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Takai laughed as he looked over to the girl.


"Good, Uncle Takai is very proud of you. You've come a long way in these past three months. Our plan is simple, watch the fight and hit them when they're vulnerable."




Takeda remained quiet yet again as Naruto spoke to the group. He was barely listening to the moral boost he was giving as he had his own goal; Kill any Arashi that got in his way until he found Asuka. He would do whatever needed to be done to bring her back. He looked over at Karela and Kaneda for a few seconds and then looked away. Sometimes reading words is just as important as hearing them.

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As soon as Naruto finished his debriefing, and the applause given from the army of Jonin and Chunin, Karela pulled Kaneda away from the audience.


I need you to promise me something Kaneda, if we run into Asuka on this mission then I need to be the one to deal with her. It's my fault she was taken and that makes her my responsibility to bring her back...or to kill her if she's beyond saving."


Kaneda nodded. "I'm hoping that it doesnt have to come to that... But I understand." he looked to over where Takeda was standing. "On one condition; you must bring Takeda with you."


He stared back at Karela, so he could help her understand. "You may need a helping hand from him anyway. But thats not the only reason... I know exactly how he is feeling right now. Him and Asuka have been training together, and they eventually grew close. I know exactly how compelled he is to finding her. Thats why you must let him come too."

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"On one condition; you must bring Takeda with you."


Karela muttered a curse under her breath at the thought of someone else interfering in her battle should it come to that. "Fine. But if she is beyond saving and if he tries to stop me from what needs to be done then he'll be your problem."


"You may need a helping hand from him anyway. But thats not the only reason... I know exactly how he is feeling right now. Him and Asuka have been training together, and they eventually grew close. I know exactly how compelled he is to finding her. Thats why you must let him come too."


She nodded before replying. "It's the fact that they've gotten close thats worrying me. If she attacks Takeda and he can't bring himself to harm her then he could get himself killed."

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She nodded before replying. "It's the fact that they've gotten close thats worrying me. If she attacks Takeda and he can't bring himself to harm her then he could get himself killed."


"In which case I'll restrain her."


Yoroi had walked over to Kaneda and Karela. "I apologize for eavesdropping but I couldn't help but overhear your conversation," he explained. "I also have the desire to see Asuka saved. However, there is something of higher importance to me in this fight, so I'll explain it here and now."


His eyes briefly flashed, but there was no pride or malevolence in them. "My major goal after eliminating the Arashi is to eliminate Takai. Not only is it my responsibility as the wielder of the Rinnegan to stop those who would bring great suffering to the world through chaos, but because frankly his continued survival is an insult to me.


"As Yoroi your comrade and a Leaf Jonin, I will fight and die alongside you. But as Yoroi the Seventh Path and the Amekage, I must purge Takai for the good of the world."

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"As Yoroi your comrade and a Leaf Jonin, I will fight and die alongside you. But as Yoroi the Seventh Path and the Amekage, I must purge Takai for the good of the world."


"I will help you however I can Yoroi; I released that monster into the open and I'll do what's required to put him down for good."


Takeda walked over to the group with a swift yet powerful stride.


"I apologize for eavesdropping as well. I'm know about my situation concerning Asuka and my feelings towards her but I will not let my emotions get the best of me. If all else fails and I mean we've tried everything and she will not be changed...than I must deliver the final blow. At least that way I may watch her be at peace."


He turned to Karela with such a determined look on his face. Such a look he had not used since the death of his parents.


"Just remember...we weren't so quick to give up on you."


With that he turned away and looked back out to the sky...how peaceful it was.

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Kaneda grew annoyed at the sudden eavesdropping from his peers. "Do you guys know anything about the concept of "Private Conference?"" he spoke gruffly.


"Not unless your superiors provide some useful insight, Kaneda-kun." a familiar voice startled Kaneda from behind him. He turned around and saw Tategami's dominating figure infront of him, blocking the sunlight.


Kaneda gave a facepalm. "This wont end, will it?" he muttered. Tategami glanced at Yoroi and Takeda.


"It is very noble of all of you to go to great lengths to saving Asuka; however you have not yet formed a complete strategy yet." he crossed his arms. "The Council has been receiving status reports of Asuka from our ANBU agents - they have reported Asuka is within the presence of Takai - teaching her forbidden practices and many dark arts. Because there is no specific telling on what Asuka is capable of, you have to be highly cautious."

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"I will help you however I can Yoroi; I released that monster into the open and I'll do what's required to put him down for good."


Yoroi nodded towards Takeda. "Then I'm glad to have you at my side."


The news from Tategami, to say the least, was grim.


"It is very noble of all of you to go to great lengths to saving Asuka; however you have not yet formed a complete strategy yet." he crossed his arms. "The Council has been receiving status reports of Asuka from our ANBU agents - they have reported Asuka is within the presence of Takai - teaching her forbidden practices and many dark arts. Because there is no specific telling on what Asuka is capable of, you have to be highly cautious."


Yoroi concentrated in thought. "This is a mystery indeed," he commented. "We know that Takai uses the Dark Release, which allows him to absorb and manipulate the chakra of others. However, he also uses it similarly to the famous missing-nin Hiruko from the time of the Akatsuki Crisis. They both had the ability to steal other people's jutsu, though Takai cannot permanently absorb them.


"It is possible that Takai also knows how to share his Dark Release with others, meaning that if Asuka has been corrupted it is likely because he gave her the Dark Release. In this case, we do not have to worry about her having another soul sharing her body but rather someone else controlling and/or modifying her. It is possible that eliminating Takai will undo whatever change has occurred if it requires him as a source."


Yoroi took out a small notebook. "In preparation of the opposite case, I will research some sort of jutsu that will let us disrupt her chakra nature. Of course, all of this is merely an educated guess...."

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"In preparation of the opposite case, I will research some sort of jutsu that will let us disrupt her chakra nature. Of course, all of this is merely an educated guess...."


"No! You dont have time time for that. Neither of us do" Tategami stated. "You have had all the time you needed. We embark on our journey today; there is no time for anything else. Put everything you have learned to good use."


"Its been three months." Kaneda said. "And I know we all may feel we could have done alot more than we did. But in truth, we did everything that we could. Everybody did."


Many of the ninjas began to leap from the building, and soon Kaneda spotted Naruto following. "He's coming with us?"


"Naruto feels compelled to avenge the Hyuga clan for what the Arashi did to them. Especially for Hinata..." Tategami added. "Come, we must follow."

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"Naruto feels compelled to avenge the Hyuga clan for what the Arashi did to them. Especially for Hinata...Come, we must follow."


Karela looked down at the ground as she remembered that she had been the one who had injured her with a fire style technique when she was still under Arashi control.


She watched as the hokage began following the group of ninja who had taken off before them. She jumped off the roof after him without a second glance at Yoroi and Takeda. She was angry about them listening in on her conversation with Kaneda.


She quickly got behind the hokage and continued following him as she ventured a question. "So...do we have any plans on what we do once we're inside the Arashi base?"

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Takai laughed as he looked over to the girl.


"Good, Uncle Takai is very proud of you. You've come a long way in these past three months. Our plan is simple, watch the fight and hit them when they're vulnerable."


Asuka nodded with a smile. "Yes, master." Suddenly, a thought came to mind.


"Takai-san. If I may ask... how will I know when to make my move on my enemies? What if they suspect us?"

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"Takai-san. If I may ask... how will I know when to make my move on my enemies? What if they suspect us?"


Takai patted the girl on her head like a paternal figure.


"If they suspect you...you kill them."




Takeda stood there completely shocked of what he learned. Changing Asuka back from the Arashi was one thing...but under Takai's control?!?. Just hearing his name again was enough to make Takeda mad but now he had Asuka as well!


"He just made this personal!" Takeda mumbled to himself loudly before jumping off the roof to follow the others.

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"He just made this personal!" Takeda mumbled to himself loudly before jumping off the roof to follow the others.


Yoroi sighed and followed him. "Takeda, wait up!" he called out. "Look, I don't care what Tategami said. I've got a pair of Rinnegan, so coming up with a chakra nature disruption jutsu is something that I can easily do on our way to the Arashi headquarters. Riko died, Kaneda is stuck with his werebeast curse, and I nearly got possessed by Pein. I...we are not leaving Asuka to a fate like that. Right?"

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"Takeda, wait up!"


Takeda stopped as he heard Yoroi's voice.


"Look, I don't care what Tategami said. I've got a pair of Rinnegan, so coming up with a chakra nature disruption jutsu is something that I can easily do on our way to the Arashi headquarters. Riko died, Kaneda is stuck with his werebeast curse, and I nearly got possessed by Pein. I...we are not leaving Asuka to a fate like that. Right?"


Takeda turned around slowly to face Yoroi with his response.


"I thought he couldn't do anything worse, that he had hit rock bottom...but Asuka? I will never let anything happen to her Yoroi...I would glady give my life for her if that's whats truly necessary. I am truly honored that you want to save Asuka like me and are so willing to eliminate Takai, I'm just confused. I understand your desire to kill Takai...but why are you so interested in her?"

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"So...do we have any plans on what we do once we're inside the Arashi base?"


Naruto glanced beside him to lookm at Karela. He grinned. "Heh... I'm not the strategist. Thats why I brought him along." he pointed his thumb behind him towards a lanky man with a spiky ponytail. Shikamaru Nara, Kaneda's former sensei. "So far all I know is that it involves a little diversion."


"Hopefully if we play our cards right, this oughta work out..." Shikamaru replied. "I am taking vacation time after this, Naruto!"


"You havent changed, Shikamaru-sensai..." Kaneda smirked, appearing right next to him while soaring through the air and bouncing off of one building to another towards the gate.

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"I thought he couldn't do anything worse, that he had hit rock bottom...but Asuka? I will never let anything happen to her Yoroi...I would glady give my life for her if that's whats truly necessary. I am truly honored that you want to save Asuka like me and are so willing to eliminate Takai, I'm just confused. I understand your desire to kill Takai...but why are you so interested in her?"


Yoroi faced towards where Karela and Kaneda had gone off to. "It's not Asuka specifically," he replied. "I feel the same about of all you, all of my comrades. I hate seeing my comrades being devoured from within, defeated by something they can't doing anything about. And I also hate seeing my comrades' honor trampled on, all that they have worked for thrown away."


He took out a notepad. "As long as I am around, I will not let those I care about loose their inner battles or die in vain. Everyone who fights and lives for what is right desires fulfillment, Takeda. The Arashi and Takai have no right to take that away, and I will teach that lesson to them. That is my Way of the Ninja."


He looked down and began scribbling notes, the Rinnegan glowing. "Now then, I have a very convoluted jutsu to make...and I can only hope it works."

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"Heh... I'm not the strategist. Thats why I brought him along, so far all I know is that it involves a little diversion."


Karela nodded her head at Shikamaru. She felt a bit foolish for not thinking that a strategist like Shikamaru would be coming along on a mission like this.


What does he mean by diversion? Aside for the obvious. I wonder what sort of diversion Shikamaru-sensai has planned.


"I am taking vacation time after this, Naruto!"


She quietly chuckled at Shikamaru's complaints before getting her composure back. Now was not the time for laughter, now was the time to be serious.


"If you don't mind Shikamaru-sensai, I'd like to ask what sort of diversion you have planned. Will any of the people who have had previous experience fighting the Arashi be involved in this diversion?"

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((Looks like everybody has gone on holidays :p ))


"If you don't mind Shikamaru-sensai, I'd like to ask what sort of diversion you have planned. Will any of the people who have had previous experience fighting the Arashi be involved in this diversion?"


"Neither. Technically, none of us will be inside the submersibles..." Shikamaru began. "As you already know, Kirigakura will be participating on this mission because of their appropriated knowledge of marine biology. As a result, they have kindly lend us their submersibles."


"Now, they have given us two kinds of submersibles; The Cuttlefish and the Stingrays. The Cuttlefish will be used as a diversion, because they were designed to soar downward through underwater and are quite easy to spot. We use disguised Shadow clones to pilot the Cuttlefish, which then will shift nearly all focus onto them. Meanwhile, us as the real platoon will use the Stingrays to impregnate the Hideout. The Stingrays are designed to crawl along the ocean floor and blend in with the environment, making them highly difficult, if not almost impossible to see."

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Takeda took a few seconds to let Yoroi's words settle. He was truly honored to fight along side him in the up coming battle. Takeda looked over at what Yoroi was doing.


"Now then, I have a very convoluted jutsu to make...and I can only hope it works."


"Is there anything I can do to help you Yoroi?"

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"Is there anything I can do to help you Yoroi?"


Yoroi blinked at Takeda's words. Rarely did someone actually offer him help. "Uh...let me see...if you could tell me about Asuka's previous Chakra Natures and the Jutsu she has performed, it would definitely help. I haven't known her long enough to see the full extent of her abilities."


Of course, it might not even work with that knowledge, he thought. No one had ever done something like this before. On one hand his Rinnegan gave him access to all of the standard jutsu in the world. On the other hand Dark Release was a Kekkei Genkai, so he had little knowledge of it.


His theory was based around the Hokage's development of the RasenShruiken. The 4th Hokage had attempted to combine a perfect Shape Transformation with a Nature Transformation, but had failed. The Sixth Hokage had found a work around, but through Shadow Clones. Thus, a perfect Shape Transformation naturally disrupted a Nature Transformation upon impact. If Yoroi could add a Rasengan level Shape Transformation to Asuka's chakra reserves, it would disrupt the Dark Release.


The catch, however, was that there were so many variables involved. He had no idea how such a Transformation would interact with Dark Release. Worse, the only techniques used for controlling internal chakra reserves of one's opponent were Genjutsu, and a Shape Transformation fell into the Ninjutsu category. Such an act could blow up in his face.


It could kill Asuka.

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((Had finals to do. Done. ^^ ))


"If they suspect you...you kill them."


Asuka raised an eyebrow and stared up at him. She smiled.


"Yes, Takai-san. I will kill them... if they underestimate me... and you..." Her yellow eyes glew with satisfaction. Then she had another question.


"So... when do we depart?"

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"Uh...let me see...if you could tell me about Asuka's previous Chakra Natures and the Jutsu she has performed, it would definitely help. I haven't known her long enough to see the full extent of her abilities."

Takeda nodded and took a few seconds to remember everything Yoroi wanted from him. He knew Asuka's Nature types it was just a matter of remembering the jutsu.


"Well she was able to use both Water and Lightening types as for her jutsu they were Chidori Current, Chidori, Water Release: Waterfall Basin Technique

and Water Release: Tearing Torrent. Is there anything else you need?"




Specter had decided to follow the Hokage and Karela as the group began to move. He hated the water so he wasn't a huge fan of the plan but he couldn't stop from chuckling at the names.


"Great...I just love being near the water. Are these subwhatevers safe or am I going to have to worry about them leaking?"




"So... when do we depart?"


Takai stood in silence for a few seconds. He looked like someone who was in deep thought or having a mere daydream. After a few seconds a larged grin appeared on his face.


"Why right now my dear, grab your blade and let's go."


Takai picked up his own sword and let out another menacing laugh.

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"Great...I just love being near the water. Are these subwhatevers safe or am I going to have to worry about them leaking?"


Karela turned around while in the middle of a jump and grinned at Specter. "Don't worry Specter, I'm sure you won't get too wet as long as you don't tick anyone off."


She turned back to Shikamaru.


"That's a good plan and all but what happens after we get inside the base? Do we just run in and attack anything that moves or do you have some sort of plan for when we get in? The Arashi are bound to have guards and heavy defenses since this is the main base we're going after."

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Takeda nodded and took a few seconds to remember everything Yoroi wanted from him. He knew Asuka's Nature types it was just a matter of remembering the jutsu.


"Well she was able to use both Water and Lightening types as for her jutsu they were Chidori Current, Chidori, Water Release: Waterfall Basin Technique

and Water Release: Tearing Torrent. Is there anything else you need?"


Yoroi paused for a moment. "I honestly can't think of anything at the moment, but if I do we'll have a little time on the way there. Thanks for the info though, it's really going to help."


He looked down at his notes again. The problem was obviously a method of accessing her chakra and perform a shape transformation on it. He needed some sort of access to her network. His immediate thought was to borrow from Gentle Fist, but the problem there was that it only seal and opened chakra points--


"Wait...that's it!"


Yoroi looked at Takeda excitedly. "Chakra gates! If I open her first chakra gate I'll easily have access to her chakra reserves. Hell, I don't need any of the others, just that single gate. It might stress her body, but I don't think it'll do any lasting damage or effect her lifespan in the same way as one of the Lotus Taijutsu--"


He was distracted for a moment when he heard Karela discussing strategy with Shikamaru. "Uh, I was wondering that myself. Do we have any targets in particular?"

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That's a good plan and all but what happens after we get inside the base? Do we just run in and attack anything that moves or do you have some sort of plan for when we get in? The Arashi are bound to have guards and heavy defenses since this is the main base we're going after."


"We dont know anything about the base, as of now." Shikamru explained. "We have no idea what the interior structure is like, because Mikita didnt provide us with the specific information - due to the fact that he has never been inside."


"Knowing how devious these people are, they probably have alot of boobytraps in store for us when we infiltrate, regardless if they have fallen for our diversion. What we do know for certain is that we wont just be facing agents working for the Organisation. In fact the best people they own are the guards themselves, each one within a different category depending on their skills. The more skillful ones will likely be the ones guarding the Urn containing the Spirit of the 10 Tailed Beast."


"As for any regular guards, we can deal with them the old fashion way. We even have a nerve gas that can knock them out within mere seconds, making our jobs easier." Shikamaru looked over at a man following in the distance; Inoichi Yamanaka, Ino's father. "As for mapping the interior structure, we already have that covered." he smirked. "Yamanaka over there will deal with that."


"I hope I have answered all your questions for the time being." Shikamaru said. "Its abit of a pain in the ass to keep repeating the same strategy as before, especially as this is the 6th time I have explained it to another person."

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Its abit of a pain in the ass to keep repeating the same strategy as before, especially as this is the 6th time I have explained it to another person."


Karela rolled her eyes and made a mental note to annoy the jonin after the mission was done. He was too laid back in her opinion.


She turned forward again and continued jumping with the rest of the other ninja even as she heard Takeda speak.


"Uh, I was wondering that myself. Do we have any targets in particular?"


"I don't know about the rest of you, but Gatoa is the first on my list of targets with Zarela dead and Asuka missing. I presume that he's the main target of this mission besides the urn of course."

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