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Star Wars: Battle of the Dark Jedi

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Atrila saw the hunter tackle Zo


I'll Kill Him!


Atrila used the force to push him off Zo and then to rip his helmet off


I can't kill him, it's not the jedi way


Yes you can! This man tried to kill both you and the other jedi! Finish him!


I-I must remember the code


Jedi are the guardians of peace in the galaxy.

Jedi use their powers to defend and to protect.

Jedi respect all life, in any form.

Jedi serve others rather than ruling over them, for the good of the galaxy.

Jedi seek to improve themselves through knowledge and training.


Atrila ignited her lightsaber and held it against the throat of the hunter


The hunter looked a bit nervous


"Remember this hunter, I held your life in the palm of my hand, and I let you go."


Atrila continued running

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Atrila couldn't believe it


The Hunter was still after them


You leave me no choice


Atrila force-jumped behind him, ignited her double-bladed lightsaber and attempted to ram it through the back of the hunter


The armor held against the lightsaber




Atrila had to think of a new strategy, fast


It would be so much easier if I could simply kill him

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He was turning back to her. Zo's eyes narrowed and she shut off her sabre, hooking it back on her belt. With near-lightspeed she broke down her wan-shen and had it strapped once more against her back. Atrila had bought her some time, but now the grown-ups had to take care of business. With an easy, calm gesture, she plucked her beskar curved longsword from her hip and spun it in her hand. There was nothing so satisfying as the weight of a good blade. She drew the Force into herself, ready.


Atrila was in pain. She could feel the faint ache thrumming in the Force. It was times like these Zosia was glad she wasn't strongly attuned to sentients. Sometimes it was downright distracting.


"Who are you?" she spat at their attacker, sizing him up. Her pulse beat all through her body, every muscle ready to twitch and react in a split-second notice. The Force tasted the battle that was about to start; she would react to movements that didn't exist yet, strike out at a body that wasn't in her path until after she had started moving. The Force would guide her through this.

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He had to be joking.


I am Death. Honestly. How cliché could you get? She felt his intent in the Force -- not through him, but through the realities of the Force, of what was and would be, and of her own body's reaction to battle -- even as he spoke. His blade was before her. Her own met his with a rich, harsh clang. Teeth gritted, she used her strength against him, pressing her blade to his, locking the hilts together. Without the Force she was formidable, as all Matukai were; with the Force as her ally, her strength only got better. He was, however, a most unusual enemy. Something felt different about him. He moved faster than a normal humanoid being should. But he couldn't be Mando; they wouldn't be so corny.


"Death?" she grunted out, shifting her feet into a better position, hoping to catch one of his knees and knock his legs out from under him. If she couldn't she was still positioned for either a quick defence, or a hair-bredth-from-death attack. "Yours, perhaps."

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Gerris continued his attack. He smacked the blade away with his gauntlet, then used the other arm to grab the Jedi's neck. She was indeed formidable, but even the strongest can be felled with the simplest of moves. He kneed her in the stomach and stared her close in the eye.


"I will never fail. I will never stop hunting."


He then cracked his fist once again into her face.



He raised the blade again, confident in his victory.

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She felt herself fall. The pain seared through every inch of her body. There was no anger. Only pity.


When you are strong, make yourself seem weak. If you are weak, make yourself strong.


Their eyes met again. She caught a fist in the face. Blood welled up, warm and sticky. It oozed and gushed. She hung her head, ready to take her death.


Lull. Tempt.


But never willing. He raised the blade -- and was over confident. His hesitation in savouring his victory was what did him in. Gathering the Force, numbing herself to pain, she let out a roar, boulstering herself. Pain was nothing, death was nothing; success was everything. She dove into his knees as hard as she could with her shoulders, blade in her hand. All she wanted to do was get him down, take him by surprise, and impale him with beskar. There was no pain. She didn't care how hard his armour was, if she had broken or fractured anything; all that mattered was taking him out.


If he thought he could take out a Jedi-trained Matukai, he was sorely mistaken.

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((Guys, could you all slow down with the postings and wait for Phantom Knight and I, please? And could you all not control each others characters on what they do? Control only what your character does. Thank you.))


Lyna, watching everything, got a little frustrated. She used the Force to lift the assassin up in the air, and banged his back against the wall. The young woman continued to hold him down with the Force.


"Who are you, and why are you after us?" Lyna wanted answers, because she had other things to do. Like investigate the Sith cult, which was the main thing to do in the first place.


Lyna conituned to glare at the assassin.

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Gerris watched in slow motion as the Jedi moved under him. She was indeed a skilled opponent. But what was she doing? Gerris did not know.


He looked down, right in time to feel a searing pain in one of the weak spots of his back armor. The Tac suit had been penetrated, and he was losing focus.


The adreneline rush was failing, and now he could feel the pain, the pain that echoed everywhere. It became hard to breath, and he felt the metal of the Jedi's sword in his body. He lost focus, and he couldn't hold on to conciousness.


He crumpled slowly to his knees, and then he lost conciousness, falling to the ground. His eyes staring at the red liquid flowing past him. But he was at least happy to know that he was still alive. Somehow.


And then he noticed that he was in the air, and he lost it. They would never get any answers out of him, least not now.

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(((I was wondering where you were o__O I just didn't want to get killed, sorry. And I never control other charries ^____^)))


Zo backed away, withdrawing to instinctual safety, gasping and spluttering blood. Lyna -- thank the Force. Even if Zo could have got the words out, she wouldn't have needed to. There was no way anyone here would kill their opponent. Honestly, for Zo at the moment it was mostly out of sheer practicality. They needed his information. Then after she was healed and calmed, she might admit that murder wasn't exactly a Jedi tenant.


She settled into herself, trying to dredge up a quick healing meditation. There were fractures and broken bones that needed to be taken care of. She couldn't heal them, especially not now, but she could at least get rid of the worst of it.


"Lyna," she mumbled, leaning back against a wall, her eyes only partially open and slightly dazed as she pushed more and more endorphins into her bloodstream, "what's going on?"

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Jaq continued walking, when all of a sudden he spotted the three Jedi again. Only this time, they were standing around a what appreared to be a dead body... of the armored man who was chasing them.


One dud with a blaster against three Jedi; the odds of his survival were very short. Unless he's still alive, that is. He walked towards them, and scratched his head while looking down at the fallen victim.


"Hmph. Looks like you guys took care of him easily." he glanced up at the Jedi. "I don't suppose you need a hand, do you? In taking care of this dead body before the authorities come to check this out?"

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Gerris coughed awaked. He noticed once again that the Jedi still surrounded him, and he was in no condition to fight. He had nearly no strength left, all adrenaline gone, for the moment. Then a man walked up and announced something about a dead body.


So the think I'm dead? Good.


It would provide ample time to escape to hunt another day. But they were Jedi, they could probably still sense his beating heart. Still, he was Gerris the Assassin, he always found a way. He laid still and without sound, but he knew that it was slightly in vain.

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"Lyna, what's going on?"


The young woman glanced down at Zosia worryingly, and answered, "It's gonna be okay, Zo. Don't worry..." Lyna then glanced up at Atrila. "Try healing her. That'll give us enough time to see why this Assassin is after us and to continue on with the mission I'm assigned to."


After that, she heard a male's voice. She turned. It was the same man that was bumped into.


"Hmph. Looks like you guys took care of him easily." he glanced up at the Jedi. "I don't suppose you need a hand, do you? In taking care of this dead body before the authorities come to check this out?"


Lyna grinned. Boy, this was totally an interesting evening for her. "Well... there might be some way to fix that..." Lyna answered. The young woman knelt down in front of the armored man, and raised her arm slowly. Then, she closed her eyes, and concentrated on the Force.


She could feel that she was healing the assassin, even though he was chasing them... for some reason. Lyna thought back on how she was a quiet and curious Jedi a year ago. But now, as a Jedi Knight, she was going to furfill her destiny.


"I'll heal him a little bit, just to get some answers. But I'm also healing him because I want to help him. It's not the Jedi way to leave somebody dying for no reason. Everyone needs a helping hand. Even if they're assassins..."


Lyna bit her lower lips softly, and continued to heal him a little more.

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Gerris' situation wasn't getting better, well it was slightly. Now, as the Jedi stayed there, silent, he noticed an ease in breathing, some of the blood was coming back and his pain was disappearing. He resolved to stay still and play dead, but he knew this ruse wouldn't go for long.

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Atrila finally felt like she could open her eyes without feeling excrutiating amounts of pain


Curse the Hunter


The last thing she had seen were little stars floating around her head when the hunter had head-butted her


And now the hunter was laying down on the ground apparently out cold


Poetic justice


"What do we do now?"

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"What do we do now?"


After she was done recovering the assassin a little, Lyna turned to Atrila and smiled. "First, we have to figure out what to do with this man. Then we need somplace to rest. After that, we have to investigate about this rumored Sith cult that's forming. Since you and Zosia are here, maybe you could help me... if ya want to."


The young woman lifted the man to lean his back against the wall. Then she stood a few feet away from him, having her lightsaber at her side, just in case he did something tricky.


"Stop playing dead, assassin. I sense that you're alive. All I want to do is ask you a few questions." Lyna waited for his response.

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His orders were quite clear, kill Cade Skywalker as well as any other jedi. He had been on Coruscant for a few days now waiting for the right time; that time was today. Reaper had been waiting for the chance to kill a jedi, it was in his programming. He was smart enough to know that assaulting the jedi stronghold would only get him killed, so he had another plan. While learning a few things from some dark jedi, he and the group discovered a holocron left by Darth Krayt. While he wasn't sure exactly what force was, he did pick on one thing that would help him lure Skywalker out. Reaper had watched a duel between Krayt and some other jedi. Another jedi with an orange lightsaber surprised Krayt by sticking her lightsaber into his right shoulder. The dark lord told Reaper to find this jedi and kill her, it would be a good way to get Cade to come find him alone. Reaper now in the present day on Coruscant has just come out of hiding. He put on a brown cloak and had the hood over his face. He moved down the streets, infested with smugglers, crminals, bounty hunters, etc. As he continued his walk, he noticed an armored man on the ground and three figures standing over him. Reaper looked at the figure standing in front of the armored man and noticed a lightsaber handle. It had been a while since he killed some jedi, however maybe he could get some information out of them first. Reaper walked up to the group of jedi and stopped.


"I couldn't help but notice that lightsaber in your hand, and I'm hoping you are a jedi. I'm looking for Miss Azlyn Rae, Cade Skywalker sent me to check up on her and I've never been in Coruscant before so I'm a little lost."

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Gerris sighed and bumped his head on the wall behind him. So much for the ruse.


Then the assualt droid walked into the situation.


He recognized the design, he'd killed and constructed a few.


But he didn't see them as a conversational-like droid.


"Jedi, be wary of this one. Don't think you'll get your answers so quickly..."


Gerris stared silently at the situation, he needed to wait for the right moment.

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"I couldn't help but notice that lightsaber in your hand, and I'm hoping you are a jedi. I'm looking for Miss Azlyn Rae, Cade Skywalker sent me to check up on her and I've never been in Coruscant before so I'm a little lost."


Lyna glanced at a droid that came up to them. It looked a little scary, but she thought there was nothing to fear. Suddenly, she noticed that he mentioned the name 'Cade Skywalker'. Lyna let out a silent gasp.


"Cade? My boy... I mean... ex-boyfriend? And speaking of Azlyn, I haven't seen her since the Sith Order's defeat. She's probably still with Fel's Imperial Knights. I'm not sure..."


Before Lyna could answer, she heard the armored man's voice.


"Jedi, be wary of this one. Don't think you'll get your answers so quickly..."


So all of a sudden, the man wanted to warn her about something. But she appreciated it. Lyna looked at the droid and smiled. "I'm sorry. But if you're looking for a... 'Cade Skywalker'... he's not here. I think..." Although Cade and her broke up, Lyna wanted to make sure he was all right, no matter what.

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Atrila was uneasy about the apperance of the droid


What are the odds that the droid fnds three jedi where they can't get any aid from the temple?


And suddenly, she noticed the way the hunter was staring at the droid


I don't like this, the the hunter shouldn't be staring at the droid like that...It makes me wonder if he's seen something like it before

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"Jedi, be wary of this one. Don't think you'll get your answers so quickly..."


Reaper laughed at the armored man's response and prepared to respond.


"Yes my appearance is rather... intimidating, but that's how Cade wanted me to look. No miss, I'm not looking for Cade, I was sent by him."


This one acts funny when I mention Cade's name, I'll keep that in mind.

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"Yes my appearance is rather... intimidating, but that's how Cade wanted me to look. No miss, I'm not looking for Cade, I was sent by him."


Lyna looked closely at the droid. Then all of a sudden, she remembered that before the break-up, Cade made a droid so that he could train it in the ways of the Jedi. She raised her eyebrows.


"Wait a sec. You're that droid Cade made and trained. What's your name? Uh..." Lyna had to think about it.

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