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"So, how are you doing, friend."


Specter leaned against the wall and looked out at the sky.


"I'm just peachy Akagi...you seem a little cheery, did they let her go?"


Takeda looked over as Yoroi confronted Kaneda. He had no clue exactly why he was acting this way but something was bothering him. He listened to Yoroi's sad tale and knew the feeling. He did not however approve of this duel they were trying to have. After hearing Kaneda accept he decided to step in, not to stop them but to state his opinion.


"A fight?!?! You two are going to fight each other when we have so much to deal with. Did we all just forget Karela is facing a trial in there, or the fact that Asuka has been kidnapped? Or maybe you've both forgotten that the Arashi still have the Ten-Tailed beast, but no have this little fight of yours." Takeda turned to look at Yoroi, or the clone that was there. "So this is how you plan to avenge Riko? You think killing other's in cold blood and wanting to beat your own friends will make her proud of you? When my parents were killed, I tracked down the killer and as a result got part of his soul stuck in me. Do you really think my parents would be proud of that? Maybe its not Kaneda you should fight, but the person you've become. Now I'm going in there to learn from the scrolls and attempt to stop the Arashi because I'm willing to go the distance to stop them. Have fun being children."


Takeda finished his rant and began to storm off towards the Hokage's office before seeing Karela walk into the room. His mood changed from angered to joyful. He gave Karela a very big hug as soon as she spoke.


"You're back! It's good to see you again Karela."


Specter looked over at Karela and gave a simple nod. He quickly looked back to the sky. He had been at the hospital the entire time and was a bit tired of standing, but that wasn't why he was looking at the sky. He was looking up at the sky so no one would see a lone tear fall from his face.

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Kaneda walked towards him, and glared into Yoroi's eyes.


"Is this your philosophy? Victory over the expense of your comrades well-being? Shisui was trying to save Sado's life! Not abandon his team through an act of cowardice!"


He turned his back to Yoroi. "During a mission, your most valuable possession are your team mates! It is the way of the Shinobi. Though I wont deny I wished we let Karela go, why else do you think I came back to the battle field? The thrill of violence?"


"I have heard this philosophy from the Hokage," said Yoroi. "And while I will protect my comrades' lives when possible, I will protect their honor first. I have seen many people die, most of them by my hand in the name of this village. During that time I've seen people living lives not worth living and when they breathed their last before me I knew they were relieved to be free of the life they had made for themselves."


Kaneda looked back at him. "I accept you're challenge Yoroi! Not because of the thrill for battle! Not to earn your forgiveness! But to teach you a lesson in the difference between Friendship and Cowardice!"


"Very well. In three days be ready."


But before Yoroi could leave, he was approached by Takeda. "A fight?!?! You two are going to fight each other when we have so much to deal with. Did we all just forget Karela is facing a trial in there, or the fact that Asuka has been kidnapped? Or maybe you've both forgotten that the Arashi still have the Ten-Tailed beast, but no have this little fight of yours." Takeda turned to look at Yoroi, or the clone that was there. "So this is how you plan to avenge Riko? You think killing other's in cold blood and wanting to beat your own friends will make her proud of you? When my parents were killed, I tracked down the killer and as a result got part of his soul stuck in me. Do you really think my parents would be proud of that? Maybe its not Kaneda you should fight, but the person you've become. Now I'm going in there to learn from the scrolls and attempt to stop the Arashi because I'm willing to go the distance to stop them. Have fun being children."


Yoroi would have informed Takeda about the preparations he had already made for exterminating the Arashi, but he did not wish to interrupt the reunion between friends.


"I always avenge Riko," he muttered, the Rinnegan flashing once more. "Because without honor there is only death...and PAIN." The Clone dissipated.

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I always avenge Riko," he muttered, the Rinnegan flashing once more. "Because without honor there is only death...and PAIN."


"Hmph..." Kaneda grunted, and watched as the Shadow Clone disintigrated. He watched as Takeda angrilly entered the building. He hung his head "Goddammit, Yoroi..."


He walked over to Dai. "What does he mean by Paths, I wonder..." he placed his hands in his pockets. "I am not looking forward to this fight - it seems so pointless. And that I cant believe I accepted." he grumbled. "But still, I can view it as a form of training exercise, as well as re-educating on his view of friendship."

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"What does he mean by Paths, I wonder..."


Dai shrugged his shoulders.


"I don't really know what he was talking about regarding "Paths," It could be some unknown type of jutsu that he mastered."


"I am not looking forward to this fight - it seems so pointless, that I cant believe I accepted. But still, I'll view it as a form of training exercise, as well as re-educating him about how he uses team mates."


Dai shook his head slightly.


"No Kaneda. It's for the best that you fight him. He's starting to change and not for the better. Besides...Like you said this would be a good training exercise."


Outside the Hokage's office


"You're back! It's good to see you again Karela."


Karela's muscles went stiff as Takeda hugged her, she gently eased out of the hug and stepped back away from him.


"I-It's good to see you Takeda. If you'll excuse me I have work to do."


Karela walked past him and exited the building but not before seeing the group of people assembled outside.


I wish they hadn't shown up like this. Right now all I want is to start making amends and the best place to start from is to begin rebuilding what I destroyed.

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((Sorry, I was in a rush when I made my post. I'll fit right away))


"No Kaneda. It's for the best that you fight him. He's starting to change and not for the better. Besides...Like you said this would be a good training exercise."


"True... I can give my Werebeast form abit of a workout from this." he crossed his arms. "But I do agree; Yoroi has changed since that night. Its as if something deep within him has finally broke free of its chains. Has he always been like this?"


Kaneda saw Karela just about to walk out of the building - his stomach dropped. Has Karela really changed? He sniffed her Pheromone levels - she didnt appear to be hostile. He felt somewhat sorry for her, because the crowd of people were standing outside of the Hokage residence staring at her.


"Karela..." he called. "How about after you make ammends... I'll shout you a bowl of Ramen. My treat!" he beamed. "That oughta keep her mind off of things..." he thought.


"C'mon Dai. We have business to attend to."


Him, Takeda and Dai walked up the flight of stairs to where Naruto's office was located. Kaneda knocked on the door, before it was opened by Tategami. Naruto was sitting behind his desk.


"Man, do I hate trialings..." the Hokage breathed a sigh. "Its too Judical and boring for me... Most Villages have their own Judge. Maybe thats something I oughta invest in."


"We have just been discussing about requesting you're permission regarding the Scroll of Seals." Tategami added. Naruto stared at the three Chuunin.


"Its Unorthadox to just lend you the scroll without question. We need to be sure that you're intentions are pure and for the right reasons!" said Naruto. "There are many forbidden justu written within that scroll. Though we occasionally update it, most of those techniques are labelled forbidden for a very good reason."

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"Its Unorthadox to just lend you the scroll without question. We need to be sure that you're intentions are pure and for the right reasons! There are many forbidden justu written within that scroll. Though we occasionally update it, most of those techniques are labelled forbidden for a very good reason."


Dai nodded his head.


"We realize that Hokage. And I do agree with you. Most of them are foribidden for a very good reason. But I feel that the technique that we are trying to learn could come in very handy in a battle against the Arashi."


Outside the ruins of the Hyuga compound


Karela stared at the ruins of what had once been the place the Hyuga compound called home with a depressed look on her face.


I did this. I took their home from them. I'll make it right no matter what. And I'll start by rebuilding their home.


She made a series of handsigns and smiled slightly as she accessed a small amount of her Bijuu chakra.


"Multi-Shadow clone jutsu."


Nearly thirty clones of Karela appeared surrounding the destroyed compound and Karela smiled again.


Time to get to work.

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"We realize that Hokage. And I do agree with you. Most of them are foribidden for a very good reason. But I feel that the technique that we are trying to learn could come in very handy in a battle against the Arashi."


Takeda bowed to the Hokage before speaking.


"The same goes for myself. Did you not learn techniques from that very same scroll Hokage, and wasn't it so you could help your friends in combat in the name of the village? All I want is to learn one technique from that scroll so that I may give my friends a helping hand in combat as well as hold off as many Arashi as I can in case the battle takes a turn for the worst. You speak of purity and righteousness. Is fighting until your last breath to stop a very dangerous group so that everyone else can live in peace once more not that?"


He looked Naruto right in the eyes this time. Takeda needed to learn the Butai Affinity Seal and he would do so with or without permission. If his speech didn't give that away than his eyes would.

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"In attendance, the Six Paths of Yoroi Mitarashi!"


This time, there were not four, but five Paths in the chamber. The Asura Path...Kabuto.


"I needed the medical ninjutsu," Yoroi explained to his sensei. "This time, the Asura Path will be the support Path that I will use to repair the others."


"Intelligent, but you still lack the Deva Path," said Konan.


Yoroi hung his head. "I really cannot find a suitable candidate, sensei. Somehow I am overlooking something--"


"It is time I shared an important fact with you, Yoroi," she interrupted. "It regards the Rinnegan."


Yoroi frowned. "What about it?"


"Whoever bears the Rinnegan is the Seventh Path, correct?"




"This hold true for all who hold the greatest of the noble dojutsu at the same time. Therefore, just as the Sage of the Six Paths and Nagato were the Seventh Path, so are you."


"Konan-sensei...what are you saying?" asked Yoroi.


"I am saying that you are them."


His heart skipped a beat. He recalled the moments of cold rage that did not match his normal persona, as well as the moments of benevolent wisdom.


"You are not one individual, but three," explained Konan. "You are the reincarnation of both of the other Rinnegan wields, but could only be such when the Nightmare Curse did not inhibit you. You are now many.


"And thus concludes your training," she said, drawing a kunai. "You know all I can teach you. Use my body well, Amekage."


It happened before Yoroi could even comprehend what was happening. The slender figure of Konan dropped to the floor, blood soaking the wood beneath.






And he was alone.

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"We realize that Hokage. And I do agree with you. Most of them are foribidden for a very good reason. But I feel that the technique that we are trying to learn could come in very handy in a battle against the Arashi."


""The same goes for myself. Did you not learn techniques from that very same scroll Hokage, and wasn't it so you could help your friends in combat in the name of the village? All I want is to learn one technique from that scroll so that I may give my friends a helping hand in combat as well as hold off as many Arashi as I can in case the battle takes a turn for the worst. You speak of purity and righteousness. Is fighting until your last breath to stop a very dangerous group so that everyone else can live in peace once more not that?"


Naruto looked at the three team mates. Then he eyed Tategami.


"They speak with pure intentions, Hokage-sama." Tategami insured. "I can already sense they have the potential and capabilities. We do require all the effort we need to against our war against the Arashi."


"He's analysing our bodily fluids again... Kaneda thought disgustedly.


The Hokage stared back at the three Chunin again. He breathed a sigh.


"Fine... You have 3 days to memorise what you need. Tategami-sama will accompany during that time to ensure nobody else looks at that scroll!" he threw Tategami a key. "This will let you gain access to the Vault securing the scroll. Best of luck... to all of you! Dismissed!"


Kaneda smirked, and glanced at Dai. "Alright man. Seeing as your the med-expert around here, I need you to help simplify it for me in a language I'll understand! Hopefully this wont be too complicated."

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((Sorry I took long guys. Been clumsy lately. :D ))


"In order to get you at your full potential, you're going to learn Dark Jutsu. A very rare jutsu that only certain people can use like myelf. Before I can teach you though we need to make sure you have the right...ingredients."


Takai motioned the girl over to the well.


Asuka was kind of skeptical to use Dark Jutsu. But if it was to help her friends and the Arashi... then so be it. The young girl went to the well, and stopped beside him.


"Look down at the well. I want you to think of your emotions. In order to successfully use the jutsu you must have full control of your emotions. Don't worry, you'll still be yourself...think of this more as a confidence booster. I want you to picture each emotion as a person, and visualize yourself conquering them in some way."


"Okay. Gotcha," Asuka replied.


Looking down at the well as Takai told her, Asuka stared at it. As she looked down, she could see herself sad, angry, and depressed of life. A single tear fell from her eye. The death of her Uncle brought great sadness to her soul. She couldn't bear to see her Uncle lying dead, in her vision.


"Please... please, Takai. Make it... stop!" She couldn't stand this.

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"Please... please, Takai. Make it... stop!"


Takai looked down at the well and smiled. She was so close, yet so far away. The water in the well was swaying back and forth. He couldn't let her stop just when it was starting to work.


"Come on now girl, think for a second. You see death, replace it with life. You feel sadness, use happiness instead. If you have anger, replace it with tranquility. You cannot use darkness if you let darkness control you. Now closer your eyes and battle memory with memory."




Takeda bowed the Hokage once more as he allowed the three of them to looks at the scrolls. He turned to Dai and Kaneda.


"So what exactly are you trying to do Kaneda?"

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"Alright man. Seeing as your the med-expert around here, I need you to help simplify it for me in a language I'll understand! Hopefully this wont be too complicated."


Dai nodded at him.


"As you wish. Medical Jutsu...is...I don't really know how to explain it. Your chakra has to be converted to a different type of chakra as it is passed through your body and then to your hands. You then have to focus the chakra into the wound."


"Healing with Chakra is something that you shouldn't learn until you can convert your chakra."

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"As you wish. Medical Jutsu...is...I don't really know how to explain it. Your chakra has to be converted to a different type of chakra as it is passed through your body and then to your hands. You then have to focus the chakra into the wound."


Kaneda nodded his head. It sort of made sense to him.


Healing with Chakra is something that you shouldn't learn until you can convert your chakra."


"Yeah, I know. But lets save all the lecturing until we have a look at the scroll. I need you to read it first, so you can explain it to me."


"So what exactly are you trying to do Kaneda?"


"I'm trying to find an alternative to drinking blood, in order to get stronger while I am in the Werebeast Form." Kaneda explained. "Are you familiar with the Yin Seal? Dai and I are gonna learn it and modify it to create artificial chakra... How about you?"


Tategami approached the three Chunin. "I'll lead the way to the vault. Please accompany me." he left the room. Kaneda and the others trailed him.

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"I'll lead the way to the vault. Please accompany me."


Takeda quickly followed Tategami but slowed himself to walk with Kaneda and Dai. He liked how Kaneda did not want to drink real blood for his Werebeast form and was slightly curious to see how the artificial chakra would be created and if it would really work.


"I'm going to be learning the Butai Affinity Seal. Tategami sensai says it adapts my body to my nature type which makes not only my ninjutsu stronger but makes me much faster and stronger as well."




Specter continued to watch Karela go before finally deciding to follow her. He watched her create many clones of herself and look over the damage she had done. He created a few clones of himself as well and walked up to the original Karela.


"Looks like you could use a bit more help, and some company...and don't tell me to leave cause it won't work. I technically never made up for my crimes against this village before joining so I might as well start now. Face it kid, you're stuck with me."

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"Looks like you could use a bit more help, and some company...and don't tell me to leave cause it won't work. I technically never made up for my crimes against this village before joining so I might as well start now. Face it kid, you're stuck with me."


Karela's clones began to move the last of the wreckage away. There was only a bit left since most of it had already been moved. As the last of the wreckage was finally moved away, she instructed her clones to begin gathering wood and other building supplies.


She didn't look at Specter as she made another series of handsigns and ten more clones appeared and then set off to find more building materials.


"I don't mind the company. As for your crimes...my crimes are much worse then yours. I don't know how many people I killed when I led the bombing on the village. I know that I killed the clan leader, and thanks to me the Heiress to the Hyuga clan has been hospitalized with severe injuries."


Karela finally turned to face Specter.


"I don't know how any of you can even look at me let alone speak to me."


Karela looked on as the first batch of Shadow clones came back with the supplies and began to build.

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"I'm going to be learning the Butai Affinity Seal. Tategami sensai says it adapts my body to my nature type which makes not only my ninjutsu stronger but makes me much faster and stronger as well."


"Heh... I hope I'm on your team when we're facing the Arashi." Kaneda complimented. "But the worst part about seals is that it leaves a permanant mark on your body. I hope I can at least pick the spot on my body where I can place my seal."


Tategami lead the others downstairs and into the sub levels of the Hokage Residence. They went through libraries and archives of records collected and stored. The door up ahead was the most heavily guarded in the area. It was a Heavy Security Vault door, with two guards standing beside it.


"For the past decade, Konoha has been making renovations on our archives. We even developed a Heavily Secure Vault holding our most classified and highly confidential information. We even moved the Scroll of Seals into this Vault,

due to suspicious events." Tategami explaned.


The guards stared at them with piercingly cold eyes. "Warrant?" one of the guards barked.


Tategami pulled out a document and handed it to the guards. "We've been given special permission from the Hokage himself to look through the Scroll of Seals."


The guard carefully scanned the document - ensuring it wasnt a forgery. He rolled the document back up. "Very well. As a precaution, we will be guarding you during you're viewing of the Scroll. You pull anything funny, we will execute you on sight legally."


Tategami nodded. "I assure you; we do not mean to steal or vandilise the scroll in any fashion. We only mean to take notes on two justu's for research purposes. I was sent for extra precaution, just in case."


The guard allowed the group to enter the vault. There was a table in the center of the chamber, surrounded with numerous documents. The one at the far end, covered with a glass case, contained the Legendary Scroll of Seals itself.


After retrieving the very large scroll, Tategami placed it onto the table and unrolled it to reveal a list of Forbidden Justu - most Kaneda would rather not know about.

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Dai's eyes were instantly drawn to the scroll as he searched for the jutsu he and Kaneda were to learn.


No...thats not it. No...No...That one is far beyond my current level. There are so many strange jutsu in this scroll. but yet I don't see any medical techniques. I wonder why that is? Ah! There it is!


"There it is." he said pointing at a certain jutsu with odd, red symbols next to it. "That's the jutsu that we came here to learn.

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"Come on now girl, think for a second. You see death, replace it with life. You feel sadness, use happiness instead. If you have anger, replace it with tranquility. You cannot use darkness if you let darkness control you. Now closer your eyes and battle memory with memory."


Asuka nodded, closing her tearful eyes. The darkness was threatening to take over her life. As if mocking her. Laughing at her...


The pain of the past hurt her. A lot. But then, she remembered what Takai said.


"Battle memory with memory..." she thought to herself.


Suddenly, she replaced the death of her Uncle Chokichi to when he began training her like a true father. She replaced the death of her father with the memory of friends being true and loving to her. And... she replaced her anger, sorrow, and fear with happiness, joy, and peace.


"I... I understand now..." Asuka whispered, staring down at the water that swayed.

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"That's the jutsu that we came here to learn."


Kaneda came over to look at Dai's index finger. His eyes were suddenly drawn to something else.


"Heh, hey Dai..." Kaneda chuckled. "Apparently there's a Justu where you can turn any organ of an opponent into an exploive just by staring at it. Any Organ..."


"We do not have time for this!" Tategami spoke calmly. "Please try and stay focussed for the right reasons."


Kaneda studied the Yin Seal with Dai, while rubbing his chin. "Alright, I kinda understand this part, but the how the heck do you..." he continued reading. "Its the Seal thats the most complicated part that I dont understand!"

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"I don't know how any of you can even look at me let alone speak to me."


"Because that's what a family does, you forgive them no matter how terrible the choices they made were."


Specter's clones began assisting the other clones.



"I... I understand now..."


Takai looked down at the well once more and smiled. He stretched his arm out to the well and the water turned black. He concentrated on moving the black liquid until it began to rise. He looked back at Asuka.


"Take a deep breath and open your mouth, its time to let the darkness in."




Takeda was deep in his study. He continued looking at the scroll, making sure he got every detail memorized.

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"Alright, I kinda understand this part, but the how the heck do you...Its the Seal thats the most complicated part that I dont understand!"


Dai took a closer look at it the Seal before rubbing his head with his left hand.


"I confess that this barely makes sense to me at all. But I think I understand it. I think...yes thats how it works!"


Dai turned to Kaneda with an excited look on his face. "The seal has to be applied directly above an area where chakra flows through your body. An example of this would be the forehead which is where Tsunade kept her seal. When in battle, unlock the seal in order to access the stored chakra. I can't explain it any other way."


He then turned to Takeda.


"Did you find what you were looking for?"




"Because that's what a family does, you forgive them no matter how terrible the choices they made were."


Karela continued watching the shadow clones as they continued to rebuild the clan home.


"I didn't think I had any friends left in the village after what the Arashi forced me to do."

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Tategami eyed Takeda, and studied his thoughts imersed within the scroll.


"You are enabled to make hard copy notes. But you have to be very strict that the information you are revising does not leave you're sight. I'll be sure of this..."


"The seal has to be applied directly above an area where chakra flows through your body. An example of this would be the forehead which is where Tsunade kept her seal. When in battle, unlock the seal in order to access the stored chakra. I can't explain it any other way."


Kaneda remembered the seal imprinted on Tsunade's forehead.


"The thing is, I dont particulary fancy having the seal on my forehead. People might think I'm Hindu, or something if I walk around with a dot on my head. I think I'll have it behind my neck..." Kaneda thought to himself.


"You have better things to worry about than you're appearance Kaneda." Tategami stated as-a-matter-of-factly.


"Why do you always insist on invading my head..." said Kaneda, slightly aggitated.




Three Days Later...


During the past three days, Kaneda studied with Dai - exchanging notes they made, and several concepts on modifying it. Kaneda still didnt get the hang of the basics for Medical Ninjustu, but it was a start.


He completely forgot about his fight with Yoroi. He was too focussed on the studying the Yin Seal, while training with Tategami.


He wondered through the streets of Konoha during the noon. The sun beamed down onto his face. People continued on with their daily duties.


"He better be worth my time, that Yoroi..." he muttered. "He never exactly specified where we would be fighting."


Using his senses, he tried to sniff Yoroi's scent within the crowd of people. "He's probably stalking me this minute..."

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Dai stared at Kaneda as he walked away with an exasperated expression on his face. He was still having difficulty teaching Kaneda the basics of Medical jutsu. They had spent the last three days trying to teach him.


He'll get it. Eventually. He just needs more patience. Learning medical jutsu requires patience.


Dai turned and followed Kaneda.




Karela made another series of handisgns and ten more clones appeared in puffs of smoke, bringing the grand total of clones now working on rebuilding the Hyuga home up too around seventy three shadow clones working nonstop.


I wish I would have eaten earlier but I can't stop. Not until their home has been given back to them.


The building itself was coming along quite well. The bottom floor was complete and construction on the second floor was nearly done.


She ignored her stomach and turned to look at Specter. "Why are you still here? I would have thought you would have left by now."

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Yoroi Mitarashi, the newly appointed Amekage and a Jonin of Konohagakure, stepped through the gates of the village. The guards gave him no trouble, but eyed him cautiously. The Konoha civilians stepped out of his way, exchanging fearful glances.


It was his appearance. He was a seven foot tall man wearing a black cloak (reminiscent of the Akatsuki, but lacking their symbol), covered with chakra transmitters. His Rinnegan eyes glowed light purple all the while. To them, I am a monster, he thought. I suppose they could be right...but I not a monster in the same way as the Arashi or Takai. I'm more like some sort of...fallen angel? Or was that Konan? I wish I could ask here....


The Six Paths walked half a block behind him. They were not here to fight, merely to observe and protect the main body should someone interfere. At the head was the Deva Path...Konan, the former Amekage and Akatsuki member. She had completed the set with her death.


After several blocks, Yoroi ran into Dai and Kaneda. "So, three days have past," Yoroi remarked. "Let us fight outside the gates so that no civilians are injured."


He gestured at the Paths. "They will not fight unless I order them to fight, so there is no need to be concerned about them. However, I give you the option of taking them in addition to myself. The choice is yours, and I will not think the lesser of you if you only fight me." He then waved his hand towards the road. "Shall we, Kaneda?"

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"They will not fight unless I order them to fight, so there is no need to be concerned about them. However, I give you the option of taking them in addition to myself. The choice is yours, and I will not think the lesser of you if you only fight me."


Kaneda glanced around and looked at what was refered to Yoroi as "Paths", each of them glared with Rinnegan eyes. One of the ninja's he recognised as Konan, Leader of the Hidden Rain Village. "What she doing here, I wonder..."


"If you wanted to fight me Yoroi, then you'll leave these people out of this. This is between you and myself! Lets get this over with..." Kaneda glanced at Dai. "You want to spectate?"

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