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"No you didn't...You shouldn't have done that. He could have been taken prisoner...or incapacitated, you had the power to do so...but instead you killed him in cold blood."


"He also could have had the information we needed to locating the Arashi's hideout." he crossed his arms. He looked back up at her again. "But atleast he wont be hurting anyone. Dont feel too bad for what you've done; he had it coming."


Kaneda...come over here and tell me what you see. Does anything about this look odd to you?"


Kaneda turned his head to where Dai was. He approached him, and saw the dead ANBU bodies laying everywhere. "This one has been killed by Kunai knives..."


He lifted the leaves of a near-by bush, and saw another Kunai dagger staked into the ground.


"ANBU blackops are hard to take down; you'd need a team of shinobi to go up against them. Perhaps Asuka's father wasnt the only one fighting them; he could have stayed near-by too make sure nobody was following. And thats when he spotted Asuka, and how this whole mess started."


He knealt down. "The question is; what are all these ANBU guys doing here? And why were Arashi members taking them down?"

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((Don't worry Shana, I plan to introduce you to either Anko or Lee. One of the two.))


"ANBU blackops are hard to take down; you'd need a team of shinobi to go up against them."


"True, the ANBU are some of the strongest in the village...but is it possible they were taken by suprise? They might not have seen the attack coming until it was too late to do anything. Even the strongest of Shinobi can be easily taken out by a suprise attack."


"The question is; what are all these ANBU guys doing here? And why were Arashi members taking them down?"


Dai took a close look at one of the ANBU members wounds and the positions they were in. "I don't think they were killed here. Look at some of the positions of the bodies, The layout of the bodies stongly suggests that they were moved after they were killed."


Dai thought for a moment.


"There haven't been any reports of intruder activity inside the village...except for that little incident specter caused earlier...Is it possible that these 'Arashi' wanted something that the ANBU were in possesion of? They might have set up an Ambush and then hit them when they least expected it."


Dai's eyes lit up with another possibility.


"Or...they were on their way to the village when they ran into the ANBU squad...but that doesn't explain why the ANBU were out here in the first place...Come to think of it, this isn't even a standard ANBU squad. Normally, they have three members per squard but this one has four...Stange..."

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"You did the right thing, Asuka."


Asuka looked down sadly with saddened eyes. Then she heard Dai and Kaneda speak.


He slowly turned to Asuka and shook his head slowly. "No you didn't...You shouldn't have done that. He could have been taken prisoner...or incapacitated, you had the power to do so...but instead you killed him in cold blood."


His eyes narrowed. "Be wary of what happens next. You could end up developing a taste for killing now."


The young girl felt tears run down her cheeks. She felt so ashamed that she killed her own father.


"He also could have had the information we needed to locating the Arashi's hideout." he crossed his arms. He looked back up at her again. "But atleast he wont be hurting anyone. Dont feel too bad for what you've done; he had it coming."


Asuka turned to everyone with angered and sorrowful tears. "OKAY!!! FINE!!! I killed my father!! I didn't mean to! But you know what? I have my father's blood! And another thing... not only do I have my father's blood, but I have my Uncle's spirit!! So, yeah, you can blame me for killing my father! Yeah, you can blame me for not getting the info! YEAH!!! But you know what? I'm sorry. Sorry for everything!! I'M SORRY!!! I'm Sorry. I'm sorry...."


Suddenly, Asuka fell on the ground on her knees, crying loudly with the pain inside her.

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Dai watched as the girl collapsed to the ground. "You must think about your actions before you undertake them. You took a life. Regardless of who it was, that person no longer exists. You may have beend defending yourself but please...in the future think before acting. Don't let anger overtake you again."


He turned back to Kaneda. "I believe that the Hokage should be informed of the ANBU murders...If there is someone around here strong enought to take out a squad of ANBU we wouldn't stand much of a chance against them."

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Akagi watched as Asuka seemed to break down. Killing someone was never easy, but she had just killed her Father, estranged as was, he was still her Father.


He opened his mouth to say something, but instead chose not to.


Akagi kneeled down next to her, his hand still on her shoulder. Sometimes, the best way to help someone was just being there when they needed you...the Samurai knew that no amount of words would help right now.

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"I believe that the Hokage should be informed of the ANBU murders...If there is someone around here strong enough to take out a squad of ANBU we wouldn't stand much of a chance against them."


"I agree... It be best we leave the bodies here for now, so we dont further tamper with the crime scene. We've already done enough damage out here as it is."


He stared over at the crying Asuka. He then approached her, where Akagi stood to comfort her.


"Asuka... no one is blaming you for defending yourself. And that man is not your father, no matter how much of a part of him is inside of you. He was never there for you; watching you grow up, nuturing you as a child. And no father would never attack their offspring out of meer pride. That man you see before you is nothing more than psycotic menace of a corrupted organisation."


He stared back at everyone. "We should head back. Leave the dead, so the authorities can handle this."


Kaneda looked down at Asuka again. "Do you here me? On your feet..."

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Asuka sadly and slowly looked up at Kaneda. Then she got to her feet, wiping the tears. He was right. That man was not her father. He never was there for her. Only her Uncle Chokichi, who was like a father figure to her. And her mother.


The young girl nodded. "You're right. We should get going."


She looked back at Masahiro. If only he were different. If only...

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"You're right. We should get going."


Dai took an uneasy glance up into the trees. "Remember, whoever took out these ANBU could still be around. Stay on your guard and if you see any strange movement, run like hell toward the village and don't stop."




((Hopefully Tategami shows up soon. I miss him.))


Dai stood in front of the Hokage with Kaneda and the others as he explained the fight and the discovery of the dead ANBU.


The hokage looked very confused and slightly angry. "I haven't sent out any ANBU for the past two weeks and the last time I did it was a training mission. Whoever these people were, they were acting without my authorization. All ANBU are supposed to report to me, and take orders from me."


Naruto put his head in his hands for a short moment.


"Go and speak with Tategami. I'll take care of this...just go and talk with your sensai about what you found and no one else."

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Takeda fired more ice at Asuka's father until he was finally taken down by Asuka. He slowly began to come to his senses. The ice armor began to melt away and Takeda could feel his heart rate lowering. He walked closer to the group when the ice had completely melted. He felt much different inside, like all the anger he held within was finally released. For now though he decided to keep quite, he still felt awkward about what had happened.




Specter walked into the room where was suppose to be. The room was empty, like no one had been in there. Specter sensed powerful white energy around him, she had been here. He teleported to Tategami.


"She was here before, someone moved her somewhere else."

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"Go and speak with Tategami. I'll take care of this...just go and talk with your sensai about what you found and no one else."


Kaneda rolled his eyes. He wont need us to tell... outloud anyway... he thought, refering to Tategami's strange ability to read peoples thoughts.


He looked at everybody else. "Alright, lets go..." he grumbled.




"She was here before, someone moved her somewhere else."


Tategami rubbed his chin. "Interesting... no, this is disturbing."


It appeared to Tategami that somebody had kidnapped her. But the hospital is well protected and they surely detect a missing patient before the kidnapper could escape. The only thing that could have pulled this job off was: a shinobi disguised as an employee to get passed security. Or even the ANBU forces. It would make sense, being her status as a Jinchuuriki.


"Heeey, Tategami-sensai..." someone called. He turned his head to see Kaneda and the team arrive: including Asuka and Akagi, to his relief.


"Boy we've got stories to tell you..." Kaneda announced. Tategami approached Kaneda and gave him a glance; as if he was examining him.


"I know..." he replied. "Seems you have been had quite an encounter with that Arashi member."


Kaneda glanced back at the team following, trying to hide the frustration behind his grim face. "Well... that saves us from explaining quite a bit..."

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"Well... that saves us from explaining quite a bit..."


Dai stiffend and dropped into an easy stance. He had heard about Tategami's ability to read body language and had been working on a way to counter it.


"We found four dead ANBU blackops out in the woods. I belive that they were taken by surpise by some unknown foe...possibly these 'Arashi'."


Dai kept his back straight. His body not moving at all except for his mouth. "What did you find out about your missing Chunin?"

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"What did you find out about your missing Chunin?"


"We know for certain that Karela was the missing patient. Specter invsetigated the scene himself."


Something clearly has happened to Karela, and Tategami had the feeling the ANBU forces were behind it. He also suspected those NABU forces found dead in the woods may have some connection to it. Karela being a Jinchuuriki herself would explain the situation, but the question was; why do this?


"I suspect the ANBU forces have something to do with it. Even though its not our place to question their authority, something about this situation feels out of place." he crossed his arms.


"But we cannot worry about Karela's status this moment; we've got a job to do. I will request a Jonin to investigate into the matter to determin what has happened to Karela while we are gone."


"Oh yeah, I almost forgot..." said Kaneda. He turned to Asuka and Akagi and explained about the mission they've been assigned; to locate a man named Mikita within the Hidden Rain Village.


"You interested in tagging along?" he asked.

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"You interested in tagging along?"


That girl from earlier seemed to want to learn more from some of the others. Why not invite her along so she can pick something up?


"Sensai, do you think it would be alright if we invited the Kokoro girl along? I'm sure she could be a valuable asset."

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((BTW, I want to tell everyone that I'm not going to be on next week. I might be back on the 29th or 30th. See ya!))


"You interested in tagging along?" he asked.


Asuka wanted to make up for everything she did. She sadly smiled and nodded. "Yeah. I'll tag along too. I wanna make it up to you all. By showing that I'm still a good person..."


She turned to look at the others, and rubbed her neck nervously. Then she turned to Dai and whispered, "Hey, um... can I talk to you for a sec?"

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Dai slowly turned and stared down at her. "What would you like to speak to me about?"


Asuka bit her lower lip nervously. Then she looked up at Dai. "Um... I wanted to say that I'm really, really sorry about what happened back there. See... killing someone isn't my thing. My Uncle always taught me that 'There are two kinds of Death. The first is being at peace. But the other is unwanted death.' And I guess I gave my father the second one."


She sighed sadly with tearful eyes. "That's not me. I never killed anyone before. Sure, my Uncle showed me the Touch of Death technique... but my anger and sorrow got the best of me." Asuka stared at Dai. "And I don't want you guys to think of me as your enemy... but as a friend."


The young girl extended her hand to him. "Whaddya say? Friends?" Asuka smiled nervously.

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"Um... I want to say that I'm really, really sorry about what happened back there. See... killing someone isn't my thing. My Uncle always taught me that 'There are two kinds of Death. The first is being at peace. But the other is unwanted death.' And I guess I gave my father the second one."


"Your father...wanted to turn you over to the enemy from what I heard. You were justified in killing him, but I just want you to know that death should only be a last resort."


"That's not me. I never killed anyone before. Sure, my Uncle showed me the Touch of Death technique... but my anger and sorrow got the best of me. And I don't want you guys to think of me as your enemy... but as a friend."


Dai nodded. From what I've heard you proved yourself on the last mission when you helped take on the Arashi. A friend of the village is a friend to trust is what I say."


"Whaddya say? Friends?"


Dai kept his face straight and took the offered hand in his own. "Friends."


He turned toward Tategami. "Tategami would like to know if you would like to go on the next mission with us. Would you?"

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Akagi sloshed through the soggy grass, and knelt down by the body of Asuka's Father.


He immediately began check the man's pockets and bag. To a bystander, this would seem brutish and disrespectful, but Akagi's reasons for this wasn't for selfish needs or wants.


The Samurai knew that if this man worked for the Arashi, then he may hold something that may incriminate them, or even point a way to the base.


He dumped the man's bag on the grass, and looked through several scrolls and a small collection of food.


But he found what he was looking for, a small map. Of course, it didn't point directly towards their base, but it did provide an idea of Arashi positions.


He took the scroll and placed it in his own bag, he then used his foot to shove the other belongings on the grass over to the body.


He announced aloud, "I found something on the body....it could help us out greatly.."

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Dai kept his face straight and took the offered hand in his own. "Friends."


Asuka grinned brightly. She was glad that Dai understood what she was going through.


He turned toward Tategami. "Tategami would like to know if you would like to go on the next mission with us. Would you?"


The young girl looked down. Then she glanced up at Dai, smiling. "Sure. I'll always be there for you guys."


He announced aloud, "I found something on the body....it could help us out greatly.."


When Akagi came in, Asuka turned to him. "What is it you found, Akagi?"

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"Sensai, do you think it would be alright if we invited the Kokoro girl along? I'm sure she could be a valuable asset."


"Thats up to the Hokage's decision. So hopefully, maybe." he beamed. He glanced at everyone.


"Alrite. We depart in three days. Use this time to rest up, and prepare. You did just come back from a mission afterall, and I want you in full health."


Kaneda sighed. "Just dont be late this time..." he said.


3 Days Later...


Kaneda waited near the same spot where they gathered for the mission last time; near the tree. During that 3 day period for him, it was nothing but rest. It was only an extraction afterall, hopefully nothing too... violent.


He checked his watch. 9:30 am.


"They should have been here half an hour ago..." he groaned. "Am I the only one who bothers getting out of bed this early for a mission?"

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Takeda had three days to get ready for the new mission. In that time he trained, meditated, ate, and slept. On the day of the mission Takeda was at the meeting spot at 6:30. In the waiting time Takeda did some more training and meditating. It was at 9:30 when he finally heard another voice.


"They should have been here half an hour ago..." he groaned. "Am I the only one who bothers getting out of bed this early for a mission?"


Takeda jumped down from the tree he was meditating on to greet his friend.


"Greetings Kaneda, its good to see someone else is finally here. Its been a peaceful 3 hours, but its good to see a friendly face."

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Where is that girl?


Dai couldn't seem to find Kokoro girl anyway and he'd been looking for nearly three days.


"Kokoro...Where are you Kokoro? I'm supposed to invite you along on the mission we're going on. Damn it girl where are you?"


Dai looked down at the group assembling near the village gate and sighed. If she didn't show up soon she'd be left behind.

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"Is there anything you can recognize on it?"


Asuka squinted her eyes at the map and shook her head. "I'm not sure. Maybe we should show the others when we have a chance..."


(3 days later...)


Asuka had a good three days. All that's been done had been done for her. She looked at her clock. It was 8:40! The young girl shot up from bed and got ready...


Later, Asuka walked outside to find the others. She looked around, hoping to find anyone of them. Finally, she saw Kaneda and Takeda. Asuka walked towards them, waving.


"Hey guys! What a coincidence! I just happened to be passin' by!"

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"Hey guys! What a coincidence! I just happened to be passin' by!"


Takeda turned his head and returned the wave to Asuka.


"Funny how things work out like that...hey, I just wanted to appologize for the little rage incident I had a few days ago. I don't know what happened back there, I guess I just lost my cool."

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