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Tategami allowed the agent to stab his entrapped body with the Kunai Knives... Only to find out at the bodyhad suddenly turned into a log.


The real Tategami came up behind her, watching the Agent fall for his Body Replacement Technique. He wrapped his strong arm around her neck, with a Rasengan ball in the other.


"You're gonna have to do better than that, if you aim is to kill me..." he said rather coldly. Poor Specter had been blown away: but he had his suprises. Hopefully he'll return to the battle field in no time.


So... she uses real humans as puppets to do her will. Its also very difficult to read her thoughts. Tategami noted.


"You're quite a skilled Shinobi..." He complimented. "But filled with many flaws. Give up, before you force me to reveal the secret that has plagued me for less than 20 years..."




"No she didn't attack us...but something inside her did. Its almost like there's two people inside of her."


"If thats the case, we'll need to keep an eye on her... If she is to accompany us for the rest of the trip."


The group paused, as they stood staring at the clearing where they camped for the night. Most of the ground had been torn up. Tategami was over at the distance, holding a Rasengan ball near the back of one of the attackers.

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Satisfied with his work, Specter turned to the other ninja. He was ready to strike when he felt a sharp sting. He looked down to see a Kunai wedged in his leg.


"Really the leg again, come on! You even hit the same leg!"


Before he could continue he was launched back to the ground from an explosion caused by the kunai. White blood began to pour out of his leg now. If he didn't do something soon he would die. He looked around at the small plants that surrounded him. They were indeed life so he could use their energy to stay alive but he'd be on the ground for quite some time. With both hands on the ground he began to drain the life of the plants around him. He looked to the other ninja, and then over to Dai.


"Dai if I can wound that other ninja puppet over there and bring him over here, can you finish him?"


Specter really didn't wait for an answer on that one. He pulled out his roped Kunai and threw it at the other puppet. He smiled as the kunai pierced the ninja's neck. He gave a forceful tug with the rope and the ninja was sent flying towards Specter's direction.


"Okay kid, its showtime."

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"You're quite a skilled Shinobi...But filled with many flaws. Give up, before you force me to reveal the secret that has plagued me for less than 20 years..."


"I don't give up. Your going to have to do a lot better then that if you want to keep me captured. If that was your best it was pathetic."


The puppet which was flying toward specter looked up in alarm as the agent was captured and quickly freed itself from the roped Kunai and landed behind Tategami.


"Gentle Fist Style. 380 degree palm strike," He said in a monotone voice. The real Hyuga was long dead, all that was left was the body and that was all the agent needed.


The Hyuga attack Tategami's back repeatedly with dozens of strikes against his Chakra pathways, cutting off the flow of chakra to his arm which allowed the agent to quickly slip out of his hold and jump back away from him."

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As the Hyuga puppet finished dealing with the blow to his back and disabling his arm, Tategami quickly spun around and slammed the Rasengan ball into the stomach of the Hyuga. The puppet was blown away from Tategami.


He noticed the puppet wasn't bleeding from the hole where the Rasengan impacted. So she uses corpses for her puppets... Sickening... he thought to himself.


He looked down at his arm - it was still numb. "Alrite, warm up is over. Now its time for me to get serious" he said rather coldly.


Kaneda watched from the distance as Tategami began howling - it didnt sound very agonised. For a moment, he thought he was seeing things: but he swore he saw Tategami's entire arm grown with long white fur - like it belonged to some beast. "What...what is he?" he thought.


The feeling in Tategami's arm began to restore, and the white fur degenerated from his arm and back to normal. He smirked at the Hyuga puppet.


"My turn..." he added. He launched himself at the Hyuga puppet, and at an extremely fast pace threw dozens of punches around his torso. He grabbed him by the collar and launched the puppet up in the air. Tategami also jumped up at level with the puppet, and used both his powerful hands to knock him back down to the soil. The earth cracked as the puppet impacted to the soil.


Tategami landed on his feet, and waited for the puppet to recover.

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((Tategami seems invulnerable to pain. I'll have to fix that.))


"Alrite, warm up is over. Now its time for me to get serious"


The agent watched as Tategami slowly beat the puppet to a pulp. She quickly grabbed it and threw it up in a tree where it could safetly recover.


"Your good big guy. But lets see you handle this.


The agent bit her thumb again and brought it down on the ground.


Summoning no Jutsu


A massive wall of smoke erupted as a large form appeared on the ground, it quietly rose up on two feet and it looked around with blank, expressionless eye


The large cat looked around before turning to the agent.


"Kill them all? Or Kill the Jonin?"


"None of them. Get the Hyuga somewhere safe so I can extract the eye After I finish with him."


The cat nodded breifly before grabbing the Hyuga and then ran into the forest at unbelieveable speed.


"Lets see what color your blood is, Leaf Village scum."


The agent ran at Tategami and then jumped over, but not before hitting him with two Kunai knives that slightly grazed his face.

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((He's not invulnerable - he's just fixing his arm up. It'll all become clear soon ))


Tategami felt for the grazes on his face, and saw the blood drip from his fingers. He licked the blood, on the dark impulse inside of him.


She's a very skilled opponent, but I'll try my best to avoid using Werebeast Form he thought to himself.


He saw a dark, creeping shadow move across the soil. The tentacles surrounded the agent and wrapped around her limbs. The shadow was leading back to Kaneda.


"Well done, Kaneda-kun." he beamed.


"This is not an easy thing to do you know..." Kaneda added. "I'm not even sure how long I can hold onto her, so you better be brief with the questioning."


Tategami approached her. "Your other puppet is being dealt with by Dai and Specter. So there is no use..."


He formed within his hands another Rasengan ball, but fused it with his fire elemental chakra. As he formed the Great Flaming Rasengan, he paused staring at her.


"You might as well tell us who you are, before I rip that mask off of you and extract the information I need."

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"You might as well tell us who you are, before I rip that mask off of you and extract the information I need."


"I'm not going to tell you. You can try and figure it out yourself but you'll fail."


I can still move two fingers and thats all I need.


She began to nudge one of her exploding Kunai out of her pouch and then threw it as hard as she could toward Kaneda who jumped back, breaking the hold on her.


Before she could move, she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her and try to pull her down to the ground.


"Will someone give me a hand with this?! She's not making this easy!" Dai shouted angerly as the girl struggled violently against him.

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The fight was quite a sight to see from the side lines, This however was not Takeda's style. He almost made a move to go in their but stopped himself. If we wanted to be a jonin, he'd have to act like one. The enemy ninja was strong and he would need to think of a plan. If he could get close enough he could freeze her, but than he considered the fact that she might break out. It was at that moment when Takeda new what he had to do. He stood there concentrating on something as he watched the fight continue. He turned and followed Kaneda through the trees, still concentrating on what he was doing. He waited in the trees until he knew he could help out.


"Will someone give me a hand with this?! She's not making this easy!"


Takeda stepped out of the trees, ready with his move.


"Ice Release: Chiller Touch"


Takeda grabbed at the girl's throat with his right hand and let the touch take care of her. He held his grip on her and looked over at Tategami.


"Don't worry, its not at full power otherwise she would already be dead."


He turned back to look at the girl.


"As we speak the ice is making contact with your nerves. The ice is so cold its burning them making them useless. Your muscles are becoming so numb its like they're not even there." he released his grip on her and took a step back. "Don't worry, you'll be able to move in a few minutes but that should give Tategami-sensai enough time."




Specter looked over at the fight still trying to recover. As it got more and more intense only one word came to mind.



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((Don't know what happened so far so... could you guys help me out, please? Thanks.))


Asuka was still unconscious. Suddenly, a voice from her head was heard again. That same, evil voice. "Wake up, you sad excuse for a Chunin!"


The young girl gasped, opening her eyes and sitting up. "Who... who said that? And what's goin' on?!"


"Look. Your so called friends are fighting with some other guys. What'cha gonna do about it... Asuka?" The child-like voice coldly laughed inside her head.


"Shut up, Shut Up, SHUT UP!!!" Asuka stood up, and clenched her fists. "I'm gonna get rid of you! Once... and for... ALL!!!"

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((So here's the basic run down since you last post. Kaneda and Kokoro carried Asuka back to the camp while Takeda helped Akagi. At the camp Dai, Tategami, and Specter were attacked by a ninja. This ninja is Karela but the gang has no clue what so ever. So while group A consisting of Kaneda, Asuka etc were coming back to the camp, group b Dai, Specter, and Tategami fought "Karela" and her two ninja puppets she summoned. During the fight Karela injured Specter but not before he took out one puppet. Karela and Tategami went at it until Kaneda stepped in with his shadow endgame technique and stopped Karela. She was able to break free but not before being held down by Dai. Takeda used his deadliest move at and eary stage to stop her from moving and that's about it. There's the basic run down of what happened. I bolded the one part so I could call Karela by her name without having to say mystery ninja 25 more times, hope this helped :)))

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"Don't worry, you'll be able to move in a few minutes but that should give Tategami-sensai enough time."


"Well then... In that case, i think its time we unmask the culprit!"


Tategami leaned down to the agent, and placed his fingertips on the cloth that surrounded her mouth. He was abit hesitant at first - there was something familiar about this girl.


"Tategami-sensai!" Kaneda spoke. "You gonna remove that mask or not?"


He nodded back, and looked at the physically stunned Agent. Within seconds, he ripped the cloth off of the agent - it was blown away from Tategami's grasp with the wind. Tategami was speechless. He blinked once. Twice. He was making sure he wasnt seeing things.


Kaneda saw the look of horror spread across Tategami's face. He decided to walk over, and get a glance at the face of the unmasked villain. "Hey, whats so---"


Kaneda dropped his jaw. He refused to believe it. It was imposible to believe. He forced himself to speak.



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Asuka ran to find the others. Finally, she came behind Dai, Tategami, Takeda and Kaneda. They must've discovered who the ninja was.




The young girl's heart sunk. She slowly came over, and looked down at the one named Karela. The girl she was afraid of earlier...


"You see, Asuka?" the child-like voice in her head said. "It's the one you feared. The girl with the Bijuu. What would you like to do, Asuka? Kill her? That's my best option..."


Asuka closed her eyes, and spoke in her mind. "Shut it! I have control of myself! Not you! And whoever you are... I'm in control! Not you!!" She opened her eyes again, looking down at Karela.


"Karela? Why...?"

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She looked up sharply at the sound of her name. How could the enemy shinobi know her name? She hadn't spoken her own name in days.


"Don't you dare speak my name. I don't know how you know my name but you will never speak it again.


"Karela? Why...?"


Karela didn't answer as the ice around her began to melt as her Arashi robes began to heat up. These robes had been specially made to counter Takeda's ice attacks. She turned toward Tategami and sliced him across the face with a Kunai knife that left a small cut on his face


She quickly jumped back up into one of the Tree branches and stared down at the group through eyes filled with hatred. There was no mercy in those eyes.


"Teleportation Jutsu."


She quickly vanished in the air as blue light engulfed her body.

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Takeda looked down at the unmasked ninja. Her face, her voice; she look and sounded like Karela. He refused to believe that this was her and he wouldn't let his emotions get the best of him. He walked over to Specter and carried him over to the others. He looked into Karela's eyes but instead of his friend he saw emtpyness.


'You know...your little bijuu friend put up a much better fight then your friends. It's almost a shame we had to kill her. But don't worry...you'll be seeing her soon enough' That ninja...she was telling the truth.


"Karela? Why...?"


Before he could speak Karela attacked Tategami and vanished. Before she teleported away Takeda looked into her eyes one last time. There were no signs of mercy in her eyes however there were none in his either.


"I wouldn't be surprised if we bump into her again. We can't hesitate like the little incident here. We have to treat her like the enemy if she's going to try and kill us. The Arashi must really want this person were after to do something like this, if that's the case we need to get moving now."

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Asuka stared up at where Karela was at. Those eyes she gave them were cold and merciless. But with Asuka's eyes... it was different. She knew there had to be good in her still. The same old Karela had to be in there somewhere...


An unexpected tear fell from her eye. "There has to be good in her. There has to be..." Asuka muttered to herself.


The young girl stood there, staring at the position where Karela gave them those eyes...

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Dai watched through eyes filled with shock and anger as the girl who used to be a leaf village Shinobi disappeared in a flash of blue light.


"I guess...that answers who stole her away from the ANBU..."


Dai looked down at the ground before finally looking back up. "What do we do now?"





The agent reappeared in a blaze of blue light above the village where the other Arashi agents were waiting.


"Status report?"


"Explosive tags have been place around the Nara compound and the Hyuga compound. Tags are currently being set around the Hokage's office as we speak."


Karela nodded. This was excellent news.


"Time till that last one is done?"


"One hour."


Karela nodded and motioned to the other Agents to take a very short break. Soon the Hidden leaf would pay.

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Takeda looked back at the group. Asuka was still staring at the ground where Karela was and everyone else just seemed to be as stunned. It felt like ages of silence until Dai finally spoke.


"What do we do now?"


"We endure, its what were suppose to do. We have a mission to complete and we need to get moving."


The more this day went on, the more Takeda felt like his father. He felt colder than his Sub-Zero stage but he was thinking clearly. Perhaps Asuka was right, that there was some life in Karela somewhere. He had a plan for the next encounter with her. Would it get him killed in the process? Maybe but it might make Karela realize who she is again.




Specter attempted to stand but his leg was still wounded.


"Hey Dai, do you think you can do anything about my leg?'

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"We endure, its what were suppose to do. We have a mission to complete and we need to get moving."


"Wise words there, Takeda. We best get moving..."


Kaneda's legs weakened. He dropped down to the soil; his face filled with anger and confusion.


"S-She... didnt know who we were..." he muttered. "I looked into her eyes, and she didnt even recognise us. She had no idea who we were..." he clenched his fist and smacked it into the ground. "She was always ahead of us, when we were all Academy Students - because she joined at a young age. Since then, all of us have been through so much together with her."


He smacked his fist into the ground again. "She was our friend. And after everything we've been through together... How... How is this possible?!"


Kaneda was suddenly pulled back up by Tategami. He gaze was sympathetic. "I can understand how you feel, Kaneda. But the Karela you knew is long gone. We were battling against someone different."


"Are you telling us we should all forget about Karela?" Kaneda rose angrily. "We cant just give up on her!"


"We wont give up on her..." Tategami reassured. "We cant give up on her. There is a way to save her; a means of bringing back her memories. But we cant worry about that now. Try and focus on the mission. Remember why we are doing this; to bring down the Arashi organisation. They're the ones responsible for Karela's condintion."


Kaneda let go of his anger. Tategami was right for once; the primary main objective is to destory the Arashi. The ones who killed Karela. The Karela they once knew. The Karela he knew.

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Takeda watched as Kaneda fell to the ground.


"S-She... didnt know who we were..." he muttered. "I looked into her eyes, and she didnt even recognise us. She had no idea who we were..." he clenched his fist and smacked it into the ground. "She was always ahead of us, when we were all Academy Students - because she joined at a young age. Since then, all of us have been through so much together with her."


It took Takeda a few seconds to take in what Kaneda had said but he was right. They had all been together for quite some time. He remembered everything they had all been through. Most of all he remembered what Karela had done for him. After his parents death he wasn't the same but Karela was always there. She was always able to make him laugh no matter what type of mood he was in. She taught him some fighting moves and he returned the favor as well.


"We cant just give up on her!"


He waited for Tategami to finish before Takeda walked up to Kaneda.


"Never give up, never lose hope. We all are and always will be a family. That means we stick together no matter what happens. When my parents died, you were all there for me. When Asuka killed her father we helped her through it. When Kokoro was rejected by her clan we welcomed her. Its why we must continue with our mission now; to protect our entire family. After that I sware I'll do whatever I can to bring Karela back... even if I must give my own life."

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Dai closed his eyes as a thought popped into his head.


"That woman...that woman who wore the robes of the Akatsuki...she had something to do with this. I can feel it somehow. She really needs to die."


Dai slowly looked over at Tategami.


"Konan was once a member of Akatsuki, perhaps she known something more then we do about her. But I did notice something odd about her, she had the robes of the Akatsuki...but she didn't have the ring on any of her fingers."


"Hey Dai, do you think you can do anything about my leg?"


"Yeah...let me take a look at it."


Dai looked over at Specter's leg and began to go to work with his healing Jutsu.


"After a blast like that you shouldn't have a leg left for me to heal."

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Asuka listened to Kaneda, Takeda, and Tategami's conversation. They were right. They couldn't give up on Karela. Plus... she was the one that told her that even if she had a Bijuu inside her, she'd never hurt Asuka or her friends.


The young girl sighed, and went over to the others. "You're right, guys. We should get goin'. And if we do run into Karela again..." she nodded. "We'll try our best to help her."


She turned her back, and looked at the distance. "Even if I have this evil voice inside my head... I won't get distracted. And we'll do whatever we can to save her and complete this mission. She's my friend. Just as you guys are."


"Liar," the voice in her head said.


"Shut up!" Asuka said out loud. Then she looked at the others and smiled. "Not you guys."

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Yoroi Miratashi arrived just outside the Hokage's chambers. He had been privately summoned for some sort of assignment apparently.


Would it be assassination? Body guard duty? Yoroi excelled at anything related to killing, maiming, or psychologically damaging. It was the unfortunate affect of the curse mark on his right upper arm that made death and destruction the only applications of his chakra possible, something he resented. He had actually planned on becoming a medical-nin and help through healing others rather than killing them or making their nightmares reality.


The door to the Hokage's chamber was open, so Yoroi stepped in a knocked softly on the frame.


"You summoned me, Lord Hokage?"

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"You summoned me, Lord Hokage?"


The hokage's eyes were closed as the door opened and his assistant sighed in exasperation.


"Please wait a moment."


She quickly jabed Naruto in the back and he shot back up with his eyes wide open before he finally saw who was in the office.


After mumbling something that sounded like a curse he turned to Yoroi.


"Tategami is leading a squad on a mission to the Village hidden in the rain and I want you to join uo with them as fast as you can. Based on what I've heard they could use all the help they can get. Once you reach Tategmi he should fill you in on the mission details."

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Yoroi bowed his head. "As you command, Lord Hokage!" He then left the chamber immediately and quickly ran out the village gates.


Reaching the Village Hidden in the Rain would take awhile, and Yoroi would have to travel quickly in order to--


Oh great!


Four bandits we waiting on the road and had already spotted him. Even if he tried to go around they would still try to follow him. His options were to either kill or scare them away. The former would be more likely due to the fact that the bandits were quite well armed.


"You!" one of the bandits roared. It was likely that he was their leader. "Give us all of your money and we let you go."


"I really don't have time for this," Yoroi said irritatedly. "Run along or I'll use one of my very horrifying jutsu--"


"RAAAAA!!!" the lead bandit bellowed, charging straight at Yoroi. Here we go, he thought as he drew his Dai Katana and casually sliced his opponent in half.


"Blood Clone Jutsu!" Yoroi yelled, making the appropriate signs. The slain bandit's blood levitated, grouped together into a ball of pure red matter, and then formed an identical copy of the ninja.


"Now do you really want this to happen again?" both Yoroi and his copy smirked.


The remaining bandits dropped their weapons and ran screaming, something that happened with Yoroi very often.

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