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The Company

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Thanks everyone for the feedback! Now for the next chap....




Vey stepped around the bodies and parts of the Seps he'd just taken out. His armor had become covered in grime, oil, and a liquid that he couldn't identify. It didn't matter though, so Vey began moving farther down dark orange tunnel. Surprisingly, there was no resistance, at least that he could see without his helmet, that he had left back near the start of the tunnel. He suddenly heard soemthing go crack and some dust fell to the ground from the ceiling.


Vey stopped and looked behind him at the back end of the tunnel. Nothing was there. Vey kept walking, slower this time, but he heard the sound again and stopped, aiming his rifle down the corridor. Suddenly, the lights began to flicker on and off, losing power.


Vey could spot some bright orange lights everytime the lights flickered. Then they went out completely, and Vey didn't have night vision.


"Oh blast..." Vey began sprinting as fast as he could toward what he believed to be the entrance. The he heard the cracking sound again, and he looked back.


The walls down the halls were covered in an eerie orange light and he looked closer. The orange spots were moving slowly. Then he knew.


More Geonosion Elites.


"If I were sneaking up, I'd have at least checked my lights!" Vey shouted at the orange figures.


He opened fire, the blue rays lighting the tunnel as they flew toward the bugs. He hit some of the orange lights, but in the pitch black tunnel, it was hard to hit targets.


Suddenly, more orange lights began crawling all around the tunnel.


They're coming out the kriffin' walls! Thought Vey.


The walls suddenly became more visible as more and more Geonosion Elites piled together. Vey counted as he continued shooting all over.


But there were more than he could count.


Soon, the orange lights covered nearly all the walls. Vey just gawked in surprise and looked at the ceiling above him.


A Geonosion Elite screamed a war cry and flew down, hitting him across the forehead with its war staff. Vey tumbled to the ground, probably with a light concussion. He felt liquid pouring into his eyes, blinding temporarily what little vision he had in the dark tunnel.



He flailed his arm out in an attempt to get the Geo out of the way. Vey stood and began running again toward the exit, lit only by the small red opening and closing buttons.


Suddenly, he heard the distant thump thump thump of artillery. He knew what was coming next.


The tunnel began to shake with every tremor and artillery shell that landed on the ground above the tunnel. Dust and rocks fell on Vey, further gashing him up and he lost balance. He could hear all of the screams of the hundreds..possibly thousand of the Geonosions.


Vey stood again with difficulty, one of the rocks had broken the armor on his back, pushing some of the plastoid into his skin.


He ran straight into the rock wall next to the door, but he was unfazed and still utterly determined to survive. He reached the door and hit the largest red button. The door opened and he ran outside into the battlefield of Geonosis.


The light blinded him for a second as his eyes adjusted. When the bright light faded and he could see the massive galactic battlefield, Vey saw Corporal Valez and a couple of Airbourne Troopers manning a heavy E-Web blaster cannon.


Vey began waving his hands wildly,"Don't shoot! Don't shoot!!"


Valez saw him and made a gesture for him to get down. Vey responded immediatley, falling to the ground and hearing a loud crack from his knee as it made contact with a rock in the wrong place.


Another injury to the group, Thought Vey.


Suddenly, the E-Web opened up on the tunnel behind Vey, the Geonosions began to pile up as the blue fire ripped into them.


Vey could hear the blaster fire whizz above him and he could also hear the Geonosions screaming as they collapsed all around him. He looked up at the E-Web and saw Valez with a rocket launcher, taking steady aim at the tunnel entrance above Vey.


Seeing the situation, Vey began crawling frantically away from the tunnel. Valez fired the rocket and it made contact with the top of the entrance. Everything was silent for a second, and then the explosion came, the impact throwing Vey several meters away.


The entrance collapsed, crushing more Geonosions and permanently sealing the tunnel. A cheer arose from the heavy weapons squad as the rocks fell. Vey tried to cheer too, but he was exhausted from almost dying from friendly fire.


Valez and another trooper ran over to Vey and began trying to pick him up from the ground.


"Bloody good timing there, Sarge. We were going to blow that tunnel up, but we heard that you were in there, so we didn't."


Vey smiled, "Heh...I wish you did, it would've been less painful getting stabbed than getting crushed by rocks."


Valez chuckled, "Well, your welcome anytime, Sarge. Someone up in the sky must like you."


Vey chuckled and stumbled to his feet.


"I think I should find a medic."


"Yeah, you think? Come on, you look pretty beat up."


Valez guided Vey into a small canyon near the coreship that the dropzone was near. They had set up company CP in one of the smaller caves, they then fortified the area, awaiting orders. Vey saw a bright red cross where the aid station was and the two clones walked slowly over to it.


A Clone in bright red armor walked over.


"Corporal Valez, Sergeant Vey, you in need of assistance?"


Vey nodded and Valez let the red clone take his arm.


"Sergeant, I think we're going to need to take out that shrapnel."


"What shrapnel?"


The Medic pointed to Vey's forehead. Vey looked up and felt it. Indeed, there were several small pieces of metal and alot of blood.


That was when the pain began.


"Oh BLAST! GIVE ME SOME PAINKILLER!" He shouted as the pain rushed in.


"But Sergeant..."


Vey retained his calm tone, "Doc, I have been stabbed, shot, nearly crushed, disembowled, and made into roadkill. The one thing I might need is painkiller. Okay?"


Doc nodded and took out a small syringe. Vey smiled, At least I can feel good once during a combat sortie...

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OK, there were quite a few of mistakes in this chapter CQ. Mis-wording, words in wrong places; that sort of thing.

Re-read and look through each sentence to every one.


but they in the pitch black tunnel, it was hard to hit targets.




and hearing a loud crack from his knee as they it made contact with[/i] a rock in the wrong place.


Not really sure as to what that word was meant to be, lol.


Anyways, those are just a couple for you :)


A good, action-filled chapter once again. Can't wait till the next. :D

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Sorry about the delay of this chap, but here it is:D





Vey sat on a small orange rock at the aid station as the medic used a small tweaser to remove the small bits of metal in his forehead. The Clone Sergeant was pretty happy about the fact that he couldn't feel a thing during the removal, a nice turn-around to what had happened earlier. But he knew that this wouldn't last very long.


Vey heard a small squirt and a clink of metal as the medic took out another piece of shrapnel.


The medic brought down the tweaser to show Vey.


"Look at this one, Sergeant. You are on lucky idiot."


Vey looked at the three-inch piece of metal that had just came out of his forehead. Needless to say, he was pretty shocked.


"Wow. That's big."


The medic chuckled, "No worries, no charge this time."


Vey forced a small smile and diverted his thoughts to less painful matters.


Suddenly, Corporal Valez walked into the aid station, a holodisk in hand.


"Sarge, we just got something from CP 2, General Windu commanding."


Valez tossed the disk to Vey, who caught it without problem. He then activated it and looked at the blue hologram that contained his orders.


Apparently, they were supposed to hold a certain canyon near the large coreship near their position. No reason was given.


But Vey didn't question orders.


He obeyed them.


Vey pushed the medics tweaser away. The other pieces of shrapnel would have to wait.


"Corporal, rally the first and second squads, we'll hold a platoon meeting over at Vantage Point zero-two-niner. Be there in 5 standard minutes, earlier if you can."


Valez nodded and began sending rallying signals via comlink to the spread out members of 1st Platoon of the 1st Airborne Division.


Vey picked up his rifle and checked its ammo capacity. He loaded another gas cartridge into it and checked the sights. Everything checked out.


He looked at the medic, "Where can I find a company supply depot?"


The medic gestured behind Vey. The sergeant nodded and began making his way to a small, quickly built tent north of his position.


A Clone in green armor, probably a clerk, stood behind a makeshift desk, large amounts of supplies behind him. There were several other regular clones loading duracrete boxes from a nearby supply gunship.


Vey's 'superior' instinct made the clone clerk to be a private, probably why he was a clerk.


"Private, I need a new helmet. Also, can you throw in a couple extra grenades as well."


The private responded with the bored voice of a seasoned clerk, "Can't do that without a requisition, you got that, Sarge?"


Vey nodded, "How might I get a requisition?"


"Company commander."


"Ahh, and where is the company commander?"




"Exactly, he's still in orbit. Now you very well understand why I can't give you a requisition. The helmet, private."


The clerk nodded and stumbled as he moved towards one of the duracrete boxes. He popped the seal and looked in.


"Sorry sarge, but there are only black ops helmets in here. Would you like a black helmet in this environment?"


Vey looked around the bright orange battlefield.


"I'll make do."


The clerk took a helmet out and tossed it to Vey, who put it on quickly. The clerk then handed him a couple thermal detonators, and Vey was out.


The Sergeant moved quickly to the rallying point where the rest of the platoon was. Vey neared Valez and began eyeing what was left of the platoon.


"Valez, there is only half the platoon here, is this all there were left?"


"Yeah, half the platoon overshot the dropzone, being this the first time in actual combat. They didn't stand a chance."


There was a deep pain in Valez's voice. It hurt Vey also, but they needed to complete their objective, no matter the cost.


"It wasn't in vain, corporal. We will ensure that. Let's move."


Vey brought up a fist and the platoon fell in behind him.


They started a route-step march into one of the darker canyons. They needed to capture a small crossroads in-between a couple of these canyons, and then, they'd need to hold it.


Valez looked back at the platoon, "Watch the walls and any possible ambush position, the bugs can be anywhere."


Private Jax, who was in the middle of the column nodded and nudged the man next to him, who activated a searchlight on his helmet.


Strangely, there was no resistance all the way to the crossroad point. Something that made the clones confident that they were going to be attacked by something extremely powerful.


The crossroads was really nothing but a couple of rocks surround by the canyon, not much different from the rest of Geonosis, but Vey would definately like it more here as opposed to the caves below them.


"Alright, Valez, take a few men and set an anti-vehicle position above us on one of the taller canyone spires. We'll have the high ground. Rest of you, set up demolition positions, booby traps, land mines, anything that will delay their advance. Then set up a machine gun position on the south end, that'll cover Valez's flanks. LET'S MOVE!"


All the troopers moved quickly and efficiently as they set up defensive positions.


Vey set up a small command post and established radio contact with Company HQ.


"Delta five-zero, this is Alpha position. Awaiting orders."


"Alpha position, orders have not been changed, hold until relieved by main force led by Commander Sel. ETA is possibly two hours."


Vey nodded, "Roger that, we'll hold. It shouldn't be much of a problem."


"Don't underestimate them, Alpha. Over and out."


That last bit made a chill run down his spine. He knew not to under estimate the enemy, but there was something seeming malacious this time.


Suddenly, he heard Geonosion wings beating down one of the canyons. A


And then a shriek of something, not human though. Vey readied his rifle and looked down one of the canyon passages.


There were a large amount of bugs, but they were controlling something...something of unknown power.


Vey looked farther down the passage and he identified what it was.



An armored Acklay beast.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry about the delay..I have found myself most busy...but without further ado....I present the next chap!






"Kriffin' Bugs, they have an Aklay," Vey muttered to himself.


He tapped the clone next to him. The clone turned to him and Vey pointed to one of the machine guns.


"Get that thing pointed the other way, we've got to attract that things attention. Let's see if we can get him into Valez's AT gun range."


The Clone trooper nodded and ran over to the machine gun, quickly dismantling it.


Vey turned his attention back to the Acklay coming down the canyon.


That thing will be near impossible to stop without anti-vehicle weapons, he thought,we're going to have to try something new.


Then he got the idea.


The Geonosions were taking awhile to move down the canyon, and they were still a ways down.


Vey grabbed a nearby trooper,"You! What's your name?"


Vey felt slightly ashamed that he didn't know every man in the platoon as everyone else did.


"Private Keph, Sarge."


"Well, Keph, follow me, I'll need your help."


"Sure thing."


Vey looked around for an ammunition box. He quickly found one near the machine gun that the other troopers were setting up. He tried lifting it, but it was too heavy. He motioned for Keph to get on the other side and lift it.


The Private came over and they began moving the heavy load up one the passages up to the top of the canyon.


"Sergeant, why are we bringing this ammo box up here?"


Vey nodded his head towards the Acklay's path.


"This ammo, once detonated, has enough punch to close up one of these canyons. That Acklay will be tough to kill, unless we use the right means."


Keph nodded an affirmative and chuckled in the comm.


Finally, Vey spotted a certain cleft in the rock above one of the canyons that the Acklay was taking.


They placed the ammo box there and Vey took out a small grenade.


He began setting the timer and fuse.


"Keph, I'm going to set this right before the Acklay gets here. When I do, you and I are going to have to run like mad in order to avoid the boom that will soon follow. You up to it?"


Keph nodded," Yep, always into a bit of danger, Sarge, we're airbourne for force sake."


Vey smiled at Keph's enthusiasm, something Vey hoped would stay with all of the troops.


Vey heard the Acklay screaming as it began to run faster down the canyone, traversing the rocky path quickly. The Geonosions were several meters behind, letting the beast go on it's own. It had spotted something, probably the rest of Vey's platoon at the crossroads.


It was only about one hundred yards from the blast radius that Vey and Keph had set up. They would only have about a minute. And in order to get out safely fromt eh explosion, Vey needed two.


"Oh, blast. This is gonna be close." Vey said, deadpan.


"Umm, Sarge..whad did you..."


Vey cut him off as he dropped the grenade into the ammo box, they would only have a few seconds.




Vey grabbed Keph by the pauldron and they began sprinting as fast as they could.


The Acklay suddenly spotted them and quickly climbed up the wall after them.


Vey turned and fired a few shots to entice the beast forward.


It succeeded.


Not entirely in a good way though.


The Acklay roared and charged, much faster than before.


It was now Vey's turn to flee.


He turned back and pushed Keph ahead.


Vey looked at his Krono and counted the minute..no, seconds before the boom.


He immediatley didn't like the Krono either.


According to what it said, the grenade would go off right about...now.


A deafening crack fillled Vey's black ops helmet with sound and he and Keph were thrown into the air by the shockwave.


Everything was silent for a moment as Vey watched the ground beneath him speed pass, then he collided with a large rock.


And everything went black.

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Very good, Commander, as always. I can't wait to see what happens next! He cant just die... Can he?


Anyway, re-reading the story will help you find the minor errors that may need correcting. The only thing I would change would be when Keph says, "Sure thing." In agreeing to Vey's request, to possibly, "Affirmative!", or "Yes Sir." since they are clones soldiers, and not regular citizens of the republic.


Other than that, nothing... Keep it up!



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Well, here is the Eighth chapter, sorry about the delay!


So, without further ado...







Someone was shaking Vey awake. His eyes were closed and his head hurt quite a bit. He opened his eye to the bright sun ahead, making his head hurt even more.


"Sir! Sir! Look at me! Look at me! Are you alright?"


Vey focused his eyes on the shaky object in front of him. There was small ringing in his ears, he probably had a nasty concussion. His vision cleared and he saw Private Keph shaking his shoulders.


"Sir, are you alright?"


Vey looked at the battleground behind Keph. There was a large burning crater with numerous flames and smoke rising from it. He looked back on the rest of his body and everything seemed okay. He looked back at Keph.


"I'm fine, Private. What happened?"


Keph nodded towards the explosion,"Well sir, the ammo exploded, killing the Acklay, but we weren't quite out of the blast radius."


"Ahh, well that would explain...ow.."Vey motioned to his forehead, "Help me up, Private."


Keph grabbed Vey with an hand-to-elbow grip, and lifted him up.


Vey was dizzy as he went, but he managed to make out that there were numerous bodies and parts littering the crater, the sounds of a distant battle in the background.


Vey grabbed his rifle nearby and checked it. Everything seemed alright.


"Let's get back to the crossroads."




The two troops ran as fast as they could towards the crossroad canyon a few meters away.


Valez's machine gun position was loosing rounds left and right at the advancing droids and bugs.


Vey took position behind a nearby rock and placed his rifle in a position to fire on the enemy's unprotected flanks.


Vey zeroed his sights and pulled the trigger.


He hit three battle droids quickly, exploding them into tiny bits of shrapnel that ripped into other Sep soldiers.


Vey stood up on the rock and charged forward to the enemy. He swung the butt of his rifle into one of the bugs' faces, yellow liquid flying everywhere.


Vey used the momentum to swing it again into another bug, where he then adjusted it to open fire into three other droids.


For a clone recovering from a shell concussion, Vey considered himself to be doing well.


Suddenly, Keph, who had been following close behind, pushed Vey into one of the nearby craters.


Vey fell head first into the crater and saw a small red object near Keph's position.




The Private only nodded, and Vey knew why he had been pushed.



And the grenade exploded, basking Private Keph in a bright white light filled with ash and fire.


The concussion forced Vey into an even more uncomfortable position, but that didn't account for the tears coming out of Vey's eyes.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is an odd fiction for me to describe. I have seen grammar and errors in character customs, but I can tell you're working on that.


I can say I appreciate the effort it must have taken to write all these action sequences, but I have found that your later chapters may become increasingly monotonous as you have so many of essentially the same character performing the same way. Battle sequences can be tiring, at least to me, so adding more of the aspects of war you don't see in movies would make it more interesting. Aftermath, recovering crippled soldiers, training, encountering victims of the war, ext.


Although each are unique in personality, clones don't have the means to go beyond their original genetic programing. This is a good idea for a fiction and you write it well, but I don't know how long you intend to make this. I will keep reading, but I don't know how far you can develop clones as characters because they aren't like people. That's just my two cents on the plot. Keep it up.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry I have not responded in awhile, Darth Yuthura, sort've got sidetracked...severly...as you can see:D


I appreciate your advice and wisdom that you presented on the fic, but I must say that I have a strongly different opinion on clones. Yes, perhaps they were programmed, but they are still humans, no more, no less. They still generate personalities{Which I myself am still trying to figure out:D} despite what they were destined to do, and the more they are exposed to the outside world, the more their personality expands, even beyind what they were meant to do. That is human nature, you can't stop it and control it, even if they are clones, now if they were robots, I'd say yes, but they are still humans, just bred out of a tank. Anyway that's my opinion...next chap will probably be up sometime soon...:D

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Well, here's the next chapter! I hope it's better!:D





Everything was immediatley quiet after the explosion, or perhaps that was everyone's ear drums recovering from the loud noise of it.


Some dust from the shockwave had reached inside of Vey's helmet, forcing him to cough uncontrollably for a few moments, but he quickly recovered.


Sgt. Valez was already surveying the area, there was no telling of a counter-attack.


Vey climbed his way out of the deep foxhole and propped himself up on a rock nearby. He looked at the explosion sight, and to his dismay, discovered that the grenade had been so absolute, that none of Keph's remains were there, everything had been incinerated. None for the burial.


Vey shook his head and stood without assistance, limping towards Valez nearby.


Valez turned to Vey, "I think that last bang from the ammo caison we dropped scared off the rest of the bug's, all the droids are done for, I can count for that."


Valez gestured to his blaster, it's barrel had smoke rising from it.


Vey's hearing was finally coming back, and he could hear the distant sounds of battle in the background, Geonosis was apparently still the living hell that the Clone Army had made it to be.


"Well," Vey coughed,"I think they may be counter-attacking whether or not they have enough troops. We know and they know that this causeway controls nearly all of the enarby canyons. Get some ammunition distributed amongst the men, also, tell them up it's time to eat some rations, it isn't good to fight on an empty stomach."


Valez nodded,"Yessir, I'll go handle that. Sorry about Keph, he was always to loyal for his own good. You alright?"


Vey sighed,"Yeah, just got walk off my leg, I'll be fine."


Valez nodded again and walked to the arrayed foxholes that had been setup for gun positions.


Suddenly, Vey's comm crackled to life.


".....*static* This Alpha-Charlie-3100, we are trying to reach airbourne troops supposed to be established at Vector 2-0...come in airbourne? *static* Commander Sel is in route."


Vey activated his comm,"Alpha-Charlie-3100, this is Airbourne leader. Vector 2-0 is secure. You are good to go."


"Copy that, Airbourne Leader, good job down there.."


The Sergeant looked up into the orange sky right in time for the dust to clear, as three LAAT/i Gunships made their way down.


Vey moved out of the way as one of the gunships landed a few feet from him.


He smiled happily as several troopers scrambled out of the gunship.


"Well, where have you guys been? You missed all the action over here!"


One of the clone's chuckled as he walked past, "Well, Sarge, we gotta little held up at the Geo's big arena. I'd say you missed all the action."


Vey chuckled and slung his rifle over his shoulder. Two more troopers came out of the gunship, one in yellow and the other in red. Vey knew exactly who they were.


He saluted,"Glad to see you, sir."


Commander Sel in his yellow armor saluted back,"Glad to be here, Sergeant. Good job holding the area, but you are to rejoin Alpha Company soon. They're approximately 3 standard klicks, kilometers, from the nearest Core Ship, they are assisting the entry of one of our Commando Squads."


Valez had jogged over and had saluted as well, Vey nodded as he listened.


"I'll get my men together we'll rejoin Alpha as soon as possible..."


"Good, I'll see you on the other side. Also, Lieutenant Drark will accompany you."


The clone in red armor nodded in recognition.


Suddenly, another gunship landed nearby...


...and Jedi Master Mace Windu stepped out.


"General Windu, we have several special forces units standing by..."


"Good, Commander, let's move."


Vey and Valez stood in awe of being in the presence of such an prestigous Jedi Master.


Mace Windu activated his lightsaber, and began leading Commander Sel and his squad of troops into the battlefield.


Vey looked to the gunship nearby and noticed that Master Yoda himself was inside.


"To the forward command post, take me..." Yoda said, and with that, the gunship was off. Vey sighed.


"Heh, that was cool. Now, let's move."


The troops had already rallied, and they moved into one of the nearby gunships.


The pilot turned around in his seat and faced Vey.


"Sir, what are your orders? Where do you need to go?"


"Get us to the front. These are the coordinates of our battalion."


Vey used his helmet comm to transmit the coordinates given by Commander Sel.


"Yes sir, I'll get this hunk'a junk off the ground."




"Nothing sir, just a saying."


Vey shook his head and grabbed one of the handrails, he'd have to get used to these 'sayings.'


Valez grabbed the one right next to Vey.


"Sir, I forgot to tell you our casaulty report. Only two missing, one wounded, and one death, Keph."


Vey nodded,"Thanks, but I think the next report should wait until we're off of Geonosis, we haven't even penetrated the surface of this battle."


Suddenly, the gunship began to shake with the close impact of flak.


Then something hit the wing.



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