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"Shouldnt be a problem. I've got two weeks to perfect the Werebeast Form. After that, I'll be under your tutoring full time, as well as train with you. All this should take at least a month and a half, if we keep to the schedual."


"Besides, it took Naruto one night to master the Shadow Clone Technique, right? Well, that may depend on the complexity of this Fūinjutsu we are about to learn."


Dai nodded.


"Thats good to hear. The sooner we start you on the basics of medical jutsu the better. We could probably learn it even faster if I trained with you for an hour per day."




Karela remained out cold as the twin sets of memories running through her head continued to appear in front of her eyes. She couldn't seem to wake herself up as the memories continued to flood her mind.


She saw a man wearing Samurai armor charging her and then she saw the same man holding a sword to her throat before lightly cutting it.




The more memories appeared the more they conflicted with one another. There was only one conclusion that she could come to in her current state of mind.


One set of memories was fake.


Which is real? Which is real? Which is real?

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Akagi had watched the entire fight against Karela, unable to interfere and help her as he wanted. She was not herself. Not at all. Such were the horrors of indoctrination, which had undoubtedly been forced upon her.


Later, after the fight, he went to the hospital to visit her, and to check on her status. This time, he wore his black and red armor, just in case, but he left his mask at the camp, there was no telling what she was thinking.


He stood outside her room, a dark gaurdian watching carefully. She looked unconcious, but if his guess was correct, much was going on in her mind.


He sighed, Akagi hoped there was some way to bring her back to her normal self.

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Specter leaned against the wall and watched Akagi walk in to check up on Karela. He chuckled slightly as the samurai looked down at her.


"Funny, isn't it? How could someone whose so destructive look so peaceful now?...I really hope its her when she wakes."




Takeda listened to Tategami's suggestion with great intent. He thought it over for a few seconds.


Wait...Kaneda and Dai are going to try to use that scroll tomorrow, I better go find them!


"I'll have to take a look at it if the Hokage permits it that is. In the mean time I better make sure I tell Kaneda and Dai I'm coming with them tomorrow. Thank you for your help sensai."


Takeda bowed and than quickly took off to find his friends.




"All right. I accept..."


Takai looked over at Asuka and then over to the well. He took a few steps towards the well and looked down at it.


"In order to get you at your full potential, you're going to learn Dark Jutsu. A very rare jutsu that only certain people can use like myelf. Before I can teach you though we need to make sure you have the right...ingredients."


Takai motioned the girl over to the well.


"Look down at the well. I want you to think of your emotions. In order to successfully use the jutsu you must have full control of your emotions. Don't worry, you'll still be yourself...think of this more as a confidence booster. I want you to picture each emotion as a person, and visualize yourself conquering them in some way."


Takai looked down at the well once more.


If she thinks this is hard...she hasn't seen anything yet.

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Which is real? Which is real? Which is real?


Memories began to fragment around her head as she felt an outside force begin to sort the memories out.


This constant confusion is starting to annoy me girl. I can't seem to rest with you like this. You need to see what is the truth and what is a lie.


One set of memories began to disappear as they were surrounded by small red bubbles which quickly began to destroy them.


The Arashi did this to you. They managed to capture you when they were sending you away so I could be extracted. The ANBU they sent with you were killed and you were taken and they did something to you. Something that made you turn against your village. I don't know exactly what happend as I was sealed at the time.


The last of the false memories disappeared in a puff of red, unleashing a flood of memories that immediatly began to fill her mind.


Tategami...Kaneda...Akagi...I attacked them all. I attacked them all with no mercy. Thanks to me Asuka has been captured and is now in Arashi hands.


Karela's eyes slowly opened as she focused in on the celling.


"What are you going to do with me? "

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"What are you going to do with me? "


Specter made his way over to Karela as he heard her voice. He looked into her eyes and saw the Karela he knew. He smiled and rubbed the girl's hair.


"Its about time you snapped out of it, for now I would just relax for a bit. You've clearly been through a lot and have done some things you had no control of. My daughter was the same way when she was turning three. I don't know how it was possible but she did this water type jutsu move at random points in the day I would wonder how she was doing it that young...sorry, I shouldn't go boring you with the past."


Specter put his head down and backed off to the wall again.

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"What are you going to do with me?"


Yamato walked away from leaning against the wall, and approached her.


"I'm afraid you have committed unforgivable crimes against Konoha, no matter what state of condition you were in." he exchanged a grim look. "You have destroyed the Hyuga residence, and killed many innocent people in the process. However, the judgement for your sentencing is not mine to make; it should be the Hokage's."


Yamato turned to leave the room. He paused and looked back. "But please, get some rest. I do hope Naruto will know what is best for you."


Yamato left the Hospital.




The Next Day


Kaneda waited outside of the Hokage residence, with the morning wind blowing against his face. It was very sunny out.


Kaneda was waiting for Dai and Takeda to arrive. Apparently Takeda had some business of his own concerning the Scroll of Seals. He whistled while waiting for his companions to meet up with him.

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Karela looked down at the chains on her wrists with no expression evident in her eyes as she was led to the Hokage's office by two heavily armed ANBU black-ops members.


"This isn't necessary. I would have gone peacefully if you would have given me the chance."


One of the ANBU looked down at her with a sympathetic expression on her face.


"We know. But Yamato-sensai said that it had to be this way. I don't know what your being charged with but it's obviously something big."


Karela slowly nodded and looked down at the floor as they passed Kaneda on their way into the Hokage's residence.


Outside the Hokage's residence


Dai had been walking toward the hokage's residence with a smile on his face, but the smile quickly faded when he saw the chained up Karela being escorted into the Hokage's office by two heavily armed ANBU.


This isn't fair! She wasn't herself. From what I heard only one person was killed when she attacked the Hyuga clan. She doesn't deserve this.


"Kaneda." He said quietly as he pulled out a handful of shuriken. "We need to help her. If worst comes to worst them I'm willing to take on two ANBU black-ops to set her free."

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He wasn't surprised when he saw two heavily armed ANBU come in to take custoday of Karela. It was a natural precaution, she could still be dangerous.


Still, it was tough to see a friend in chains.


He followed the group as they left the hospital. He kept 10 paces off their tails, so as to follow them without being particularily noticeable.


The Samurai's hand was relaxed as he held his sword, walking slowly behind them.


Suddenly, he saw Dai come forward to the group and confront them. He saw him take out several Shuriken. This was the last thing they all needed. Fighting for Karela wouldn't help her now, and would only cause division instead of the unity they needed to fight the Arashi.


Akagi stepped forward, in between the group and Dai.


He shook his head, and his grip on his wakizashi blade visibly tightened.


"Don't try, Dai-San. No one will benefit from it. Least of all, Karela."

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From around a corner, Yoroi quietly listened to Dai speak to Kaneda. Something tells me things will become chaotic very soon. Should I intervene?


He considered his pledge to defeat Kaneda. Or perhaps I should be the one to cause the chaos. Kaneda must experience pain.


* * *


"In attendence, the Six Paths of Yoroi Mitarashi."


Surrounding Yoroi were six reanimated corpses, each controlled by numerous chakra receivers.


The Naraka Path...Hidan the Jashinist.


The Preta Path...Kakuzu.


The Animal Path...Kisame Hoshigaki.


The Human Path...Zarela.


Yoroi himself was reclining on an armchair. Unlike Nagato before him, he did not need massive immobilizing chakra transmitters to control his Paths. He had refined them to be more compact.


"Impressive," remarked Konan. "But you are missing two paths."


"Haven't found suitable candidates, Konan-sensei," said Yoroi.


"In any event, what is your next course of action?"


"I have a quarrel with Kaneda to resolve. After that, my efforts will go towards hunting down the Arashi--"


"I have a task for you," Konan interrupted.




"Instead of hunting down the Arashi, you must safeguard the Hokage instead. He is the most likely target of their efforts. As your sensei, I command it."


Yoroi nodded, somewhat confused. "Hai."

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"Don't try, Dai-San. No one will benefit from it. Least of all, Karela."


Dai's grip on the Shuriken grew tighter still as Akagi gripped his blade.


"I don't get you Akagi. I thought you were one of Karela's closest friends and yet your letting them take her to a possible death sentence. She was tortured I can tell that much."


Dai's hand began to bleed as the shuriken began to cut through his skin.


I examined her body. I saw the marks, the cuts, the scars. She was tortured into joining the Arashi and yet she is still being punished for something beyond her control!"


He glared at the others and dropped the shuriken to the ground ina gesture of defeat.


"I'm not going to let her go through that alone. If shes going in then I am too.




Dai's head whipped around to stare at Karela.


"I am responsible for my crimes. I will accept whatever judgment the Hokage decides."


With that being said, Karela was led through the door into the Hokage's office.

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"I don't get you Akagi. I thought you were one of Karela's closest friends and yet your letting them take her to a possible death sentence. She was tortured I can tell that much."


Akagi shook his head, "You don't understand. Think about what you were about to do. If anything would've brought about a death sentence, it would've been that. There is no gaurantee this will be her end, but if it is....it will be with honor....and also...well, now is not the time."


He stayed in-between Dai and Karela's escort as they marched her into the Hokage's office.


Akagi relaxed his grip on the sword as the door closed behind them.


He looked to Dai, "She is one of my close friends, yes, I would hate to see her put to death as well. It would be horrible, and a terrible injustice done to her if that should happen. But there is still much to be learned. She can help us...now was no the time to move and save her. After the trial....well, we'll see what will happen."


He backed up a step, "I ask you, Dai, don't do anything stupid before then."

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((Should I take over Naruto?))


"You don't understand. Think about what you were about to do. If anything would've brought about a death sentence, it would've been that. There is no gaurantee this will be her end, but if it is....it will be with honor....and also...well, now is not the time."


Dai shook his head furiously.


"No! It would not be an end with honor. She'll die with people believing that shes some sort of monster...some sort of beast that knows only how to destroy and kill. She'll die without people knowing the real Karela."


"I ask you, Dai, don't do anything stupid before then."


Dai grabbed the shuriken off the ground and placed them back in his holster.


"I won't do anything...for now."

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Takeda had arrived at the scene juts in time to pick up on what was going on. He agreed with both Dai and Akagi but wasn't sure what to do. He glanced over at Specter who seemed to be off in his own world.


Specter's mind began to relive memories he had struggled to keep out of his head. They flashed in his mind over and over again.


Daddy, what's a neenja?


Nothing you need to think about for now, go see what your mother is doing.


oh, otay daddy!


The next image was not was happy. Specter looked around at the carnage of his villiage. There was nothing but fire and disaster in the area. He dropped to his knees and held the body of his wife in his arms. He couldn't find his daughter's, he began to freakout...he began to go beserk. Specter snapped out of his thoughts and tightened his fists. He felt the same anger he had once more. He let his guard down and opened up and now the one girl he...the one that acted liked her...he wouldn't let it happen again.


"I trusted that hokage scum and this is what he does!?!? I'll kill him, and those two men, and anyone who gets in my way!"


He pulled out his twin swords and ignited them on fire.


"Stay out of my way, and I won't have to kill you too!"

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"I trusted that hokage scum and this is what he does!?!? I'll kill him, and those two men, and anyone who gets in my way!"


Dai reluctantly put his hands on Specter's shoulder.


"Easy...I know that just a moment ago I was willing to try and take them on but we have to respect Karela's wishes. She wants to do this alone and we should respect that."


Dai's eyes narrowed.


"Besides...I won't stop you if he makes the wrong choice."

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((I'll control Naruto for now :0 oooh, we'll reached post 1000 soon :) ))


""Easy...I know that just a moment ago I was willing to try and take them on but we have to respect Karela's wishes. She wants to do this alone and we should respect that."


Kaneda stepped forward. "He's right. Specter, you have every right to feel angry; and I would go to that length if I were in you're shoes. But look at this logically; you're talking about going up against the power of Konoha's military force to save one person. We must think of a way around this."


He crossed his arms. "And besides, at least the Hokage is civilised enough to give Karela a fair trial. You have no idea how lucky she is to receive such a thing."


Takeda approached the group. Kaneda nodded at him.


"We'll wait in the foyer untill the trial is over. Then we can attend to our business."




Karela was placed in the center of a large circular room. It was very dark, and lit with candels all around. The council stood before her, with Naruto in the center. There was a long silence, and he stared up at the ANBU guards beside her.


"You may leave us." he said. The ANBU guards nodded and walked off. Naruto glanced back at Karela.


"You know why you are here. You're here because of the judgement for your actions. You have crippled the strength of one of our most valuable Village Members - The Hyuga clan."


He crossed his arm. "Such an act is unforgivable..." he brought out a manilla folder and pulled out the documents. "However, after an analysis of a Physical Examination from the hospital, detailing many brusing and scars all over your body..." he kept reading through the files. "And because we found evidence of indoctrination within you're brain patterns, which lead to the Arashi major influence in these recent terrorist events..."


He closed the Manilla folder, approached Karela, and beamed while roughing up her hair. "We hereby agree to drop all charges made against you."


There was a brief silence. "Well? Have you got nothing to say for yourself? A simple thank you would be appreciated." Naruto laughed. Then he turned serious again. "But this trial isnt over however. There are things we need to discuss."

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"Well? Have you got nothing to say for yourself? A simple thank you would be appreciated."


Karela gently shook her head.


"I don't deserve mercy. I attacked the Hyuga clan with the intention to kill them all. I personally attacked Hyuga Hinata and the Hokage with the intent to kill them. The only reason I haven't taken my own life is because I found out that I didn't kill you both."


But I can rebuild their home in a few days. With the Multi-Shadow clone jutsu I can build them a new home easily. I can start crafting new furniture and collecting the materials. This will be the first step in my road to redemption.


"But this trial isnt over however. There are things we need to discuss."


Karela stood up straight at those words. It was time to prove that she wasn't a traitor, at least not a traitor to Konoha.


"If it's information you want then I will provide whatever information I can. I have the locations of Arashi bases and hideouts, their current plans and information on many of their members and the type of Jutsu that they use. I don't have information on the Ten-Tailed beast however, I was never informed about anything relating to it."

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Does Karela deserve mercy? I suppose so, since she was no longer in control of herself.


Yoroi stared at the Hokage from his hiding place. Naruto Uzumaki is a great man, but he is quite lenient. I suppose mercy is does have its uses, but I sincerely hope he will know when an iron fist does more good.


Far away, one of his Shadow Clones was dispelled. It had found the body of Madara Uchiha, but the only useful trait it possessed, the Eternal Mangeyko Sharrigan, was gone. I suppose the Hokage did the intelligent thing and had his eyes destroyed. Well, so much for that candidate. I must really find an effective Deva Path at some point.


Outside the room, another Shadow Clone eyed Kaneda carefully. If he was to fight him, a challenge would be appropriate.


I should deal with this sooner than later. I'll give him time to find out about Karela though, it's only fair.

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"We'll wait in the foyer untill the trial is over. Then we can attend to our business."


Takeda looked over at his friend and nodded.


"Sounds like a plan to me."


"Easy...I know that just a moment ago I was willing to try and take them on but we have to respect Karela's wishes. She wants to do this alone and we should respect that."


Specter looked over to Dai with a surprised look. He gave a flick of his wrist and the fire was out. Specter placed the swords on his back and glared at the door.


"Very well...but only because she's requested so."


"Besides...I won't stop you if he makes the wrong choice."


"Neither will I my friend."

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Akagi was surprised at Spectre's sudden outburst. Karela's recapture and trial was causing more problems then the Samurai had anticipated. But Akagi knew, that in times of conflict, much like now, a person's true character, personality, and problems, burn through the mask they all wore.


He stepped to the door by the trial and listened to the entire conversation.


A smile came to Akagi's face as he heard the verdict that the charges against Karela had been dropped in full. The smile faded though, as Karela brought the blame upon herself, and not blaming others, other then the Arashi. She was definately one of the Ninjas of the older times, selfless and filled with honor.


Akagi turned and left the door of the trial room, heading towards the Foyer. He needed to find out about Specter.


He saw the ninja standing in the Foyer, and Akagi approached slowly, testing his reaction to the Samurai's entrance to the room.


Akagi stood opposite of Specter.


"So, how are you doing, friend."

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"I don't deserve mercy. I attacked the Hyuga clan with the intention to kill them all. I personally attacked Hyuga Hinata and the Hokage with the intent to kill them. The only reason I haven't taken my own life is because I found out that I didn't kill you both."


"Indoctrination is a very serious matter." One of the council members added. "You're actions were those of the Arashi, whether you want to believe it or not. They manipulated you; reprogrammed your mind to suit their needs. They are held responcible for your actions, not you."


"But we are glad to see you have truthfully regretted your actions. Such is a very noble act, no matter what crime you have commited." the other councilor member added.


"If it's information you want then I will provide whatever information I can. I have the locations of Arashi bases and hideouts, their current plans and information on many of their members and the type of Jutsu that they use. I don't have information on the Ten-Tailed beast however, I was never informed about anything relating to it."


Naruto looked down and rubbed his chin. "I find it very intriguing to know there is another 10 tailed beast..." he glanced up at Karela and the other council members. "19 years ago, we meddled with the plans intended by Madara Uchiha and his ultimate goal of merging the Bijuu's spirits together to create the Ten Tailed Beast."


"But how could there be another 10 tailed Bijuu in existance?" Ando, the oldest Council member, wondered. "And according to our latest records, this one takes the form of a Dragon... It can be theorised there is a family of Ten Tailed Bijuu, each with different abilities. But where their nest is located is a complete mystery."


"We dont have the time to ponder." Naruto barked. He glanced back at Karela. "We will need all the information you can offer us - their recent developments and plans preferably. We can send our best ANBU agents to deal with them, while we think of a stradegy to end their primary goals."


"But we wont extract information now that you have just recovered from the Hospital. Though you are deemed as innocent, your sentencing is still to be considered. We hereby place you under Standard Probation until further orders, as well as placing you under Psycological treatment, due to your exposure of Indoctrination for a long period. The court is hereby adjourned."

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Right, the trial is over. I was wondering what their explanation for a second Ten-Tails was. We are fortunate that the first one was not reformed.


Yoroi pondered for a moment. Is it safe for even this Ten-Tails to be in existence? Or even any of the tailed beasts? He shook his head. I will cross that bridge when it comes. For now, I will achieve what I set out to do.


His second Shadow Clone revealed itself to the other Konoha Shinobi. "Kaneda! I challenge you to a duel in three days!" he shouted, his Rinnegan flashing purple. "You and me, my true physical body without my Paths verses whatever abilities you possess. Are you man enough to accept?"

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"You and me, my true physical body without my Paths verses whatever abilities you possess. Are you man enough to accept?"


Kaneda leaned against the wall, while yawning infront of Yoroi after he offered his challenge.


"Can't you see we have far more important things than to worry about than fighting each other?" he stretched. "Besides, what have I ever done to tick you off? From what I remember, you started this mess by pushing me away just as I returned to the battle field."


He looked into Yoroi's Rinnegan eyes without a sense of fear. "You dont scare me with those pretty eyes of yours."

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Kaneda leaned against the wall, while yawning infront of Yoroi after he offered his challenge.


"Can't you see we have far more important things than to worry about than fighting each other?" he stretched. "Besides, what have I ever done to tick you off? From what I remember, you started this mess by pushing me away just as I returned to the battle field."


He looked into Yoroi's Rinnegan eyes without a sense of fear. "You dont scare me with those pretty eyes of yours."


"You opted to surrender," Yoroi said icily. "It is not something I can forgive so easily. Nor will I tolerate disrespect to the Rinnegan. However, I will explain myself.


"When I had my Nightmare Seal, I was briefly assigned to a variety of various different teams. As you can imagine I did not stay with any of them for a long period of time. One of these teams was assigned an A-Rank mission to rescue a noble family being held hostage by about ten rogue shinobi. There were four of us, myself a Chunin at the time, a Jonin by the name of Shisui, and two other Chunins called Sado and Riko."


Yoroi leaned against his wall. "When we arrived near the compound where the hostages were being held, we found out that our intelligence was wrong. We were up against thirty. While none of them were Jonin or Kage level, they were skilled enough to push us to the edge. We managed to kill seventeen of their number before Shisui ordered us to retreat. Sado was wounded, and at the time I was quite tired. It seemed like a good idea to run back to Konoha, admit failure, and return with reinforcements."


A tear weld up in Yoroi's eye. "But Riko refused. She was the strongest of us, the most intelligent...and the most...beautiful. She continued to fight, trying to exploit and opening in the defenses so she could take out their leader. And that jerk Shisui...he took Sado and kept running off. I yelled at him to back Riko up, but he just...glared at me. I turned around to find that Riko had used her greatest fire release attack to kill the leader and eight more shinobi before she was stabbed from behind with a kunai.


"I killed the last five and rushed to her side as she clung to life. In her last moments she told me to never surrender and never accept your comrades doing so. She...died. It was so fast...and I never got to tell her...how even the short time we had served together how...how I felt...."


Yoroi whipped his face with his sleeve. "In any event, the rest of us completed the mission. The next day, I challenged Shisui to a duel to the death. It is obvious who won. In fact, they appointed me Jonin as a result, probably because they were afraid at how easily I tore him apart. They also had an unsaid policy of not assigning me to teams.


"In Riko's name, I am compelled to fight you. It won't be to the death like with Shisui because your act was far less severe. Understand that I have nothing against you personally, up until that battle I was glad to call you comrade. If you fight me, both victory or defeat will be enough to earn my forgiveness."

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"In Riko's name, I am compelled to fight you. It won't be to the death like with Shisui because your act was far less severe. Understand that I have nothing against you personally, up until that battle I was glad to call you comrade. If you fight me, both victory or defeat will be enough to earn my forgiveness."


Kaneda walked towards him, and glared into Yoroi's eyes.


"Is this your philosophy? Victory over the expense of your comrades well-being? Shisui was trying to save Sado's life! Not abandon his team through an act of cowardice!"


He turned his back to Yoroi. "During a mission, your most valuable possession are your team mates! It is the way of the Shinobi. Though I wont deny I wished we let Karela go, why else do you think I came back to the battle field? The thrill of violence?"


Kaneda looked back at him. "I accept you're challenge Yoroi! Not because of the thrill for battle! Not to earn your forgiveness! But to teach you a lesson in the difference between Friendship and Cowardice!"

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"We will need all the information you can offer us - their recent developments and plans preferably. We can send our best ANBU agents to deal with them, while we think of a stradegy to end their primary goals."


"But we wont extract information now that you have just recovered from the Hospital. Though you are deemed as innocent, your sentencing is still to be considered. We hereby place you under Standard Probation until further orders, as well as placing you under Psycological treatment, due to your exposure of Indoctrination for a long period. The court is hereby adjourned."


Karela slowly shook her head as the court was dismissed. The ANBU wouldn't be enough...not nearly enough to deal with some of the shinobi the Arashi had.


She turned and walked back out the doors of the hokage's office and then stepped outside. It was sunny out.


Is this a good omen? Or a bad one?


"Hey guys..." She said quietly to the group waiting outside.

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