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Zombies Walk!


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Aiden fall back to the ground, screaming, and then it all stopped.


Vlad stood there, with a puzzled expression on his face. Never before, not even in the tests, had this happened.


He put the pistol back and looked at the dead zombies that had been fighting eachother.


He took in a breath and put his hands on his hips, thinking. He looked at Attriana.


"Well, what do you think?"

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"I can honestly say I have no clue what he did."


Atrianna looked over the battlefield.


"He managed to take them out with him it seems."


Atrianna turned to look at the solder's body.


"I never even bothered to learn his name, I can't help but feel guilty."


Atrianna hefted her minigun


"Well...Do you want to make sure he can't come back Or should I? Because I have a feeling that we really don't want him coming back as one of them."

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Vlad looked down at Aiden's lifeless body.


"I think there is more to this then we think. Perhaps we could take him back, I could perform an autopsy, more like a dissection though."


But something came to Vlad's mind.


"Unless, he's not exactly dead..dead, you know what I mean."

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( sorry, I forgot to check for a while, this took a weird turn...)

Sam had a few tears come to his eyes, Aidens dead, this can't be true, can't be true. Sam looked at Alexis, she hadn't noticed his look. She was looking at Aiden, so Sam looked, hoping it was one of those movie moments were the person wasn't really dead... no such luck, Aiden just lay there, finally in a peaceful sleep.

Sam took off his crucifix and put it around Aiden's neck. You'll need it more than me, friend... Sam looked at Attrianna, " I am sorry... Could we put the past behind us? It would be benificial to our... my survival."

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"Hello? Aiden, are you there?"


Aiden was waking from an almost dreamlike state. At least, that's what it felt like. He tried to remember, but...not to much came to him. He remembered a subway station...two men and a woman....




His eyes were opening, slowly, and the blur before him revealed that he was definitely not at the subway station anymore.


"Speak to me, Aiden, sweetie!"




Finally, gaining strength, he pulled up to look at his surroundings. It was a place that seemed familiar, yet...so distant...like a dream...


And standing there in the center of the room was someone who should be dead from the zombie attacks. Just like him.


It was his mother.

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Vlad stared closer at Aiden.


There was something peculiar about him, something that wasn't quite dead.


His skin still had color, which meant that his body was still generating heat and alive....and it meant brain activity.


"He's not dead."


Vlad said it so cooly and calmly someone would have thought the situation different.


He removed one of his syringes and plunged it into Aiden's arm, he then let the blue liquid out.


They'd just have to wait and see...

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Atrianna looked over her shoulder


"Vlad...I think we waited too long...more of our undead friends have shown up..."


Atrianna took a second look at the large group of undead, and then watched as even more showed up


"Great...it looks like we're about to be in the middle of another undead civil war. I say we go and get your men from the sewers and then get back to the safehouse ."


Atrianna looked down at the body of the solder


"I suppose we're going to have to take him with us if we don't want the undead to get him...Who wants to carry him?"


Suddenly, it seemed that the Russians were busy with other, more important tasks


"Oh...you guys suck."


Atrianna knelt down and picked up the solder's body.


"I'll carry him..."


Atrianna turned to the other solder, the one who had shot her earlier.


"I need someone to watch the safehouse while we're gone. Just get on top of the roof and stay out of the front yard. When we come back, I want you to clear any of the undead who are blocking our way."


Atrianna walked down the stairs into the subway


I hope this kid doesn't get grabby in his sleep...otherwise, we're going to have some issues

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Vlad was acting as rear-gaurd as the the group moved slowly away, when he recognized a certain...Doctor Alexis Ian.


He was familiar with her work...and her efforts to counter his weapons. All of them, not just the virus, but everything he had worked on, ranging from neo-toxins to transportable nuclear fallout.


He chuckled and whispered to himself,"What a small world..."


He shook his head and resumed his position as rear-gaurd.

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Atrianna stopped suddenly as she heard a very familar sound come from nearby


"Vlad, you hear that? It sounds like Gunfire. And it's close by."


Atrianna strained her ears a bit


"Sounds like someone's shouting in Russian, It's most likely your men."


Atrianna flinched as she heard a scream of a Brute


"Sounds like they ran into out undead friends."


Atrianna put the solder she was carrying on the floor and hefted her minigun


"Someone needs to watch him."


Atrianna ran toward the source of the gunfire

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"Mom? Is that really you? Or is this a dream?"


Her complexion softened and he caught a glimpse of love there, an expression so familiar and realistic to him he didn't care whether it was a dream or not.


"I'm still here, Aiden. But they're in control. And I...I..."


The entire scene melted away and he heard distant laughing. Then the laughing stopped, and screaming began. And then, suddenly, it faded and turned into a woman's voice. None other than Atrianna's.


He looked up to see her face, muttering coldly under her breath. His eyes closed again, and struggled to open them once more. She placed him on the ground, albeit not too gently, and he lay there as she ran off.


Aiden cursed under his breath.


"Oh well, more important things to worry about." He took the knife and cut his wrist, serving two purposes.


One, the pain woke him up.


Two, the wound didn't heal.


His powers were gone. And at this moment, that didn't seem like a very good thing.


Because in front of him was a stumbling walker, and he was dead in the water.

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Vlad hesitated before leaving the body of Aiden.


He knew that his men needed him though.


Vlad took out one of his anti-brute serums, attaching it to his rifle as he would a grenade.


He took off after Attriana, his troops following quickly.


He then stopped and turned to watch Aiden again.


"Vassili, go over and protect Aiden's body, he amy not be dead, so there is still hope. Move Comrade."


Vassili saluted and ran back to Aiden. Vlad heard his soldier fire a few shots, obviously killing any zombie nearby.


Vlad tramped down into the subway, AK-47 ready for bear.

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Aiden hadn't noticed the soldier standing off to the side. But he certainly did after the zombie suddenly splattered to the left and into the wall, a perfect kill. He would have burst out laughing if it hadn't been innapropriate to do so.


Standing, he noticed the soldier watching him carefully. Aiden simply gestured and said, "I am not a zombie." With a cheerful smile, he walked out of the building and watched the fray. It was a war, all right.


But this time Aiden couldn't do anything to stop it.


What no one else knew, however, is that the zombies he had disabled earlier were not dead. They were, presumably, cured. However, he sensed something had happened right before he exhausted himself and the hive took over his mind.


Perhaps they were dead? Which meant the hive was much more resilient and dangerous than he had at first thought--and likely much more dangerous than Vlad had expected.


Since his mother had appeared to him, however, it seemed to him as if the hive must be toying with him. She could still be there in the thoughts of her original body, enslaved to the hive.


So they must have some sort of control over him, and it appeared that they weren't using it.


But why?

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There was yet another undead civil war going on in the subway, Hundreds of them, all fighting it out with one another.


And the Russian solders were trying to get away from the battle, despite being pursuied by several waves of undead


"Looks like your men are in retreat, I can't say I blame them."


Atrianna pointed her minigun at the masses purusing the Russian solders and smiled.


"Vlad...now would be a very good time to tell your men to take cover."

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Aiden walked forward, noticed by no one. He stopped beside Atrianna, who was looking at the new battle in the subway. It seemed as if she was nearly having a heart attack when she turned and hoisted up her minigun in surprise.


Smiling, he said, "I can't do anything about these new zombies anymore. I think my abilities are gone."


And then, almost as if on cue, a large group of purely brutes rushed toward them. Aiden and the rest of the group started running, but the horde wasn't after them.


They were after the zombies in the subway.


Aiden heard Atrianna use some expletives.


In only a few minutes, the entire civil war was over. Only the brutes had survived.


It was survival of the fittest.

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(Lol, but Aiden doesn't know that.)


Aiden just had a small lapse from fatigue. No...they weren't running from the subway, they were in the subway. And the brutes had just destroyed all of the other kinds of zombies.


It looked like the brutes were then coming after them.


"Run!" Aiden shouted, and just then he noticed the door to the subway cabin. Knowing it probably wasn't a good idea with so many brutes in a contained area, he ran to it anyway.


"Someone help me with this thing!"

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"No time!"


I've really wanted to use this thing for a long time


Atrianna braced herself and pulled the trigger on the minigun


Time to die...


Atrianna heard ragged cheers as the minigun pumped round after round of lead into the skulls of the brutes standing in front of them.


Crap...I need to reload! And I missed a few!


Atrianna was about to reload when she heard the familiar sound of an AK-47 rip through the air


Thank you Vlad


Atrianna looked around cautiously, there weren't anymore.


"That's weird, I thought there were more of these things walking around."

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(She would have gotten to use that minigun if I hadn't "died," haha.)


The minigun had torn through a great deal of the brutes, and the remaining few were lost in the clamor, most likely escaping. Hopefully they wouldn't bring reinforcements.


Aiden walked up to Atrianna. "I really hope you have more ammo for that thing."


Vlad and his troops came up as well, and Sam not far behind. Obviously he had done some zombie-slaying of his own.


Maybe the large group of unlikely allies would finally get to go...wherever it was they were going.


And hopefully Aiden wouldn't be a danger to them all.


(I need to stop ending my posts with foreshadowing. :xp:)

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Atrianna turned around slowly when she heard the solder she had assigned to guard the house walk up


"If you are here...then who's keep a path to the house open?"


Atrianna turned to Vlad


"Alright...It looks like we're going to have to fight our way to the safehouse. Luckily, I have some more ammo for this thing."


Atrianna took one of the ammo chains she had strapped across her chest and grinned.


"Let it be said that I never go anywhere unprepared."

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" Sorry, needed to empty my bladder then I was surrounded, but go ahead, yell at me for being human and not having an infinite cargo space... But my Uncle should be there, not to mention Alexis, And she should have the Milkor, So we're doing alright, I guess. But let's run anyways, my uncle might run out of ammo, even he is fallible." Sam explained to the group sheepishly.

( What happened to Forever?)

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Vlad pulled the loading spring back on his AK to check his ammo. He slid it back,"We have no time to loose, I'll gather my men there. You and the others move fast in front, the rest of my battalion and I will bring up the rear."


Vlad motioned for Dmitri, who was in the tunnel with the remaining Russians. Dmitri and the rest of the troops obeyed immediatley, grabbing their supplies and running out of the subway towards the safehouse.


Vlad ran with them.

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"Well...it looks like we're going to have a bit of a problem getting back to the safehouse."


Atrianna stared at the huge mass of warring undead in front of her safehouse


Atrianna turned to the Solder


"This is why I wanted someone to watch the safehouse...just in case this very thing happend."


Atrianna turned back to Vlad


"Do you have anymore of those anti-undead grenades? I think we're gonna need em."


Atrianna turned to the mass of undead and smiled.


"So many targets...so much ammunition."


I really hope Shayla is safe...She's not in America, she's safe! Stop worrying!

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Aiden was running with Sam, of course, to the location of the small battle taking place between Alexis, his uncle, and some undead. Vlad and Atrianna were making their way to the safehouse, but they could always catch up, and they were safe. That minigun will really even the odds, Aiden thought grimly.


Alexis was firing grenades at some slow walkers, and the few runners were being taken down by Sam's uncle.


"Sam, it looks like things are okay here, but there's something I'd like to talk to you about with Alexis, if you don't mind."

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