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Lightsaber Deflect?


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Been playing OJP since it came out, so I'm not a newbie when it comes to the system etc.


But I'm just wondering how deflect works in 1.2? It doesn't seem to function the same as it did in previous versions of OJP (holding attack + sec. attack).


Mind you, I haven't played OJP for a while, so please enlighten me :)

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A few changes have come in for manual deflect, but you don't do power attacks (atk + alt atk) to deflect, it's been that way for a while...in fact, I don't even recall a time when you have to do something as tedious as a power attack to manual deflect. You just swing the saber with attack. If you don't time it right, you get increased DP damage if shot. In addition, certain styles cannot manual deflect - Shii-cho, Soresu, Makashi are in the group.

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But surely it should be the other way round? Soresu is the major defensive/anti-gunner stance, and without manual deflect it can't really deflect...

Automatic deflect (I guess that applies to simply standing still and doing nothing) doesn't do much, as far as I'm aware :(

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Note that even agressive stances will have a small spread though, you need to time the slashes right to minimize this.

Don't expect to snipe all the people with the agressive stances (though it is possible).


And when you're at close range defensive stances work just as well (since the bullets will just be slashed back at the opponent)


I think that an older OJP version that I used to play had less ''spread'' when reflecting bullets at players.


But perhaps that's due to the regularly lower set animspeed.

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