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Zombies Walk!


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Aiden caught himself just in time before he said something rash. Instead, he replied to Sam, "Wouldn't it be prudent to use the nuke first, and then we wouldn't have the use the ammo at all?"


Smith started to approach, and it was obvious from his actions that he might be starting to catch on.


Damn, I forgot, he's the smart one.


Drawing on the power of the hive, Aiden quickly revised his face and movements so that he appeared normal once more. Also, using the hive, he easily noticed that Smith had gotten hold of his knife.


Aiden decided to play it safe, and pretend to not notice the knife. "Hey, I'm fine. The connection to the hive was destroyed a long time ago. There's no way I can get it back. I think the excitement just got to me."


He stopped moving and took a deep breath. "I'm good. Let's just finish this mission. I'm tired of this whole thing. Maybe afterwards we can all finally get some rest."

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"I, for one, double that notion Aiden!" Sam said heartily. Sam looked at Smith, who was aproaching steadily closer to Aiden. He noticed his hand was in his pocket.

Odd, what would he nee- His knife! Does he think Aiden's being controlled again? Sam slowed up to talk to Smith.

" Hey, uhh, Smith." Then he whispered. " You thinkin' that Aiden's being controlled?"

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There's only two ways out of this....


"Sam, I'm fine! Are you just going to let him pull his knife on me? We're all friends here, right?"


He put his hand on Sam's shoulder. "There's no way the hive got me. I lost all connection with it when I took that antidote, remember? And even if I was under its control, in all honesty I doubt I would need to pretend like I wasn't."


He hoped he had succeeded in looking perfectly normal as he chuckled.


But there is one reason why. The nuke.

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Atranna turned to Aiden and gave him a very strange look as all the pieces of the puzzle started to come together in her mind.


He did drink a whole vial of that stuff...and he has been acting slightly odd. Is it possible he somehow reconnected to the hive? Only one way to be sure.


Atrianna snuck up behind him and cracked him as hard as she could over the back of his head with the barrel of her mini-gun.


"I'm sorry about this...I really am. But if theres even a remote chance that you somehow reconnected to the hive...We have to take precautions."


Atrianna watched as his body hit the floor with a thump.


I hope I'm wrong about this...

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Vlad watched Attriana conk Aiden out.


He knew the reason, and he had suspected it too. Aiden's connection may have been reestablished.


They needed to get moving.


He stepped over Zubov's body, rejoining the larger gathering of the group.


"I wish we didn't have to do things like that, but we must. We have to hurry, we want this hell to be over. Come on, the train will be arriving soon, my battalion will have only a little time to plant the bomb."


He motioned for the others to follow, and for two of his troops to grab Aiden and pull him along with them.


Vlad walked slowly into the darkness of the subway, his grey trenchcoat billowing with the wind from the nearby entrance.

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Aiden felt like he should turn around.


Turn around.


<Turn around.>


With a crack, Aiden felt the blow that he was sensing would come. He smiled as he fell. The connection grew stronger than ever as he fought to stay conscious, and the affected area quickly healed. But he was still somewhat unstable.


As they picked him up and started walking, Aiden renewed himself. There were two courses of action here. And he had to decide which one to take.


And then he heard it. The train was coming. Soon they would be unloading the nuke.




Aiden immediately ducked forward into the Russian carrying him, rolled to the floor, jumped back up, and ran as fast as he possibly could down the subway. Towards the hive leader. He began to shift from side to side, waiting for the bullets to come, as they likely would.

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Vlad couldn't believe his eyes as Aiden seemingly snapped backed into conciousness and rolled away avoiding the gaurds.


They raised their rifles to open fire, but Vlad waved his hand as a signal not to.


"I think he's up to something, he's not undead, naturally, well..at least not yet."


He looked at the others and then broke into a run, "The train is here! HURRY!"

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Aiden bolted for his life through the darkness and into a lighted chamber. Standing there, perfectly complacent, was the hive leader, a Russian officer, likely some high official in the government. He ran straight up to the man and shook him.


"Give me the serum! Now!"


The man was holding it, ready to drop it on the ground, but Aiden wasn't letting him do it.


"You're right, you are strong," he acquiesced.


Focusing his mental power into obtaining the serum, he finally grabbed it from the man's grasp and quickly drank the entire vial. Zombies began to close in on him, but of course it didn't matter.


The green substance ran deep inside himself, and Aiden felt a tremendous change.


His eyes turned a noticeable bright green, and his muscles were only slightly perceptably larger, but the raw strength Aiden felt inside him was enough to know that it was working. A perfect version of the serum, and Aiden still had the hive.


Then he turned to the Russian officer. Something strange took hold of him. "You're dead anyway."


Unless I take the nuke....


Then the horrible power within Aiden built up again and he lashed out to the zombies nearby, urging them to kill the hive leader. And they were obeying.


He ran faster than ever before from the chamber. He could hear from afar the train, and Vlad's team was scrambling. They were going to leave him here.


But he was going as fast as he could.


Behind him he heard a scream and some last words, and then the connection suddenly was gone and Aiden felt stronger than before.


<You will never defeat Vlad.>


And then the power was his. Suddenly, the primal fury raging within Aiden was no longer coming from the source he had thought it was coming from. Now it was pure and wild insanity, caused by the lingering connection from the hive that hadn't been broken.


What am I doing?


But he continued on, regardless, crazed, and ready to enact his final plan.

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Smith stared at Aiden as he broke from the guards, not even bringing up his Uzi to pump lead into the man that, while not a friend, was more than an acquaintance. He dropped his Ka-bar in his pocket and withdrew his hand, glad that, somehow, he'd managed to keep his head attached to his body.


He heard Vlad's shout and quickly followed him, the Uzi and ammo barely weighing him down. Heck, if he could carry wounded men back to a medevac, then he could do this any day of the week.


He saw Aiden run away, into the inky blackness that surrounded the station, and sighed to himself. "Let's hope that one knows what he's doing." He said aloud.

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The thoughts raced through Aiden's consciousness. His mind had practically split into two different parts, the insane half of his mind, which had control of him at the moment, and the still alive and thinking sane half, which was truly Aiden. The serum, the stress, and the hive had turned a part of him into an absolute monster.


But what could he do to stop it?


Rushing towards the train, he began to see figures. He was getting close now. Apparently, the evil part of his consciousness was going to attempt to steal the nuke, but he couldn't see much beyond that.


The images closed in on him until finally Aiden was within proper viewing range of Vlad's team. He closed to a halt and began to slowly walk forward. He was clearly a troubled individual, and would snap at the right moment.


The voice that came out of Aiden was not his own. It was like an animal, inhuman, alien. No man could produce that kind of sound.


"I am taking the nuke, Vlad. And then I'm taking it to Moscow, and detonating it. Then after I've wreaked havoc on Russia, I'm coming back to the United States, where I can begin my empire!" His evil consciousness laughed, but he was obviously completely insane and ready to break at any moment. There was no hiding that Aiden was in all practical purposes gone.


Only he wasn't. Quickly, Aiden made a move towards his eyes. He was able to make direct eye contact with Vlad, but then they glanced away again when his evil side took control. A low gutteral sound formed in Aiden's throat. Obviously that wouldn't work. But after some more searching, Aiden finally discovered the answer.


In his mad rush, Aiden's evil side had forgotten to safeguard against Aiden's sending mental messages. It might only work once, but that was all Aiden needed. At least he hoped.


He knew that this was it. After all he had done, this was the only way. No serum, no amount of reasoning, no physical barrier could stop Aiden's evil side now. Only one thing could be done, and Aiden was ready and willing to sacrifice himself to do it. After all, what did he have to lose? It was time.


Before his evil side cut him off, Aiden was able to send one brief message to Vlad's mind.


Shoot me in the forehead point blank.


After this concise message, Aiden's body roared and flailed, and then reared, getting into position. This was it.


Aiden's body threw itself towards Vlad.

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Sam had loaded into the train, praying whatever ammo he had held out until they were done here. Off in the distance, not too far into the tunnel, a scream could be heard.

" Hmmm, another one bites the dust." Sam muttered. Then Aiden was there, suddenly, randomly, almost supernaturally.

"I am taking the nuke, Vlad. And then I'm taking it to Moscow, and detonating it. Then after I've wreaked havoc on Russia, I'm coming back to the United States, where I can begin my empire!" Aiden said, then a deep gutteral growl filled his throat, he was shaking, then he pounced at Vlad, his rage apparent.

Sam kicked, catching Aiden in the face, it was enough to put him off balance. Aiden went to the side, missing Vlad by mere inches. Sam pulled out his Desert Eagle and fired, a round of .50 AE hollowpoint punching a whole through his chest.

" Rest in Pea-" Sam started, but was interrupted by Aiden's hand closing around his throat. The world was starting to blur...

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Aiden's evil half didn't feel the bullet already penetrating through his brain, but he did. Suddenly, his grasp on Sam's neck failed, and Aiden's consciousness and thoughts simply vanished.


The figure that was Aiden slumped immediately to the ground, the brain activity halted. Aiden was, for all thoughts and purposes, dead.


The form lay there. Seconds, then minutes went by, and the figure lay there. There was no way that a bullet in the brain wouldn't kill a normal human.


Then, slowly, the area around Aiden's forehead began to move, a bullet was pushed out of it, and a scab formed, and then it gave way to healed skin, no scarring. But the figure just lay there. No movement.




With a slow opening of the eyes, he was able to examine his surroundings. All he could see was sky above him and some trees and apartments near the bottom of his eyesight.


Struggling to get up, he noticed a group of people surrounding him. He had no idea who they were. "Who am I?" he asked quietly. But no one responded.


They were all pointing guns at him.


He glanced over the group and saw that many of them were wearing uniforms. He thought that they were Russian, but he didn't really know why. But one of the men was obviously wearing the blue uniform of an American military officer.


Aiden looked at him, knowing that this American could probably be trusted. He looked the most surprised of them all, so perhaps he was a friend of Aiden's. "Please, I don't know who or where I am," he said, starting to become desperate.

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Sam held his P90 at Aiden.

What the.... Does this mean that headshots don't work on undead anymore!! No, Aiden's more powerful than your average super. He's probably working off some second drive or something.

Sam had taken his cross back, it would do more for Sam than Aiden.

" Attrianna, should we trust him? Part of me does, but another part remembers the bruises around my throat." Sam asked Attrianna, using his spare hand to rub his throat.

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One of them spoke. The boy was young, though since...whoever he was didn't know what he looked like at all, he couldn't really make any judgments from that.


Scraps of memories fluttered through his brain, but he couldn't make out anything. Only a few keywords here and there.


What is going on?


Beyond the group, he saw more figures. Many of them were covered in blood, and some were horribly disfigured. They almost looked like zombies. They were approaching the group, but they all had clueless looks on their faces. Some looked as if they were in horrible pain or agony.


Do I look like one of them?


"I can't remember anything! And those people over there....I need a mirror!"

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"Attrianna, should we trust him? Part of me does, but another part remembers the bruises around my throat."


"...I say we give him a chance. if he blows it, he dies instantly. And be a man, they're just bruises."


Atrianna took a quick glance around and noticed the number of undead heading toward them.


"...And here we go again."


Atrianna got down on one knee and prepared to open up on the approaching undead.

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((Um...I meant that the people who are 'undead' are no longer undead. They are free from the virus now. Because now that the leader is dead, and Aiden's memories are gone, that would make sense. But whatever. I guess I've done enough weird stuff to this RP.))

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Everything was moving fast, but Vlad had little time to comprehend what was fully happening. But it seemed that the undead were....changing. That was the correct word for it? Was the Hive-Mind dead? Vlad didn't know.


He motioned for his troops to follow.


"This is strange to say the least...."


He walked to Aiden and looked down at his form.


Vlad prodded Aiden with his foot.


"Physically dead....mentally....definately alive..."


That answered Vlad's question.


He looked back at Attriana and Sam, "The Hive-Mind isn't dead, if anything, we've just made it worse...."


He walked down the tunnel, the sound of the approaching Russian train could be heard. The bomb would be here soon, and the mission would finally be complete.



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Walking towards the man in the Russian uniform that appeared to be the group's leader, he attempted to get the man's attention.


"What army? What's going on?"


Nothing made sense to him. He couldn't remember anything, no matter how hard he tried. Everything was just gone. And to add to this pain, he had a very powerful headache.


Was this amnesia? What on Earth had happened to him? Then he thought of something else.


What if...he wasn't meant to know?

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Should I tell him? Maybe about the hive mind, that he sould know, but maybe not so muach about his...er, past.

Three minutes later...

Sam had quick explained it to Aiden, telling him about the Hive mind, and how it controlled the zombies. But he avoided the story of it, on the off chance Aiden knowing who, er, what he was would trigger another bout of violence.

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"The...United States...it's been taking over by these zombies...that doesn't make any sense."


Looking down at the ground, trying to comprehend the story, Aiden Valko had absolutely no recollection of the events.


"So...you're going to detonate this nuke. But...."


He hesitated. There was no easy way to explain this, but something in the back of his mind told him that he should go into the subway. Something unrecognizable drew him there.


"We have to go into the subway, now, before they detonate it."


A fragmented emotion was filling the man. Not a memory, of which he had none, but simply a leftover emotion. Getting suddenly back to his other point, the man asked, "What is my name?"

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That broke Smith, he'd heard the question so many times in his life prior to this point, but it was the first time that somebody he'd grown, if not exactly close to, somewhat fond of ask the question. He managed to hide it quickly enough that he was relatively certain that nobody saw it, but he looked at Aiden with something akin to pity in his eyes.


"Aiden," he said, "Aiden Velko."


With that he turned to follow Vlad into the subway, he was willing to trust Aiden on this one.


((Wow, talk about long time no typing))

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Wandering after the two military officers, whilst contemplating his name, Aiden wondered what the strange attraction to the subway was. Once he got there, he assumed that he would know why. But at the moment, it was all a little fuzzy. Before they placed the nuke, perhaps they would see why he had wanted to go there. Meanwhile, he had to discover his own relationships with these people.


He walked over to Sam, the one that had explained everything to him. He had no idea what connection he had with him, but he decided to try and ask.


"Sam...were we ever friends?"

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Sam looked at Aiden, contemplating his question.

" We were allies, sure, friends, even, if you went by technicalities." Sam answered. " We saved eachothers butts a few times, so, yes, you could say were friends." Sam looked down the tunnel, the fact that this wasn't over, well...

Rage surged through Sam for a moment, but subsided as soon as it had appeared.

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Letting go of the thought, Aiden continued on in silence. The grief had not yet fully hit him, and it wasn't clear if it ever really would. For now all he wanted to do was follow his strange feeling, and that was all. And after that he had to find out who he was--if that was even still possible.

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