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((Should we include an Arashi vs Mystery ninja battle?))


"We must get back to Konoha as soon as possible. But first things first: we have to find Mikita and bring him back."


Dai nodded. "They probably went after those specific targets because they would pose the biggest threat to their plans. Shikamaru is a genius and the Hyugas have the Byakugan which could have led to one of them accidently discovering the Arashi hideout."


"Yoroi Miratashi reporting! I was sent by the Lord Hokage to assist in the efforts against Arashi. My jutsu are at your disposal."


Dai jumped back in shock at the black robed man who had jumped through the window before finally managing to catch a breath.


"Pleasure to meet you...Please don't jump through a window like that without telling someone your going to do it again."


"Where can we find the Entertainment Disctrict?"


He thought hard for a moment.


"I believe it's located near the center of the village. It's been a long time since I've been here and it might have changed but I doubt it."


Dai thought again.


"We may want to find Kokoro. She and that wolf of hers may be useful in finding Mikita before a bounty hunter does."


Dai turned to leave and began walking out the door.


I still can't believe it...Those...Those people attacked the village. I always thought that Karela loved the Hyuga clan for letting her stay with them for a long while before she got her own place, and she loved Hinata like an older sister in particular. If she could do that...if she could hurt someone that she was that close to then maybe there is no hope of redemption for her.


Dai slumped his shoulders as he walked out the door.

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((No :[ I already declared no Arashi battles. Lets just give them a break for once))


"I believe it's located near the center of the village. It's been a long time since I've been here and it might have changed but I doubt it."


Tategami nodded. "Dai, lead the way." he glanced back at Konan. "Thank you for your time. Your effort to help us will not go unnoticed; in due time we will aid your village in its struggle against organised crime."


"Its begining to become under control." Konan smirked. "Now get out of my sight."


Tategami chuckled, and saluted. "Good night to you, ma'am." The Jonin left the office.


"We may want to find Kokoro. She and that wolf of hers may be useful in finding Mikita before a bounty hunter does."


"She's with Kaneda, Takeda and the rest of the others. Hopefully we'll be able to find Mikita without any assistance..."


They exited the building.




At last, his warm burger sitting on a plate lay infront of his eyes. Kaneda began to bit into it. He didnt notice the stranger with dark mop hair and an eye patch sitting next to him. The man ordered a coffee; while staring at the fries Kaneda's burger came with.


Kaneda glared out of the corner of his eye. He looked up at Takeda. "Hey, you gonna order something?" he wondered. He quickly looked back to see a suspiciously clothed hand crawl to pinch one of Kaneda's fries. Kaneda grabbed the guys hand and clenched it with his own strength. He glared.


"Dont. Touch. My. Fries...." he barked coldly. Something seemed oddly familiar about this street urchin.

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((Sorry, forgot about that.))


"Dai, lead the way."


Dai nodded and began to lead Tategami and the others down the familiar path that would hopefully lead to the Entertainment district.


"So..." he said trying to fire up a conversation. "Why did you think Specter decided to leave like that? Do you think he went back to check on the village?"

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Takeda followed Kaneda as they made their way through the Entertainment District. He looked behind him to see who from the group was with them. He wanted to make sure everyone was alright. After all thugs and criminals could be anywhere in this town. He sat down with Kaneda as he got his food and simply shrugged his shoulders when Kaneda asked him if he was going to order. A lot was on Takeda's mind right now, and food was not one of them. Asuka had some evil thing inside of her, Karela was working for the Arashi, and they were looking for and Arashi criminal. Since he was deep in thought, he was not ready for Kaneda to grab some stranger's hand for trying to take a fry. Takeda looked over at the man and felt very uneasy about him. He quickly shot Kaneda a glance to let the man go before speaking to him.


"Please forgive my friend's actions stranger. I'm sure he would be fine departing with a few fries and in return we can forget about this whole thing."


Takeda stood ready with a hidden shuriken incase this man wanted more than a few fries. He hoped this would be a peaceful situation and the man would walk away. If he wanted a fight though, Takeda would be ready. He didn't want to start anything but he wasn't going to let anyone try to harm his friends.

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"Please forgive my friend's actions stranger. I'm sure he would be fine departing with a few fries and in return we can forget about this whole thing."


"No! My fries! I payed for them!" Kaneda rebelled. "You cant just pick somebodies fries because you feel like it, you know..."


The Stranger picked up one fry and ate it; much to Kaneda's dismay. The stranger beamed.


"My apoligies." he said simply. There was something incredibly shady about this guy... Yet something so familiar. Kaneda somehow knew him from somewhere, but who he was was off the tip of his toung.


"Hidden Rain Village is no place for kids like you. Should head back home while you can." said the stranger, as he was looking at the Konoha headbands wrapped around them. He picked up his hat, and left the stool.




Tategami was surrounded by crowds of people in the Entertainment District. Hopefully he'll be able to pinpoint Mikita even through these conditions. And while he was at it; spot the familiar face of Takeda or Kaneda.


He looked over at Fast Food outlet. He recognised Kaneda and Takeda quite easily. He managed to catch a glimpse of a man leaving the restaurant. He immediatly recognised the face.


"KANEDA!" Tategami roared. "He's right there!"


Kaneda had a puzzled look on his face. "He's right there" he quoted. Suddenly he recognised the man. The man from the photo Tategami showed him previously. Ryuu Mikita


Kaneda jumped from his seat and grabbed the man's jacket. "Hey, excuse me but we--- huh?"


The man suddenly disapeared, leaving behind his jacket. "Where did he go?" Kaneda looked everywhere... then immediatly spotted him. There the mischievous man stood ontop of a flat rooftop above. He waved. "Ciao, Bounty Hunters..."


"Tategami-sensai, he's..."


"I know! Kaneda, follow me. Takeda, lead the others around the city and head for the nearest construction site. We're gonna rendevous and corner Mikita there!"

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"Hidden Rain Village is no place for kids like you. Should head back home while you can."


"We'll keep that in mind."


"He's right there!"


Takeda looked up at the man and now realized why he seemed familiar. He was in a slight state of shock as to how he hadn't seen it before. He was about to move when the man disapeared.


"I know! Kaneda, follow me. Takeda, lead the others around the city and head for the nearest construction site. We're gonna rendevous and corner Mikita there!"


Takeda nodded to Tategami and started to take off in the other direction. He quickly stopped himself and realized he had no idea where he was going. He couldn't let this slow the group down, he was in charge now and needed to lead the group. He turned to the others and gave out orders.


"Dai you've been here before, so I need you to take point and guide the rest of us through the city." Takeda looked at a new ninja in group and shrugged his shoulders slightly. "You there in the black, I need you to stay in the back and watch out for attackers from behind. Akagi you stay up front with Dai. Asuka and I will stay in the middle, watching left and right sides. We need to move fast and stay together."

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"Dai you've been here before, so I need you to take point and guide the rest of us through the city."


Dai nodded in agreement with the plan.


"Everyone follow Akagi and I. I keep tabs on the Hidden Rain village and the nearest Contruction sight isn't that far away from here."


Dai nodded at Akagi and took off as fast as he could towards the construction site at speeds that made him seem almost like a blur.


I never thought I would thank Lee-sensai for the speed training he put me through

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((I'm back, guys! :D ))


"Dai you've been here before, so I need you to take point and guide the rest of us through the city." Takeda looked at a new ninja in group and shrugged his shoulders slightly. "You there in the black, I need you to stay in the back and watch out for attackers from behind. Akagi you stay up front with Dai. Asuka and I will stay in the middle, watching left and right sides. We need to move fast and stay together."


Asuka bit her lower lip, looking at everyone. Being quiet was getting the best of her. Ever since that evil voice got inside her head, she's been feeling distant from everyone. She didn't want the others to get hurt.


"M'kay. I'm ready too. I guess..." Asuka said quietly.

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"Everyone follow Akagi and I. I keep tabs on the Hidden Rain village and the nearest Contruction sight isn't that far away from here."


"Sounds good to me Dai."


Takeda looked around at the group and watched Dai take off. He took a step before hearing Asuka's words.


"M'kay. I'm ready too. I guess..."


He stopped himself and walked over to her. He placed a hand on her shoulder and looked into her eyes. He knew that voice inside her was bugging her.


"Don't worry about that Asuka, just concentrate on my voice. Whatever that thing inside you says ignore it. I need you to try to focus on the mission at hand."


He turned around and started into a run before stopping himself again. He walked back over and gave her a hug.


"You're not alone Asuka, trust me on that."


He turned around and took off after Dai.


At least the voice inside of her hasn't tried to take her body over... at least its not like mine.

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Kaneda followed Tategami behind. He seemed utterly determined to catch Mikita. Still, he couldnt help but feel guilty: Mikita was right there, and he missed him.


Up ahead, there was a building under construction. Cranes and metal catwalks surrounded the structure. Mikita was heading in that exact direction.


"What if its a trap?" Kaneda wondered. Tategami didnt say anything. Anything could be going on in Tategami's mind right about now.


They reached the Construction Site. Tategami and Kaneda stood on a support of the structure. Mikita was high up above them, smirking down below.


"He has something on his mind." Tategami finally spoke. "Stick close by me."


"Whats he gonna do?" Kaneda queried.


"He's gonna try and tear down this construction site, along with us." Tategami announced. "Hey!" he yelled up at Mikita.


"We arent who you think we are! We are not Bounty Hunters! We only want to talk!"


"Yeah? Thats what they all say..." Mikita replied. He pulled out a Kunai knife and sliced the rope attached to the winch of the construction crane. A plank of metal held by the rope fell down towards them, clattering against the supports of the structure.


Tategami grabbed Kaneda and leaped to another support.


"Think what you may. But it is the truth! If you dont like it, then we have no choice but to use force!" Tategami said high and mighty.


"Heh... This could be fun!" Mikita smirked.

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Tategami was left speechless. He put his serious face back on. "You're supposed to knock first...

Dai jumped back in shock at the black robed man who had jumped through the window before finally managing to catch a breath.


"Pleasure to meet you...Please don't jump through a window like that without telling someone your going to do it again."


Yoroi nodded. "My apologies," he said humbly.


* * *


"You there in the black, I need you to stay in the back and watch out for attackers from behind. Akagi you stay up front with Dai. Asuka and I will stay in the middle, watching left and right sides. We need to move fast and stay together."


"Right," he said.


They caught up with Mikita at a construction site. As instructed, Yoroi guarded the rear as Kaneda and Tategami confronted the target.


"Oi, you!"


Yoroi turned his head to the left several Hidden Rain Villagers in Genin robes were approaching him. "This is the territory of the Amegakure Tara!" one of them spat. "You're going to pay for trespassing."


You must be kidding me, Yoroi thought. Why is that everyone of little value wants to pick a fight with me? Sure enough, Yoroi saw one of them carrying a bottle of sake. Drunk Genin...how unworthy.


Two of the Genin charged at Yoroi. Biting his thumb and slamming it to the ground he yelled, "Summoning Jutsu: Nightmare Horror!" What appeared in front of him was a creature with the lower body of a goat, the upper body of a boar, the tail of a scorpion, and the head of a venus flytrap.


"KILL!" Yoroi ordered. The nightmare horror screamed (at a very high pitch) and ran at the two Genin, who had paused in fear. One was impaled by the tail while the other fell pray to the creature's mouth.


Their comrades immediately trembled. Yoroi grinned and with the appropriate hand signs said, "Blood Clone Jutsu!" Blood streamed out of one of the slain Genin and formed a copy of Yoroi.


"I think I'll show you my latest Jutsu!" Yoroi announced to the frightened Genin and made several new hand gestures. "Nightmare Release: Blood and Nightmare Fusion Jutsu!"


The Nightmare Horror and the Blood Clone immediately merged, forming a wretched fusion that was half demon and half man made of pure blood. "Now then," said the hybrid, a mix of human and a high-pitched wail. "Let's get started."


Half a minute later, the last three Genin fell to the ground dead. Yoroi dispelled the hybrid and then summoned four more Blood Clones to help him guard his comrades' flank.

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As Takeda arrived at the construction site he was instantly greeted with a sickening feeling. He looked up as the criminal attemped to squash Tategami, and Kaneda with a support beam. He took a look at his surroundings, but he couldn't find anything useful. Mikita was too high up, so Takeda would need to think of a way to bring him down. Takeda swore quietly, wishing he was closer to Kaneda. If he was he would have told him to do the same thing he had done to Asuka's father only this time the metal would replace Takeda's ice. Takeda had to think of something to replace the idea with.


"Ice Release: Frozen Rain"


Takeda fired mutiple icicles out of his hands and aimed at Mikita.


It's criminal scum like him that deserve to perish for what they've done.


Like me? said a twisted voice inside Takeda's head. Don't worry Takeda I'll play nice...for now. The voice laughed like a mad man.

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Dai looked over at the new member with a shocked look on his face. That was some pretty scary Jutsu that boy had.


Remind me not to tick him off.


Dai looked back up towards the prisoner who was still cutting ropes and dropping construction equipment all over.


"Alright...this is going far enough."


Dai began to rapidly make his way toward the prisoner, jumping from beam to beam.

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With all the healing Dai had done, Takeda had forgotten that he trained under Lee-sensai. Takeda continued to fire his projectile ice attacks at the prisoner hoping to distract him long enough for Dai to attack. He tried to think of something else he could do to help Dai out. Without turning his head he spoke to the group.


"Cover Dai however you can."

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Mikita saw the missles of frozen icycles launch towards him. The soared through the sky and aimed directly at him. He smirked as he performed his handsigns.


Snake, Dragon, Rabbit, Tiger


"Fire Release: Dragon flame Justu!"


He blew a massive ball of fire from his mouth which melted the Ice Missles. "Heh... Is that the best you--aaah?"


As he turned around, he saw Dai's figure appear above him. There wasnt enough time for Mikita to escape!


"Thats it Dai! Well done; both of you!" Tategami beamed at Takeda and Dai. "I wish I could have helped out more..."


"Well, nows your chance..." a familiar voice announced. "I suppose I have to thank you for doing all the work for us... Tategami!"


Tategami slowly turned around. Four shadows stood on the edge of a rooftop across from them. They were all wearing battle armor, covered by a cloak. Tategami recognised the armor they wore.


Kaneda looked puzzled. "Tategami-sensai, you know these guys?"


Tategami didnt reply. The middle man, who was presumably the leader, took off his hood so he can reveal his face. He had a very strong, muscular face and green eyes that challenged Death itself. His curly hair was fiery-red.


"...Gosai...." Tategami finally spoke. "Its been too long..." Kaneda saw him clenching his fist.

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"Heh... Is that the best you--aaah?"


Takeda smiled as Dai took down Mikita. His smile grew twice in size as Tategami congradulated both him and Dai on their efforts. He began to jump from beam to beam to get over to where Mikita was. As he looked at the man's face he felt a condescending voice inside of him.


He calls himself a criminal, yet he went down that quickly!?!? He's not even in the same league as me!


Takeda ignored the voice in his head and looked down below. Tategami and Kaneda were talking to four cloaked figures on a roof. He couldn't make out the words but he could feel Tategami's anger from up top. Takeda looked over at Dai.


"Something tells me these four aren't a welcoming party for us."

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"Something tells me these four aren't a welcoming party for us."


Five prepared needles appeared in Dai's hand as he looked toward the men who were confronting Tategami and Kaneda.


"I'm inclined to agree with you. But I think that we should watch over the prisoner and stay out of the fight...unless they come after us of course."

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"I'm inclined to agree with you. But I think that we should watch over the prisoner and stay out of the fight...unless they come after us of course."


"You two stay and guard Mikita. You dont want to get involved..."


"Wise words there, Daisuke..." Gosai replied. "This is between you and I."


"Hey, you mind giving us some elaboration?" Kaneda spoke. "Who is this guy, and why does he want to kill us?"


Tategami sighed. "Remember how I told you I originated from the Land of the Cresent Moon?" he began. "I was part of a special team of shinobi designed for military purposes; assination, extermination, security... you get the drill."


"But we are much more than that... you know this" Gosai smirked. Tategami hung his head. "You may have noticed during your travels that your "sensai" has displayed strange abilities."


The ability to read minds... Kaneda thought.


"Precisely..." Gosai looked at Kaneda, as if he replied to the thought Kaneda made to himself. Kaneda's eyes widened. "Yes... Like your sensai, I've been trained to read peoples thoughts and intentions based upon sniffing your pheromone levels, body temperature and chemicals. We are much like dogs, but there are more limits to what we can do..."


Gosai stared up at Mikita, and the two ninja's protecting him. Gosai ordered his men to launch themselves up and bring Mikita back down. He stared back at Tategami. "I assume you havent had the guts to reveal your true form yet, Daisuke?"



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((Is Asuka kidnapped already or no? BTW, sorry I haven't been on lately. School's started now.))


Asuka clenched her fists, helping the others fight off the enemies. Their goal was to protect Mikita. And she'd do that.


"Too bad your friends will die sometimes soon, huh?" The child-like evil voice said to her.


Asuka glared, trying to ignore the voice in her head.

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"Well this keeps getting better and better," Yoroi growled. "More and more people to fight. I guess I need to increase our odds."


He pulled out a small scroll from within his robes, laid it out on the ground, and made a hand sign. "Re-Summoning: 16 Blood Clones."


Immediately, 16 more clones appeared around him, raising the number to an even twenty. "I hate seeing people's lives go to waste," Yoroi explained to the new opponents, "so I taught myself how to preserve my clones after battle. These clones are only a small number of my vast army I have raised over each mission I have undertaken.


"Summoning Jutsu: Nightmare Horror!"


A new nightmare horror appeared, this time one with the lower body being a gray slug, the middle being a praying mantis, and the head being that of a flower with the face of a dying man in the middle.


"I will be your opponent, 'Gosai'," said Yoroi.

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((Is Asuka kidnapped already or no? BTW, sorry I haven't been on lately. School's started now.))


((Alrite, quick recap... The team has finally made it to the hidden rain village. Tategami, Dai and some others payed a visit to Konan, the village leader. She tells them where they may be able to find Mikita (the escaped prisoner); at the entertainment disctrict, where Kaneda and a handful of others decided to go. They eventually found Mikita and chased him to a construction site for a new skyscraper. They managed to capture Mikita, but the team ran into Tategami's old team members of special opperatives who are about to reveal Tategami's secret))


"I will be your opponent, 'Gosai',"


Gosai smirked. He flicked his red hair away from his eyes. "Heh... No problem." he eyed the monster Yoroi summoned. "Nice toy you have there."


"Yoroi! We will attack him together. You have no idea how exactly powerful this man is... But I do!" Tategami announced.


"Very noble of you, Daisuke." Gosai's hand began to swirl with the blue chakra. "You havent changed since you left the Blood Moon Force."


"You forgot what it means to be a true warrior, Gosai. Killing innocent people for the expense of completing a mission - I didn't want any part of it."


"Thats was your own mistake. But we're going to extract Mikita from your grasp whether you like it or not. No matter how many people we have to kill. Our employers require that sewer rat to be captured, because he holds information they find threatening."


A horrible thought struck Kaneda. Could they be working for the Arashi?


"But enough talk! We've got business to take care of!"

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Takeda looked down to see the other figures coming towards him and Dai.


"Looks like we're getting involved after all."


Takeda knew these men wouldn't go down so easy, after all they were in the same group Tategami used to be in.


That's right Takeda, now let me fight them. That ninja down there did say protect this criminal scum at all costs.


Takeda sighed, knowing the psychopath inside was right.


"Alright you got one shot," Takeda said as he took off his mask. He turned an looked back at Dai. "After this fight, I need you to put my mask back on." Takeda said again as he tossed the mask over to Dai. He felt slightly nervous about what he was about to do. He hadn't done this since he first became a Chunin.


As soon as Takeda finished his sentence, his eyes became black as night. His pupils glowed a bright yellow, and where his small smile used to be was now a sinister grin. His white hair was spiked up. The ninja on top of the construction site was no longer Takeda.


"WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" yelled a cold and slightly demonic voice.


"Takeda" moved at incredible speeds towards the first attacker and grabbed him with his left hand. "Takeda" threw the attacker into a support beam and followed with a powerful uppercut. "Takeda" grabbed the man once more and brought him to the ground. The man's body hit the ground below with "Takeda"'s feet planted on his chest.


"Oh its good to be back! Come on now is that the best you got!?!?" he said looking over to Gosai

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Gosai smirked. He flicked his red hair away from his eyes. "Heh... No problem." he eyed the monster Yoroi summoned. "Nice toy you have there."


"Toy?!" exclaimed Yoroi. "You call this a toy?! This is but the least of my nightmare jutsu! In a minute I will demonstrate another new jutsu I have developed and then--"


"Yoroi! We will attack him together. You have no idea how exactly powerful this man is... But I do!" Tategami announced.


Yoroi snapped his mouth shut. He wanted to talk back but remembered that Tategami was a comrade and at the moment his superior. Yoroi was here only as backup.


But I must prove myself! he thought. I must show that I can be of help, I need to show everyone that I am not just another monster made by Orochimaru and his twisted servants.


"After this fight, I need you to put my mask back on." Takeda said again as he tossed the mask over to Dai. He felt slightly nervous about what he was about to do. He hadn't done this since he first became a Chunin.


As soon as Takeda finished his sentence, his eyes became black as night. His pupils glowed a bright yellow, and where his small smile used to be was now a sinister grin. His white hair was spiked up. The ninja on top of the construction site was no longer Takeda.


"WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" yelled a cold and slightly demonic voice.


"Takeda" moved at incredible speeds towards the first attacker and grabbed him with his left hand. "Takeda" threw the attacker into a support beam and followed with a powerful uppercut. "Takeda" grabbed the man once more and brought him to the ground. The man's body hit the ground below with "Takeda"'s feet planted on his chest.


"Oh its good to be back! Come on now is that the best you got!?!?" he said looking over to Gosai


"What...the...hell?" Yoroi muttered. "I'm supposed to be the cursed ninja around here--!"


One of Gosai's men took the opportunity to try and jump Yoroi in the middle of the confusion that Takeda (or whatever Takeda had become) was causing. However, he was intercepted by five clones.


"KILL!" Yoroi ordered to the Nightmare Horror, pointing at the attacker.

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Dai looked up sharply at the sound of a cold...slightly disturbing voice and found Takeda at it's source.


He watched as "Takeda" single handedly took down one of the men attacking them and then narrowed his eyes.


There is obviously something wrong with him. Something inside him has changed for the worse.


"It appears you are a very popular man. Tell us where the Arashi hideout is."

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"I'm supposed to be the cursed ninja around here--!"


"Cursed!?!? I'm not cursed you fool, Takeda is!"


"It appears you are a very popular man. Tell us where the Arashi hideout is."


"Takeda" slowly turned his head around and looked over at Dai.


"Come on Dai, let's have some fun first! You're awful lucky I don't have my sword with me or you'd be in real trouble... I guess I'll just have to tear the rest of you bit by bit than."


"Takeda" took a look at his surroundings and gave another psychotic laugh.


"It looks like the whole gang is here. I see Kaneda, Asuka, Dai and some new faces. I haven't seen you all since Takeda first became a Chunin... a few weeks after I butchered his parents! Well if no ones going to introduce me, I might as well do it myself. Maiku Satsu but I prefer to be called Takai."


Takai went into an offensive stance and looked over at Gosai and the other ninja.


"Now that we've got names out of the way, are you ready to join your comrades in hell?"

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