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Fantasy World Map


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So i'm kind of stealing Litofsky's idea and showing off a map I made... :p


This map I made in January to go along with a D&D campaign that sadly never materialised... But I enjoyed making the map and creating the lore...




It's not complete, and I doubt it will ever be :p, but I thought I'd share it with you all.


Who knows, I might use it in a fic or two!



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Very cool, Astor! The "Elfwall" is an interesting addition, and the geography is nicely done, as well. It seems as though (the) Human empires have been trapped in Asul. As for the 'political scene,' it looks as though you've created four major empires and a few "Free Cities."


I wonder what lies to the South...

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Wow...that's great Astor!


Looks like there is a lot you could write based on it, with the four Empires, as Litofsky said, and the 'Free Cities' (Hellenic influences, perhaps?), and a lot of open space to play about with.


Well done! ;)

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Very cool, Astor! The "Elfwall" is an interesting addition, and the geography is nicely done, as well. It seems as though (the) Human empires have been trapped in Asul. As for the 'political scene,' it looks as though you've created four major empires and a few "Free Cities."


I wonder what lies to the South...


I never got around to the south, but I've always thought about it being inahbited by intelligent orcs, unlike their more tribal cousins shown in this map - certainly, there could always be more humans, or perhaps... nothing?


Regarding your assertion that they're trapped - they kind of are, at least from travelling northwards - the Elfwall appeared not long after Elves departed from the mainland (Perianor, the Free Cities and Fazir were all part of a large empire, where elves and humans existed peacefully, but they would eventually disappear during the 'Great Storm'). It's a 300ft wall of black ice - that streches as far as the known world.


As far as the influences go, Perianor is a mix of several sources - the main influences were Gondor from the LOTR, and Byzantium - it's a kingdom in decline - a shadow of the former power it once held. It's really not a kingdom any more - it's a confederation of City-States, ruled over by a king with little power.


Elskold is, unsurprisingly, a mix of Norse and Viking - a small kingdom, but with everyman able to take up arms, and with a sea-fairing tradition. But, in ages past, they've had Dragons to deal with...


Fazir's pretty much an Islamic/Saracen/Turkish kingdom - vast tracts of desert, with most of it's population centered in cities, but with a few nomadic tribes that brave the sand and eke out a living there.


Dragonhollow - Dwarves! They live in the mountain, along with Förnir, the last Dragon in existence - they have a mutual understanding, and the Dwarves act as his custodians.


The Free Cities, as SW01 guessed, are a mix of Hellenic and 15th Century Italian influences - ruled over by powerful merchants, but also known for housing great minds, and for their naval prowess - they've never posed a threat to the rest of the world - they're too busy fighting for control of the coastlines to cause a problem...


I'd forgotten how much i'd written for it.... :D

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A violent, fear-inspired genocide, perhaps?


The Elskrym peoples in the north purged their lands of dragons, finally defeating the deadliest, Grymnir, after he wrought havoc on their lands in revenge for his slaughtered brethren, in a period known as the Dragonstrife.


Fornir was an exception - he's regarded as the wisest mind in the land - and many kings seek his counsel and centuries of experience. That, and he could end their civilisation if he was so inclined.

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A new post for a new map - this one has a completely different style to the first one (that's the problem with using two different image programs :p).


This is the start of a larger map of Perianor, one which will show more than just the capitals of each province. Plus it has a suitably medieval style to it:




I plan to revise the original map, and do a version in the same style, but using the Altëan names - the Altëan Empire existed 600 years ago, and stretched from the Free Cities to the Deserts - and it's collapse, along with other events started the changes that can be seen in the first map.

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