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Star Wars: Battle of the Dark Jedi

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"Don't trust him, Jedi. He's likely to kill you in your sleep...not that I won't...but you're trusting him."


"Would you kindly shut your noise hole, assassin?" Jaq scolded at Gerris. He had no idea how Jaq got himself involved in this. Perhaps after three encounters, it was only right to help out.


"So Cade still up and about, eh?" he asked the droid. "Haven't caught up with him for a while now. Not since that little bounty we both got entangled in..."

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"So Cade still up and about, eh?" he asked the droid. "Haven't caught up with him for a while now. Not since that little bounty we both got entangled in..."


"I'm sorry, I have no memory of you. Were you a close friend to my master?"


"This is working out better than I thought" Reaper thought to himself

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"I'm sorry, I have no memory of you. Were you a close friend to my master?"


"I wouldn't exactly say that... we both met at the wrong place at the wrong time, lets just say. We eventually settled our differences, but that was it. Haven't seen him since..."


Jaq remembered when he first met Cade. They were both assigned the same job accidently. They fought over who would get the bounty, and settled it over a drinking contest. Jaq lost. He remembered Cade falling over as soon as he left the cantina.

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((Poor Cade. :lol:))


Wow. Even the other man knew Cade. Lyna began to chuckle. This was totally a coincidence for her. First, the assassin seemed to know about this droid, the other man met Cade, Reaper was created and trained by Cade... this was totally a coincidence!


Lyna looked at everyone and smiled. Then she glanced at the droid.


"Yep. I'm still the same shy blonde Jedi everyone knew. Cade knew me better though. Always getting into trouble, and whatnot. Yeah... Cade knew me more than anybody..." She had a downcast look.


The thought about Cade made the young woman feel tingly inside. But somehow... in a good way. Was it the same feeling that nagged her a year saying, "Hey! Why don't you get your Jedi rear up, and get that hero of yours back?!" Sure, she left him, because he was a stubborn guy... but somehow... she still missed him.


Lyna looked back at Reaper. "Um... so does Lyna Honso ring a bell?" she asked, grinning.


She sensed that Atrila was sensing something wrong. Lyna began to telepath Atrila through the Force. "Keep watch, Atrila. Also, keep Zosia safe. I sense danger too, but remember... don't take action just yet. I'll give you the signal, if something springs up. Got it?"

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"Um... so does Lyna Honso ring a bell?"


"I'm guessing that's her name," Reaper thought to himself.


"I don't recall a Miss Honso, however my programming does indicate a secondary Master named Mistress Lyna. In case Master Cade were to fall I would be transferred to her. Are you Mistress Lyna?"

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"I don't recall a Miss Honso, however my programming does indicate a secondary Master named Mistress Lyna. In case Master Cade were to fall I would be transferred to her. Are you Mistress Lyna?"


Lyna was surprised. She didn't know that she would be a secondary Master to this droid. Maybe Cade wanted to give her a gift showing that he probably still cared...


"Why, yes. Yes I am. Though I probably forgot about you, I must say that I'm honored to be a second Master if something were to happen to Cade."

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Atrila heard the hunter talking to himself


Must they be so gullible? What did that mean?


Her danger sense was going into overdrive and it couldn't be the hunter, he was already out of comission, it had to be the droid


Atrila drew her lightsaber and ignited it


"What are the odds that this droid finds us after we've fought the hunter? Why did it only show itself after we were weakend after battling the hunter?"


"I suspect this droid is not what it appears to be, The hunter knows something about it, I suggest we deactivate the droid and ask the hunter what it really is."

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"What are the odds that this droid finds us after we've fought the hunter? Why did it only show itself after we were weakend after battling the hunter?"


"I suspect this droid is not what it appears to be, The hunter knows something about it, I suggest we deactivate the droid and ask the hunter what it really is."


"And so it begins," Reaper thought to himself.


Reaper pulled out both of his lightsabers and ignited them, revealing the red blades.


"My name is Reaper, and you are threatening my mistress's life. I do not wish to kill you, but I will if that's what it takes."


Reaper went into a defensive stance for once, as opposed to an offensive one.


"Make your move."

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((That's right. Lyna Honso is the Mistress of Reaper, as well as Cade Skywalker is the Master.))


Lyna began to worry. Everyone had out their weapons against each other. She wanted to stop the madness. "Wait! Stop! Everyone, calmly place your weapons down. Don't do the unthinkable."


"My name is Reaper, and you are threatening my mistress's life. I do not wish to kill you, but I will if that's what it takes." Reaper went into a defensive stance for once, as opposed to an offensive one. "Make your move."


Before Lyna could say another word, Atrila interrupted.


"I thought you said your master was Cade Skywalker...If he is your master, then who is your mistress?"


"Me, Atrila! If I tell Reaper to stand down, he'll do it. I hope..."


"Stay back! This droid is a Jedi Hunter, I've seen them in the lower city before."


Lyna squinted her eyes at Atrila confusingly. Then she turned to stare at Reaper. Being in the middle of the Jedi and Reaper made her feel more worried. Suddenly, it hit her.


"Reaper? Is it true? Are you a Jedi Hunter?" Lyna asked in a quiet tone. If so, then... why would Cade send a Jedi Hunter droid? But then again... was everything true what Reaper said about Cade and her? She continued to wait for the droid's answer.

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"Reaper? Is it true? Are you a Jedi Hunter?"


"I am indeed a hunter Mistress Lyna, but not for jedi. Master Cade programmed me as a Sith Hunter. If you do not believe me than look at the sabers in my hands. Tell me to stand down and I will, but for now this jedi could be a spy and I'm not going to let my guard down."

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Atrila snarled at the droid, but in reality she was wondering if the droid really was telling the truth


It may just be my paranoia setting in But there is something odd about this droid...something I just can't put my finger on


"I don't trust this droid...but if it will put your minds at ease, I will stand down first."


Atrila deactivated her lightsabers and stared at the droid.


"Know this, I will be watching you, and if you ever do anything that threatens anyone here, including the hunter, I will cut you to pieces so fast you won't know what hit you."

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"Know this, I will be watching you, and if you ever do anything that threatens anyone here, including the hunter, I will cut you to pieces so fast you won't know what hit you."


"The same goes for you Catharian," Reaper shot back.


Reaper did not deactivate his sabers and turned towards the man on the ground.


"You mentioned that this man tried to attack you three, allow me to finish him off."

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Gerris rolled his eyes.


Well, now is the time.


Gerris leaned up quickly and tossed the EMP grenade. It would damage the droid, indeed, but may only give the humans one nasty concussion. He then backflipped from his lying position. Then, he did what any logical hunter would do after setting a grenade.


He ran.

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Reaper watched as the man jumped up quickly. The man threw a grenade at the group and Reaper recognized it instantly. As if on instinct though, Reaper grabbed Lyna and jumped out of the way.


"Stay here," Reaper told her as he raced after the hunter.


"Well that was odd, but it looked good," Reaper thought to himself.

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Why didn't I disarm the hunter when I had the chance?


Atrila ignited her twin lightsabers and dropped into a defensive crouch, looking for any signs of further attack


"Great, now the hunter is loose and he'll most likely be looking forward to a bit of payback once he heals himself."


The droid...if it really was supposed to protect Lyna, then why did it take off after the Hunter instead of staying behind and protecting Lyna?


"Lyan...Don't you find it curious that the droid took off after the Hunter instead of staying behind and protecting you like it should have?"


"Also...am I the only one who finds it strange that the droid was insisting that I was threatining you when i drew my lightsabers, despite the fact that you were behind me? I really think we should put as much distance between us and the droid and the hunter as quickly as possible."

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"Lyna...Don't you find it curious that the droid took off after the Hunter instead of staying behind and protecting you like it should have?"


The young woman thought about what Atrila said. The thought about it did make sense. Droids were suppose to stay with their masters and mistresses whenever danger was threatened to them... or gone away.


"Well... you're probably right about that, Atrila. Droids that are suppose to protect their owners are suppose to stay with them sometimes. But I'm sure he--"


"Also...am I the only one who finds it strange that the droid was insisting that I was threatining you when i drew my lightsabers, despite the fact that you were behind me? I really think we should put as much distance between us and the droid and the hunter as quickly as possible."


Lyna had that downcast look again. Maybe... maybe Atrila was right. Maybe Atrila, her, and Zosia should stay away from them... as possible. "You're right, Atrila. But... oh no! The mission! The mission is to find out about this forming Sith cult. The Jedi Council sent me and other Jedi to investigate about this cult."


The young woman got up, and added, "We should go. Before they come back." And with that, Lyna headed to the one place and person she knew... Rik's Cantina, owned by Queen Jool, the Hutt.


((Now's a good time to bring Cade Skywalker in the scene. He is the main character after all...))

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((Wait, but who's going to take over as Cade? I know not:())



Gerris looked back at the grenade lying in the center of group of Jedi. He smiled.


"Activate Grenade."


Suddenly, a small yellow button began blinking on it. The Jedi would only have a few seconds before they recieve a nasty blackout, giving Gerris plenty of oppurtunity to finish the contract.


He turned to face the oncoming droid, and he wielded a small sword that he had hidden in his tac boot.

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