, she is taking over for Jorrin.” Marit nodded to Norian who spoke, addressing the crowd.


“Spies within the agancy, directors running out with jedi on field assingments – things have been out of control here today,” she said with the fainest ghost of a smile. “Starting now, they are back in control.” She paused, as though for dramatic effect, then continued.


“I understand that many of you were called here from your beds, and that most of you have not slept in almost twenty-four hours.” Many of the CCI workers looked up at her hopefully, waiting for encouragement or a moral booster. If they were, thtey were sorely dissappointed with Norian’s next words. “Too bad. Nobody even yawns until we accomplish our objective. If you have a problem with this, now would be the time to submit your resignation.” She paused again, waiting for someone to indeed submit their resignation. Nobody moved.


“Good,” she said approvingly. “Our objective remains the same. Find out who is behind the assassination threat on Jace and assess his level of danger. You may all return to your workstations.” The crowd slowly dissapated.


Norian, delicately pushed one of her shining lekku behind her head. She turned to Marit. “I’m going to the interrogation room now, to see Agent Li.”


Marit nodded helplessly, inwardly praying that Jacen was out of there. She knew Norian, and if there was one thing that irritated the twi’lek, it was her orders not being followed.


Before Norian had even taken three steps, Mylar ran up to her. Marit moved closed to here his words.


“I checked the security camera files as you asked, Ms. Norian,” he breathed with a bow of his head. “The jedi Jacen Zarek was there, interrogating Li, against your orders.”


Norian’s mouth hardened to a thin line, her eyes narrowing. “Was there anyone else there?”


“No ma’am,” responed Mylar, “ Though Zarek was talking to someone standing just outside the camera’s view – we don’t know who it was.”


“Just as I suspected,” said Norian triumphantly, “I knew the jedi were no good. You!” she said to Kel Ratrin who was passing by. “Get your security team and arrest Jacen Zarek. He was last seen near Agent Li’s interrogation room but I’m sure he’s run off – find him, arrest him,” she finished dramatically.


Ratrin nodded and took off.





Senator Jace stood in what functioned as the living room in his capaign headquarters. It was not a private living room during the day. Campaign managers, senatorial aids, and all the others that worked so vigorously on his campaign effort normally traipsed through it constantly during the day. But it was night now and the room was mercifully empty.


Jace stood, his hands clasped behind his back, staring out the window that covered an entire wall of the living room. It was tinted, so no one outside could see in. He knew he would regret staying up the whole night when morning came. He would be bombarded with everything from charity banquet offers to speech revisions. Jace massaged his temple’s wearily. Tommorow would be a long day.


He heard footsteps behind him. It was his bothan head of security, Karn.


“Karn,” boomed Jace, “What is it?”


“I have a call for you sir,” grunted Karn, “It’s Director Norian from CCI.”


“Put it on the holoscreen,” said Jace, who was feeling his anticipation rise, though he did not let it show on his face. The large monitor mounted on one of the walls blinked on.


On the screen were three people, just like the last time CCI had contacted him, though two of them were different. Jace immediately recognized Vorzar, the vurk jedi, who was seated on the right. On the far left was a small, rather pale man in a pair of stiff, black, dressrobes, the collar of which was so tight, Jace thought it was an acheivement that the man managed to breath at all. But his eyes were drawn to the twi’lek woman in the middle. His first thought was that she must be extremely tall for her species. Seated, the top of her head was higher than Vorzar’s, and Jace knew that Vurks were on average about 1.8 meters. Her golden yellow skin stood out from everything else in the room and though she looked like a normal twi’lek, Jace thought thtere was something very strange about her.


Then it occurred to him that he had never seen a twi’lek so stiffly dressed. Norian’s dress suit was so crisp and stiff, that it looked as though it had been starched and pressed just a minute ago. The suit was so…plain. Jace’s experience with twi’lek senators from Ryloth was that the males dressed in ornate, silky robes, while the females wore tight fitting robes of shimmersilk that left little to the imagination. Norian’s bulky suit was buttoned up to the top button, not revealing anymore than the upper half of her neck.


“Senator Jace,” she began in a business-like tone, her lekku perfectly winding around her neck. Jace forcibly thought of snakes sntrangling her – the effect of he lekku was not pleasant. “I’m Reana’ka Norian, director of CCI’s East Coruscant Branch. With me are my tech specialist Mylar Trazian and the Jedi Order’s liaison to CCI.”


“Ms. Norian,” said Jace noting that she did not even bother to name Vorzar, “do you have an update for me?”


“Yes senator,” she said cooly, “much has happened since Vorzar informed you of Jorrin Ptakh’s tragic death.” There was not even the slightest note of sympathy in her voice. “The chip that Jorrin and Zarek recovered yeilded results. We have taken one of our own agents, Nakaya Li into custody, as the chip confirmed her involvement in the threat on your life.”


“Has she said anything?” asked Jace with a controlled patience, though eager for the information.


“She is proving hard to crack sir,” said Norian reluctant to show that she could not immediately produce results. “I have had our head of security, Kel Ratrin, working on her for the past twenty minutes; but she keeps denying her involvment…I think more…forceful techniques are needed. She and Ratrin were good friends and I think his emotions are keeping him from pressing her hard enough.”


Jace nodded, though his insides constricted. His mind was whirring. Emotions were keeping him from pressing her hard enough…too much emotion… Suddenly an idea struck him. “Ms. Norain, I have someone who would be more suitable for this job. If it is all right with you, I would like to send her over.”


“By all means, senator,” said Norian. The transmission ended.


Jace walked away from the holoscreen. If emotions were the problem, who better to fix it than someone without emotion?




Jacen was ushered into his cold cell within CCI. Kel Ratrin, the muscular, dark skinned man who just minutes ago had helped him arrest Nakaya, had now arrested him. Jacen could have fought the CCI security team, but he could not bring himself to harm those who were in truth, his allies, especially after hurting Nakaya.


He shuddered from the cold. The cell was small, windowless and cramped. He had to find a way out of here. Both Virago and Jace needed him. He had to find a way out…

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Okay, I lied, its out today. :xp:


The chapter was originally longer, but in order to fit it into one post I split it in two. Chapter 7 will most likely be posted the day after tomorrow. NOTE: I didn't poof read this, and for some reason the spell chack does not work on my computer (:confused:) I know there are typos throughout. I'll find them tomorrow...I just too tired tonight.


I know, Virago was not in this chapter - He will be in the next one though. Just could not put him in and keep it one post (there is a 40,000 character limit per post.)


So, Gina is coming to CCI...and Nakaya is not involved with the threat on Jace (her wrongdoing with leaving the mainframe open will be explained next chapter...it is not supposed to make a whole lot of sense right now.) Thoughts?


I wanted to bring Gina in with the hero characters (Jacen, Marit, etc) as there is only so much she can do with Jace - good or bad idea?


I hope you all enjoyed the read.



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Double posting! ;_;


First off, there's small errors here and there. I'm too lazy to point out all of them, but a quick example:

Your salinity is high, pulse slightly faster – you are under stress. I presumed the threat on your life was the cause.
Salinity? O_O I'm not sure whether robots *can* presume--perhaps try have her calculate other stress factors and say that the chances of it being due to the death threat is 78.63%?


I’m going to clean the scope to my T-5000 sniper rifle. It has to be combat-ready. Do you want to watch, I can instruct you on proper cleaning techniques.
I'm going to clean the scope of my T-5000 sniper rifle. Do you want to watch?


Some spelling errors (there are others as well):

The driver wove wrecklessly between the other speeders and ships, paying no heed to the numerous horns blaring at him.
Should be "recklessly".


The pilot was a human male with dusty brown hair, and a five o‘clock shadow that gave him a ruff appearance. He had a large crescant shaped scar around his left eye. He unbuckled his crash webbing as the ship touched down.
It should be "rough" and "crescent". And crash webbing? Is that supposed to be a seatbelt sort of thing?


Levin’s flesh was blasted, leaving a bloody hole; yet something was strange about the wound. The blood stopped flowing from it in a matter of seconds. Daksh narrowed his eyes, which soon opened in shock. Underneath the skin was a glimmer, a shine – metal. Levin was a cyborg.
Why have blood in the first place? It's messy stuff :xp:


Other than that, seems pretty good (although I didn't read from the beginning :[). More polishing would help, so just have a quick read through and edit out all the small errors.

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Thank you both for your feedback.


@Bee Hoon: Thanks, I'll get on those typos. :) For some reason spell check is not working on my computer...makes it harder to find errors, but still not an excuse.


Crash webbing is a type of seatbelt thing, I used it because it was mentioned in several EU books I've read.


I like the percent idea that you have, :) though let me clarify about Gina. She meant salinity of the blood, which can be used to determine a number of factors- dehydration, stress, etc. The word presume was probably not the best one to use, I'll admit that. :) She can scan the body with her advanced cyborg vision I guess (when I wrote her I had a terminator - like the Arnold from the movies in mind - so she can do all kinds of stuff.)


As to why Levin has blood - part of the effectiveness of these cyborgs is that they look like actual humans. Just having skin on matal would not look very realistic. They have the blood, though they do not need it, obviously. It may be messy, but somehow I don't think Levin will mind staining his clothes. :xp:


Thank you for your help, though you must have found this chapter terribly confusiing without having read the others. :xp: Thanks for reviewing my fic, I found you comments most helpful. :D


@Endorenna: Glad you like it. Sorry I was a bit misleading - I said there was a bunch of Gina stuff, but when I split this chapter in two most of it got pushed to the second one. Oh, well, tomorrow you'll see it.





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I'm not you, but I like shorter chapters. (from 15,000-25,000 characters) This is a clever way to get nearly twice as many responses for the same amount of effort. I like seeing certain stories updated, but each piece covers a lot of content that makes it a bit difficult to keep sorted for two posts' worth of story. I would just say that I'd be more in favor of seeing a small update every week than a huge addition half as often.


I can't really go into detail about much of the subplots... there were a lot to remember them all, so I'll try to say something insightful about it all.


You seem to devote a single paragraph to explain certain details, such as the way the twi'lek's garb was different from the norm. The mindset during the interrogation scene when you didn't trail off for more than four or five sentences. The cyborg's functionality and descriptions were very impressive.


Level of detail is good, but integrating it almost seamlessly is even better. I'll be trying to match that for PtE. I'll be looking forward to the next day.

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Ah, I see. I haven't read any EU novels, so I'm kinda out of my depth ;D No problem, just give every chapter a quick read before posting. I find that it's a good way to catch errors :)


Well, it isn't just salinity (by which I presume you're referring to sodium levels) which affects mental status. There's potassium, calcium, chloride and tons more electrolytes, all of which are important. In any case, the level of electrolytes shouldn't have been altered despite his stress, as he seems to be healthy enough--this implies that homeostasis is functioning well, keeping everything within normal limits. Besides that, how would Gina analyse the electrolyte levels without getting a sample of his blood? ;)


I picked up the gist of it but I may go back and read the summaries of other chapters.


Indeed, I just thought that it would have been unnecessary. Well, let's just assume that the people who designed them enjoy making life difficult for themselves;D


You're very welcome! :D

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