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"While I'm sure it would give them a good scare, I don't think it would end that well for us. No my dear, I mean to the Arashi base where the group is headed. It'll give us a chance to find a good spot to watch the fight."


Asuka nodded at Takai, understanding what he meant. She stood up on the huge tree branch.


"Shall I teleport us now, to the Arashi base?"


She probably knew that Takai was tired of all these questions. But she didn't want to make any mistakes. She just wanted revenge on them all...

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"You would think they have caught us by now..." Kaneda added, after a long silence. "I figured the Arashi would have some type of defensive network, if we were able to penetrate the base."


"Unless they may have mistaken us as a very large fish." The pilot retorted amusingly. Nobody laughed.


The tunnel of the cavern was so long and deep, there was a wonder of when it was going to end. Finally, the Stingray arrived within the catacombs of the underwater cavern. The walls were surrounded with what appeared to be glowing orange orbs - hundreds of them covering a great distance across the great cavern.. As they grew closer, the orbs appeared to be windows imbedded within the walls.


The stingray crept along the smoother wall, avoiding the large circular orange panels to avoid visible detection, even though they were fully camoflaged. Down below, there appeared to be a large opening.


"There!" Tategami pointed. "We'll go in through there." he turned towards his team mates. "Expect some level of resistance once we get inside." he warned.


The Stingray slowly but quietly entered the glowing opening. They found themselves within some type of docking port ideal for parking a ship/submarine - like a small diving pool. The surroundings seemed quite appropriate and typical for an underwater base - except with it being more larger and more open spaced. Everything was coper colored, the walls and rooftops were covered with large pipes. Well, this was Kaneda's own description, as that was all he could see from te cockpit window.


The glass shield opened, and everyone except for the pilot remained seated. They had a much better view of the scene, now they weren't in the submersible. The entire place was so vast, the darkness shadowed the distance up ahead.


"Well, we made it." Kaneda added. "We're inside the base."


"Dont be so quick judgemental. This place is sure to hold a few suprises for us when we set foot."

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"Dont be so quick judgemental. This place is sure to hold a few suprises for us when we set foot."


Karela and Dai both took a quick look around the area and were slightly intimidated by how large the cavern was.


Dai turned to Tategami with a confused look on his face. "If this is truely one of the docking bays then why isn't it guarded? With the base under attack wouldn't it make more sense to guard all of the docking bays against intruders?"

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Yoroi had said nothing the entire trip, instead concentrating carefully on mental honing the new jutsu. He was rather impressed by the sheer size of the cavern, but then again he had seen equal fantastic structures in Amegakure.


"If this is truely one of the docking bays then why isn't it guarded? With the base under attack wouldn't it make more sense to guard all of the docking bays against intruders?"


"Why do I get the feeling that this is a trap?" Yoroi growled. "Rinnegan!"


He scanned their immediate position, but detected no chakra close to their position.

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"If this is truely one of the docking bays then why isn't it guarded? With the base under attack wouldn't it make more sense to guard all of the docking bays against intruders?"


The pilot crawled out of the submarine and walked towards the others. "I've made contact with the other subs and gave them our location on the secured line."


He began walking ahead of the others, whom remained stationary. "Wow. this place is huge! I wonder if---"


There was a loud, disturbing humming noise coming from the walls. The pilot suddenly stopped short. His body stood there, and began to shake as if he was going through a seizure or beiing electrocuted. But there was no sign of any energy being exposed that could cause this. The pilot suddenly dropped, unknowable if whether he was still alive or the opposite.


Kaneda turned to Karela. "I think that answers your question - theres no need to guard this dock."


"He's still alive..." Tategami stared at the fallen pilot. "I'm impressed the Arashi possess such sophistated defences. Some type of Electromagnetic Field that knocks out an intruder. Possibly to keep them alive for questioning..."


Kaneda didnt listen to Tategami's babbling. He was more interested in how overcome the obstacle. He viewed the pilot as a marking point of where the field is emiting. "I think we're gonna need Specters help. He does have the ability to create portals. Unless somebody has a better idea."

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"He's still alive..." Tategami stared at the fallen pilot. "I'm impressed the Arashi possess such sophistated defences. Some type of Electromagnetic Field that knocks out an intruder. Possibly to keep them alive for questioning..."


Kaneda didnt listen to Tategami's babbling. He was more interested in how overcome the obstacle. He viewed the pilot as a marking point of where the field is emiting. "I think we're gonna need Specters help. He does have the ability to create portals. Unless somebody has a better idea."


Yoroi frowned, and scanned the area in front of him again. "I cannot see any chakra," he reported. "This field should be a lightning release by all accounts, but it's not being generated by any jutsu...."


He then had a thought. "Tategami-sempai, I think this isn't a jutsu. I think this is technology, in which case we will definitely need Specter's assistance."

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Takeda followed after the pilot, and stopped when he was hit with the field.


"I think we're gonna need Specters help. He does have the ability to create portals. Unless somebody has a better idea."


"Tategami-sempai, I think this isn't a jutsu. I think this is technology, in which case we will definitely need Specter's assistance."


Specter had just teleported to the group when he heard Kaneda and Yoroi.


"Let's see what I can do."


Specter looked down at the ground and opened a portal a few feet next to him.


"That's the easy part, but I need to know how big the field is before I open another one."

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"That's the easy part, but I need to know how big the field is before I open another one."


Kaneda stared at the swirling portal, and hesitated at first. Carefully he stepped though the vortex. His stomach dropped when he was pulled through and instantly to the other side of the Electromagnetic Supersonic field.


He stared back at the others, waiting for them to step through the portal Specter made. Minutes later, the some of the submersibles arrived at the dock. The soldiers withdrew from the Stingrays and ready for deployment when they stood on the wet metal floor. Inoichi Yamanaka was among them.


"Many of the Stingray Submersibles were taken down - unable to penetrate the base. It took the guy up on the reef cliff a while to realise we were under his nose. We're lucky we made it through here."


He approached Tategami. "In order to fully map this place in a matter of minutes, we're gonna need a collegue of the Arashi. Only through his mind, will we be able to grab our bearings."


"We have no time to lose then." Kaneda span around and continued onwards through the darkness ahead. His stomach suddenly dropped when his foot touched nothing but air. That was odd? He stared down to where his feet were. There appeared to be a floor beneath him, but the problem was he wasnt standing on it. It was some type of optical illusion. One of the Arashi's unforseen traps!


He couldnt keep his balance. "NO!" he waved his arms around frantically, but he couldn't hold still. He fell through the holographic hole!

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Karela stepped cautiously through the portal, feeling a weird sensation as she was pulled through the portal and arrived on the other end.


"Well...that was something I'll most likely never do again." She commented dryly.


Before she could do or say anything else, she watched in horror as Kaneda fell through some sort of holographic floor trap that had been set to capture or possibly kill intruders.


"Specter! Kaneda fell through some sort of trap! Open a portal under him quickly!"

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"Take us there now, but make sure were out of sight."


Asuka nodded with a smile. "Yes, Takai-san." And with that, Asuka used her Teleportation technique to teleport them to the Arashi's base.


Finally, they were at the base, but hidden away from the group. Asuka glanced around with caution, hoping that Takeda and his so-called friends weren't around.

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Specter heard Karela's voice and snapped into action. He teleported next to Kaneda and grabbed him with one arm.


"Hang on kid"


He concentrated for a few seconds before teleporting the two back to the group.




Takai looked around the Arashi base with a smile on his face. He was very impressed with Asuka's work, and now they could ambush the group.


"You've done well Asuka, soon we will both have revenge on those who have wronged us."

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((Aw poop! I was planning on doing something with Kaneda. Not to worry, we'll just play along for now until I get another opportunity lol. I probably should have gave more warning; my bad))


Kaneda seemed to be falling down an endless tunnel, when all of a sudden he spotted Specter appear right in front of him.


"Hang on kid". After a brief moment, Kaneda was back on his feet with the others. As if the occurance of Kaneda falling through the holographic trap never happened.


"Thanks Specter..." he said. Kaneda examined the floor ahead of him. "This is alot tougher than I imagined. It seems there is a certain type of tile on the floor that uses Holographic Projections. Once stepped on, the victim falls into a seemingly endless pit."


He thought back to when he stepped on the tile before he fell. It was a dark colored square sitting on an angle. He took another step onto the floor, testing his theory. He stood on the circle tile. Nothing happened. "Everybody step on the circle tiles." he suggested. He leaped from tile to tile; 3 at a time. Until he made it near the end of the tiled path. He waited for everyone to catch up.

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Karela watched carefully as Kaneda jumped from tile to tile. She was prepared to jump down after him if he fell again but thankfully this time he didn't.


"Everybody step on the circle tiles."


She looked down at the tiles and found a good one to start jumping from. She carefully jumped from circled tile to circled tile, being extremley careful to avoid landing on one that didn't have a circle.


She finally made it across and then looked back at the others still gathered on the other side. Karela turned to Kaneda and smiled.


"Well...that was something I plan to never do again. Have I ever told you that I really don't like the idea of falling through the floor?"


She turned back toward the others and motioned for the others to follow. "I'm sorry to pressure you guys but we need to hurry. Kaneda could have set off some sort of alarm when he fell through the trap-floor so theres no telling if Arashi shinobi could already be on the way."

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"I'm sorry to pressure you guys but we need to hurry. Kaneda could have set off some sort of alarm when he fell through the trap-floor so theres no telling if Arashi shinobi could already be on the way."


Tategami, Yamanaka and the rest of the others caught up to Kaneda and Karela. Kaneda stepped off of the Tiled path and back onto the metal floor. He looked ahead and saw a forked junction of 3 passages spawned with steam pipes.


Tategami stood infront. "I think its best we split up into groups. That way, we can cover more ground. We'll keep in contact via our earpieces. Yamanaka, Specter and I will cover the 2nd center path. That way, if we make contact with an Arashi member, Yamanaka can use his Mind Reading ability to map the entire complex. If you spot anything interesting, we'll be sure to locate you and use Specter's Hell Portal technique to reunite."


He stared at his felow team mates. "Yoroi and Takeda will take the first on the right while Dai, Karela and Kaneda will take the 3rd remaining passage! If any trouble occurs beyond what you can handle, we'll try our best to locate you. Any questions?"


((I figured while exploring these passages, one of us can run into a little trouble with Asuka and Takai.))

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He couldnt keep his balance. "NO!" he waved his arms around frantically, but he couldn't hold still. He fell through the holographic hole!


Specter heard Karela's voice and snapped into action. He teleported next to Kaneda and grabbed him with one arm.


"Hang on kid"


He concentrated for a few seconds before teleporting the two back to the group.


It had happened so quickly that Yoroi didn't even know what was going on until it was too late.


"Well at least Kaneda is all right," he muttered with a sigh of relief. "Rinnegan."


He stared at the floor again. This time the Arashi had hybridized technology and jutsu. There was an electrical current running through wires in the ground meant to mask chakra, which prevented Yoroi from seeing it.


I guess they know that Konoha has always at one point had two of the three great dojutsu under their wing, he thought. They prepared for sensory types, thus reducing the strength of combat types.


* * *


Kaneda stepped off of the Tiled path and back onto the metal floor. He looked ahead and saw a forked junction of 3 passages spawned with steam pipes.


Tategami stood infront. "I think its best we split up into groups. That way, we can cover more ground. We'll keep in contact via our earpieces. Yamanaka, Specter and I will cover the 2nd center path. That way, if we make contact with an Arashi member, Yamanaka can use his Mind Reading ability to map the entire complex. If you spot anything interesting, we'll be sure to locate you and use Specter's Hell Portal technique to reunite."


He stared at his felow team mates. "Yoroi and Takeda will take the first on the right while Dai, Karela and Kaneda will take the 3rd remaining passage! If any trouble occurs beyond what you can handle, we'll try our best to locate you. Any questions?"


"No, but I have a suggestion," said Yoroi. "Samsara Art: Six Paths of Yoroi."


Six identical elemental and shadow clones appeared around him. "Each of my Paths hold modified chakra disruptor blades that let any of them and myself reach each other's location instantly via the Flying Thunder God technique. I suggest that I send two Paths with each group for added support, and if anyone gets into a though spot I can send some Paths to assist."

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"I think its best we split up into groups. That way, we can cover more ground. We'll keep in contact via our earpieces. Yamanaka, Specter and I will cover the 2nd center path. That way, if we make contact with an Arashi member, Yamanaka can use his Mind Reading ability to map the entire complex. If you spot anything interesting, we'll be sure to locate you and use Specter's Hell Portal technique to reunite."


Specter nodded at Tategami's plan in agreement.


"Each of my Paths hold modified chakra disruptor blades that let any of them and myself reach each other's location instantly via the Flying Thunder God technique. I suggest that I send two Paths with each group for added support, and if anyone gets into a though spot I can send some Paths to assist."


"That sounds like an excellent idea to me," said Takeda finally speaking up.


Takeda was much more quiet than he usually was. Between losing Asuka and somehow being separated from Takai, Takeda hardly had time to speak with the group. He had to find Takai and Asuka, no matter the cost.

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"Each of my Paths hold modified chakra disruptor blades that let any of them and myself reach each other's location instantly via the Flying Thunder God technique. I suggest that I send two Paths with each group for added support, and if anyone gets into a though spot I can send some Paths to assist."


"An excellent idea we'll run with. The goal is to become noticed by one of the Arashi members, so we can capture and extract the information we need."


"Naruto and the rest of the squad have remained behind until we get our bearings." Yamanaka added. "They will be protecting the equipment..."


Equipment was the code word "Bomb", incase the Arashi were listening in to their plans. The bomb was promised to be well hidden from surveilance of the enemy.


"Now, no more discussions. We hunt." Tategami and his team dashed into their appointed passage. Kaneda shruged and stared at Karela, Dai and the Yoroi clones.


"Alright, lets move." he dashed into 3rd passage. It was a little hard for Kaneda to see into the dark passage. The lights were dim and emited an orange tint illumination. But the path seemed linear enough to run in a straight path.


Kaneda stopped when he looked beside him at a wall with a window stretching across the passage. It overlooked a large spherical area, with what appeared to be crate-like objects surrounding the walls.


"What is this..." Kaneda stared. "They look like crates... but what are they holding?"


"You're looking at the same thing we're looking at." Tategami spoke through the ear piece.[/i] "We too have encountered an area holding crates surrounding the walls... wait a minute..."[/i]


Kaneda focused on the crates, and reached through into his Werebeast senses. After a few moments, he opened his eyes with a disturbed look on his face.


"Tategami-sensai..." he spoke through the earpiece. "Are you reading what I am?"


There wasnt a reply. Kaneda stared back at the others. "Those crates are housing prisoners. But... theres something different about them. They arent dead. Nor are they alive either. Its hard to explain... they... its like they have been drained."

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"Those crates are housing prisoners. But... theres something different about them. They arent dead. Nor are they alive either. Its hard to explain... they... its like they have been drained."


Karela slowly shook her head. "Don't ask me what kind of technique does this. I was never involved with any of this."


Dai wanted to get closer to some of these drained prisoners but knew that he couldn't. "I wonder what sort of threat these prisoners might represent now that they're drained. It's possible that the Arashi did something to them after draining them. It might be a good idea to avoid these areas at all costs." Dai said to Kaneda.


Dai was still talking to Kaneda when Karela's head suddenly shot up and looked straight to the right.


Asuka...I can sense her. She mananged to get inside the base...and it's more then likely that Takai is with her.


Karela turned to Kaneda and Dai.


"Kaneda...I can sense Asuka. She's here on the base right now."

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Takai cursed silently as he heard very familiar voices approaching the spot he was hidden in. Not only were they getting close to them but the Arashi weren't here either. Takai would have to make sure this strike team's visit was known even if it meant toying with them himself.


"Prepare yourself for a fight but do not strike until I do." Takai whispered to Asuka.


He could now clearly see Kaneda and most of his friends. He noticed there were two Yoroi's in the group which meant he was using his special jutsu.


"Kaneda...I can sense Asuka. She's here on the base right now."


"What a smart girl you are Karela, you never fail to impress me. Why with your ability to attack your friends and your village I thought that was it for you but I guess you proved me wrong," Takai said in the shadows.




Takeda had only just started walking through the 1st passage when he felt the need to turn back. He could sense Takai was close, and that was enough for him. He stopped and turned himself around.

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"What a smart girl you are Karela, you never fail to impress me. Why with your ability to attack your friends and your village I thought that was it for you but I guess you proved me wrong,"


Karela slowly turned toward the shadows where Takai's voice had come from. She had already planned for Takai and Asuka showing up. She turned to Kaneda and the others and smiled sadly.


"Go on ahead. I'll take care of these two. Capturing an Arashi member and gaining the information we need is a higher priority then fighting these two. Besides...I'll catch up with you guys later. I promise."


She turned back to the shadows and her smile turned to an expression filled with rage. "Asuka...I know your in the shadows with him. I only have one thing to say to you: Your coming back to the village...Even if I have to drag you back myself."


Karela began forming a blue orb of chakra n in one hand while holding an exploding kunai in her other hand.


"Come on out you two. There's no use hiding from me. I can sense the both of you."

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"I wonder what sort of threat these prisoners might represent now that they're drained. It's possible that the Arashi did something to them after draining them. It might be a good idea to avoid these areas at all costs."


"I'm not sure I even want to know what happened to them. The Arashi are known for kidnapping and conducting experiments on prisoner test subjects. But I agree; we'll try our best to avoid those areas if we can."


Kaneda could smell the presence of two familiars. He supposed that now was the time for the revelation of their stalking predators.


"Kaneda...I can sense Asuka. She's here on the base right now."


Kaneda stared back at Karela with amazment in his eyes. "Huh? When did you get all Psykick all of a sudden?"


What a smart girl you are Karela, you never fail to impress me. Why with your ability to attack your friends and your village I thought that was it for you but I guess you proved me wrong,"


Kaneda stared down the shadows of the passage, until the light from the window shun on the figures that approached them. Takai, and non other than Asuka. There was something different about her... Her eyes were glowing yellow, in a sinister way.


"Takai..." Kaneda breathed. "Asuka..." he clenched his fist. His body began to steam of the purple chakra within him. He glared most especially at Takai - he did something to Asuka.


"Go on ahead. I'll take care of these two. Capturing an Arashi member and gaining the information we need is a higher priority then fighting these two. Besides...I'll catch up with you guys later. I promise."


"Karela, are you sure you're able to face off against these two? You have no idea what they are capable of." Kaneda could see there was no way of convincing her - she was determined. But in the end, she was right; the mission takes top priority.


"If I dont see you anytime soon, I'm coming back to get you!" Kaneda promised. "Be careful."


Him, Dai and the Yoroi clones made their leave down the passage.




Tategami stared at the window filled with crates holding the prisoners in an unknown condition. He sniffed the air; Takai and Asuka are here.


"Karela! Whats your position?" Tategami spoke into his ear piece.

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"If I dont see you anytime soon, I'm coming back to get you!"


"We'll be here when you get back!" Takai called out to Kaneda.


Takai jumped down from his spot and eyed Karela. He stared at her for a few seconds before letting out his signature smile.


"So you're going to take care of us all by yourself? You must be quite confident in yourself to think that. I'll tell you what, let's see what the new Asuka has to say about that."


Takai backed away into the shadows and laughed.


"Asuka, why don't you show our opponent here just how powerful you really are."

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"Bansho Tennin."


Takai flew further back into the darkness, then seized by a pair of arms. A kunai was held at his throat, and to his left a pair of Rinnegan glowed violet in the dark.


"You should know by now: no matter where one of my allies are, I will be there as well," said Yoroi. "I'll have you know that the power gap between when we last fought and now is the difference between heaven and earth. And furthermore, do not think I will fall for your tricks again."


With the final words, he quickly raised the kunai and then jabbed at Takai's exposed throat....

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((Sorry for the absence, peeps.))


"Asuka...I know your in the shadows with him. I only have one thing to say to you: Your coming back to the village...Even if I have to drag you back myself."


Asuka's glowing eyes glared at Karela from the shadows with bitterness. She wanted nothing to do with these scums. She just wanted vengeance. Against Takeda. Against all of them that treated her wrongly.


"Asuka, why don't you show our opponent here just how powerful you really are."


"With pleasure," Asuka responded to Takai. The corrupted young woman dashed out of the shadows in unusual speed, running towards Karela like a maniac. She held her sword at ready and let out a battle cry.

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