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The Novel (no spoilers)


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I just finished the novel, and I wanted to post this for anyone that is considering this game for the story...


In my humble opinion, the story is very good and well worth getting the game. I'm very stoked about the game now, just to experience the story and to watch the cutscenes. It's not perfect, but what Star Wars movie or novel is?


The action sequences in the novel do feel a bit video-gamish (but that's understandable). However, the story itself is a very good addition to Star Wars canon. For me, it actually adds meaning to a few aspects of the original trilogy.


In short, I enjoyed it thoroughly... it felt very much like Star Wars.


I'm curious if anyone that's read the book agrees or disagrees. Please don't give any spoilers, as I'd like for folks considering the book and/or game to hear from fellow fans here without worrying about spoilers.

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Very nice I'm thinking of picking this up when it comes out here in NZ. I'm getting the game tomorrow but its nice to know the book is very good too. You said "some of the action sequences feel a bit video-gamish" well thats to be understandible seeing as its based on a video game but apart from that would you say its a good read?

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As far as my "video-gamish" comment, I totally agree with you. It's expected, and not necessarily a bad thing. To add to that, though, I really enjoyed the duels. They screamed old school star wars for me, complete with banter.


A mistake I think is very common to Star Wars novels is the fact that they lean so far toward Sci Fi elements, they sometimes lose sight of what Star Wars really is about: Story. I've read scenes in other books that have Luke doing things like using the wiring in his artificial hand to short circuit a prison cage door... while that's neat and all, it just doesn't feel like something you'd see a hero in Star Wars doing.


The Force Unleashed does not make that mistake, and I was very glad. It's all story, start to finish... and the story is (in my opinion) really good. The simplicity of the story really adds to the feeling that this belongs in Star Wars canon.


Sorry, got a little speechy there. :) To answer your question... yeah, I thought it was a really good read.

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