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Takai heard voices and turned around to see no one was following him. He stopped himself from going any further and turned himself around. When he arrived back to the scene he saw Karela being overpowered by some other person. This was his chance to do what he needed to do. He quickly walked up to Karela and pointed his left hand at her.


Dark Release: Inhaling Maw


The same small orb appeared on his hand as he began to drain Karela's chakra. Not only was he helping the group with what they were trying to do but he would benefit from it as well. When he was satisfied, he stopped draining. He quickly felt a surge of energy rush through his body. He was flung back by just how much energy he now had. He had to pull this move off quickly as holding this much energy was dangerous, even for Takai. He concentrated as hard as he could and his body began to glow a bright white. There was a large flash and when the flash was gone there were now two Takeda's. One of them was on the ground passed out while the other was standing still holding Takai's sword. His outfit was a dark gray where Takeda's had blue. His skin was a lightish gray with the familiar black and yellow eyes. His hair matched his skin color and was spiked up unlike Takeda's.


"Free! WHAHAHAHA I'm Free. Catch you losers later!" With that Takai used Karela's teleportation jutsu and disappeared.


((Don't worry Skywalker, Takai's almost ready.))

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Atlast, a man arrived at the scene. He stood tall, with ghoulish eyes and a thin mouth. We wore the traditional Shinobi Vest, and had his Head Protector was attached to a helmet-like head piece. Yamato glared at Karela with a long face.


He performed the necasary handseals. Then, faced his palm tattoo'd with the a kanji symbol towards Karela. Totem poles began to form around him, which in turn came to life and shot towards Karela. The snake-like Totem poles wrapped around Karela with ease.


"Damn it," Yoroi muttered. The dragon heads retracted themselves into the Statue, which then disappeared.


Dark Release: Inhaling Maw


The same small orb appeared on his hand as he began to drain Karela's chakra. Not only was he helping the group with what they were trying to do but he would benefit from it as well. When he was satisfied, he stopped draining. He quickly felt a surge of energy rush through his body. He was flung back by just how much energy he now had. He had to pull this move off quickly as holding this much energy was dangerous, even for Takai. He concentrated as hard as he could and his body began to glow a bright white. There was a large flash and when the flash was gone there were now two Takeda's. One of them was on the ground passed out while the other was standing still holding Takai's sword. His outfit was a dark gray where Takeda's had blue. His skin was a lightish gray with the familiar black and yellow eyes. His hair matched his skin color and was spiked up unlike Takeda's.


"Free! WHAHAHAHA I'm Free. Catch you losers later!" With that Takai used Karela's teleportation jutsu and disappeared.


At this point Yoroi wanted to smash something. "SHINRA TENSEI!" he bellowed as a clump of trees, blasting them into oblivion.


He turned towards the other Leaf Shinobi. "I'm going after him, so you guys can deal with Karela and Takeda however you wish," he said, then turned to address Kaneda. "And as for you, I did hear your mumbling rather distinctly. When we next meet, I will fight you and win absolutely."


He stalked off, away from the scene of the battle.

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"No matter how strong you may have become, you will be tamed under my control!"


Karela's chakra contined to be drained at an extremley fast rate as the poles continued to sqeeze the life out of her.


Dark Release: Inhaling Maw


Karela howled in pain as a second jutsu took effect and began to drain her chakra at an even faster rate.


The twin set of memories continued to rush through her head even as her chakra was drained.


Lie...Not a lie...Which is it?! Which is real?!


Karela contined to think that question even as her skin began to grow back and the bones and muscle of the six tailed beast faded leaving a young woman who was holding her head and weeping.


Which is real...I don't know whats real and whats not anymore...Is it possible Tategami is telling the truth? I can see him beating me as a child, but I didn't meet him until I was a chunin...Whats going on?!

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Takeda was on the ground motionless. The split had taken a lot out of him, but he couldn't let that keep him down. He slowly got back up to see that Karela was being dealt with. He looked into her eyes and could see two souls inside. He could tell things were beginning to click in her head, that there were two different memories of similar events. It was a struggle between what was the truth and what was the lie. He looked over at the man using the jutsu on her.


"Stop! Can't you see you're hurting her?!?!" Takeda yelled.


He tried to pull the poles away but they were too strong and he was very weak. He got mad that he couldn't help and than became very sad. He looked into Karela's eyes with his own tearful ones and gently wraped his arms around the poles. A few tears rolled off his face and hit her.


"I know you're having a hard time remembering, and I know you can't tell if were friend or foe yet but I want you to know I'm sorry...truly sorry. If I hadn't been so concerned about becoming a Jonin, than maybe I would have went with you guys to the Ramen Shop. Maybe I would have followed you and stopped whoever took you away from doing so. I'm sorry Karela, I really am."

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"And as for you, I did hear your mumbling rather distinctly. When we next meet, I will fight you and win absolutely."


Kaneda frowned up at him, as he lay on the ground exhausted. "What the hell is this guys problem?" he thought. He watched as he dashed off after Takai.


Tategami approached Kaneda and knealt down. He placed a hand near Kaneda mouth.


"Reaching the Werebeast state prematurely is very exhausting. It will continue to drain your energy, unless you revert back. Drink, so you can at least replenish some effort to transform back."


Kaneda looked weakely at Tategami. He edged his mouth directly towards Tategami's mouth. But then stopped, and brushed tha hand away.


"I... swore not to drink blood. Give me... Soldier Pill instead." Kaneda groaned.


"A soldier pill isnt enough replenish your chakra in this state." Tategami stated.


"It should give me enough strength to revert back though!"


Tategami hesitantly fumbled around his pouch, looking for a Soldier Pill caspule. Kaneda bit down onto it, and felt a slight rush of energy replenish. Kaneda concentrated, and slowly reverted back to his original human form.


"Stop! Can't you see you're hurting her?!?!"


Yamato ignored him. He continued until Karela finally reverted back to her human form. He removed his hand, and the totem poles removed themselves.


"I did what I had to do. Everytime she taps into Bijuu chakra, she slowly shortens her life span and damages her body!" Yamato announced. "If anything, you should be more concerned about that friend of yours who absorbed her chakra and split into two specimens."

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Karela contined holding her head and weeping as more and more memories continued to run through her head, each more familiar then the last.


She saw a woman with blonde hair waving at her and then seconds later saw the same woman except that she was above her, beating her and cutting her with a piece of metal shouting curses at her.


Next came the same blonde haired man, this time he was patting a younger version of her on the head and smiling like last time and then seconds later he was throwing her around the room in a blind rage.


The first one feels so familiar...Naruto...Naruto is the hokage of the village hidden in the leaves


Karela continued to hold her head and weep as more and more memories continued to fill her head.


She was still sobbing before she finally passed out from the drain on her chakra.

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"Anything, Konan-sensei?"


Konan shook her head. "Dark Release is a definite unknown. In fact, there is no information on what elements are combined to form Dark Release."


"Hai," said Yoroi. "In that case, I will take advantage of his technique."




"He absorbed my Samsara Art: Six Paths. It's a Kekkei Genkai dependent on my Rinnegan. Soon he will find out that there are consequences for that...."

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Takeda picked Karela up not wanting to leave his friend on the ground. She was very weak and was harmless for the time being. He looked over to Tategami for answers as well as information.


"Tategami, they got Asuka. I...Takai killed the woman we ran into at the forest and Karela is unconscious and is still conflicted with memories...and what are we going to do with Karela now?"




Takai was enjoying his freedom by teleporting as much as he could. He finally arrived at the place where he died. There was a large mountain of ice Takeda had used to keep the body from ever leaving. He could not find his body through all the ice.


Guess I'll just break it down, time to use that kid's jutsu.


He attempted to clone himself however nothing happened. He tried a second time but still nothing happened. He smacked himself on the head as he forgot about absorbing Karela's abilities. His body must of tossed Yoroi's blood away to make room for Karela's.


Earth Release: Earth barrier jutsu


He watched as the ice crumbled and was now covered by earth. He teleported inside and began to look around. He used the multi form to make the task go quicker, however he still couldn't find it. In a fit of rage he killed all of the clones and blew away the earth. Suddenly a thought popped into his head. He went to the exact spot of where he died and began to dig. He kept digging until he felt something cold; his body. He placed his hand on his old body's chest and began to concentrate on stealing the soul. a green orb left the old body and Takai grabbed it. He took a deep breath and opened his mouth. A green like gas entered into his mouth and nostrils and began swirling around him until entering his body. He was shot back from the force but quickly got to his feet. He walked back to his body and looked at his old mask. It didn't help him in any way other than looking a bit scarier. He just shrugged his shoulders and picked up the mask. He decided to wear it this time for showing off only not for fighting. He put the ceramic like mask on and was about to leave when images flashed in his head. He must have gotten some of Karela's memory when he used the Inhaling Maw technique. He saw where she had taken Asuka and where that location was. An idea popped into his head as the images faded away. He teleported away and disappeared with a black flash of light.

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""Tategami, they got Asuka. I...Takai killed the woman we ran into at the forest and Karela is unconscious and is still conflicted with memories...and what are we going to do with Karela now?"


Kaneda eyes widened with shock. "They... took Asuka?" he clenched his fist.


Tategami approached Takeda holding the unconcious Karela. "She requires medical attention. Being a Jinchuuriki can be exhausting if the user taps into the beasts enormous chakra. Take her to the hospital, Takeda-kun."


Yamato stood along side Takeda. "I shall accompany you, incase you require assistance. I know more about the biology of Jinchuuriki more than anybody else around here."


Tategami nodded. Kaneda finally stood up, and glanced up at the big Jonin.


"Sensai... Should we not go after Asuka? Who knows what the Arashi have in store for her; they may even turn convert her, like Karela."


"I understand your concern - I share the same shoes your wearing. But we don't have anyleads. I can't sniff Asuka within a 10 km radius - she could be anywhere in the world."


"BUT... But... I suppose you're right..." Kaneda accepted. "But we cannot give up on her!"


"We wont! I'm afraid the only lead we have is the Kraken's Womb within the ocean. I will see too it that we shorten our training schedual in exchange for Asuka's own safety."


"And if we were too late?" Kaneda crossed his arms.


"Incase Asuka succumbs to the mind altering technique the Arashi provide, we will restore her memories through our means." Tategami promised. "In the mean time, we must use the very little time we have to prepare!"


Kaneda nodded. He hung his head down, looking at green grass overshadowed by the night sky. "Asuka... Hang in there! We're coming to get you." he whispered. Suddenly, Kaneda formulated an idea - a means of learning how to use Werebeast Form without blood.


"Tategami-sensai... How long will it take for me to perfect the Werebeast form?" he queried.


"Well, given at your current stage of premature transformation, it should take you an extra two weeks." Tategami explained.


"I have a request---"


"I see... you wish to access the forbidden Scroll of Seals?" Tategami biologically read Kaneda's mind. Kaneda was begining to get used to it, but was slightly annoyed.


"Yes. There is something I would like to learn that may help me in battle. But to do this, I need Dai's help."


"You wish to study a Medical type justu, and require Dai's help because of his expertise?"


"That sums it up. How about it?"


"You're going to have to request permission from Hokage Naruto. He's the one who has current access to the Scroll. Afterall, he was the one who learned the Shadow Clone Justu from that very scroll. Speak with him in the morning, and bring Dai with you. He may find this interesting..."

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Takeda looked over at Tategami and then down at Karela. There was more he wanted to say but he had to get Karela to the hospital. Somehow sensing Takeda's intent, Specter stepped in and looked at him.


"I'll take Karela to the hospital, after a split like that I doubt you'd make it anyway."


Takeda gave a nod and handed Karela over to Specter. Specter looked over at Yamato


"Ready to get going?"


Takeda looked over at Tategami once more.


"I can't stand by and watch the same thing happen Asuka that did Karela. If I must wait due to this Kraken Tomb than I want to be challenged in my training. I want to be pushed beyond my limits, I want to be ready for these Arashi scum!"




Takai stood in a bloody hallway. His wiped his sword clean of the blood with his tongue. He smiled as he looked up at the carnage. Takai teleported into the next room. Inside was a girl crying out to no one.


"Awww, why the sad face Asuka? Run away from home again?"

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Yoroi stepped into view. "Obviously not, Takai."


The Six Paths appeared. "Surprised to see me? I doubt you would be, but I'll tell you how: You temporarily stole one of my Kekkei Genkai, and in fact the worst one to take. The Six Paths are dependent on my Rinnegan to function. Only later did I find out that you had accidentally connected your soul to me. Eventually that connection began to fade away when you used Karela's ability instead, but I was able to use your vision. For awhile. Not to worry, the connection is completely gone now.


"To clarify," Yoroi continued, "I am not here to confront you, arrest you, destroy you, or oppose you in any way. What I do want is to save Asuka here. However, I would like to learn about your motives. It is possible that we may share more in common than we both think."

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"Yes. There is something I would like to learn that may help me in battle. But to do this, I need Dai's help."


"You wish to study a Medical type justu, and require Dai's help because of his expertise?"


Dai had been trying to locate the sound of the sobbing when all of a sudden a battle had erupted. The gi- Karela had gotten up and had gone after Tategami and Kaneda and then had transformed into some sort of best with six tails.


Who knows what kind of damage she could have done if Yamoto sensai hadn't stopped her.


He had then overheard the conversation between Kaneda and Tategami. He slowly walked toward them.


"I wouldn't call myself an expert...but I know a thing or two about medicine. What do you need to learn Kaneda?"

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"Ready to get going?"


Yamato nodded, and accompanied Spectre to the hospital.


By then, Tategami dismissed Kaneda and walked away as soon as Dai approached them.


"I wouldn't call myself an expert...but I know a thing or two about medicine. What do you need to learn Kaneda?"


"I've heard of a certain Justu the fifth Hokage practiced." Kaneda began. "It allowed Tsunade to create cells by gathering chakra. She labelled it Yin Seal: Release. Seeing as you hold some education within the Medical Industry, I was hoping we could learn it together and somehow modify it..."


"I can't stand by and watch the same thing happen Asuka that did Karela. If I must wait due to this Kraken Tomb than I want to be challenged in my training. I want to be pushed beyond my limits, I want to be ready for these Arashi scum!"


Tategami could feel the burning anger and frustration within Takeda.


"I can understand how your feeling, Takeda. Especially when tis concerning your feelings for Asuka." he crossed his arms. "If you wish to be pushed to your limits, you must be specific in which area. Whether I could help depends on what you're requesting."

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"I've heard of a certain Justu the fifth Hokage practiced. It allowed Tsunade to create cells by gathering chakra. She labelled it Yin Seal: Release. Seeing as you hold some education within the Medical Industry, I was hoping we could learn it together and somehow modify it..."


Dai scratched his head as he thought about Kaneda's idea.


"Hmmmm...from what I heard about that technique it stores chakra and then allows the user to access the excess chakra when it's needed."


He nodded once in approval.


"That could work. You'd have to talk to the Hokage about accessing the scroll. If I may ask...how do you plan on modifying it?"

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Without turning his head to acknowledge the boy, Takai spoke to him.


"You know you're like a little leech that just won't die...but I have to give you credit. Getting in here must have been quite a task as you don't have teleportation jutsu."


Takai moved closer to Asuka and placed a hand on her cheek.


"Why I would never consider hurting someone as special as Asuka, not when she has so much...potential." Takai said moving to the other side of Asuka. " I guess that's one thing both Takeda and I share, a common interest in you."


Takai looked up at Yoroi and smiled.


"Well this is where our conversation ends, I do hope you have a good plan on getting out of here as this is Arashi territory."


Takai grabbed Asuka's shoulder and teleported the two away. He took the two of them to a location only he knew about. The room had the same gothic appearance as the previous room however in the middle of the room was a small well.


"Now then, do you know why you're so special?"




Takeda's mouth dropped a bit at Tategami's response.


But I didn't...right, the mind reading thing.


Takeda now saw why Kaneda hated when Tategami did that.


"Anything you could help me excel in would be most appreciated."

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((Yoroi is 19. ;) ))


"You know you're like a little leech that just won't die...but I have to give you credit. Getting in here must have been quite a task as you don't have teleportation jutsu."


Yoroi chuckled inwardly. Not only did Takai keep forgetting that this was a Shadow Clone, but Yoroi indeed had a teleportation method: Flying Thundergod Technique with seals on his Chakra Disruptor Blades.


"Well this is where our conversation ends, I do hope you have a good plan on getting out of here as this is Arashi territory."


"Why would I leave? If I am to fight the Arashi, this is a perfect place to start."


Takai and Asuka teleported away. "Have it your way," Yoroi said with a shrug. Whatever Takai's interests were, it fine to have Asuka in his care for now as opposed to the Arashi.


Through another Shadow Clone's Rinnegan, Yoroi saw the latest part of his plan come into place. "Bring Zarela's body to Amegakure immediately."


* * *


"So you seek to push the power of the Rinnegan to the next level by using Pain's version of the Six Paths?" asked Konan. "Creative."


Yoroi nodded. "Who says that I must only have one set of Paths? I will reanimate several corpses as my own bodyguard to acquire their Kekkei Genkai. This will allow me to share their abilities with my Shadow Clones."


"You do realize that you need to spend many hours of training to develop the chakra needed to operate this many clones. Your normal Jonin chakra-levels won't cut it."


"I know, but it is what will be needed to destroy the Arashi, suppress Takai should he become an apparent threat, and protect Konoha."


Konan raised an eyebrow. "So are you a God of benevolence?"


Yoroi shook his head. "No, I am more like you, an angel. I will be the guardian angel of Konoha, hidden in the rain." Somehow, reaffirming his purpose suppressed the cold rage that the Rinnegan gave him. He felt more like himself again....

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"That could work. You'd have to talk to the Hokage about accessing the scroll. If I may ask...how do you plan on modifying it?"


"You're already aware that the Werebeast Form requires chakra from absorbing blood from the victim, in order to get stronger. Right?" he winked. "That technique basically creates a form of "stem-cells" that can heal any part of the body and even repair bodily organs. What if we could use those cells to create Chakra? It may be possible to create the fusion between my chakra and the newly created energy."


He rubbed his chin. "Though, that may require some effort. Not only that, but exhausting after I finish discharging it. But the way I see it, its better than having to drink blood."


He allowed Dai to think. "What do you think? Not only that, but you may find this technique usefull for yourself. I'll also need you to teach me the basics of Medical Ninjustu, in order for me to get a better understanding of this technique."




"Anything you could help me excel in would be most appreciated."


Tategami rubbed his chin.


"There are many ways to improve your skills. You could learn chakra manipulation in order to advance or create new justu's for yourself. Or you could take things to the next level... Learn a new form."


He allowed Takeda to absorb the suggestion.


"For example; Hokage Naruto learned Senjustu which resulted in his practice of Sage Mode; which ceased him from using his Jinchuuriki forms. Or theres the quicker alternative, and become a Werebeast; like Kaneda and I. But its your call; every choice has negatives to its respect."

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((I'm sorry, Ninja? How does Takai look again?))


"Awww, why the sad face Asuka? Run away from home again?"


Asuka knew that voice. She glanced up. It was Takai. She glared and turned away. Suddenly, she heard Yoroi's voice.


Yoroi stepped into view. "Obviously not, Takai."


The young girl became really happy to see him, other than Takai. But suddenly, she heard Takai say something about having a common interest in her. What was it? She was afraid to know...


All of a sudden, Asuka and Takai were teleported from Yoroi. She felt alone again. With this monster...


They finally came into a scary room with a small well in the middle of the room.


"Now then, do you know why you're so special?"


Asuka looked up at him, afraid. She moved backward. "N-N-No. I don't..."

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"What do you think? Not only that, but you may find this technique usefull for yourself. I'll also need you to teach me the basics of Medical Ninjustu, in order for me to get a better understanding of this technique."


Dai thought about it for only a moment before replying.


"I'm certainly not the best teacher you could ask for but I'll give it a shot. If you really want to learn you'll have to make some time in between your training. Even the basics of Medical style jutsu can take time to learn."

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((Takai looks exactly like Takeda except he still has his yellow eyes, his hair is spiked up and gray, his skin is gray, and his uniform is black and dark gray.))

"N-N-No. I don't..."


"You're special because of your blood. Your uncle was a great man Asuka, he truly was. You know your father was also a great man. Yes, I know about your family history. Remember when you tried to eliminate me? Not only did you form a mental link with Takeda, but you formed one with me as well. I learned how special you really were that day. Your uncle was a wise man, not only that but he was kind hearted and very courageous. Your father was cold, strong, agile and very threatening. When you were born you all those traits were passed to you and that's what makes you special...you're the perfect warrior."


Takai took a few steps forward before continuing.


"That's why the Arashi wanted you so badly. Your father had joined them and once they found out about your rare condition they wanted you. Your little friend Karela was taken before you though, do you know why? They wanted to turn Karela into the perfect monster, capable of wiping out villages with a flick of her wrist. Together the two of you would be an unstoppable force. All those times people have called you weak was to make you think were so. You have great power, and with my help I can show you just what you can do."




Takeda thought long and hard about what Tategami had told him.


"I know I don't want to become a Werebeast. I don't have a Jinchuuriki form so I don't think learning Naruto's sage mode would help me. Exactly what other forms are out there sensai?"




Specter placed Karela down on a hospital bed and looked over at Yamato.


"So what do we do with her when she wakes up? Will she be herself again or what we just had to deal with minutes ago?"

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((Thanks, Ninja. :) ))


"You're special because of your blood. Your uncle was a great man Asuka, he truly was. You know your father was also a great man. Yes, I know about your family history. Remember when you tried to eliminate me? Not only did you form a mental link with Takeda, but you formed one with me as well. I learned how special you really were that day. Your uncle was a wise man, not only that but he was kind hearted and very courageous. Your father was cold, strong, agile and very threatening. When you were born you all those traits were passed to you and that's what makes you special...you're the perfect warrior."


Asuka stopped backing away, staring at Takai with saddened blue eyes. Why did he want her so badly? Just because she had her father and Uncle Chokichi's blood... she never wanted to become bad. Never...


The young girl bit her lower lip nervously as he continued.


"That's why the Arashi wanted you so badly. Your father had joined them and once they found out about your rare condition they wanted you. Your little friend Karela was taken before you though, do you know why? They wanted to turn Karela into the perfect monster, capable of wiping out villages with a flick of her wrist. Together the two of you would be an unstoppable force. All those times people have called you weak was to make you think were so. You have great power, and with my help I can show you just what you can do."


She gasped silently. "But... but how can you help me? I mean... you nearly killed Takeda. You nearly hurt my friends." She then glared up at him. "Why should I trust you?"

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"But... but how can you help me? I mean... you nearly killed Takeda. You nearly hurt my friends." She then glared up at him. "Why should I trust you?"


"That's just it. I'm only one person. By myself I nearly killed them all. Tell me, exactly how do you think they'll hold up against the entire Arashi force? Can you really live with the fact you didn't do anything? Together we can stop the Arashi and both walk away happy. You'll have your friends, and I won't have any competition."


Takai smiled as he moved closer to Asuka.


"Isn't that what you want? Your friends acceptance and praise. Isn't that what your uncle wanted?"

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"Isn't that what you want? Your friends acceptance and praise. Isn't that what your uncle wanted?"


After Takai told her this, it left Asuka thinking. She always wanted to stop the Arashi. And she defiantly wanted to make her friends happy.


"Well... I... I guess you're right."


Asuka felt that she wanted to do something right for the first time, and make up for what she did.


The young girl looked up at Takai with frightened eyes, and nodded slowly.


"All right. I accept..."

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(( lol ok, Cyborg. Seeing as you've made things difficult for me by searching through the Naruto wiki, I've decided to create something more original for you.))


"I know I don't want to become a Werebeast. I don't have a Jinchuuriki form so I don't think learning Naruto's sage mode would help me. Exactly what other forms are out there sensai?"


Tategami was somewhat relieved that Takeda didnt wish to become a Werebeast, like him and Kaneda.


"There are other forms which may help you in battle, but most of those are exclusive to Orochimaru's Juinjustu..." he continued. "But there is one form that I have heard of which may suit your needs. I've never learned it, but according to our records, its classified as a Forbidden Justu thats documented within the Scroll of Seals."


"Its called the Butai Affinity Seal. What it does is it adapts your body to your Nature Type, which essentially skyrockets the power of your ninjustu, as well as increase your strength and speed. From my understanding, it rivals the full power of a Werebeast to the point where they are equal. But like the Werebeast form, there are limitations; You cant stay in the form for more than 40 minutes, otherwise your body will permanantly adapt to your element, and you eventually die from too much exposure."




"I'm certainly not the best teacher you could ask for but I'll give it a shot. If you really want to learn you'll have to make some time in between your training. Even the basics of Medical style jutsu can take time to learn."


Kaneda grinned. "Shouldnt be a problem. I've got two weeks to perfect the Werebeast Form. After that, I'll be under your tutoring full time, as well as train with you. All this should take at least a month and a half, if we keep to the schedual."


"Besides, it took Naruto one night to master the Shadow Clone Technique, right? Well, that may depend on the complexity of this Fūinjutsu we are about to learn."

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