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Zombies Walk!


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The horde, it appeared was more of an illusion, a distraction. At least, that's what Aiden could figure out. They were shooting, but the zombies were slowly clearing out to the sides of the subway.


There, at the every end, was a hideous...what was it? It looked like a man in a Russian uniform, but massive and muscular. He looked overly confident with himself. As he began a sinister laugh, the zombies all stood at attention suddenly and the shooting died down.


Someone fired a bullet at the monster. It stuck, but quickly was pushed out, the wound presumably healed. No blood.


Aiden went to Vlad, quickly, and whispered. "He wants you dead, Vlad, and I don't think he's going to negotiate. What are we going to do?"


Quickly, he put a restraining hand on Vlad's weapon.


"Yes, what are you going to do?" the thing said.

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"Yes, what are you going to do?"


"Take a guess."


Atrianna unloaded a barrage of lead directly at the thing and then followed it up with a second round to the head.


Atrianna smirked and turned to Vlad and Aiden.


"And thats that way it's done."


Atrianna, turned back around and stared as the creature took no appreciable damage and then it smirked at her.

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Smith unloaded the Marakov and the Colt, not really expecting it to do much, but every moment that the being stood there smirking was less time that it could be devoting to other tasks -such as killing them.


He wasn't disappointed in that the being just absorbed all the lead that Smith had unloaded. Shrugging, it wasn't worth much, Smith threw the Marakov and then followed it with the pistol that Atrianna had thrown at him -he'd used it up while firing at the zombies earlier. However, he kept the Colt, it was a weapon he'd bought several years ago.


"Vlad, you mentioned something about a nuke. While I'm rather opposed to you destroying Chicago, making it into a necropolis isn't exactly high on my list of things to do either." Smith thought for a quick moment. "How large is a yield of this weapon, a megaton, half a megaton, several hundred megatons? Basically, will we be able to get away from ground zero in time?"

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Sam looked at the horde. They were standing at attention like a good army.

What the hell??

Sam looked around, hoping to find a form of weapon he could use besides his Desert Eagles.

The nuke! We could set a timer... I don't think it quite works like that Sammy-boy. This ain't a movie.

Sam pulled out his Desert Eagle and fired a round at the beast, watching its right eye implode.

Thats right, score one for hu- What?

The eye instantly healed up and the beast looked at him, slightly annoyed.

" Guys, sometimes running away is the best option, eh?" Sam said in a muted voice to them all. " And, Smith, use the Uzi I gave you."

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Vlad looked at Smith.


"This weapon is a mixed fusion bomb, it contains both Uranium and Hydrogen bomb qualites...built it myself. The yield? Well, think several hundred kilograms worth of explosives. It will turn Chicago into dust, but luckily, with little radiation problems. If we use the Subway, you and the others can make it out before the 7 minutes that I timed it."


Vlad then turned to face the creature, more zombie then Russian.


He stepped forward and moved his head to the side.


"Lieutenant Zubov?"

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Something in Smith's memory was joggled as Vlad mentioned a mixed fusion bomb... something that he read, maybe... back when he was on Active Duty maybe...


He fished in his pockets for the cell phone he'd had on him and was surprised when he actually found it. Flipping it open, he found that he actually had a full five bars. Muttering his thanks to Verizon, he dialed in the number for the NSA that he'd memorized.


"I told you, Smith. This is an unsecured line, make it quick." Smith had given up hope on how 'his' agent knew who he was upon calling -besides the obvious.


"Lieutent Zubov, Russian." He spoke tersely. "That and known detonations of a 'mixed Fusion bomb', both Uranium and Hydrogen."


"That all?" 'His' agent seemed rather... ticked.


"Stack of twenties?"


"You've been seeing too many movies." The NSA agent replied. "I'll get back to you in twenty minutes with information on both."


"You guys work fast!"


Without a reply, the line clicked and Smith closed his phone before returning it to his pocket.


"Ah, yes... thanks for the Uzi, Larson." Smith said to the very impulsive Lieutenant. "I just hope I won't need it soon."

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"If we use the Subway, you and the others can make it out before the 7 minutes that I timed it."


"Vlad...for the last time, we're not leaving you behind. You are going to get through this alive, even If I have to knock you out and drag you by the scruff of your neck."


Atrianna then gave Lt. Zubov a cocky smirk.


"So...your the guy who caused all this huh? I can't say I'm impressed. I thought you'd be a bit...taller."


Atrianna smirked and loaded the pistol Vlad had given her.

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Sam smirked at Attrianna. He's heard that line before, but this wouldn't end like the movie were he returned with another comeback about his age. He'd probably try to pummel them into a bloody mess into the ground. Sam remembered something. In his old backpack, there was his P90.

Sam pulled it out, the black synthetic stock making him feel better that he had something better than his two Desert Eagles.

Now what?

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Vlad looked at Attriana, she remained stubborn on her side of the argument, he'd have to let that rest for right now. He'd address it again when the bomb was at Central Station.


He waved to Attriana and Sam, motioning for them to stand down.


Zubov looked like he wanted to talk. That, or he was really hungry, but he couldn't tell at the moment.


"Zubov. What is it that you want? Speak quickly. And what happened to you?"

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Sam put his P90 at his side, but he didn't let his finger stray far from the trigger. Zubov opened his mouth.

" Not long ago, really just a few short years before our current crisis, I found myself with a predic-" Zubov was interrupted by a noise.


Sam looked at his pocket. Someone was calling him! He answered the cell phone, " Hello?"

" Sam? Sam, Thank God its you. The infected, they're attacking! They're going to break through the door any moment! Help!" Alexis cried.

The Bas****! He was fighting on two fronts! He was trying to take out he one with a cure and the one with the power to destroy the hive.

" Vlad, I think I'm going to steal your nuke! Make a run for it! Get Alexis and get out!" Sam whispered.

" Alexis, get my uncle and what ever weapon you can find. Hide, and make sure you survive!" Sam told her, before he hung up he added. " I love you."

( Edit: No prob)

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(Wow, sorry guys...anyway, let's go see what we can do about this Zubov guy!)


Several distractions were stealing Zubov's thunder, and he obviously was aware of this fact. But Aiden knew that, inevitably, there wasn't going to be any negotiation here. He wanted to kill all of them, and he had the power to do it, too. Even if they could stop him, a greater danger lay within the subway, and there was no telling if they could use the nuke to stop it. But they had to try.


The beast opened its mouth once more.


(We'd better decide who gets to talk for him.)

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(I don't know if Jedi_man said I could take over Zubov or not so I'm just going to wait...in the meantime however...)


Atrianna unloaded another round from her mini-gun into the thing that looked like a russian military officer and snarled angerly.


"Why won't you die?!"


The Russian simply stood there and smirked at her as the bullets were pushed out of his body yet again.


"Vlad...that serum stuff you took? How much stronger does it make you? I'm thinking that if your strong enough to hold him down, we can go in for a two pronged attack."

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(Check my last post. Also, I'm thinking of stealing the nuke and setting it off, eh?)

Edit: I was only thinking of stealing the nuke for killing Zubov, he was standing up to alot. But now since he's been brain splattered, thats beside the point.

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"No!" shouted Ataris. He got many strange looks from the Russian officers. "He's too powerful. Don't ask me how I know, but....How do you think I predicted him coming in the first place?"


Quickly running over to Vlad, he put his hand on the man's shoulder. "Vlad, I don't care what you say or think. This is how it's going to go down, and how it's always been supposed to go down."


Drawing strength from some unknown force, he began to experience changes. The connection was growing stronger, but it was a primal fury that could eventually drive him insane like before. This time, however, Aiden was ready for it. He had to be. As he stood there, the beast watching him rather oddly, he then grabbed the vial out of his shirt and drank the entire thing.


Trembling and becoming very unstable, he looked directly at the beast...and smiled.


He turned to Vlad and grabbed a knife out of his belt, and then turned back to the beast. "Let's do this."


Aiden unleashed himself upon the beast.


It struck back, and flung him into a wall, but he was ready for it. He pushed off and dived for the creature's back. But it was too fast for him. He ended up having to roll under it onto the ground and avoid its counterattacks.

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Vlad jumped toward Zubov, quickly gaining a headlock position and hanging on for dear life.


He held on with one hand and with the other fished around in his bag for another anti-brute serum.


Zubov fell backwards, nearly crushing Vlad, but he soon recovered and regained his choking position.


(This may be my last post for awhile, I'll be quite busy until the weekend:( )

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Zubov shouted some sort of Russian curse as Vlad continued to hold onto his neck like a man possesed despite the effort he was making to dislodge him.


"Hold him still! Just hold him still until I can get a clear shot at him!"


Atrianna lowered the minigun and followed Zubov's movements with the barrel of the gun, hoping to get a clear shot at his head.


She felt her Cell phone go off in her pocket and her heart nearly stopped from the decision she had to make: Answer the phone...or finish off Zubov.


Screw it. He has to die...again.


"Vlad! Flip him on his back or something! Anything to help me get a clear shot at him!"

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Zubov shouted another curse as Vlad managed to pull him down to the ground and Atrianna grinned a savage grin as she leveled her minigun directly at his head at close range.


"Dodge this."


She shouted in triumph as she felt the bullets from the mini-gun punch through Zubov's thick skull and impact with the inside of his head. Zubov rolled over on his side and lay still.


"Hopefully...He was the only one of his type."


The phone!






"Shayla? You alright?"


"N-No. Some guys with russian accents got into the safehouse. They said that a friend sent them over here to look after me. I let them in...and now those two guys I saw earlier are coming towards the house!"


Alright...stay calm...deep breathes.


"Alright...Shayla. Tell the russians to aim for the heads. Tell them whatever they do, they have to keep firing everything they have at them. While they're fighting them, I want you to hide in the bedroom and lock the door behind you. Understand?"


"Y-Yes mom."


"Alright...I'll see you soon hon."


Atrianna heard the phone hand up with a click and she turned to Vlad.


"They found her."

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The primal fury raged through Aiden as he surveyed the work. They had finally destroyed this brute, this Russian officer gone mad. They were weak fools.


Apparently Atrianna's daughter was safe. So they could get on with their mission. Looking around, he then turned to Vlad, grinning passionately. "That was fun!" Then he turned to Atrianna. They had to destroy the leader of the hive. "If we finish them, then your daughter will be safe!" he said. He put his hands on Vlad's shoulders. "Let's go!" he said in a slightly irritated way.


Aiden had to control himself better. What if they put him in cuffs again? Or made him stay behind? He would simply escape if they did. But he had to play this out to the end. If he got hold of that weapon...he would have easy control over the hive. But now was not the time. He had to remain calm.


Something screamed in his head. "Shut up!" he cried aloud. Foolish ones. They would all be dead soon enough, anyway.


Vlad was giving Aiden a strange look. He tried to relax himself. "I'm fine." There was nothing Aiden was doing that couldn't be blamed on the adrenaline. They would never know.


<Think about what you're doing.>


<Listen to her.>


<You're behavior is irrational.>




<Shut up, woman!>


<Don't listen to him!>


<Join us!>


<You fools, he's going to destroy everything!>


Aiden replied with an air of grim confidence.


You can't stop me.


Aiden waited for the others to follow. They had to go into the heart of the station, where the hive leader was. And there....


Sam wants the bomb. But there is no way he can stand up to me. Not after I have....


<I will destroy it first.>


You can't. I won't let you.



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Sam called Alexis, as it turned out, she was safe, the man he had saved earlier found an RPK and unloaded a bit of lead.

" Heh, heh, heh. Nice to hear that, Lexy. See you soon, Have to save the world and whatnot. I know, I love you too." Sam flipped his cellphone closed and sighed. They'd been going on, not even really resting for about three or four days straight.

Christ, I'll need some coffee, or maybe some whiskey. Nah, not whiskey. I'll finally get a martini!

Sam looked at Aiden. He was giving him a weird grin. Sam flashed a smile back. He reached into his pocket, pulling out his Bible.

My favorite verse, Ecclesiastes 7:1. " A good name is like a fine perfume..." I will need to clear things up with Attrianna. " And the day of death is better than the day of birth" Yeah, well the man who wrote this never had to worry about the undeath. Lets find that other verse. Oh well, too late now, I'll look it up later.

Sam checked his ammo, He still had five magazines for his, no Smiths, Uzi. Sam tapped Smith on the shoulder and gave the magazines. His P90 would hold out for ages. He still had two more ammo canisters for Attriannas Minigun though. He stepped over to her and wordlessly handed her the canisters.

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(I finally drew a picture of my character: http://x3non.com/download/Ataris/2/Aiden%20Valko%20001.jpg)


Aiden walked over to Sam and touched him on the shoulder. "You're going to want more ammo than that where we're going." He grinned, but only in a joking manner. The irony made it that funny, anyway.


<She won't if they use the bomb.>


I won't let that happen.


<Maybe you won't have a choice.>


You've lost your chance.


<You can't hold out indefinitely.>


Neither of us can prove that right or wrong.

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" Want? Well, ever since this whole mess started I have wanted more ammo. I'm lucky I don't have to pull out a shovel or some pointy stick." Sam said to Aiden.

He has a point though.

" Hey, guys, you think we could stop somehwere and grab some ammo? Vlad, you could send some of your troops to this place I know, It's loaded! We'd hold out for ages! Whadya say?" Sam asked everyone." It's even got ammo for your Kalashnikov." he added.

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Smith just stood and stared in something reaching awe as he watched Aiden act like some of the Afghanis and Iraqis he'd seen during his tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. Getting medieval on the Lieutenant Zubov with what appeared to be just his hands. "Damn, the kid is growing up." He muttered, unaware that he'd used his derisive nickname for Larson instead of Aiden's name.


He absently caught one of the clips of Uzi ammo, however the other four clattered to the ground. "Dammit." He cursed as he bent over and collected them, stuffing them in the oversized uniform's belt and deploying the Uzi's shoulder guard.


"Shut up!" Aiden shouted, causing Smith's head to snap up so fast he worried about breaking it.


Giving the younger man a quizzical look, Smith approached slowly, the Uzi slung behind him and both his hands in the air, as if he were approaching a wounded animal. Trying his best to make soothing sounds, he eventually gave it up, none of them sounded remotely close.


"Aiden." He said sternly. "It's happened once, it can happen again. Don't let that damn hive in." He guessed that it was the hive, he'd seen the man's eyes before and he saw them clearly now, the same wild look was present.


"Just, don't let the hive win, Aiden. Remember what happens in every book that's been written when a character uses evil to do good?" Smith was just throwing out anything he thought could help at that point.


He fished in the baggy pants of the uniform, searching for anything, and was gratified to find a Ka-Bar in it. Wrapping his right hand around the knife's handle, Smith kept the hand in his pocket and continued approaching Aiden, suddenly quite worried about the possibilities of his head remaining attached to his body.

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