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Star Wars: Battle of the Dark Jedi

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Also...forgive me if I am overstepping my bounds, but I believe you should check Reaper's programing when you next get the chance. I can't help but feel that something is wrong with him.


"I understand your concern, but I can assure you there's nothing wrong with him. He has his glitches but I can fix that with ease," Cade responded.

"Master Skywalker, I believe we are being watched...I can't tell where the observer is."


Cade looked around, but he couldn't see this so called attacker. However one thing he did know was that the attacker would have a harder time getting to them in a crowd. Cade pulled out his blaster pistol and fired it into the air. He then shot at some buildings and the air some more. As planned, many creatures began running about in fear of what happened.


"Follow me, quickly!" Cade said to the group as he sprinted off with the crowd.

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"Follow me, quickly!"


Lyna gasped when Cade blasted his blaster everywhere. Maybe it was to distract the attacker they mentioned. It might've been the Hunter again. As Lyna moved through the crowd, she went beside Cade.


"Cade, look. We both know that we don't wanna talk, but listen to me! We have to figure out a way to stop this attacker. We can't just run! I'm tired of running!" Lyna was getting a little upset, but deep inside she wanted to get off Coruscant desperately.

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Gerris cursed aloud as his target ran out of the scope range.


He banged his fist hard against the metal of the sign in front of him, shorting the bright sign out for a second. He felt liquid pouring from one of his fingers.


He reestablished his scoping range and reacquired his target as the Jedi slowed for a second.


He would not fail again.

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Atrila growled in anger


I'm tired of running! this is all my Fault! The only reason he found the others was because I led him to them, if only I had fought him in the Cantina...they would be safe...Zo would be safe


Atrila slowly turned around


No more...this will end today


Atrila quickly began to climb up the buidling to get at the hunter


He thinks I am weak...I will show him that is not the case


Atrial jumped up and landed quietly on the roof and Ignited her twin lightsabers

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Kandar Ektun always had a knack for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The CR90 had been confiscated by the authorities for smuggling, Kandar only got out by being sweet where it counts; in the wording.


It cost him a few thousand credits, something not easy to part with for him. But he'd make em' back . . . a hell lot more if need be. Coruscant wasn't easy territory like Atzerri, too many laws and enforcements and--???


He drank another glass of ale. Kandar realized he kept babbling . . . then his thoughts returned to the lawsuit. Can't believe im being sued for that damned crash . . . bloody Sullustan should learn not to be crashed into by me. Damned Alien . . .Kandar stopped as he heard mutterings about a Mandalorian jedi hunter. For the first time during his visit here he noted the broken door and heavy foot indents on the floor. In a futile gesture he flung the glass at the broken door and ran outside.


Now things were really heating up, chaos and commotion and . . .-!?!


Kandar heard a blaster click.


Bout' time we found you Mr Funny Man, you go be sorted out by our blaster fire! Boom, boom and your guts be on floor! Kandar raised his hands and smiled, then in a blur of motion rotatated and stared at the Sullustan. Look, you crashed into me when I crashed into you so that must mean that I crashed into you when you crashed into me by myself crashing into you cus you crashed into me, got it? So you can get lost okay? Now get out of here before I decide to do something about the thing that never occured but only when it happened so it didn't right? The Sullustan stared in wide eye bafflement at the nearest wall and Kandar simply walked away.


For a Sullustan that guy was pretty whacky. Kandar didn't care to find out why. Probaly still sore cus I trashed his shipThen Kandar pulled out a datapad and examined its contents. I love being able to pickpocket that bug-eyed freak with such little trouble!Kandar kissed the datapads edge and then inserted it into his satchel and tapped it.


Then he recalled the attack at the bar. Not my buisness, and I don't plan to make it mineHe said as he strode off to the Compound. He'd get his ship back one way . . . or the other.



Suddenly Kandar saw a large building and a figure on top . . . . with two . . . lightsabers?! Kandar sprinted towards the building and jumped up to a ladder. Immediately making god-speed he leapt up the ladder and reached the top, quietly peering over and observing the scene ahead. He hoped he still knew how to use his Vibro Blades . . . he'd need em'.

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Gerris cursed once again and switched his target to the Cathar climbing up the ladder. He armed his wrist-launcher with a double-dosage of Nueral shock darts. No Jedi would last long with that.


He also kept his cortosis blade nearby. He then spied another individual, humanoid it seemed from this distance, making his way up the ladder as well.


I may not be able to stop the Jedi this time, but if I know Jedi correctly, they would rather die then let innocent people take the attack.


Gerris adjusted his aim and zeroed in on the man climbing up the ladder.

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Kandar knew he'd been spotted, he'd been a fool and left himself exposed. He then thought of a idea. Quickly he drew out a his third blaster and fired a shot at the ground in front of this Hunter, then he drew out his grapple hook from his belt and swung it at the Hunters hands, hoping to ensnare him. Without looking, Kandar jumped from the building, and hoped he'd hit the Hunter . . .

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The blaster shots did not make Gerris even flinch, he was far too professional for that. He saw the grappling hook coming for his hands, which he quickly avoided.


He then grabbed the grappling hook's line and preceded to pull the man towards him.


Moving quickly, he grabbed his cortosis sword and prepared a reception for the incoming human.

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Kandar sighed and grinned and drawing his Vibro Blades severed the line, at this point he was just at the edge of the building. Kandar then turned on his comm and muttered some unintelligible syllables into the commlink. Then Kandar deposited a Blade back into the strap on his back and drew a blaster. Holding the Blade forward in defense and the blaster for offense he was battle ready.


But he was also ready for something else . . .

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We can't just run! I'm tired of running!


"Whoa whoa, running? We're not running were just taking cover and give us a chance to prepare. Reaper you go in from the front, Zo, Lyna, and I will go around behind him."


Reaper nodded and ran towards the building activating both his lightsabers. He would have to act fast if he wanted to keep the hunter alive.


"Are you ready?" Cade asked.

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Gerris pulled the cord harder with one hand, and used the other to prepare his knife. He quickly noticed the rest of the Jedi's group begin moving towards Gerris' position. His day was not improving, but he'd prove victorious in the hunt.


He pulled the cord until the man was pulled up onto the roof and he let go of the rope.


Gerris grabbed his sword and moved with an unusually fast speed towards the attacker.

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"Are you ready?" Cade asked.


Lyna grinned. "Haven't I always been ready for anything?" She could see that they were almost close to the Hunter. How was this guy able to track them? And who was he working for? Questions clouded Lyna's mind. Could it have been the Sith cults that contacted him to stop the Jedi? Maybe. Just maybe...


The young woman pulled out her lightsaber, ready for what was to come. Suddenly, Lyna saw another man. He looked like he was attacking the Hunter. But who was he? "This just ain't my day..." she thought to herself.

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Time to end this once and for all


Atrila lept up into the air and crossed her lightsaber blades in front of her


She stared down at the man attacking the hunter


"Blast him!"


Atrila landed directly in front of of the hunter and opened herself to the force


If this doesn't work...then I fear I will have no choice but to use the darkside


Atrial knew her lightsabers wouldn't be of any use. So she began to punch at the hunter, trying to force him back to the edge of the building

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"Haven't I always been ready for anything?"


Cade laughed, "Well you got me there."


Cade followed behind Lyna and pulled out his lightsaber.




Reaper looked up and noticed that the hunter was fighting some man. Reaper ran at the building and jumped into it. He touched the wall and jumped up to the roof. Atrila was trying to attack the hunter so he had no choice but to assist. Reaper jumped up into the air in an attempt to fling himself and the hunter off the roof.

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Gerris welcomed the new challenge with a smile. He casually dropped the sword and stood, watching the attack come near.


The first set of punches were ill-set, probably in anger. Gerris quickly dogded the first punch and grabbed the second twisting it until he heard the distinct snap of bone. He continued to block the attacks, something Gerris found strange.


He expected more skill and focus from Jedi. But this Cathar, just seemed to have some strange streak of anger about her. That may explain the pure fury and little focus.


He then launched an attack of his own, throwing a strike to her face and bringing his knee into her stomach.


Jedi were masters of their petty force, but of little else combat wise.


Gerris would prove himself the master of such things.


He then looked up right in time to see the suspicous droid flying toward him.

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Reaper made contact with the hunter and brought him to the ground. Reaper picked up the hunter and threw him across the roof to the other side.


"Heal yourself cathar jedi, I will cover you."


Reaper put both his lightsabers away and stared at the hunter.


"No weapons jedi hunter. think you can handle it?"

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Atrila knew she was done


But there was no way she was going to let the hunter finish her.


She gathered the force around her and slammed it into the hunter knocking him off balance.


The Dark side...it feels good


"How does it feel hunter? To know that you have no friends? that everyone is against you?"


"I will put you out of your misery."


Atrila lept into the air and landed on top of the hunter.


"You hurt me...you broke my wrist. Now...i'm going to break yours


Atrila grabbed the Hunter's wrist in the force and began to squeeze.

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Suddenly, Gerris knew.


He was dealing with a fallen Jedi.


This Cathar's presence emanated with darkness and hatred, it would not take a Jedi master to sense such things.


And surprisingly, Gerris for the first time in his life....was afraid.


But he quickly counteracted the fear with action.


He twisted his hand out of the Cathar's grip, he then swung at the Cathar's face, knocking her off of him.


He scrambled for his cortosis sword.

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If Reaper had an organic mouth he would be smiling now. Reaper continued running right off the building with the hunter. At this point Reaper held onto the hunter to make sure he didn't die when they hit the floor. Reaper ran the hunter through the door and placed him on the ground. Reaper lifted up his left foot and showed the hunter the tracking liquid hoping he'd get what Reaper meant.

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Gerris was at first slightly repulsed at the liquid on the droid's foot. But he quickly put a finger to it and looked closer.


He suddenly recognized it. And he suddenly understood what the droid meant.


"Ahhh...thank you for the convenient help....comrade."


Gerris stood up and dusted himself off.

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"Now that you know I'm on your side, we have to make you disappear otherwise these jedi will expect you to come. However if they think you're dead, you'll have the element of surprise."


Reaper pulled out one of his sabers.


"I need you to scream, and it needs to be convincing."


Reaper activated his lightsaber.


"Prepare to die jedi hunter!" Reaper gave him a slight nod.

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After smiling at Cade's reply, Lyna saw all that had happened. She then saw Reaper take the Hunter on the ground. What she didn't understand was that why he lifted his foot at the Hunter, and... the Hunter getting up, like he and the droid knew something.


Suddenly, it hit her. "Cade?" the young woman said to him, "Don't you think it's a bit odd what Reaper did? Letting him get up and all? Something's up." Then Atrila came to mind. "You go and see what that was all about. I'll see if Atrila's all right."


When Lyna Force jumped on the roof, she saw Atrila sitting on the roof, weeping. Lyna didn't know why she was crying, but she felt bad for her fellow Jedi. "Atrila? You okay?"

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