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A Dark Path

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I find with writing stories, I like to have more chapters than what I want.

I tend to leave out some minor details for chapters. But also, in turn, trying not to bore you all with slow flowing chapters.

I've rushed stories before and they are the ones what tend to end up in the unfinished pile. I don't want this to happen to this story.


Sorry for the not enough details, I'll explain more than usual in the next chapter for you :)

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Chapter Four: Stories and Old Eggs




“I told you it would not work out the way we planned!” snapped Jonas. His eyes were as grayed as Revan had ever seen them before. “Plans never work, Revan!”


“How do you think we won the war against the Mandalorians then Jonas?” asked Revan quietly.


“We had the numbers and the great strategic mind of our leader,” answered Jonas. “Plan or no plan, we would have slaughtered them!”


“I did what I had to do,” said Revan sternly. “If you do not like the way I operate my ways, then leave.”


“You know I want go,” replied Jonas. “But this way is not the right way Revan. This enemy is nothing what we have faced before. You must learn to answer his ruthlessness, is that you have to prove ruthless yourself.”


“You are asking me to go against everything I stand for…”


“To save the galaxy, isn’t that worth doing?”


“I guess you may be right.” Revan said, as he stood up and sighed.


“Fine,” he said. “We’ll do it your way then.”



Revan, on his hands and knees peered into the pond and continued to watch. This memory had been buried in his mind for ten years. He was not entirely sure why the pond was showing him this though. He had learned to live with this decision. At least, that’s what he had thought anyway.


Ten years ago, on this very planet, Revan and Jonas fought against the True Sith. They were the original inhabitants of Korriban. The Red-skinned aliens had fled from Korriban in light of the arrival of the Dark Jedi. They fled to this planet in the unknown regions, and grew in power, knowledge, and hatred. Whilst in search of the Star Forge, Revan left and came upon Malachor V; he then combed the archives of the Academy there and came across something that peaked his interest.


He read the story about the Dark Jedi that escaped from the Republic and its Jedi, and enslaved the inhabitants of Korriban. The original Sith. This, of course, he knew. He found out about these events from Master Zhar back at the Dantooine Academy. What he did not know was the group of advanced Sith that eluded enslavement from the Dark Jedi and fled unnoticed to somewhere in the Unknown Regions.


Revan, now consumed in finding what happened to these Sith, continued to pour over the scrolls, and parchment, and datapads that littered the library, but to no avail had he found any other trace of the True Sith elsewhere. Elusively he set upon his quest to the Unknown Regions.


He searched for weeks, maybe in months, because in the black of space, time means nothing. You cannot tell whether or not it is supposed to be noon, the morning, or dawn. It is a continuous night …


As Revan continued to be entranced by the pond of water, he realized that this shown not only the possible future, but the past as well. For these memories, these were his memories. And because of them, he now realized what he had done before the Jedi had captured him, he now had his full memory of his trip to the Unknown Regions, what he found and how he used that to his advantage.


“Revan?” said a soft voice behind him.


Revan turned around and saw Bastila walking towards him. He noticed that she was holding her side and her skin was pale and clammy. “Bastila, what-?”


She fell to her knees and Revan ran over to hold her in his arms. e noticed the all too familiar slash of a lightsaber circle around her side and his eyes widened in shock.


“Bastila?” he whispered. “What happened?


Her mouth moved but no words seemed to be spoken. He moved his ear closer and heard the soft whisper of her voice say, “ … Jonas … Danger … Evil … Lightsaber … take care … of … Aleira …-“


With that her eyes softly closed and her chest went still. And Bastila Shan said no more.


He laid her body down softly …



Revan looked away and closed his eyes. This was not a memory he wanted to remember. He pushed this to the very back of his soul in hopes that he would forget, but every time he closed his eyes, he would always see Bastila’s motionless body and her blank staring eyes staring back at him. He hated himself for not being able to save her; he hated Jonas for doing what he did. He needed to find Jonas to end this once and for all.


His thoughts then turned to Aleira. He loved his daughter, but if the Aleira from the water was any indication of the future, he must tread carefully. That was not something that he wished upon his daughter.




He stood up and looked around. Nothing was in sight, so he decided to ignite his lightsaber. Even the bright light from his blue blade was not even to pierce the darkness in front of him. He opened himself to the Force and he felt the presence of his daughter. He sent her an emotion of peace and confidence. Assuring her that h was fine and that he would see her soon and explain everything. He received a reply back of acknowledgement and smiled.


He slowly stumbled forwards and used the Force to brighten his vision. He could see only faint outlines of walls. It was then when he looked down to the ground, he noticed a series of strange looking insects scuttling around his feet, and walking ahead of him. He walked slowly and carefully, making sure he did not tread on any of the insects, and continued for a few minutes before he came to a stop. He had walked straight into the wall. Rubbing his nose and frowning slightly, he looked up to see the night sky peering in through a large hole above. He noticed a thick piece of vine hanging above and lunged upwards and took hold of it.


He lifted himself up and out of the hole and standing to his feet, he looked around. He was back on the beach and he seen Aleira running up to him.


“Hello,” he said smiling. “Are you, OK?”


“Yes,” she said, nodding. “You were gone a long time! I was worried.”


“No need to worry,” Revan lied. He would explain everything what she needed to know, but the vision he saw of her, he thought, would be too much for her to comprehend at the moment. “Come on, lets go find somewhere to sit down.”


“I lit a fire just around where I was sitting,” Aleira said. “Oh!” she said, her eyes beginning to sparkle. “Come and see! You have to! I have to show you!” Without elaborating, she took hold her fathers hand and started to pull him back the way she came. Revan; confused but smiling, followed her and when they came to the camp Aleira had set up, his eyes widened slightly.


There was a small Kath Pup, a cannok and a large insect with a purple and orange striped abdomen, light green thorax and great yellow wings. Its five eyes peered at Revan curiously. He flew upwards and landed itself softly on Revan’s shoulder.


Revan winced a little. He never really took to insects. The feeling of the hundreds of tiny little legs poking and feeling around on his shoulder didn’t help either. It flew off his shoulder and landed back to where it was beforehand.


“Aren’t they cute?” she said, her eyes glinting in the moonlight with excitement.


Revan smiled. “They usually are when they’re only infants.”


“What do you mean?” she asked. “These are good animals. Not like the ones at home.”


Revan looked back at the insect. “I don’t doubt that,” he said.


He sat down on a log that was sitting near the fire Aleira had created and sighed. It was now or never.


“Aleira,” he said. “Please, sit down. I am going to tell you a story.”


Aleira sat down on the opposite side of the fire to Revan and let the small Kath Pup jump up into her lap. She patted it softly.


“But before I begin,” said Revan. “I ask you now that whatever I say, you will not interrupt me. This story is one that is better heard in full, then asked about when finished.”


She nodded, so Revan took a deep breath.


“It was one year after the fight of the Star Forge…” he began …





“I have to go,” he said for what seemed the tenth time. “I cannot take you with me, for I will not be able to live with myself if anything happens to you.”


Bastila shook her head stubbornly. “I don’t care if anything happens to me –“


“I do,” cut in Revan. “And when there is risk with your life, I will not do it.”


“Revan,” she said, pleadingly. “Whatever it is, I can help you! You know my abilities!”


“I do,” nodded Revan. “And that is why I need you to stay. To use your abilities to take care of the Republic. My path, for the moment, leads elsewhere. I can only tell you that it leads to the Unknown Regions. It is not the time, nor place to tell you everything I have remembered, but in time, I promise, that I will.”


With a last kiss, Revan turned and entered the shuttle that he had fitted with a Hyperdrive and advanced weapons and shields system. The Navi-computer would be useless when he reached the Unknown Regions, but he had installed that as well. Lowering the canopy, he switched on the ships drives and lifted off from the ground and flew towards the dark space that awaited him above …





“This will be all?” asked the dealer.


Revan nodded his head. “Yes,” he said. “That will be all.”


He was on Nar Shadaa. Revan heard of a special dealer in weapons, artefacts and other supplies that seemed to interest only the most determined of collectors. He ventured to this person, not expecting to find anything, just to see what he had. But something in his collection captured Revan’s attention.


It was a small totem. A skull carved out of stone was at the top, a lightsaber hilt just below that. And at the very bottom, stood foundations of a building, surrounded by finely carved dead bodies.


“From what my sources have told me,” said the dealer, “that this totem is something from the Unknown Regions. See that?” he pointed to the bodies, “that’s supposed to mean the Republic. See how the foundations are cracking? I’m not entirely sure what the rest means, but it mustn’t be good.”


Revan murmured in agreement. “You know a lot for a dealer,” he said.


“I know lots of things,” countered the Dealer. “Some things that even you yourself, might not even now.”



Later on, Revan sat in his small apartment that he had rented for the night and studied the totem. It was extremely well crafted. Though he had never come across this design anywhere in the known galaxy. And yet, something seemed so familiar about it. He could not place it though not matter how hard he tried.


It was only when he awoke early the next morning that he remembered just what that totem was and what it meant….






Months later he found himself looking once again down at the planet where he had trodden close to ten years ago. He landed in a lush green terrain with large hills and steppes. It reminded him much of Dantooine.


He stood and leaped down from the cockpit and stood upon the soft grass. A breeze ruffled his hair, but the taint of the dark side was heavy upon his shoulders. He looked to the sky, then back to the surroundings of his ship. The clouds and their shadows moved silently. And nothing seemed out of place.


Revan opened himself to the Force. The evidence of the dark side was imminent. He fell to his knees, gasping for breath. The very earth underneath his hands trembled with the subtle energies that pulsed through the soil and into his own veins. It took all of the strength of will he had to be able to push back this force and let him able to stand on his feet.


He found himself sweating and wiped the cold beats of water from his brow and grabbed his pack from the storage compartment of the ship. His journey began.




* * *



“I will leave the story there for now,” said Revan. It was coming up on dawn now and he could see the green tinge of the sky stretching outwards.


“But,” stammered Aleira. “What happened when you started walking? Why isn’t the dark side taint still here? What was that totem? And why are the trees changing colour like that?”


Revan smiled when he looked behind him and noticed a yellow leaved tree shake its top and turned a subtle blue.


“As I said before,” said Revan, looking back to Aleira, “I am not sure. But, who knows, we may find out before our time on this planet is at an end.” He breathed deeply. “To your other questions. I will tell you about the fight against the True Sith as our journey progresses. It will be a part of your training to learn the facts. The taint of the dark side however, I feel that, when the threat was defeated, so was the taint. It left this planet as its Master drew his last breath. And of the totem, I thought you would have been able to guess it by now: It was the mark of the True Sith. The skull and lightsaber was Conqueror of Death. And the foundations and bodies of the Republic was what they stood for. They wanted to destroy the Republic because if it weren’t for them, the Dark Jedi would have not have first went to Korriban and they would not have had to flee.”


“Conqueror of Death?” queried Aleira. “Was he able to live forever?”


“He thought he could. But that was before I showed up, along with Jonas.”


“And what about the Exile?” asked Aleira. “I want to know,”


Revan sighed. He knew what this question meant. But as much as he wanted to give his daughter the answer, now just didn’t seem the right time and as he started to speak, he hated himself. “I will tell you Aleira, but not now.”


“Why not!” cried out Aleira. The insect jumped into the air, and Kath Pup lunged out of her grasp and the cannok ran back into the trees. But this sudden outburst surprised Revan more then them. “I want to know why he killed my mother! It’s my right to know! Stop keeping things from me! I am old enough to understand!” She glared at Revan with the fiercest gaze he had ever seen her wear. But it was not the thing that brought him back to the reality. It was the tear in the corner of her eye.


He stood up and walked around the fire to hug his daughter.


“All I know is what your mother told me right before she died.”


Aleira looked up at him. “She spoke to you?”


“Yes,” nodded Revan. “She mentioned the words, ‘Jonas’, ‘lightsaber’, ‘evil’ and ‘danger’. And if Jonas was there when she died, and did not stop her from dying, then he killed her. The reason, I intend to find out, even if it takes me to the other end of the Galaxy.”


“So you don’t actually know if Jonas killed her or not.” Aleira stated.


“He did,” said Revan. “I know he did.


“Were you able to find out the place he went after coming here?” asked Aleira.


Revan shook his head. “No. But our time on this planet is not finished. There are other places and secrets for us to uncover before we leave. And, there is also a place where I want to show you. I think that you will find it an interesting find.”


Aleira looked at her father’s smile and warmth filled her heart. She hugged him again and sat back down on the ground. That was when her stomach rumbled.


Revan smiled again and went to the pack they had brought, but cringed in disgust as a rotten stench reached his nostrils.


“Ugh!” he said, leaping back away from the pack.


“What is it?” asked Aleira as she rushed over to Revan.


Revan slowly crawled back to the pack, and with his fingers pressing in his nostrils, he lifted some smashed remains of what appeared to be a couple of eggs.


Aleira covered her own nostrils and laughed. “Oops,” she said. “I guess that puts scrambled eggs for breakfast out of the question, huh?”

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Haha, I like that light note at the ending!


Your fic has a very mysterious feel to it, that draws the reader in. Aleira is a curious girl, but I sense there is a l;ot she is holding back, like her little outburst at the end. So there is a possibility that Jonas is innocent then? Interesting...very interesting...right when I accepted the fact that the exile could have possibly killed Bastila, you through in the possibility that he is innocent. I hope Aleira does not meet the fate that Revan sees in the pool.


This explained a few things, so thank you! :) Happy writing!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi! I've just started looking at the fan fiction stuff here, and what do I run into first but this? I love it! :D


Interesting twist with the possibility of the Exile killing Bastilla. The Aleira character intrigues me. It seems like she's hiding her true emotions deep inside her, so deep that Revan can't sense them. Now and then, they flare up and she has an outburst, but most of the time, they remain buried.


I also like the relationship between Revan and Aleira. In the first chapter, it seemed a little...strange...but after that, it got to be very natural, just like I imagine Revan would talk to his daughter.


Keep up the good work! :D

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Thanks, Endo! Comment means ALOT! :)


In the first chapter I had Revan potrayed as this man who has been robbed of the most precious thing to him and that he would do ANYTHING to make sure that he would be able to make Jonas pay.


Now, however, I've made it that Revan realized that having Aleira becoming a murderer is not what he wants. So he's tried to change his persona just in front of her, whilst still trying to battle the demons inside of himself. And even though I haven't written any further than like .. half of the next chapter, I myself feel Aleira may have a bigger part in the story than Revan realizes. [[Ah damn! I think I just spoiled it for myself!!!! :lol: ]

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Chapter Five: Seen and Unseen



Jonas walked briskly down the dark alleyways of Nar Shadaa. It had to be close to midnight. The scent of decay was eroding his tongue, as he tasted the very molecules of the air. He always hated this place and planned to never to return here, but, then again, the past few weeks haven’t exactly gone to plan either.


He reached to the point where the meeting was to take place and waited for another three kriffing hours before he showed up,


The dealer walked up to him, “You?” he said.


“Me,” stated Jonas.


“What has a beginning, but yet no end?” asked the dealer automatically.


“A circle,” answered Jonas after a few moments.


The dealer nodded his head in agreement. “I didn’t bring the merchandise along with me,” he said.


“I understand,” replied Jonas.


“It would have looked even more suspicious than what it does now,”


“Indeed, it would have,”


“I will however, have it to you within the day,”


“Good,” said Jonas handing the dealer several credit chips. “Take it to the docks, to warehouse 0468Ba. This should cover all the expenses.”


“Aye,” replied the dealer, “It will.”


The man put the credit chips in his pockets and looked around cautiously, then looked at Jonas intently. “I don’t usually ask this,” he said, “but -,”


“Then why start?” asked Jonas.


“Well,” started the dealer. “You’ve ordered a lot of high technological defence systems. Enough to protect an entire space system no doubt, I’m just wondering if you expect people to come after you?”


Jonas let a grim smile escape his lips. “Oh,” he said. “I’m counting on it,”








After a few hours sleep, and when the sun had fully risen to her peak, Revan awoke. Aleira was sitting at the edge of the gigantic lake with the small Kath Pup that she had been petting earlier. It was running around her while she crawled around on all fours mimicking it. Softly doing her own playful growls. The pup lunged and jumped up onto her shoulders making Aleira fall backwards. Revan went to get up and hurry over there but stopped when he realized the pup was licking the side of her face and Aleira was laughing.


He stood and walked over to the remains of the fire and kicked sand over it. Aleira looked over and seen her father was awake and walked over.


“I don’t think he wants to go home!” she happily. “Can we keep him?”


Revan was about to say something but instead made it out like he was taking a deep breath. The answer would have to be ‘no’ but it seemed to make Aleira so happy. And that was what he wanted, wasn’t it? To see his daughter happy?


“Maybe,” he said. “But how are we going to take care of him?”


“We’ll find a way!” said Aleira.


“Aleira,” said Revan seriously. She hung her head.


“I know,” she said. “But, can we try and find him before we leave?”


“Sure,” promised Revan.


They spent that day doing normal father-daughter activities: swimming, walking, and practicing Force techniques and even some exploring, but always sticking relatively close to the camp. Revan didn’t want to leave this place as quickly as he did last time. He wanted to explore its secrets and share them with his daughter. Before he knew it, it was night and they were cooking some fish for dinner and lying back down to get some rest.








“This is wonderful!” exclaimed Revan as he hoisted Bastila into the air and spun around in joy.


She beamed down at him. “That was a little bit like my reaction as well,” she said.


Revan laughed, kissed and hugged her. “I’m just so happy,” he said. “I never thought I would be a father.”


“Well,” said Bastila. “You’re going to be, so you better scrub up, flyboy!”


Revan smirked. “Do Carth and the others know?” he asked.


“Yes,” replied Bastila in a sarcastic tone, “I wanted others to know before the baby’s father!” she laughed and softly punched him in the shoulder, “you’re so dim sometimes!”


“Can’t help it,” said Revan. “It’s what I do.”


Bastila exclaimed a shout of happiness and said, “we’re having a baby! A little you!”


Revan hugged her again, “yeah, with a lot of you. I just hope that it doesn’t have your temper. Oi…,” he trailed off in a mock exasperation.


“I just hope it isn’t as ugly as you,” shot back Bastila.


“Oh!” said Revan, smiling. He kissed her. “That was a low blow,”





* * *




A swirling mist of coldness swept around him and he stood rooted to the spot. Even his voice at it’s highest couldn’t penetrate the sound of the wind rushing through his eardrums.


He started run. Faint lights appeared around him, but he took no heed. Instead, he focused in on a voice that was shouting his name. They were crying for him to help them, but even as fast as Revan ran, their voice was fading. Then he saw it.


A giant black figure of a man rose out of the darkness and quickly took Revan by the throat. Revan tried to fight against this monstrosity but no strength would go into his arms. A cold, rattling voice echoed out of the swirling mist.


“You grow weak, Revan,” it said.


“Who are you?” gasped Revan. He couldn’t even hear his own voice due to the trembling noise that echoed within his brain.


“Have you forgotten me already, Revan?” sneered the voice.


Revan could feel his lungs being tor apart as they stretched themselves trying to find any spar oxygen they could latch onto. Then just as quickly as it came, the hand released his throat, Revan fell to the ground gasping and the mist disappeared.


He was kneeling in the middle of a great room. Cold stone bricks ran up the walls and across the floor. There was no roof that Revan could see. His eyes could not penetrate the deep darkness above.


Noises brought his attention back to his surroundings. He looked towards a doorway he had not noticed before hand and see a tall figure hooded and cloaked, run in and stand in the middle of the room, right next to him. He looked up and backed away slowly as he watched the figure stare towards the doorway. He then noticed himself enter the room, closely followed by Jonas.


“Your path ends here,” said Revan, as his blue lightsaber glowed ferociously.


“Confidence is such a dangerous tool, Revan,” snarled the figure.


“One that I’ve used many times before and won with,” countered Revan.


“That ends here, and now,”


“Enough with the talking,” said Jonas impatiently. He ignited both ends of his own lightsaber and sent the swirling red blades in an arc towards the man in front of them. He back flipped and dodged the blades, and blocked a hit from Revan’s blade. He pushed Revan back with a Force Wave and sent a jolt of electricity towards Jonas.


Jonas blocked the lightning with his lightsaber and sent a scream through the Force that almost made Revan’s ear’s explode. Revan stood up and gathered as much energy from the Force as he could and flew forwards aiming a kick at the man’s head.


By some luck, he connected.


The man stumbled back slightly, but regained posture quickly and locked blades with Revan.


Sweat started to bead Revan’s forehead but he held strong. Continually pushing more Force into his arms in his attempt to push back the Sith.


Jonas jumped behind both Revan and the Sith and lunged an attack into his back. The Sith broke away and Revan had to quickly manoeuvre out of the way so he did not get impaled by Jonas’s lightsaber.


There was a loud shout of laughter; a scream and all went black…




* * *




“Dad? … Dad!” Revan heard his daughter call out to him numerous times before he had enough strength to open his eyelids. It looked to be just before dawn. A soft green tinge could be seen just above the mountains in the distance. “Are you alright?” she asked.


Revan nodded. He was covered in sweat. These dreams were become ever more occurring. Revan didn’t know if it had something to do with this planet or not but he had to find out why he was having these dreams.


“You were yelling in your sleep,” said Aleira. Revan could note the hint of fear in her face. “Something about Jonas, and Mother, and something called Ka’azar.”


Revan sat up straight and wiped the sweat from his forehead. “Ka’azar was the name of the leader of the True Sith,” he said. “Jonas and I fought him,”


“And won?” asked Aleira.


“Yes,” answered Revan. “But it was a long and tiring battle. Physically, and mentally.” Aleira waited to see if Revan would say anything more, but he did not really feel like talking about this just yet. He stood to his feet and slowly walked to the edge of the lake. His mind was racing. It had started out such a pleasant dream…


“Father,” came Aleira’s voice behind him. He turned and asked, “yes?”


Aleira shifted her feet slightly and said, “what did you dream about



“When she told me that I would be a father,” he said smiling.


Aleira did not move, and did not smile. “It seemed like you were angry when I was watching you say her name,”


Revan frowned. “Never,” he said truthfully. “Hearing that I was going to be a father was the best day of my entire life. When your Mother told me that we would be having a baby, I was thrilled beyond anything. I couldn’t wait to tell the others, I could wait for you to get here so I could start teaching you about the world. Aleira, I love you. I could never be angry with you.”


“I miss Mum.” Aleira said, a tear falling down her cheek.


Revan walked forwards and knelt down in front of her and hugged his child. “She was stolen from both of us. I miss her too.” He placed his hands on her shoulders and made her look into his face. “I will make sure you have a life that allows you to be able to great things. I will never leave you, Aleira.”


She nodded and wiped the tears from her face.


“Now come on,” said Revan, standing back up. “Let’s go for a walk. There’s a place near here that I think you will find interesting.”








They walked for a few hours and stopped when the sun was in the mid of her peak. Her face shown brightly down upon them and they took seat underneath a large yellow leafed tree.


“There should be another pack of those flapjacks in there if you’re hungry,” said Revan as he handed Aleira the pack. She looked inside, rummaged around and look out a packet of the flapjacks.


After a short meal, Revan stood and began pacing around while Aleira watched him. She had no idea what he was doing until he stopped and said, “this way!” pointing into the foliage ahead of them. He started walking and Aleira quickly slung the pack over her shoulder and took off after him. Through small shrub bushes through piercing nettles that stuck to their robes, the Father and Daughter trudged through the forest for another three hours.

Then all of a sudden, the trees cleared and they were standing in a large field.


A large structure was standing in the center of the field. Ships were flying around the area, and there was smaller dark figures walking around the structures doors.


Revan grabbed Aleira by the cloak and pulled her back into the cover of the foliage.


“Wha-,” she managed before Revan covered her mouth with his hand.


“Shh!” he said. He took his hand away and she looked up at him.


“What is going on?” she asked.


“Something that is not supposed to be happening,” replied Revan. “This planet is supposed to be deserted of all intelligent life; Animals being the exception. No humans were here when Jonas and I left. We made sure of that.”


“What do you mean?” asked Aleira.


“All of the were Sith. We had to destroy them to save the Republic.”


“You slaughtered an entire civilization?”


“I am no proud of what I done, Aleira,” said Revan. “But it was necessary. At least … that is what I believed at the time. I am not sure who these people are, but if they have ships, there is a good chance that -,” He stopped in mid sentence.


“What?” pressed Aleira.


“The Ebon Hawk,” replied Revan. ‘If they have ships, then there is a big chance that they would have found the ship. Come on!” he said, grabbing hold of her arm and lifting her up so she could wrap her arms around his neck. “Keep your face pressed into my back so the trees do not strike you,” he instructed his daughter. As she did so, he closed his eyes and he completely opened himself to the Force and took off into the tree’s as fast as he possibly could.





Thirty minutes later, thinking that that had to be a Force record, Revan and Aleira crept slowly behind a group of trees that situated near their ship, the Ebon Hawk.


There were a group of people standing guard at the loading ramp. Blasters pointed toward the hatch. It looked like that they hadn’t managed to open it yet. Revan was glad that it was voice-locked. There were several other people walking around the ship, cautiously looking up and down the ship. Underneath her belly, climbing up top and walking around.


Revan reached into the Force and prodded at the mind of one of the guards who were standing at the ramp. Panting the words in his head, he called to the others. “Come on! There’s nobody here! Let’s just go. This ship has probably been here for yeas now ad we just haven’t seen it before now.”


“Nevertheless,” said one of the people on top of the ship, “we should still check it out.”


Revan prodded at the other guards mind. “He’s right. There’s nothing to see here.”


“Go if you wish,” said a small voice. A woman just came into view as she walked around one of the corners of the Ebon Hawk and leaned against the hull. “If you wish to die that is. Our Master would not be pleased if you left before fulfilling his orders now would he?”


“N-no,” stammered the guards. “S-sorry Elise, we don’t know why we said those things.”


“You should keep control of your tongues then,” replied Elise. “Or I shall cut them out,”


The guards nodded vigorously and Elise laughed and walked away.


It was then that Revan felt a hard knock on the back of his head, a scream from Aleira and a flash of blue light before he hit the ground and felt darkness take him away.

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Chapter Six: Surprise



“It only takes the light of the moon to understand and acknowledge our path from another person’s eyes.”


“I do not understand,” replied Revan.


“You don’t need to,” she answered. “What you DO need to understand however is that not all wounds can be healed. They can be managed, but never will they be truly gone.”


“Is there no way to-,”


“No, of course there is not,” cut in the voice, interpreting Revan’s question before he had even finished. “Pain is a natural part of life, whether it be physically or mentally. To suffer is to learn; to learn is to understand and only through this can you fully know of the future. From the scars of your injuries that intertwine themselves with your senses, you can discern just what it is that you need to do to succeed.”


“Will I ever be free?” asked Revan.


The woman bore her blue eyes into his own and said, “Revan … freedom is just an illusion for the strong willed, but weak minded. To be free is to be lazy. To be free is to die. To be free is to be in a state where harmony can no longer exist because all, which could be free, is dead. You may not understand this now but in time, you will. Just remember these words when ever you think that you cannot continue: Everything I tell you is a lie, and yet, a truth also.”


“I think I am beginning to understand,” replied Revan.


The woman nodded slowly. “Perhaps. But perhaps not fully; that takes time.”


“I will never forget you,” said Revan.


“Of course you will, but that is something to be forgiven for,” She laughed at his confounded expression. “Revan!” she cried. “Go! You will be late! They are coming!”




He awoke to see himself lying on a stone floor. The coldness pressing into his back and making him cringe in discomfort. He sat up slowly and looked around. Aleira was lying next to him with her eyes closed. He carefully felt for a pulse.


It was there, but very faintly. Worried, he stood and walked to the Force Screen that filled the entire doorway that held them in that room and yelled out for someone. He heard footsteps and noticed two people walking up to him. One was a male with long brown hair and a hardened faced: typical military personnel. The other was a female. She kept looking at Revan with a half interested half anxious look. They were both clothed in a black vest, silver belt and heavy black pants. Their boots were of a green tinge with a gold inlay.


“Quit your yammering,” said the man. “We hear you,”


“Good,” snarled Revan. “Then maybe you can come in here and help my daughter. What have you done to her?”


“She’s only been stunned,” assured the woman. “Of course, it might have been a little bit more higher than what it was meant to be,” she quickly glanced at her male counterpart then looked back to Revan. “However, she will be fine. It takes time for the effects to wear off.”


“She better be fine,” answered Revan.


“Or what, Jedi?” asked the Male. “You’ll do what?”


“I think I’ll let you figure that out for yourself,” answered Revan.


“There will be no need for violence just yet,” came a louder voice from behind the two guards. They turned around and snapped a salute and Revan looked behind them to notice the same female from before. Elise: Her long blonde hair flowing behind her as she walked gracefully in her pure white robe.


“Good afternoon,” she said brightly to Revan. “My name is-,”


“Elise,” cut in Revan. “I know.”


“Good,” she said, unfazed by him knowing her name. “I am the Leader of our Master’s Army and it is I that will take you to see our master. He is most intrigued to see you Revan.” With that she unlocked the Force field separating them and Revan felt himself being put into a stasis. He cursed himself inside. He should have prepared himself for such a thing. She was so quick he didn’t even have time to pull up a force shield. She slapped a couple of stun cuffs on him and lifted the stasis.


“What about my daughter?” he asked as he looked over at Aleira.


“She will be fine,” said Elise. “Move,”


She prodded him in the back and he moved forward. They walked out into the hallway and moved along the stone passage. They passed many rooms that held nothing but complete darkness as far as Revan could tell. Some he could faintly see the light out of windows. But the sun was nearly set.


How long had they been knocked out for?


They reached a turbo lift and Elise pressed the button that would take them up.


Several moments passed and neither of them broke the silence until Elise pressed the emergency stop button and turned to face Revan.


“Why are you back?” she whispered angrily.


Revan stepped back confused. “What do you mean?” he asked.


“Why are you back on this planet?” her eyes gazed into Revan’s with an almost longing sense. There was a fire in her eyes that he had not seen for many a year.


“I know your face,” he said slowly.


She nodded. “Yes,” she said. “You know because it was I who nearly killed you, but spared your life last time. It was only on the condition that you leave this planet and never return. That was before you and Jonas the Exile laid waste to this planet and destroyed nearly everything and everyone.”


“I am sorry,” he said. “But your old master had to be destroyed. If he was not then my galaxy – your galaxy – would have been destroyed.”


“That is in the past,” she said as she turned back and made the lift resume its ascent. “You will face the new master of this planet and he shall decide your fate.”





Revan stayed silent as the doors slowly slid open. The hallway beyond was filled with torches lining the walls. This planet had always seemed so primitive compared to other worlds in terms of technology. But Revan knew that that was only the mask that it wore. The true face was in the walls.


They walked briskly down the corridor and turned left that lead down a small incline. They came to a room what looked to be an entrance hall that sat at the bottom of a giant staircase. Revan looked up.


“We have to walk up that?” he asked.


Elise smirked. “Too old are we?”


Revan puffed out his chest childishly. “Never!” he said.


Elise shook her head. “I despise what you did Revan,” she whispered. “But no matter how much I want to hate you, you could always – and it seems that you can still – make me smile,”


“It’s what I do,” replied Revan as they started their climbing.


“Quiet,” she warned. “My master can hear us now. Now shut up and stay silent and no harm will come to you nor your daughter.”


They climbed the rest of the stairs in silence. All the while Revan was thinking about how he could get out of this mess. His thoughts came up short however, because as to how many plans he conjured in his mind, each one of the endangered his life, and if there was a risk that Aleira could be harm in their escape, he would not take that route. He would think of another way.


His mind was taken back to reality however as they climbed to the topmost stair and proceeded forward through a large archway and into a great chamber beyond. Only after realizing that he could not see the roof of this room, he realized that he had been here before…




“Revan,” said Jonas, panting for breath. “We can not keep this up for much longer.”


They had been fighting for eight hours straight and it seemed that Ka’azar had not lost any momentum, or breath in the process.


“I know,” replied Revan. “You would think someone would tell him that we’re the good guys.” He was watching Ka’azar pace from side to side of the room. Just mocking the two of them. He was playing with them. Making them struggle before he unleashed his final move to end this fight once and for all.


Jonas tried to laugh at this statement but all he could manage was a small smirk. “Revan,” he said. “We have to consider that we may not be able to win this fight,”


Revan looked at Jonas. “You surprise me,” he said. “I never would have thought the most revered general of my army would have given up so easily.”


“It wasn’t easily, Revan,” said Jonas seriously. “I have fought many battles and many battles have I won. But never have I faced an opponent

such as this.”


“Had enough?” asked Ka’azar


“No,” said Revan. “We were just wondering how long it will take before we decide to kill you,”


Ka’azar grinned. “Hopefully not too long,” he said. “I’m getting annoyed by this pointless fighting.”


Revan cried out and Jonas lunged forward. Each tired but neither surrendering to their will to give up…




“You remember this room,” said the figure standing in front of them He had his back turned to him and Elise but Revan could see just how prominent of a figure this man really was. He was looking out of a great window that showed the entire valley beyond. A new addition to the room, Revan noted.


“Yes,” replied Revan. “I remember it.”


“Good,” said the figure slowly turning to face them. He had shoulder length hair. Braided in some places with bright red beads dangling down and resting upon his shoulders. His eyes were piercing black: Long empty tunnels that lead to an empty soul. The slender body that was cloaked in an emerald green robe gave off the appearance of a teenage boy more than a man.

“You weren’t exactly what I was expecting,” said Revan, barely able to hide the surprise in his voice.


“I get that a lot,” smiled the boy. “No one really expects a person such as me to know the knowledge that I possess.”


“And what do you know?” asked Revan.


“I know things that you do not, for I am a god; I am all knowing.” replied the boy.


“And what are the thing you do not know?” countered Revan.


The young man smiled. “Revan,” he said. “I know things like the fact that you are with your daughter. I know what goes around in you and your daughters mind. You should watch her by the way. I have realized that she is not exactly as she seems. I can move mountains; I can create life and just as easily take it away. I am the real Conqueror of Death,”


Revan scoffed. “Ka’azar thought just as you did,” he said. “And, just if you have not noticed, he’s not doing very well.”


The young man smiled. “I however, am not Ka’azar,”


“Then who are you?” asked Revan.


“My name is Botiu,” he said. “I am the son of Ka’azar.”


“Botiu is a weird name,” stated Revan.


“As is Revan,” countered Botiu.


“Indeed you have me there,” nodded Revan.


The young man smiled once again. His eyes were still as dark as ever and did not complement is seemingly warm smile.


They stayed silent for a while. In that time, Revan took in just how different Botiu and Elise really were. Here was this woman, with a passion to hate and hurt, and yet … here was this boy who seemed to be the sort of person who would not even hurt a gizka.


“I have hurt more than a gizka,” said Botiu.


Revan frowned. He did not even feel Botiu’s presence try to overshadow his own.


“Oh yes,” nodded Botiu excitedly. “I can hear your thoughts as if you are speaking them directly to me,”


“Interesting,” said Revan.


“Interesting indeed,”


Elise walked forward and Botiu cocked his head to the side and looked at her.


“My lord,” she said. “What is to be done with the prisoners?”


“I thought you would have already known that, my sweet Elise,” said Botiu mockingly.


Elise kept her anger in check. Clearly she did not like this new master of hers, Revan realized. “I do not my lord. For you only know the things others do not,”


Botiu laughed at this. “Yes, that I do!” he boomed. His voice quieted after several moments of his laughter echoing in Revan’s ears. “Ah Elise,” Botiu said. “What do we usually do with people who present a threat?”


“But what of the child?” asked Elise. Even Revan this time could sense her flabbergasted thoughts.


“She will also be presented as a threat and will need to be dealt with,”


“But, my lord,” started Elise.


“You dare doubt me?” cut in Botiu. “DO YOU DARE DOUBT ME?” He screamed.


Elise took an uneasy step back. “Of course not my lord!” she said. “It will be done!”


With that she took off toward the stairs, pushing Revan down in front of her as she went. Revan’s mind was spinning. He had to get Aleira and get out of here as quickly as possible. But with Elise guarding his every move, how was that possible?


She pushed him into the turbo lift and they proceeded back down to the lower levels. “Elise,” started Revan. “How can you let him do this? To kill an innocent child; It is inhumane!”


“It is my master’s wishes and orders,” said Elise. “I cannot disobey them otherwise I will die.”


Revan tried to question her more but she would not budge. Even when he tried to probe her mind, she shook him off and glared at him. Before he knew it he was back in the cell. Aleira was sitting in the corner softly weeping. Revan sped over to her and hugged her.


“It’s going to be, OK,” he assured her. “I promise,”


“We’re going to die,” she replied. “There’s nothing you can do father, I already know,”


“No!” said Revan. “I will not let anything happen to you, I have already told you that.”


Aleira just shook her head and continued to weep. Revan kept holding onto her until the two guards from before and Elise stepped in front of the Force Screen.


“This is only one way so you will not be able to defend yourself,” said Elise.


The three of them each pointed blasters at Revan and Aleira.


Revan stood in front of his daughter. “Please,” he said. “Just take me. Let my daughter go. But you must know that Botiu is lying to you. He is no god. He uses you only to gain power for himself!”


“Shut it!” snapped the Male guard. He aimed directly for Revan’s chest.


Revan looked at Elise. “Please,” he said. “Help us! I can kill this Botiu and you will be able to live a free life.”


Elise leveled her blaster at Revan. “A lot of others have said that before you Revan,” The three charged their blasters and before Revan could do anything, Elise’s gaze hardened and she elbowed the male guard in the jaw and shot the female in the side of the head. “But you are the first one I have ever believed!” she cried as she lowered the Force Shield and continued to attack the male guard.


Revan darted forwards and grabbed the blaster from the female’s corpse and shot the male in the kneecap. He fell to the ground and screamed in agony. Elise took her opportunity and hit him directly in the windpipe. He spluttered and after only a few seconds, he lay sprawled on the ground dead.


“Let’s go,” said Revan. “There’s a pretty good chance someone heard that,”


Elise stood rooted the spot, apparently at a loss for words as for what she had just done.


“You coming?” asked Revan as came back into the hallway closely followed by a worried yet thankful Aleira.


“I have nowhere to go,” said Elise helplessly.


“Listen,” said Revan. “For this, you can come with us, now let’s go!”


Elise slowly started to nod her head. After a few up and down lifts of her head, she started to nod faster and she smiled at Revan. “Let’s go then.” She said.




* * *



“Where did you put my lightsaber?” asked Revan as they all ran down the hallway.


“No need to search for it,” said Elise as she rummaged around in her white robe. A second later she pulled out the hilt of Revan’s lightsaber and chucked it to him.


“Thanks,” he said as he hitched it to his belt. “Now all we have to do is get to the Ebon Hawk,”


“It’s still where it was,” replied Elise. “None of us were able to bypass the voice lock for the loading ramp.”


Revan smiled.


He and Aleira followed Elise as she lead them down a steep incline that led to a small set of steps.. There was a large hallway beyond with doorways leading to places unknown lining against the walls. They moved quickly down the passage until a soldier that came out of one of the rooms stopped them.


“What is going on?” he asked, eyeing the three of them suspiciously.


“I have orders from the Great God Botiu himself to take these two prisoners to the docks. They are to be taken to the plains of Gheru to be put to death.”


“I wasn’t notified that anyone was to be coming down this way,” said the soldier.


“If you have a problem than I suggest you take it up with the Master!” snapped Elise. “Now will you let us pass or shall we go and see our Master? And most likely, to both of our deaths because you decided to waste his precious time?”


The guard nodded his head slowly but stopped when they all heard the alarms overhead. He looked down to Elise but only noticed the form of her fist heading directly between his eyes. He fell to the ground out cold.


“It looks like they’ve figured out that we’re not dead,” said Revan.


“Are we going to be able to get out of here?” asked Aleira looking from Elise to Revan.


Elise nodded. “Of course,” she said. “This way!”


Elise took them into one of the rooms and ran directly to corner that faced the doorway. She lifted up a rug and underneath sat a hatch.


“Oh, I forgot how cliché this world was,” said Revan.


Elise smiled. “If you’ve watched a number of holo drama’s then you no doubt will be able to get out of here,”


She lifted up the hatch and dropped down. Aleira followed, then Revan.

They were engulfed in darkness and Elise cracked on a glow rod and tore down a long, thin and winding passageway.


“Do you know where you’re going?” asked Revan.


“Yes,” he heard Elise say. “This tunnel leads to a secret entrance that will open very close to your ship. It will only be a hundred meter dash but the area will be full of guards so we will have to be quick indeed.”


For another forty-five minutes they followed the tunnel, panting and holding stiches at their sides. For the last ten minutes the path steeped into an incline and Revan had to fuel not only himself, but pass on some of his energy to Aleira also; she was not trained as much in these techniques as he was.


They reached the end of the tunnel and Elise pressed her finger to her lips. She climbed up a ladder and turned a wheel at the top and slowly pushed up the hatch. She peered out and around at their surroundings and motioned to Revan and Aleira that it was all right to ascend up the ladder.


Aleira went before Revan and when Revan stood to his feet once he left the tunnel he felt light headed and stumbled slightly.


“Father!” said Aleira running to his side.


“What is wrong?” asked Elise


“I’m fine,” he lied. “Just took a wrong step. Come on, let’s go,”



Elise nodded and proceeded to carefully trudge through the thick foliage that now stood in their way. It was just then that Revan’s danger sense kicked in. He turned, ignited his lightsaber and yelled for both Elise and Aleira to get to the ship as more blaster bolts came flying at them.


“Go!” he cried out to them. “Secure the ship!” They left and Revan continued to fight against the incoming blaster shots.


Four soldiers jumped out from behind the thick bushes that surrounded him. He took out two of them before the other two unsheathed their vibroswords from their backs. The two circled around him. Revan opened himself up to the Force. He sensed one of the soldiers that was no behind take a downward swing towards his head; he ducked and swerved and slashed at the soldiers legs. He jumped and rolled out of the way. The other soldier came swinging wildly at Revan. He blocked an incoming attack and lunged his lightsaber directly into the soldier’s abdomen. He turned to quickly block another strike from the other soldier. He kicked the soldier in the kneecap and when the soldier fell, Revan struck him in the side of the neck. The smell of burnt flesh filled his nostrils. He looked around, but after making sure there were no more soldiers around he took off after Aleira and Elise.


They were waiting for him just before the clearing.


The three of them reached the opening of the clearing to where the Ebon Hawk sat and Revan ran up to the loading ramp, pushed the talk button and yelled into it, “Bastila!” and the ramp lowered and each of the piled in.


Revan closed the ramp again and took off towards the cockpit. They weren’t out of this yet.


“Elise!” he said. “Come on, we have work to do!”


Elise followed him as he ran to the cock pit and slammed down into the pilots seat. He started up the engines and after very quickly flipping multiple switches and going through each procedure as quickly as he could, he lifted the ship off the ground and took off into the sky. He noticed that they were being followed by a multiple number of smaller ships.


“Take the controls!” he ordered Elise. "Steady this ship and get her ready for Hyperspace. Anywhere, I don’t care, just away from here!” He didn’t wait for her response but instead headed directly for the top turret.


He sat and took control of the weapon and waited for the ships to get in range. He looked down to the control screen when the sky went black and noticed the red blips coming up fast on their position. A grid of the distance in which his turret could reach came up on the display and he watched the fighters start to circle the ship.


He took random shots at the fighters as they flew around him.


One came in closer to fire a couple of pot shot at him and he let loose a flurry of laser bolts and blew that fighter to oblivion. Now the other fighters knew that he meant business, they took more caution in nearing the ship. It was only until another two ships flew in and landed couple of shots on the port side of the hull that the rest of the dim witted nerfs realized that they had another five ships compared to his one. Now Revan had his hands full. He used the Force to predict his enemies next directions and shot bolts always a couple of degrees to the other side before redirecting his fire to the original path of flight the fighters would take. He felt the ship do a quick lurch “down” and he swiveled the turret back around so he could fire at the fighters that were coming up from behind him. He shot a few more shots and just before he was about to bark into the COM he received the message over the ships speakers, “prepare for Hyperspace,” and after a spilt section slowdown, he was pushed back into his chair and they entered Hyperspace and left their enemies to follow a trail of space dust.


It was then that Revan decided that he would no longer take part in any close get-a-way’s ever again. He had enough grey hairs as it was already.

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Thanks Bini.


I wasn't sure about this chapter. I didn't know if it seemed rushed or not. I wrote it when I was pretty tired and I just re-red it and found some of the mistakes you mentioned so I'll go and polish them up.

As I said, not sure about this chapter and I'd like to see everyones opinion on it to see if I should lengthen it or something to make it seem not so rushed (if its rushed at all that is...)

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Probably not, but I just felt that it needed something...

Something more than what it had anyway. I didn't want to go too overboard with the whole editing thing though so I just added a tiny bit. Trust me, I had so many more ideas, it probably would have gone into another chapter!

But .. I was sure that nobody wanted that, including me.

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