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New Gun


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Hey guys, so, I have run into a little dilemma, I am trying to create a new weapon and put it into KotOR... So, I have been able to overwrite the blaster, but when I Try to create it as new giving it these requirements: Template ResRef/Tag: w_taurus_001 Base Item: Blaster Pistol Cost: 100 Add. Cost: 100 Pallete ID: 8 Upgrade & Charges: 0 Stack Size: 1 Model Variation: 1


Then I place all of that into my override folder along with my new .mdl's which are also named as w_taurus_001.mdl\.mdx So if someone has a solution to this, it would be greatly appreciated :)


SHOULD HAVE BEEN g_w_blstrpstl021 :)


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You never stated what happened after that, you just said but when I try to create it as new. Did it not come into the game, how did you try and get it: Cheats, KSE, spawn it?


Also is this that pistol I asked you to add to kotorfiles?(under the username thextamac)

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LOL yup, for some reason my pistol won't come up as a taurus 92b-17, besides when I just overwrite old models such as (w_blstpstl_001)... it's probably a little mistake Im making, but not sure... Here's a pic of what happens in KotOR dddd.jpg <--- now what happens after that is it shows just a normal Blaster instead of my weapon... Hope this clarifies things a little bit more

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You need to rename your .mdl and .mdx files to say w_blstrpstl_0-- and replace the dashes with numbers. In baseitems.2da, you'll find that the game sets what the model name for an item must be, and if you don't name it that, KotOR puts in the normal blaster model. Also, in your item file, you need to change the model variation to whatever number you ended the filename with.


Edit: Also, to get a custom icon working, you need to create a .tga file that has your gun icon on it with 128 by 128 dimensions, and name it iw_blstrpstl_0-- and replace the dashes with the numbers you used earlier.

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Still no luck :( the names of everything is: w_blstrpstl_021.uti/mdl/mdx... IDK what could be the problem now Still, any help would be apprecitated, I am going to try and edit the .uti file some more... I tried renaming the .mdl/.mdx's to w_blstrpstl_001 and it overwrote that blaster pistol...


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