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The blades went through Takai's body and dropped him to the ground. The body disapeared and a cloud of smoke rose from the ground; a clone. Takai stood on the roof looking down at Yoroi.


"Not bad, but if you keep up attacks like that you might kill Takeda in the process...unless of course you can live with killing him but I'm sure Dai and the others wouldn't like that. Now then your turn is up and its my turn again."


Dark Release: Moon Crescent


Takai swung his sword once more and a large arc shaped energy wave shot out of it. He quickly appeared behind Yoroi and threw him directly at the wave. Takai jumped back from Dai and looked over at him.


"It's your turn now Dai, unless of course you realize fighting me is useless in which case I'll be more than happy to offer you that chance to live again? Afterall whose more dangerous to this village, a psychopathic killer with no morals, or a brainwashed killer whose just lost her master and won't show any mercy from this point on?"

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Another chakra disruptor blade went through Takai's shoulder, which a pair of emotionless Rinnegan appeared behind. "That body you threw into your jutsu? Shadow Clone, and so is this one. In fact, the only thing of mine that is real are the chakra disruptor blades, like this one. The Flying Thunder God Technique is so intricate that I cannot hope to master it for another few years, however, every time you destroy my clone I will summon another one and send it your location...provided I have enough chakra of course. With my Rinnegan, I will never put my real body in danger ever again."


The Six Paths joined Yoroi, preparing to stab Takai's real body. "Now to answer your question," he began, "I don't really need to kill anyone. Enough of these blades will end your ability to fight me. But if it comes to choosing between Takeda's life or the safety of...gosh...the entire world? I think Takeda would understand, but I want to ask him."


Yoroi then transmitted his own chakra through the blade, disrupting the chakra network and allowing him to target Takai mentally. My Rinnegan is no longer inhibited by the limitations of the Nightmare Seal. This body is Takeda's, not yours.

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My Rinnegan is no longer inhibited by the limitations of the Nightmare Seal. This body is Takeda's, not yours.


You attacked out of turn, now you must be punished.


Takai stuck his left hand out to the nearest clone.


Dark Release: Inhaling Maw


A small black orb appeared on Takai's hand as he began to drain the clone. He smiled as he kicked the other clone away.


"Lucky you, you actually get to see a taste of my new power. Does this sound familiar to you?"


Samsara Art: The Six Paths


Six clones of Takai appeared and began laughing. In Attendance, the Six Paths of Takai! "Like it, my darkness lets me use any ability I want for a cetain amount of time and now I have yours. Now you can back off and let me kill these Arashi scum for taking my job...or I can keep using your own attacks against you until you run out of chakra and than die a painful death. "

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"It's your turn now Dai, unless of course you realize fighting me is useless in which case I'll be more than happy to offer you that chance to live again? Afterall whose more dangerous to this village, a psychopathic killer with no morals, or a brainwashed killer whose just lost her master and won't show any mercy from this point on?"


Dai began to focus his chakra into his palm before grinning at Takai.


"Right now, I believe that your the more dangerous one. At least Karela has a chance of being sav-"


Hold on a minute...If I let him fight Karela then it's likely the two of them will kill each other. We would have time to deal with the remaining one after the other one is dead.


Dai was still thinking when Takai somehow managed to make six clones of himself.


That...is not good.

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He...copied my power?! Shannaro!


A new copy appeared, as Yoroi's remaining Paths dispelled. "Obviously you are above my level...for now," said Yoroi, his teeth grinding on the last two words. "Very well then, take on the Arashi as you like. But I am following you and the moment you attack anyone that is not a member of the Arashi I will employ every ability I have to destroy you...even if it comes to Chibaku Tensei."


Yoroi drew a chakra disruptor. "Shall we get going then, Takai? Or do you need to collect some sort of dark chakra infused shield?"

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While dealing with the clones, one of the Karela's had formed a protective Earth Tomb for herself. Kaneda's eyes squinted. "That must be the real one!"


There were too many clones within the way of barrier.


"I gotta get through this mess, fast!" Horse, Rabbit, Boar "Lightning Fist!"


Kaneda's hands became infused with devasating electrical chakra. He sped through the crowd of clones, while hitting each of them with mutliple rapid blows that disintigrated them into puffs of cloud.


He continuously fought his way through, until he met with the wall of earth. He discharged a massive amount of chakra as he hit the wall with his bare hands... But it became useless. The wall didnt break, nor budge.


Tategami finished the remainder of the clones, and hurried over to the protective tomb. With all his brute strength, he hit the wall with his powerful iron-like hands. But no effect. The wall was as strong as steel.


"Godammit!" Kaneda growled. He hit the wall with frustration. "There must be a way through here."


"By the time we go through there, it'll all ready be too late. She's about to perform the Teleportation Justu to flee from battle."


Kaneda felt so hopeless. The one chance he could help save Karela, yet he failed. It took him a while to notice steam was emiting from his body. His anger began to pulsate throughout his system - it made him feel stronger and more focussed.


He could feel his hair began to lengthen and become spiky. Blue fur grew from his arms and that pierced through his clothing like needles. His skin became paler, and his eyes changed to black.


Tategami was amazed at Kaneda's transformation. "He... He's transforming? But... how is this possible? We only trained for a few weeks..."


Purple chakra emited from Kaneda, as he completed his Werebeast transformation. He stood facing the wall, glaring at it. He clenched his claw-like fist and smacked it against the Steel-hard wall. The wall began to crumble into rubble, and a huge gaping hole appeared to reveal Karela - who had just performed the final handseal.


Kaneda glared at her with painfully black eyes.

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Karela had just completed the final handsign when the earth wall next to her suddenly caved in as a powerful strike hit it from the other side.


That's impossible! They aren't strong enough to break through it as quickly as they did! Something must have changed in either Tategami or Kaneda.


It was then that Karela noticed that there were a pair of eyes looking directly at her from beyond the other side of the hole.


A pair of black eyes that in her opinion showed no sign of human intelligence.


She looked down at her hands to see that they were shaking slightly at the sight of the transformed Kaneda. She quickly cursed herself and attempted to make the handsigns for the teleportation jutsu yet again.

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Takai smiled as both Dai and Yoroi got to see what he could really do. He looked over at Dai and shook his head.


"I don't get why you all keep trying to save your friend by making her remember. If she's brainwashed do you really think her memory is going to kick in like that? Gah what the..."


It appeared some of Takeda's good hearted spirit was beginning to rub off on Takai just as his dark influence rubbed off on Takeda. Takai quickly looked over at Yoroi.


"Care to lead the way?"

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Takai smiled as both Dai and Yoroi got to see what he could really do. He looked over at Dai and shook his head.


"I don't get why you all keep trying to save your friend by making her remember. If she's brainwashed do you really think her memory is going to kick in like that? Gah what the..."


It appeared some of Takeda's good hearted spirit was beginning to rub off on Takai just as his dark influence rubbed off on Takeda. Takai quickly looked over at Yoroi.


"Care to lead the way?"


Yoroi grinned. He's resisting. "Sure, Takai-san. Follow me!"


* * *


"Sounds like Dark Release," said Konan to Yoroi's real body in Amegakure. "You won't be able to use your Rinnegan to copy it because it is a Kekkei Genkai, and a rare one at that."


"Any counters to it, Konan-Sensei?" Yoroi asked, remaining in his meditative position.


"I'd have to do some research. In the meantime, just try to help Takeda resurface."



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((M'kay. Sue me if I do this wrong...))


Asuka finally woke up. As she came around, she found her wrists chained to the wall. Asuka sighed. "Great. First, I get knocked out. Now this."


Suddenly, the thought of her friends came to mind. Were they all right? What if something bad happened to them? She had to get out of this place. Somehow...


"HEEEEELP!!!" Asuka yelled out. "The Arashi. This must be the Arashi's place," Asuka thought to herself. She began to struggle in her chains with anger. "Takeda! Kaneda!! Anyone!!"

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Kaneda saw Karela shaking her hands, incompleting her justu, as she looked at the sight of him. He smirked.


"Whats the problem?" he said. "You look too terrified to do anything!"


He slowly walked towards her, clenching his fists, which steamed with Purple Chakra. Kaneda stood menassing infront of her, as he watched her amusingly perform handsigns for the Teleportation Technique. He grabbed her by the collar and pushed her against the wall. His eyes glaring into hers.


"No more games! he snarled. "You're not the Karela I know! The Karela I knew was caring and helpful. She was always ahead of us when we were Academy Students. Everybody accepted her for who she was!"


Tategami watched in amazement at Kaneda's growth. At least his sanity was still in place... or whatever was left of it. Its possible his anger triggered his transformation into a Werebeast. All that was needed was some fine tuning, and Kaneda would be able to perfect it!


But now wasn't the time to fantisise over Kaneda's achievments. Tategami had to become aware of Kaneda's actions, incase he kills Karela.


Kaneda threw Karela out of the Earth Tomb. He stood halfway of the distance her threw her, and glared at her. "Its not looking to good for you, Karela!" he said. "What are you gonna do now?"


Kaneda itched for a fight. He didnt know if it was his own implulses, or his sudden thirst for blood.

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"What are you gonna do now?"


Karela quickly scrambled to her feet. There were so many emotions running through her head, rage, hatred toward Kaneda, and the utter humiliation of losing to the leaf jonin.


She quickly grabbed a Kunai and threw it at him before making a series of handsigns again.


"I'm going to leave. I can't beat you at your current level."


Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu


Nearly thirty clones of Karela appeared around the battleground.


Only have a little bit of Chakra now...I need to get out of here as quickly as possible.


She carefully made a series of handisgns and a blue light appeared just as the teleporation justu took effect

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"Oh no you don't!" yelled Yoroi as he, Dai, and Takeda/Takai arrived. "Samsara Art: Commanding Pull of the Outer Path!"


Karela was pulled out of the Jutsu and thrown to the ground.


"I am really not in the mood for people running away," said Yoroi as he landed on the ground. "Karela I presume? It sounds like you have caused my comrades a lot of...pain."


Cold rage was filling Yoroi's soul as he drew a chakra disruptor blade. "I don't care if the Arashi have manipulated your mind, you will know the will of the Rinnegan and experience the suffering of this world, for only then can you truly understand the pain of others and know maturity."


"Samsara Art: Six Paths."


The newly summoned Paths surrounded Yoroi and poured elemental chakra into his hand. "Samsara Art: Elemental Sword of the Six Paths!"


An energy weapon in the shape of a katana formed in Yoroi's hand, glowing with the five elemental colors. It was fueled by chakra and the anger within Yoroi. Images flooded his conscience...Asuka controlled by the monster within her, Kaneda and Tategami transforming, Takeda loosing the mental battle between himself and Takai, and himself...branded with the Nightmare Seal. Why must man suffer? Because suffering...pain...brings maturity, brings strength... and therefore "Know...PAIN!"

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((I'm going to assume Yoroi stabbed her or something.))


Why must man suffer? Because suffering...pain...brings maturity, brings strength... and therefore "Know...PAIN!"


Karela screamed as pain shot through her body and an extreme pressure began to build in her head as something forced its way to the surface.




Karela screamed in pain again as Six tails erupted from her back and her skin began to peel off only to be replaced by the muscle and bones of the seven tailed big cat.


Kill them...Kill them all. I won't be taken! Never again!


Two of the tails swept around in an arc, cuting open five of the seven bodies. The transformed Karela growled before another one of the tails swept around again and slammed into the transformed Kaneda, sending him flying.

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((Hunger, do you mind updating your character sheet? We all would like to know how many Justu's you're character is able to perform, now that your curse seal has suddenly "vanquished".))


Kaneda watched with amazement as Karela transformed into her Six Tailed Jinchuriki form. He suddenly recieved a heavy blow to the stomach when the one of the tailed lashed out and sent him flying through the air.


"Dammit..." Kaneda cursed. "We should have let her go. She's too powerful against us!"


Kaneda landed on his feet, which grinded the earth below him. He was a good distance away from the battle field. He leapt through the trees and back towards where Karela and the others fought.


Kaneda could feel the Tailed Beasts Chakra pumping through Karela's system. It wasnt a very pleasant feeling. Yet, it seemed so irresitable... Kaneda tried to shake off his animal urges. They had to put a stop to Karela before she does any more damage.


Tategami dodged the tailes that were lashing out at everyone. He managed to get a good enough distance away from her. "This calls for a little back up!"


Boar → Dog → Bird → Monkey → Ram


Tategami slammed his hands into the earth, which formed a runic symbol. The symbol flashed, and summoned two lion-like beasts.


The small cub with symbolic markings across his head, named Tsukai, looked up at Tategami with curious Eyes. Tategami knealt down.


"I need to to go back to the village and find Tenzo to bring him back! This is top priority!"


The cub nodded, and dashed through the forest in the direction of the village. The other lion, who stood tall on its hind legs, had muscly human-like arms and had several runic markings across his body, stared at Tategami with ambition. He had a tail with a pike-like steel tip.


"Masurao! We are in need of your assistance once again."


Masurao nodded, and began to join the battle against Karela.

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"Masurao! We are in need of your assistance once again."


Karela slowly turned toward the sound of the voice that suddenly seemed so much more familiar to her then it had before.


Familiar. Do not harm. Leave alone for now. Can be killed later.


Karela then turned her attention back to the man who could make solid copies of himself.


She unleashed a shockwave of chakra from her mouth that sent both bodies flying away from her at high speed and then turned toward the lion-like creature that was trying to hurt her.


Two tails swerved toward it and slammed into it, sending it flying across the battlefield.

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Takai looked around at the battlefield. he was quite impressed that Karela was holding her ground against so many of them, but then again they were her friends. He just shook his head and laughed as usual. He still had Yoroi's abilites so he still had some time to toy with the girl. With that in mind he jumped down into the battle.


"Aww look at that, the little girl's throwing a hissy fit. You know that's no way to behave in front of people. Didn't your "sensai" teach you better than that... oh that's right...I killed her in cold blood! Come on now girl, come avenge her death."


He took off Takeda's mask and smiled at Karela. He gave his signature laugh which wasd enough to make anyone's spine tingle. He quickly turned his head and looked over at Kaneda.


"You know I never really got a chance to thank you for leaving me alone with Dai. I would have never gotten my sword back if it weren't for that."


He turned back around to face Karela. It was pure madness to take on Karela at this stage, even Takai knew that but he had something planned.


"Karela don't! It's a trick!"


Fire Release: Great Fireball


A large fireball shot out at some of the Karela clones. Specter jumped down next to Tategami.


"Looks like you guys could use some help."

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Asuka closed her eyes, and cried. "Why? What do they want with me? What have I ever done to them?"


This was all too shocking for her. "Takeda. Kaneda. Tategami-san. Dai. Kokoro. Akagi. Yoroi. Karela! What have I ever done?!" She cried sorrowfully, and looked to the dark ceiling. "I didn't mean to bring harm to them! Oh God! Why is this happening to me? What do they want from me?!"


Asuka continued to cry with a heavy heart...


"Takeda..." she whispered.

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((I'm going to assume Yoroi stabbed her or something.))

((Rinnegan mental attack.))

((Hunger, do you mind updating your character sheet? We all would like to know how many Justu's you're character is able to perform, now that your curse seal has suddenly "vanquished".))

((Sorry, I've been meaning to do that. Also, announcement: Yoroi's story may be coming to an end...permanently. It depends on where I take his character and if I might make a new one.))


((And yes, he's going a bit evil, but not like Takeda, Asuka, or Karela. Dojutsu in Naruto do affect personality if overused.))




Hmmph...tailed beast. It will know suffering and pain--


Yoroi stopped himself and held his head with his free hand. "What's happening to me...?"


Kaneda watched with amazement as Karela transformed into her Six Tailed Jinchuriki form. He suddenly recieved a heavy blow to the stomach when the one of the tailed lashed out and sent him flying through the air.


"Dammit..." Kaneda cursed. "We should have let her go. She's too powerful against us!"


"You're kidding me..." Yoroi growled, the rage within him returning. "You wanted her back so bad and now you're too cowardly to face her when the going gets tough?! Shinra Tensei!" he roared at the end of his rant, knocking Kaneda to the ground. "I'll conquer this monster with the power of my Samsara Art myself!"


"Aww look at that, the little girl's throwing a hissy fit. You know that's no way to behave in front of people. Didn't your "sensai" teach you better than that... oh that's right...I killed her in cold blood! Come on now girl, come avenge her death."


He took off Takeda's mask and smiled at Karela. He gave his signature laugh which wasd enough to make anyone's spine tingle. He quickly turned his head and looked over at Kaneda.


"You know I never really got a chance to thank you for leaving me alone with Dai. I would have never gotten my sword back if it weren't for that.""Karela don't! It's a trick!"


Fire Release: Great Fireball


A large fireball shot out at some of the Karela clones. Specter jumped down next to Tategami.


"Looks like you guys could use some help."


"Brilliant, more people!" Yoroi yelled exasperated, then turned to his Shadow Path and tossed over the Elemental Sword. "Catch!"


"Right," the Path replied, catching the blade and charging at Karela. Meanwhile, the other Paths surrounded Yoroi in a circle, prepared to defend him from attacks from both Karela and his comrades. If they get in the way, they will feel the power of the Rinnegan!

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((Didn't I get rid of most of the paths already? I think I killed off five so that would only leave Yoroi and the one with the sword right?))


"Aww look at that, the little girl's throwing a hissy fit. You know that's no way to behave in front of people. Didn't your "sensai" teach you better than that... oh that's right...I killed her in cold blood! Come on now girl, come avenge her death."


The six-tailed beast sniffed the air quietly. This one reeked of death and thus was considered a top priority threat to dispose of.


Four burning tails slammed directly into his face just as he finished his rant and sent him soaring away from her at speeds almost impossible for the human body to withstand.


Karela then turned her attention back to the Man who could make multiple compies of himself, one of which was charging straight at her with a strange looking sword.


I won't be taken! Not again!


One of Karela's tails swept across his face with the sharp end, cutting him across the face as a second tail sliced directly through his chest of the shadow path, dropping him and sending the sword flying.

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If that really was Takai, he would of been very injured. He watched as the clone was completely destroyed and smiled on how much fun Yoroi's power truly was. The girl continued attacking Yoroi clones with no mercy.


She's perfect


"That's it, that's your first attack!?!? Come on you can do better than that can't you? You may be a step above your pathetic excuse for a sensai but that doesn't excuse you to be so stubborn. You're quick, but let's see how quick you really are."


Takai took off running and laughed while he did so.


"You want a real fight than follow me, I'll even make sure your death is quick and painless!"

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"You're kidding me..." Yoroi growled, the rage within him returning. "You wanted her back so bad and now you're too cowardly to face her when the going gets tough?! Shinra Tensei!"


Kaneda had just returned to the battle field when Yoroi performed a Shinra Tensai against him, knocking him over. He glared up at him in annoyance. ""I'll conquer this monster with the power of my Samsara Art myself!"


"I better remind myself later to punch this guy in the face for his arrogance..." Kaneda grumbled. He stood up and brushed himself off. He stared at Karela, trying to think of a strategy.


Those tailes of hers could counter almost anything; Physical attacks simply wont work. Even if they could, she could just simply swift the tail against her opponent that will send them flying away. To defeat an enemy with this type of devasating defence, you would need to attack from a distance.


Kaneda's Shadow Sewing techniques may have an advantage, but only for a short period of time. Karela's chakra was simply too powerful, and able to resist the restrain, even if Kaneda is pumping with Werebeast Chakra. But it may buy the team some time for Yamato to arrive at the scene and suppress the Bijuu's chakra.


Kaneda made sure he was good distance away from Karela. His black eyes stared with hope. He formed the rat handseal. The full moonlight from above was free of any clouds, forming Kaneda's shadow.


His shadow krept forward along the ground, and locked onto the demon Karela. Kaneda steamed with purple chakra as he spent energy constricting Karela. Yamato oughta be arriving at the scene any minute now...

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Karela was about to take off after the man who reeked of death when she suddenly felt herself stop.


She slowly looked down...and saw that her shadow was slightly off. Something wasn't right.


Some sort of holding technique. Whoever is controlling the shadow can hold me until reinforcments arrive, the rational part of her mind told her.


Karela looked down at her shadow and followed it and then saw the beast holding it, purple chakra steaming off his body.


She screamed in rage at Kaneda's intrusion in her battle and began to struggle to get away from her shadow.


Even as she continued to struggle memories kept running through her head, memories of the good times in the village, and the memories of being tortured by a corrupt village hidden in the leaves.


Which is real?! Which of these memories is real?!


Karela had no answer for herself as she continued to struggle against the Jutsu holding her.

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((@ Chevron: Yeah, Karela killed all of them except the Shadow Clone and the Shadow Path. Now you've left me with the Shadow Clone.))


"Shannaro!" Yoroi shouted as Karela took out his Shadow Path. He saw Kaneda trapping her with his Shadow Sewing Technique.


Takai took off running and laughed while he did so.


"You want a real fight than follow me, I'll even make sure your death is quick and painless!"


Takai had been continuously attacking Karela with Yoroi's Six Paths technique, much to his annoyance.


"Summoning: Demonic Statue of the Outer Path!"


Behind Yoroi, the massive Demonic Statue appeared. It opened its maw, and three spirit dragon heads flew out at Karela...though one was very close to Takai....

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((time to put this fight to an end, methinks))


Kaneda held onto Karela for as long as he could. Her resistance was so powerful, Kaneda thanked Tategami for helping him master Werebeast Chakra. His chakra gradually began to drain at a rapid speed, his hunger for blood overwhelmed him.


Tategami didnt want to heavily rely on using Werebeast form; Tenzo ought to be arriving any moment now. In the mean time, he tried his very best to dodge Karela's attacks. There wasnt a whole lot he could do - penetrating Bijuu Chakra is like running through a scorching bon fire.


Atlast, a man arrived at the scene. He stood tall, with ghoulish eyes and a thin mouth. We wore the traditional Shinobi Vest, and had his Head Protector was attached to a helmet-like head piece. Yamato glared at Karela with a long face.


He performed the necasary handseals. Then, faced his palm tattoo'd with the a kanji symbol towards Karela. Totem poles began to form around him, which in turn came to life and shot towards Karela. The snake-like Totem poles wrapped around Karela with ease.


One of Yamato's speciality was controling Tailed-Beast Chakra; very ideal for this situation. He could already feel Karela's chakra being expelled in seconds.


"There is no point in resisting." Yamato added. "No matter how strong you may have become, you will be tamed under my control!"


Kaneda let go of his Shadow Sewing technique and almost fell to the ground in exhaustian. He fell onto his knees and began huffing and puffing. He used most of his chakra up, to the point where its almost become depleated.

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