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Yoroi nodded. "Very well," he said, unbuttoning his cloak and tossing it to the Deva Path. His body, while clothed, was revealed to be covered with chakra transmitters. His belt contained a multitude of chakra disruptor blades, as well as his Dai Katana hanging to the side.


"Leave, and tell the village to await the return of the Amekage," he ordered the Paths. They disappeared in a puff of smoke.


"Very well, Kaneda. In addition, I will not use my Elemental Paths either. Only my Summon will be available to assist me."


They walked outside the village, right in front of the gates. Yoroi drew two disruptor blades, one held loosely in each hand. "Shall we begin?"

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"You want to spectate?"


Dai shook his head as he followed them outside the village gate. "No thanks. I'd much rather just grab some ramen and then go to sleep. It's been difficult training you in the art of Medical jutsu."


He was about to turn away when a sudden thought struck him. He got close to Kaneda and whispered in his ear so Yoroi wouldn't be able to hear him.


"There's something...off about Yoroi, and I'm not talking about all those things on his body or the "paths" that he dismissed. I think there's something wrong with his head."


He turned and headed back inside the village.

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"Take a deep breath and open your mouth, its time to let the darkness in."


Asuka did as Takai told her. Taking a deep breath and opening her mouth, she let the rising, black liquid enter into her. She fell backwards, as the water continued to go into her mouth.


The young girl felt as if she was actually drowning. But on the inside...

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"There's something...off about Yoroi, and I'm not talking about all those things on his body or the "paths" that he dismissed. I think there's something wrong with his head."


Kaneda nodded. "I'll get down to the bottom of it..." Kaneda whispered back.


"Very well, Kaneda. In addition, I will not use my Elemental Paths either. Only my Summon will be available to assist me."


"Right, whatever... Lets just get this over and done with."


He followed Yoroi outside of the village infront of the gates, and watched as he drew two chakra blades.


"I suppose this does give me an advantage - without his paths with the Rinnegan Dojustu, he cant see a full 360 degree field of vision." Kaneda thought to himself. He pulled out his katana "Not that they be much of a hassle anyway." he smirked.


"Shall we begin?"


"Heh... this oughta give me a good workout!" he infused his Katana blade with his wind Chakra. "You know, you dont look like much, even with those pretty eyes of yours. Are they to overcompensate for something?"


He lowered his katana in a defensive stance, and waited.

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"Heh... this oughta give me a good workout!" he infused his Katana blade with his wind Chakra. "You know, you dont look like much, even with those pretty eyes of yours. Are they to overcompensate for something?"


Yoroi shook his head. "You do realize I will not tolerate insults to the Holy Rinnegan? I was planning on going easy on you, but now I will use full force. But first, time to educate you on your opponent."


He casually twirled one of the disruptor blades in his hand. "The Rinnegan is the manifestation of Samsara, the cycle of life, death, and suffering, in the form of an unparalleled dojutsu. It allows me to reproduce any jutsu other than Kekkei Genkai and use any of the five elements, along with the Yin-Yang Release. It can be shared with other bodies, allowing me to extend my consciousness to them and share their abilities and senses. Such bodies, whether my assorted clones or those corpses you saw earlier, are my Paths. But this is not the greatest power of Rinnegan at all.


"The Rinnegan itself is the Seventh Path, beyond life and death. By extension, those who wield the Rinnegan are the Seventh Path, meaning that all those who are Rinnegan wielders exist within each other. Therefore, I have the battle experience and jutsu of the two Rinnegan wielders before me: the Rikudo Sennin and Nagato the Amekage!"


Yoroi stopped twirling his blades and then threw both at Kaneda. Both missed, but that was his intention. "Bansho Tennin!" he yelled. He then appeared next to one of the blades and shouted, "Shinra Tensei!" Kaneda was caught between two opposing gravitation forces....

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""You do realize I will not tolerate insults to the Holy Rinnegan? I was planning on going easy on you, but now I will use full force. But first, time to educate you on your opponent."


"Full Force? Fantastic!" Kaneda beamed. "This oughta be great fun!"


Kaneda reached into his Werebeast senses, and concentrated on Yoroi's chakra flow - locating his chakra points


"The Rinnegan is the manifestation of Samsara, the cycle of life, death, and suffering, in the form of an unparalleled dojutsu. It allows me to reproduce any jutsu other than Kekkei Genkai and use any of the five elements, along with the Yin-Yang Release. It can be shared with other bodies, allowing me to extend my consciousness to them and share their abilities and senses. Such bodies, whether my assorted clones or those corpses you saw earlier, are my Paths. But this is not the greatest power of Rinnegan at all."


Though it gave Kaneda enough time to locate Yoroi's chakra points, he couldnt help but feel disgusted after his little speech. The shocking truth of behind his "paths" were infact reanimated corpses gave Kaneda more and more reason to stop him. He suddenly got caught between two gravitational forces caused by Yoroi's Shinra Tensei. Once it died out, and dropped Kaneda to the soil below he stood up and glared at his opponent.


"Yoroi... there is NOTHING holy about Rinnegan! What sort of twisted human being would use human corpses for their own benefit?!" he drew a circle around him in the soil with his Katana - which he will use when the time comes. "No... You're not human at all! You're a monster! You're just toying with human beings!"


Kaneda performed his handseals - afterward his hand was glowing with Wind Chakra. He swiped the air, and a trail of Rushing Wind Chakra surrounded Yoroi forming a perfect circle.


"Wind Release: Flying Kunai Storm!" Projectiles formed from the surrounding energy rapidly fired inward towards the center where the opponent was standing. Even if Yoroi survived, this gave Kaneda enough time to finish what he needed with the soil below him.

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Clever, Yoroi thought, then said, "Chibaku Tensei!"


Contrary to Nagato's or the Rikudo Sennin's use of the ability, Yoroi used it in a very small form: around himself. He was immediately surrounded by a small sphere of earth, which absorbed the attack. Of course, even this ability was a significant drain. If he did not defeat Kaneda in a few hits, he would be done for.


"Wind Release: Gate Palm!" The front of the sphere was shattered, and a disruptor blade flew out towards Kaneda. Yoroi appeared near it with his katana in hand and managed to land a cut to his opponent's right shoulder.


"You want to lecture me about toying with human beings?" Yoroi sneered. "What do you think social interactions are? What do you think the Kages and the Daimyos do when they send Shinobi on missions? All interactions are persuasion and manipulation, even death. Life may be valuable, but what is far more valuable is what one makes of life! That's what I fight for! I fight to honor those who's lives had meaning, like Riko. What are you fighting for? The lives of the comrades you hold dear? They will all die at some point, or else become something other than what they were. The memory of them, their honor, their beliefs...that is what matters!"


As he spoke, Yoroi pulled out a blade. Upon finishing his rant, he drove it into Kaneda's left arm. It immediately began disrupting the latter's chakra flow.

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As Yoroi drove the blade through Kaneda's arm, an entire section of his body was had suddenly collasped into a pile of mud. Soon what was thought to be Kaneda collasped after into the large pile of mud.


The Real Kaneda was waiting below Yoroi within the soil. A hand shot from below the surface and grabbed onto Yoroi's leg. Kaneda pulled him down with tremendous force into the ground, so that all he could see was Yoroi's head sprouting from the surface. Kaneda stood up above the head.


"Good old Body Replacement Technique..." Kaneda announced, remembering back to when he was forming the soil. "A basic skill all Shinobi have learned, yet quite effective against advanced opponents."


He picked up his katana, and approached Yoroi. "So you honor people's beliefs by recycling their corpses? People die and are remembered for who they were and what they stood for. Knowing what they died for is what puts them at peace - you on the other hand violate and disturb that peace! Do you think this is what Riko wanted for you?"

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((Sorry guys, I've been crazy busy lately))


Takai was impressed by Asuka's performance.


Her willpower...it's much stronger than I anticipated.


"Just a bit more Asuka, come on girl don't give up on me now!"




Takeda's past few days were quite possibly the longest days of his life. The seal was proving much harder for Takeda than he thought. He had finally been able to combine both his wind and water technique's to create the ice just as he did when he was young and now his form was pure ice. However his body still needed to adjust to the new technique and needed practice. What better way to step in on Kaneda and Yoroi's fight in case it got out of hand. Takeda remained in the shadows making sure neither one tried to kill one another.




Specter had been walking around the village with a bowl of ramen in his hand. He had been looking for Karela for quite some time now. He wasn't sure why he was so interested in this girl, perhaps it was the fact he had never seen her parents around and felt the two shared something in common. Or maybe it was the fact his daughter might have grown up like her. Either way he felt someone needed to show the girl more kindness. He decided to call out to her instead.


"Hey kid, I got this bowl of spicy ramen and it ain't gonna eat itself. You got time for a break today?"

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"Body Replacement," Yoroi chuckled. "Of all the simple tricks I was probably going to fall pray to, it had to be that."


He picked up his katana, and approached Yoroi. "So you honor people's beliefs by recycling their corpses? People die and are remembered for who they were and what they stood for. Knowing what they died for is what puts them at peace - you on the other hand violate and disturb that peace! Do you think this is what Riko wanted for you?"


"Honor? I don't think that you understood who those Paths were," Yoroi said. "Four of those Paths were former Akatsuki members, one was a Sound Shinobi, and the last belonged to the Arashi. I only included my teacher, Konan, among their number because she purposefully killed herself for that. Shinra Tensei."


The earth surrounding Yoroi was blasted away, and he rose to the ground level. "With the exception of Konan, I chose those bodies so I could have them perform penance for their sins against the innocent by assisting me against the Arashi. If Konan had not insisted on suicide, I would have found another jerk to take the place of that Path.


"So are we clear about that now or are you going to misrepresent my moral values again?" Yoroi smirked, then gave a war cry and charged at Kaneda, unleashing a series of attacks with his dai katana that could only be underrated as rapid.

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Yoroi charged at Kaneda with several swipes with his Dai, which Kaneda managed to dodge and parry with his own sword. There was a pause, and the two opponents grinded their blades together.


"Those Akatsuki members already paid for their crimes, through death!" Kaneda added, glaring fearlessly into Yoroi's Rinnegan eyes. "Who are you to judge what is further best for them?!"


Kaneda released the grip of the two grinding blades, and unleashed a combo of high speed strikes and lunges against Yoroi's defense.


"You're no different from the Arashi - puppeteers who control and manipulate people for their own destructive needs. Look what they did with Karela! Is this what you truely want for yourself?!"

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"Hey kid, I got this bowl of spicy ramen and it ain't gonna eat itself. You got time for a break today?"


Karela waved Specter over to her as she continued to work with her clones on rebuilding the home that she had destroyed. It was nearly done, there was just another floor to complete and then it would be done.


I may be able to give them their home back...but I can never bring the Head of their clan back. I killed him and I will have to deal with the guilt of that forever. I wonder if they'll ever forgive me.


"Tell me." She said when Specter got close enough to hear her. "Do you think kaneda and the others will forgive me for what I've done? Do you think the Hyuga clan will forgive me?"

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((S'okay, Cyborg. We all been busy. :) ))


"Just a bit more Asuka, come on girl don't give up on me now!"


Asuka kept swallowing the rushing black liquid that was entering her body. Sure, she could handle water Jutsu... but swallowing this kind of liquid made her feel sick.


Finally, it was all over. Asuka lied there on the ground, shaking. All the liquid inside began to take over her. But it wasn't like your ordinary liquid. No, this kind of liquid felt dark and eerie.


Asuka had her eyes closed, lying there.

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Kaneda released the grip of the two grinding blades, and unleashed a combo of high speed strikes and lunges against Yoroi's defense.


"You're no different from the Arashi - puppeteers who control and manipulate people for their own destructive needs. Look what they did with Karela! Is this what you truely want for yourself?!"


Yoroi jumped back and shouted, "Shinra Tensei!" while pointing at Kaneda's katana. It snapped clean in half. He then yelled, "Bansho Tennin!" Kaneda flew straight at Yoroi, landing with his throat in Yoroi's hand.


"You dare to compare me to the Arashi?! I was the one who was willing to fight to death to capture Karela when you were prepared to give up! I created those Paths and perfected my Rinnegan techniques so that I will be able to protect this village the next time they decide to assault us! And I have killed hundreds of this world's most evil men while I had the Nightmare Seal in the name of this very village!"


He then threw Kaneda to the ground, and yelled with great force, "SHINRA TENSEI!" Most of his remaining chakra was pooled into this attack, and it sent Kaneda flying into the village wall.


"What do you think I am, a monster?!" Yoroi raged at Kaneda. "Look at Karela, the Hokage, and the Kazekage! They all have actual demons inside them and have all at some point been influenced by them! The Kazekage was practically possessed by his! Look at yourself and Tategami! Your powers depend upon feeding on the blood of others! I know all about your studies with the Yin Seal, and it doesn't change the nature of who you are! Look at Takeda and Asuka, both of whom had evil alternative personas inside them and nearly got us killed on occasion! Am I somehow more evil than of you simply because I use corpses in one of my jutsu or because I value meaning over life?


"For the entire time you have known me, do you honestly think that I am the same sort of person as the Arashi? I have done nothing but protect others by doing the work that more experienced shinobi did not want to dirty their hands with! I did everything in my power to protect you and the others from Gosai and his men! And here is something I bet Tategami never told you: I could have saved you from the Werebeast Curse with my Nightmare Chakra if he had allowed me!"


Yoroi then fell to the ground, exhausted from his rant and the massive drain his last attack had caused. If Kaneda attacked now, he would have the upper hand. "Damn...it...." he muttered.

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Kaneda lay against the wall, after being thrown against it with a powerful Shinra Tensei. After Yoroi's speech, Kaneda watched him as he collasped to the ground. He raised his head slowly and glared at Yoroi. He stood up, and began walking over towards Yoroi. He could sense that he was running very low on chakra - giving Kaneda the advantage.


He saw the hilt of his broken sword, attached to half of the blade that had snapped from Yoroi's attack.


Kaneda stood over the now weak Yoroi - the sunlight shining behind him, covering his front appearance with shadow. His broken blade gleamed in the sunlight.


"Oh, he already told me the whole story of what happened that day Gosai bit me..." Kaneda began. "And on that same day, I chose to accept this curse to help me benefit against the Arashi - even go as far as finding an alternative to drinking blood. Tategami also told me that during his time as a Werebeast, he had not tasted one drop of blood. Not one."


He knealt down, and grabbed Yoroi by the collar while staring into his Rinnegan eyes.


"I suppose you make your point Yoroi... Everybody does have an evil within them that helps them fight off another evil. What matters is how how you use that evil - that is what you and I have in common. But the major difference between you and me is; you are willing to sacrifice anything, even your team mates, over the expense of honor and victory. I on the other hand am willing to sacrifice myself for my comrades despite the outcome. Why else do you think I came back that night, when we were fighting Karela? Despite the realisation of our odds of survival, I came back to assist my team mates - which in the end had helped resolve the situation."


"I'm not defending my honor from your accusations. I'm certainly no hero. But the point I'm trying to make is this; there is no shame in failure. No life is worth sacrificing over for the good of honor - which is why..."


He stabbed the blade into the soil, very close to proximity near Yoroi's head. "... I'm not gonna kill you. Despite our differences, you're still my comrade. Besides, there is very little point in fighting somebody who is in a highly vulnerable state..."


He grabbed Yoroi and helped him stand up. "Nobody won this battle today. Nobody has claimed the title of victor. You and I are equal, despite our differences. I'm going to take you to the hospital, and you are gonna get some rest. Because this is what a comrade does." he smiled. "You're a real pain in the ass, you know that?" he chuckled.

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He grabbed Yoroi and helped him stand up. "Nobody won this battle today. Nobody has claimed the title of victor. You and I are equal, despite our differences. I'm going to take you to the hospital, and you are gonna get some rest. Because this is what a comrade does." he smiled. "You're a real pain in the ass, you know that?" he chuckled.


"Funny," Yoroi smirked, accepting Kaneda's aid. "Riko use to say that all the time to me. She was the real tomboy you know--"


All the sudden, Yoroi felt a cold hand seize him by the back of the neck and toss him across the ground. He looked up and saw his Deva Path walking towards him with a chakra disruptor blade in hand. His Naraka, Preta, Human, and Animal Paths were approaching him in a similar manner from behind, and his Asura Path was approaching Kaneda.


"We are...Pain," a single deep voice announced from the lips of Yoroi's Paths...and his own. "We are God."


"What the...no, this is NOT happening--" Yoroi protested again, only to be interrupted as his Deva Path seized him by the throat and lifted him into the air.


"Do not interfere with Pain-sama, Yoroi-kohai," the silky voice of Konan ordered from the mouth of the Deva Path.


"Konan-sensei, was this what you wanted from the start?!" Yoroi shouted in disbelief and anger. "Was I nothing but a means for you to resurrect Nagato?! No! I refuse--"


"You cannot resist," the voice of Pain spoke. "We are Pain, we are God--"


"Well that makes me a devil then, doesn't it?" Yoroi interrupted. "I refuse to be your host or resurrection or whatever it is! I am my own person, and I will not be used by you or anyone else! Now just stay...DEAD!"


With his final words, the chakra transmitters fell off of Yoroi's body. The Six Paths screamed and then exploded in blaze of purple flame, almost instantaneously being incinerated. Yoroi fell to the ground once more, struggling to lift his head.


"He's...gone...." Yoroi gasped, then turned towards Kaneda. "You mentioned something about a hospital...." With that, his mind slipped into peaceful oblivion.


((To clarify, he's just unconscious. :D ))

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Takeda watched the fight and was very happy by his friend's choice. He leaped out from out of the bushes and made his way to Kaneda and Yoroi. He was very startled by what seemed to be an inner voice. He knew the feeling.


"You're probably exahusted Kaneda, I can take Yoroi to the hospital for you or at the very least help you take him there."


Takai walked over to Asuka's body and smiled. She had done just as he said but there was still one more thing he wanted to take care of. With such new powers needs a little control. He would however wait until the time was right.


"Good girl, rest up you've earned it."


"Do you think kaneda and the others will forgive me for what I've done? Do you think the Hyuga clan will forgive me?"


"If they truly are your friends they will forgive you, as for the Hyuga clan...well it was a mighty blow but you had no control and if they're too blind by that than that's their fault."

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Kaneda watched as the Paths burned into a purple flame by Yoroi's announcement. Then he saw Takeda jump from the bushes and offered assistance.


"How long were you behind that bush?" Kaneda began.


"You're probably exahusted Kaneda, I can take Yoroi to the hospital for you or at the very least help you take him there."


"Eh, dont worry about me. I'll live." he said. Together him and Takeda helped Yoroi to the hospital. "I wonder if that'll be the last time we'l ever see those things..." Kaneda added, with a feeling of uncertainty.


Atlast, they reached the hospital. Yoroi was appointed to a bed after waiting half an hour at the reception desk. Kaneda leaned against the wall and watched as the nurses tended his bruises and wounds.


"How did this happen?" one of the medical nin queried.


"Lets just say he fell down some stairs..." Kaneda replied.

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"Lets just say he fell down some stairs..."


Dai laughed slightly as he came down the stairs after overhearing the conversation. He had been called back to help handle a case of a genin overworking himself. He had just been about to leave when he overheard Kaneda.


"Yeah...I'll bet."


He looked down at Yoroi and sighed. I guess Yoroi learned his lesson and from the looks of it put up a good fight against Kaneda. I hope Kaneda got a good workout from it at least.


"Kaneda..is it alright if I speak to you for a moment? It's something relating to Karela. She's been working nonstop for three days and hasn't eaten anything or done anything else. I don't know her that well so I fear that she may not listen to me. But she might listen to you."


Dai's eyes locked with Kaneda's.


"What she went through was tramatic, she needs someone to talk to about her experiences while she was under Arashi control. If she doesn't I fear we won't be able to get the old Karela back. We'll be stuck with an...echo of what she once was."

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Mist surrounded Yoroi Mitarashi, flashing with images of his past. No, not just his but Nagato's and the Rikudo Sennin as well....




Before Yoroi stood a man in obsidian and crimson armor, his face covered by a mask portraying a Juubi. A katana was sheathed at his side and in his hand he held a shakujo. Long gray hair fell to his shoulders and behind his mask Yoroi could make out a pair of glowing Rinnegan.


Rikudo Sennin, the Sage of the Six Paths.


"Nagato is gone, Yoroi," his deep voice announced. "He has passed beyond the Seventh Path into the Four Paths of Enlightenment where no one may call for him. He and Konan shall be at peace with Yahiko."


Yoroi nodded. Despite what Konan was planning, he was glad that those troubled spirits would find some form of release from the Shinobi world and its troubles.


"And now I must depart as well. You alone shall be the Seventh Path, beyond life and death. You shall wield the power of the Rinnegan, with the Six Elemental Paths at your disposal. Use this power to end the plague of revenge, for this is your destiny."


Yoroi bowed. "Hai."


The Sage nodded. "I go now beyond all things. May you bring the world true peace, Seventh Path...."


Yoroi's eyes snapped open. He found himself in a hospital bed, his joints very sore from his battle.


Damn, Kaneda was actually right about those corpses, he thought. No matter, I validated the rest of my existence, settled our score, and got all those other minds out of my own.


He leaned back and tried to find sleep once more. He had a feeling that his chakra potential had increased as a result of the battle. He also remembered how Nagato had leveled Konoha with a single Shinra Tensei. If Nagato could do that, then at his current level Yoroi could easily handle the Arashi.

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"Yeah...I'll bet."


Kaneda glanced up as Dai entered the room. "He did put up with a good fight!" he rubbed his sore arms. "It was fun till it lasted! Lets never do that ever again..."


""Kaneda..is it alright if I speak to you for a moment? It's something relating to Karela. She's been working nonstop for three days and hasn't eaten anything or done anything else. I don't know her that well so I fear that she may not listen to me. But she might listen to you."


Kaneda stared up at the ceiling. "What could I say though? She is still far from the same person we once knew... She changed, ever since the Arashi exploited her abilities."


"What she went through was tramatic, she needs someone to talk to about her experiences while she was under Arashi control. If she doesn't I fear we won't be able to get the old Karela back. We'll be stuck with an...echo of what she once was."


Kaneda paced away from the wall. "I'll go pay her a visit and see how she's doing. But I wouldnt raise any hope she'll open up to anybody for the moment..." he walked out of the room, after patting Dai on the shoulder. "I'm sure Yoroi will have alot to talk about, as soon as he wakes up..."


Kaneda left the hospital and headed for the construction site of the Hyuga Residence.

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"I wonder if that'll be the last time we'l ever see those things..."


"We can only hope so." was all Takeda could reply with.


He leaned against the wall and did his best not to listen in on Kaneda and Dai's conversation. He knew it was about Karela but he wasn't exactly sure why. After thinking about it for a bit he has noticed she's been acting weird almost zombie like. He walked out of Yoroi's room and turned to see Kaneda walking away.


"I'd better get back to training, I'll see you later Dai."


Takeda nodded his head and left the hospital.

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"I'd better get back to training, I'll see you later Dai."


Dai absently waved at the two of them as they left before pulling out his list of tasks that he was supposed to do before leaving.


Lets see here...I took care of that genin...Fixed the other genin's leg after he broke it training. Lets see...Ah. I need to change some bedpans. Wonderful.


Dai sighed heavily and went back up the stairs to the second floor.



Hyuga construction site


Karela watched as her clones finally managed to finish the final floor of the house and then finally smiled a bright smile.


At least I managed to finish the outside and the inside of the house, now all I need to do is buy furniture and electronics and everything else and it'll finally be done.


She took a few unsteady steps away from the rebuilt building before leaning against the wall as her vision began to go double.


Thats right, I forgot...I haven't eaten anything or drank anything for three days. No wonder I feel like I'm going to pass out.

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Kaneda approached the construction site, where he was amazed to see the Hyuga residence complete within the course of three days.


He saw Karela leaning against the wall, looking extremely tired from the work she put in.


"I think you've earned a break now..." he greeted, approaching her with his hands in his pockets. "Dont you think you're over doing it just a little bit?"


He heard her stomach growl. "<sigh> I think it be for the better that I grab you something to eat. What do you feel like?"

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Stirring from her unconsciousness, Asuka laid on the cold ground with her eyes closed. She felt very dizzy. Suddenly, she heard a murmer. More like a voice. The voice of Takai...


"Good girl, rest up you've earned it."


The young girl moaned in a tired state. She tried to talk, but sleep took over her. Asuka was lying there, cold and alone with no friends...

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