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Dirty Campaigning


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No, not Obama & McCain..


Though I admit, it was what I was looking for when I stumbled across this light-hearted read.

It brought a chuckle and made me forget (if even for a little while) the current campaigners here in the U.S. ;)

(Mental Floss ) -- Negative campaigning in America was sired by two lifelong friends, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. Back in 1776, the dynamic duo combined powers to help claim America's independence, and they had nothing but love and respect for one another. But by 1800, party politics had so distanced the pair that, for the first and last time in U.S. history, a president found himself running against his vice president.






Oddly enough, in the same article, there's a link to this one which was really amusing :D


* 5 Presidential Secrets Left off the White House Tour


Decent reads for both history buffs (American) & people wanting a slight detour from "politics as usual" :lol:

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Oddly enough, in the same article, there's a link to this one which was really amusing :D

Thomas Jefferson knew, so he took the time before he died to write out the inscription. A rather lengthy memorial, the missive listed Jefferson’s many great accomplishments, from “author of the Declaration of Independence” to “founder of the University of Virginia.” However, he did forget one small achievement. The tombstone fails to mention that Jefferson was once president of the United States. [/Quote] I can't really see Jefferson making that type of mistake. Perhaps he only listed the accomplishment he was truly proud of. :D
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I can't really see Jefferson making that type of mistake. Perhaps he only listed the accomplishment he was truly proud off. :D


Hm. I was just about to respond to the Jefferson one. I seem to recall reading that he didn't want to be remembered as the President, but by what he did.


Cool links, ChAiNz.

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No, not Obama & McCain..


Though I admit, it was what I was looking for when I stumbled across this light-hearted read.

It brought a chuckle and made me forget (if even for a little while) the current campaigners here in the U.S. ;)







Oddly enough, in the same article, there's a link to this one which was really amusing :D


* 5 Presidential Secrets Left off the White House Tour


Decent reads for both history buffs (American) & people wanting a slight detour from "politics as usual" :lol:


I knew about 4 of the 5. I didn't know about the consequences of the flu bug.

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